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Epilepsy & Behavior 63 (2016) 79–88

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Cost-utility analysis of competing treatment strategies for drug-resistant

epilepsy in children with Tuberous Sclerosis Complex
Aria Fallah a,b,⁎, Alexander G. Weil c, Shelly Wang d,e, Evan Lewis f, Christine B. Baca g,h, Gary W. Mathern a,b
Department of Neurosurgery, David Geffen School of Medicine at University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Brain Research Institute, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Division of Pediatric Neurosurgery, Department of Surgery, University of Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada
Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Surgery, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston, MA, USA
Division of Pediatric Neurology, Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
Department of Neurology, David Geffen School of Medicine at University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Department of Neurology, Veterans Administration Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System, Los Angeles, CA, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Background: The management of drug-resistant epilepsy in children with Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC) is
Received 17 May 2016 challenging because of the multitude of treatment options, wide range of associated costs, and uncertainty of sei-
Revised 7 July 2016 zure outcomes. The most cost-effective approach for children whose epilepsy has failed to improve with first-line
Accepted 24 July 2016 medical therapy is uncertain.
Available online xxxx
Methods: A review of MEDLINE from 1990 to 2015 was conducted. A cost-utility analysis, from a third-party payer
perspective, was performed for children with drug-resistant epilepsy that had failed to improve with 2 antisei-
zure drugs (ASDs) and that was amenable to resective epilepsy surgery, across a time-horizon of 5 years. Four
Seizures strategies were included: (1) resective epilepsy surgery, (2) vagus nerve stimulator (VNS) implantation, (3) ke-
Tuberous Sclerosis Complex togenic diet, and (4) addition of a third ASD (specifically, carbamazepine). The incremental cost per quality-
Antiseizure drugs adjusted life year (QALY) gained was analyzed.
Ketogenic diet Results: Given a willingness-to-pay (WTP) of $100,000 per QALY, the addition of a third ASD ($6600 for a gain of
Vagal nerve stimulator 4.14 QALYs) was the most cost-effective treatment strategy. In a secondary analysis, if the child whose epilepsy
Resective surgery had failed to improve with 3 ASDs, ketogenic diet, addition of a fourth ASD, and resective epilepsy surgery were
incrementally cost-effective treatment strategies. Vagus nerve stimulator implantation was more expensive yet
less effective than alternative strategies and should not be prioritized.
Conclusions: The addition of a third ASD is a universally cost-effective treatment option in the management of
children with drug-resistant epilepsy that has failed to improve with 2 ASDs. For children whose epilepsy has
failed to improve with 3 ASDs, the most cost-effective treatment depends on the health-care resources available
reflected by the WTP.
© 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction economic analysis is a set of formal methods to compare competing

reatment strategies with respect to their resource use and their ex-
Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC) is an autosomal dominant genetic pected health outcomes. Jacoby et al. found that the cost of treatment
multisystem disorder that is variably expressed with a prevalence of is proportional to the severity of epilepsy [6]. In addition, more than half
1 in 10,000 and affecting approximately 50,000 individuals in the the total costs of epilepsy care are from the 15% of patients whose sei-
United States and over 1 million individuals worldwide [1,2]. It is one zures are the most refractory to medications [6,7]. Furthermore,
of the leading causes of genetic epilepsy, with seizures affecting almost health-care costs for patients whose seizures are drug-resistant are
90% of children [3]. A third of these patients will be unable to achieve eightfold higher than for those with controlled epilepsy [6].
seizure freedom with antiseizure drugs (ASDs) alone [4,5]. Economic analysis in populations with pediatric epilepsy is rare, and
The extended period that pediatric patients will live with epilepsy the results from adults cannot be extrapolated to children for several
accrues to significant economic costs on the health-care system. An important reasons, including the following: 1) varying underlying
pathological substrates, 2) more common extratemporal pathology
yielding lower seizure freedom outcomes, and 3) longer life expectancy
⁎ Corresponding author at: Department of Neurosurgery, David Geffen School of
Medicine at UCLA, 300 Stein Plaza, Suite 525, Los Angeles, CA 90095-6901, USA. Fax: +1
increasing the impact of intervention on long-term costs and health
310 794 5028. utility. In a cohort of 30 pediatric patients with various underlying epi-
E-mail address: (A. Fallah). lepsy substrates, Widjaja et al. demonstrated that surgical treatment
1525-5050/© 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
80 A. Fallah et al. / Epilepsy & Behavior 63 (2016) 79–88

in pediatric epilepsy was a cost-effective treatment strategy compared treatment strategies for epilepsy: 1) addition of a third ASD (carbamaze-
with continuing medical therapy [8]. pine), 2) ketogenic diet, 3) vagus nerve stimulator (VNS) implantation, or
The most effective and cost-effective treatment strategies for seizure 4) resective epilepsy surgery. The model included children whose epilep-
control in children with DRE secondary to TSC must be established. This sy had failed to improve with valproic acid and levetiracetam, as these are
population is distinctively challenging to treat, because of a multitude first-line therapies for epilepsy associated with TSC because of high effica-
of management options with significant clinical equipoise. The com- cy and tolerable side effect profiles. Our secondary analysis evaluated the
plexity of DRE treatment in children with TSC is compounded by the same cohort of children with seizures refractory to 3 first-line ASDs; the
relatively modest surgical outcomes [9–11]. A cost-utility analysis analysis additionally included a fourth ASD (clobazam) and a fifth treat-
(CUA) is warranted to evaluate the current interventions and to ment: mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitor. We followed
provide guidance to clinicians in treatment decision-making. Utilities the hypothetical cohort over a 5-year time horizon following the initia-
capture the preferences individuals place for a particular health state, tion of treatment. We did not perform our analysis over a longer time pe-
and the adjusted life expectancy (denominator in a CUA) is quality- riod given the greater uncertainties associated with our key parameter
adjusted life years (QALYs). Given the uncertainty on how best to select estimates. The decision tree structure is described in detail in Appendix
treatment strategies, the results of this study will assist clinicians in 1. The study was performed in accordance with the guidelines
everyday decision-making and decision-makers in answering critical established by the US Public Health Service [14].
health policy questions. Some examples of health policy questions
that can be answered include maximizing the benefits of health-care
spending, containing costs, and providing bargaining power with sup- 2.2. Model assumptions
pliers of health-care products. Health-care resource-poor countries
may decide not to fund some treatment strategies altogether given its For the reference case analysis, several assumptions regarding the
high cost and low efficacy in consideration of their willingness to pay. treatment strategies, outcomes, and adherence were required. For
In this study, we compared 4 competing treatment strategies for DRE, model simplicity, we assumed full medical adherence, no adverse
as defined by the International League Against Epilepsy [12] in TSC: events from medical or interventional procedures, and no major com-
resective epilepsy surgery, vagus nerve stimulator (VNS) implantation, plications or death. Furthermore, despite significant pharmacotherapy
ketogenic diet treatment, and addition of a third ASD (specifically, carba- clinical equipoise, we assume that the first-line ASDs are valproic
mazepine). All these strategies are indicated treatment options of DRE in acid and levetiracetam, the third ASD is carbamazepine, and the fourth
the pediatric population with TSC. Resective surgery is indicated for focal ASD is clobazam. This decision was informed by a study that described
epilepsy, ideally in noneloquent cortex. Vagus nerve stimulator (VNS) im- the most commonly used ASDs, excluding vigabatrin as it is commonly
plantation, approved for adolescents older than 12 years of age, is an ad- utilized for infantile spasms, in the treatment of epilepsy in children
junct palliative therapy to decrease seizure frequency. Ketogenic diet, a with TSC [15]. These assumptions with accompanying rationales are
high fat, adequate protein, and low carbohydrate diet that leads to ketosis, presented in Appendix 2. Some of these assumptions, as indicated in
is approved for children as a palliative approach. Additionally, in a second- Table 6, were tested through sensitivity analysis.
ary analysis, we investigated the role of mammalian target of rapamycin
(mTOR) inhibitor as a potential treatment strategy for DRE in children
with TSC. Although not clinically used for the treatment of DRE, mTOR in- 2.3. Clinical probability estimates
hibitors decrease proteins of the gene products regulated by TSC and are
approved for the treatment of subependymal giant cell astrocytomas Outcome probability estimates were retrieved using a review of the
(SEGA) in patients with TSC. Preliminary data in Phase II trials demon- medical literature using MEDLINE that aimed to identify relevant publi-
strated SEGA regression and modest improvement in seizures [13]. cations between January 2000 and September 2015 in any language. We
used keyword searches and reviewed the bibliographies of relevant ar-
1.1. Objectives and hypothesis ticles to identify additional relevant articles. We utilized meta-analyses
preferentially when available and, alternatively, large observational co-
Our primary objective was to evaluate the cost-utility of 4 competing hort studies to inform our parameter estimates. The key parameters
antiseizure treatment strategies for children with focal DRE secondary used in the decision model and their respective citations are provided
to TSC that is amenable to surgery. Our secondary objective was to in Table 2.
evaluate the cost-utility of treatment strategies for the same population
of children, if a third ASD failed. In addition to ketogenic diet, VNS inser-
tion, and surgical resection, our secondary analysis includes the addition 2.4. Outcomes
of a fourth ASD and treatment with mTOR inhibitor. We sought to deter-
mine whether and under what circumstances one treatment strategy In this CUA, our only outcome was QALYs since this is a measure
would be more cost-effective than another. We hypothesized that that can be used to compare different interventions in medicine.
resective surgical treatment would be the costliest treatment initially Quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) were calculated using health utilities
but, in a 5-year timespan, would have the greatest health-utility com- (corresponding to Engel classification at 1-year following the initiation of
pared with the alternative treatments. therapy) multiplied over a 5-year time horizon [16]. The basic event
pathway created for this study assumes 4 possible outcomes following
2. Methods each treatment (i.e., Engel classes I, II, III, and IV outcomes) with the ex-
ception of the addition of a third ASD that leads to only 2 possible out-
2.1. Model overview comes (i.e., seizure freedom and continuation of seizures). Our analysis
reports the incremental cost-utility among the treatment strategies.
Using decision analysis software (TreeAge Software, Inc.,
Williamstown, Massachusetts, USA), our primary analysis evaluated a
hypothetical cohort of children, under 18 years of age and being treated 2.5. Utilities
at a tertiary care hospital, with focal DRE secondary to TSC that is ame-
nable to resective surgery. Patients entered the model having had sei- Utility estimates were derived using the Cost Effectiveness Analysis
zures that did not improve from treatment with 2 first-line ASDs Registry from the Tufts Medical Center website [17]. Table 3 contains
(valproic acid and levetiracetam) and receiving 1 of 4 competing the specific health utility estimates that were used.
A. Fallah et al. / Epilepsy & Behavior 63 (2016) 79–88 81

2.6. Cost estimates Table 2

Probabilities of outcome (Engel classification) following various treatment strategies for
drug-resistant epilepsy in TSC.
The analysis was conducted using the perspective of a third-party
payer and incorporated the direct health-care costs of therapy, subse- Outcome Probability Range in Range test in Reference
quent hospitalizations, and ASD treatment. Historic costs were adjust- literature sensitivity analysis

ed to present value while future costs were discounted at 3% per year Resective surgery
[18]. Discounting accounts for people's preferences for, in general, Engel class I 0.55 0.50–0.65 0.45–0.70 [9–11,35,36]
Engel class II 0.13 0.13–0.18 0.08–0.23 [9–11,35,36]
things in the immediate future than those available in the distant fu-
Engel class III 0.15 0.12–0.25 0.07–0.30 [9–11,35,36]
ture. All costs were converted to US Dollars and adjusted to 2016 to
obtain the net present value. Willingness-to-pay (WTP) was set at VNS implantation
Engel class I 0.12 0.05–0.19 0.00–0.24 [37–41]
$100,000 per gain in QALY [19]. We obtained costs for physician ser-
Engel class II 0.11 0.08–0.31 0.03–0.36 [37–39,41]
vices and procedures through a combination of a literature review of Engel class III 0.42 0.13–0.64 0.08–0.71 [37–39,41]
MEDLINE, 2016 American Medical Association Current Procedural Ter-
Ketogenic diet
minology codebook, ICD-9-CM codes, and Medical Expenditure Panel
Engel class I 0.00 0.00–0.11 0.00–0.16 [42–45]
Survey [20], Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Website [21]. Engel class II 0.07 0.07–0.35 0.02–0.40 [42–45]
Microcosting methods were only used for outpatient ASD costs. Engel class III 0.32 0.10–0.32 0.05–0.37 [42,44,46]
To estimate the lowest costs, drug unit costs were retrieved from
mTOR inhibitor
a discounted online website [22]. Microcosting is useful when the Engel class I 0.20 0.00–0.20 0.00–0.25 [47–49]
analysis is centered on the way a resource is delivered or when a partic- Engel class II 0.35 0.00–0.35 0.00–0.40 [47–49]
ular cost is not available in the medical literature or electronic data. The Engel class III 0.05 0.05–0.57 0.00–0.62 [47–49]
major disadvantages of microcosting are that work is increased, costs Third ASD (carbamazepine)
can be missed, and the costs incorporated often lack external validity. Seizure-free 0.06 N/A 0.01–0.11 [15]

2.7. Sensitivity analysis

3. Results
Key data inputs entered into the decision tree may be inherently biased
or inaccurate. We aimed to obtain a best estimate, low estimate, and high 3.1. Base-case results
estimate based on our data search. To test the influence of all variables on
the model results, we performed multiple exploratory one-way sensitivity 3.1.1. Four treatment strategies for children with TSC whose seizures had
analyses (“tornado analysis”) over a wide range of extreme but plausible failed to improve with 2 ASDs
values for costs, probabilities, and utilities (Tables 1–3) [23]. This analysis The CUA is displayed in Fig. 1. Treatment with a third ASD (specifi-
yielded a visual representation of the range of expected values for the de- cally, carbamazepine) is the least costly (net expected cost of $6568
cision tree; we rank ordered the variables and selected all critical variables over 5 years) while treatment with resective surgery is the most costly
that appeared to have a substantial impact on the expected value. We per- (net expected cost of $73,383 over 5 years) (Table 4). The least effective
formed a Monte Carlo simulation, assuming that all critical variables follow treatment is ketogenic diet (net expected utility is 3.60 from a total of
a triangular distribution with base-case, minimum and maximum values 5 QALYs) while the most effective treatment is resective surgery (net
from Table 1 [24]. We generated an incremental cost-utility plot. We also expected utility of 4.38 from a total of 5 QALYs) (Table 2). With a WTP
created a WTP curve to identify critical thresholds where one treatment of $100,000 per QALY, the most cost-effective treatment option is the
strategy is preferable over another. addition of a third ASD ($6568 for 4.14 QALYs). Resective surgery
($73,383 for 4.38 QALYs) is incrementally more cost-effective but has
2.8. Post hoc analysis an incremental cost-utility ratio (ICUR) of $285,068 per additional
QALY, which exceeds the WTP of the model. The treatment strategies
Sensitivity analysis was performed to answer two secondary policy of ketogenic diet and VNS implantation are dominated (i.e., costlier
questions: What should the cost of VNS implantation or mTOR inhibitor, and less effective than alternative treatment strategies and, therefore,
respectively, be for it to be a cost-effective treatment strategy? not cost-effective), as displayed in Table 4.

Table 1
Base-case estimates of costs, updated to 2016 US Dollars.

Parameter Best base-case Range in literature Range tested in Reference

estimate sensitivity analysis

Cost of levetiracetam $96.00 $72.72–$390.31 $69.08–$409.83 [22,25,26]

Cost of valproic acid $645.49 $259.82–$647.27 $246.83–$679.63 [22,25,26]
Cost of resective surgery $46,778.00 $24,449.00–$49,871.51 $23,226.55–$52,365.09 [17,27,28]
Evaluation cost — resective surgery $12,355.39 $9982.31–$14,728.46 $9483.19–$15,464.89 [17]
Cost of VNS insertion $17,938.31 $8295.87–$17,938.31 $7881.08–$18,835.22 [29–31]
Cost of VNS battery replacement $7994.25 N/A $7594.54–$8393.96 [31]
Evaluation cost — no resective surgery $8135.00 $6287.69–$9982.31 $5973.31–10,481.43 [17]
Follow-up costs following surgical treatment — first 2 years $4783.85 N/A $4544.66–$5023.04 [8]
Cost of mTOR $134,436.00 $150,249.16–$152,821.24 $142,736.70–$160,462.30 [22]
Cost of ketogenic diet — initiation $4824.43 N/A $4583.21–$5065.65 [30]
Cost of ketogenic diet — ongoing $2737.50 N/A $2600.63–$2874.38 [30]
Cost of third ASD (carbamazepine) $52.00 $52.00–$1662.24 $49.40–$1745.35 [22,25,26,32]
Cost of fourth ASD (clobazam) $9301.38 $9301.38–$9792.00 $8836.31–$10,281.60 [22,25,26]
Follow-up costs following medical treatment — first 2 years $3560.77 N/A $3382.73–$3738.81 [8]
Follow-up hospitalization costs following surgical treatment — after 2 years (seizure-free) $0.00 N/A – [17]
Follow-up hospitalization costs following surgical treatment — after 2 years (reduction
$593.08 N/A $563.43–$622.73 [17]
in seizures)
Follow-up hospitalization costs following surgical treatment — after 2 years (no response) $2280.00 N/A $2166.00–$2394.00 [17,33,34]
82 A. Fallah et al. / Epilepsy & Behavior 63 (2016) 79–88

Table 3
Health state utilities of treatment outcomes, with perfect health state utility of 1.0.

Health state Health state utility Range in literature Range test in sensitivity analysis Reference

Seizure-free state (nonsurgical treatment) 0.94 N/A 0.92–0.96 [50]

No change in seizure frequency (nonsurgical treatment) 0.84 N/A 0.82–0.86 [50]
Less than 50% reduction in seizure frequency (nonsurgical treatment) 0.82 N/A 0.80–0.84 [51]
Engel class I 0.96 N/A 0.94–0.98 [52,53]
Engel class II 0.91 N/A 0.89–0.93 [52,53]
Engel class III 0.79 N/A 0.77–0.81 [52,53]
Engel class IV 0.66 N/A 0.64–0.68 [52,53]

3.1.2. Five treatment strategies for children with TSC whose seizures had However, the range of tested values for these variables did not
failed to improve with 3 ASDs affect the dominance of treatment strategies. From these, we selected
The CUA of the 5 treatment strategies, including mTOR inhibitor, is the following variables for probabilistic sensitivity analysis: cost of
displayed in Fig. 2. Treatment with ketogenic diet is the least costly carbamazepine years 1 to 5, cost of valproic acid and levetiracetam
(net expected cost of $16,227 over 5 years) while treatment with years 1 to 5, probability of a third ASD resulting in seizure freedom,
mTOR inhibitor is the most costly (net expected cost of $646,046 over utility of seizure-free state, and utility of less than 50% improvement
5 years), as displayed in Table 5. The least effective treatment is keto- in seizures.
genic diet (net expected utility is 3.60 from a total of 5 QALYs) while
the most effective treatment is resective surgery (net expected utility 3.2.2. Five treatment strategies for children with TSC whose seizures had
of 4.38 from a total of 5 QALYs). With a WTP of $100,000 per QALY, failed to improve with 3 ASDs
the most cost-effective treatment option is resective surgery ($77,675 In a secondary analysis, we analyzed the hypothetical scenario of
for 4.38 QALYs). This treatment strategy is incrementally more cost- children whose seizures had failed to improve with 3 ASDs, by modeling
effective than the addition of a fourth ASD ($50,862 for 4.11 QALYs) the effects of a fourth ASD (clobazam) and the experimental medication
and ketogenic diet treatment ($16,228 for 3.60 QALYs). The treatment mTOR inhibitor everolimus. In this scenario, we selected the following
strategies of VNS implantation and mTOR inhibitor are both dominated variables from the tornado diagram for probabilistic sensitivity analysis,
(Table 5). each having a profound impact on expected value: cost of resective sur-
gery year 1; probability of resective surgery resulting in Engel classes I,
3.2. Base-case sensitivity analyses II, and III outcome; probability of ketogenic diet resulting in Engel clas-
ses I and II outcome; probability of VNS implantation resulting in Engel
3.2.1. Four treatment strategies for children with TSC whose seizures had class II outcome; cost of valproic acid and levetiracetam years 1–5; cost
failed to improve with 2 ASDs of carbamazepine years 1–5, cost of hospitalization following surgery
Using a tornado diagram, we identified several variables tested year 1; and utility of Engel classes I, II, III, and IV (Fig. 4). From these,
over a range of plausible values through sequential one-way sensitivity one-way sensitivity analyses found several important thresholds that
analyses that had a profound effect on the expected value (Fig. 3). identified a dominant treatment strategy (Table 6).

Fig. 1. Results of cost utility analysis for 4 treatment strategies in drug-resistant epilepsy in TSC after failure of 2 ASDs.
A. Fallah et al. / Epilepsy & Behavior 63 (2016) 79–88 83

Table 4
Cost-utility league table ranking 4 treatment strategies in children with drug-resistant epilepsy secondary to TSC who have failed 2 ASDs (referencing common baseline).

Treatment strategy 5-Year total cost Incremental costa 5-Year total utility (QALY) Incremental utility (QALY)a Incremental cost/utility ratio (ICUR)b

Third ASD (carbamazepine) $6568.49 – 4.14 – –

Ketogenic diet $13,458.85 $6890.36 3.60 −0.54 Dominatedc
VNS implantation $50,742.96 $44,174.47 3.89 −0.25 Dominatedc
Resective surgery $73,383.93 $66,815.44 4.38 0.25 $268,335.11/QALY
Incremental cost and utility represent the difference between the strategy and the next best nondominated strategy.
Incremental cost/utility ratio represent the difference in cost divided by the difference in quality-adjusted life years for each strategy compared with the next best nondominated
strategy. The cost and QALY values are rounded in the calculations.
Strategies that are “dominated” are more costly and less effective than alternative treatment strategies, and, therefore, not cost-effective.

3.3. Monte Carlo analyses $420,000 per additional QALY, resective surgery gradually becomes
the more cost-effective option.
3.3.1. Four treatment strategies for children with TSC whose seizures had
failed to improve with 2 ASDs 3.3.2. Five treatment strategies for children with TSC whose seizures had
Using a triangular distribution and the same range for the critical failed to improve with 3 ASDs
values identified in the one-way sensitivity analysis, we performed We repeated the Monte Carlo simulation with the same parameters
1000 sampling points in a Monte Carlo simulation. No critical thresholds now adding a fourth ASD (clobazam) and mTOR inhibitor as treatment
were identified as we varied the cost and probabilities of outcome sug- options in children whose seizures had failed to improve with 3 ASDs.
gesting that our model is robust and the addition of a third ASD is al- The cost-utility acceptability curve found a threshold for WTP of
ways the dominant (i.e., most cost-effective) treatment strategy with $67,500 over which the addition of a fourth ASD becomes more cost-
a WTP of $100,000 per QALY over the course of 5 years. effective than the ketogenic diet. A second threshold for WTP is of
A cost-effectiveness acceptability curve shows the probability that a $97,000 over which resective surgery becomes more cost-effective
treatment strategy is cost-effective compared with the alternatives for a than the addition of a fourth ASD (Fig. 6). The simulation shows that,
range of maximum values that a decision-maker might be willing to when WTP is between $67,500 and $97,000, the addition of a fourth
pay for a particular unit change in outcome. We found a threshold of ASD is more commonly the cost-effective treatment strategy.
$266,000 for WTP over which resective surgery becomes more cost-
effective than the addition of a third ASD (Fig. 5). The simulation 3.3.3. Post hoc analysis
shows that, when WTP is less than $184,000 per additional QALY, the There is no cost for VNS implantation or mTOR inhibitor that would
addition of a third ASD is the most cost-effective treatment strategy make these treatment strategies more cost-effective than the addition
every time. In contrast when the WTP is greater than $420,000 per ad- of a third ASD (these strategies are more costly and less effective than
ditional QALY, resective surgery is the most cost-effective treatment alternative strategies and, therefore, dominated). In children whose
strategy every time. As the WTP increases between $184,000 and seizures had failed to improve with 3 ASDs, the cost of mTOR inhibitor

Fig. 2. Results of cost utility analysis for 5 treatment strategies in drug-resistant epilepsy in TSC after failure of 3 ASDs.
84 A. Fallah et al. / Epilepsy & Behavior 63 (2016) 79–88

Table 5
Cost-utility league table ranking 5 treatment strategies in children with drug-resistant epilepsy secondary to TSC despite trials of 3 ASDs (referencing common baseline).

Treatment strategy 5-Year total cost Incremental costa 5-Year total utility (QALY) Incremental utility (QALY)a Incremental cost/utility ratio (ICUR)b

Ketogenic diet $16,227.58 – 3.60 –

Fourth ASD (clobazam) $50,861.83 $34,634.25 4.11 0.51 $67,579.03/QALY
VNS implantation $53,511.68 $37,284.10 3.89 0.30 Dominatedc
Resective surgery $77,675.46 $61,447.88 4.38 0.79 $77,831.39/QALY
mTOR inhibitor (everolimus) $646,045.93 $629,818.35 4.07 0.47 Dominatedc
Incremental cost and utility represent the difference between the strategy and the next best nondominated strategy.
Incremental cost/utility ratio represent the difference in cost divided by the difference in quality-adjusted life years for each strategy compared with the next best nondominated
strategy. The cost and QALY values are rounded in the calculations.
Strategies that are “dominated” are more costly and less effective than alternative treatment strategies, and, therefore, not cost-effective.

would have to be less than $800 per year to be a cost-effective treatment and 5) for the child whose epilepsy has failed to improve with 3 ASDs
strategy. Assuming that the cost of a battery replacement is one-quarter and lives in a resource-limited country (i.e., a WTP of $50,000 per addi-
the cost of a new VNS implantation, two-way sensitivity analysis tional QALY) or is not a candidate for resective epilepsy surgery, the ad-
demonstrates that a cost combination of $7000 and $1750 or lower for dition of the ketogenic diet is the most cost-effective treatment strategy.
VNS implantation and battery replacement, respectively, will make
this treatment strategy cost-effective compared with the alternatives 4.1.1. Interpretation
in children whose seizures had failed to improve with 3 ASDs (Fig. 7). Given the greater upfront costs of resective surgery, VNS implanta-
tion, and ketogenic diet, these treatment strategies are likely to become
4. Discussion more cost-effective over time. Therefore, extrapolating the findings of
this short-term study beyond the 5-year time horizon may result in mis-
4.1. Key findings guided conclusions. Furthermore, the sensitivity and threshold analyses
provide insight on the conditions of costs, outcome probabilities, and
We have 5 novel findings from this study that can be applied to the health state utilities that influence decision analyses. In children whose
management of children with DRE secondary to TSC: 1) the addition of a epilepsy has failed to improve with 3 ASDs, if the probability of Engel
third ASD (with similar cost as carbamazepine) is the most cost- class I or II outcome for ketogenic diet or Engel class II outcome for
effective treatment strategy in children whose epilepsy has failed to im- VNS implantation was higher than estimated, these treatment options
prove with two ASDs; 2) VNS implantation should be considered as a could be more cost-effective than resective surgery. Until we are able
second-line palliative treatment strategy in children who are not candi- to obtain estimates with greater accuracy, this lowers the confidence
dates for resective epilepsy surgery and do not respond to or tolerate in our conclusion that resective epilepsy surgery is more cost-effective
the ketogenic diet; 3) mTOR inhibitor treatment for epilepsy alone is than VNS implantation or ketogenic diet. Furthermore, if resective sur-
not a cost-effective treatment strategy at the present time; 4) for the gery costs more than $60,020 or if the probabilities of achieving Engel
child whose epilepsy has failed to improve with 3 ASDs and lives in a class I, II, or III outcome for resective surgery were lower than estimated,
resource-rich country (i.e., a WTP of $100,000 per additional QALY), then the addition of a fourth ASD (with similar cost and benefits as
resective epilepsy surgery is the most cost-effective treatment strategy; clobazam) is the most cost-effective treatment option.

Fig. 3. Tornado analysis for net costs of 5 competing treatment strategies in TSC after failure of 3 ASDs. Central line is the base-case cost.
A. Fallah et al. / Epilepsy & Behavior 63 (2016) 79–88 85

Fig. 4. Tornado analysis for net costs of 5 competing treatment strategies in TSC after failure of 3 ASDs. Central line is the base-case cost.

4.1.2. Strengths 4.1.3. Limitations

There are several strengths to this study. It presents a clear, logical There are several important limitations to this study: 1) We had to
framework for organizing essential information for health-care make several assumptions in this study (i.e., full medication adherence,
decision-making in this clinical context. We used the best available no major complications or death associated with the treatments, candi-
evidence to inform the key model inputs. We tested these point esti- dates for resective epilepsy surgery, seizure outcomes do not change
mates through sensitivity analyses to identify critical thresholds that over the time horizon of the study), and the degree to which these as-
determine the dominant treatment strategy. Through Monte Carlo sumptions are true reflects the confidence of the conclusions; 2) Base-
simulations, we obtained probabilistic results which not only identifies case probability estimates were commonly attained using retrospective
what could happen but how likely each outcome is. Since each indi- study data and may not be accurate, although some of the input param-
vidual carries a unique combination of probability estimates, adopting eter uncertainties were overcome using sensitivity analyses (Table 6);
a uniform set of values for all patients is fallacious and fails to capture 3) Utilities were reflective of the seizure outcomes exclusively and did
reality. not evaluate the impact or side effects of treatment itself;

Table 6
Results of 1-way sensitivity analyses for 5 treatment strategies (willingness-to-pay set at $100,000 per additional QALY).

Variable Base-case estimate Threshold Comment

Cost of resective surgery year 1 $46,778.00 $60,019.76 If cost exceeds this threshold, then the addition of a fourth ASD (clobazam) is more
cost-effective than resective surgery.
Probability of Engel class I seizure outcome 0.55 0.54 If probability falls below this threshold, then the addition of a fourth ASD (clobazam)
with resective surgery is more cost-effective than resective surgery.
Probability of Engel class II seizure outcome 0.13 0.12 If probability falls below this threshold, then the addition of a fourth ASD (clobazam)
with resective surgery is more cost-effective than resective surgery.
Probability of Engel class III seizure outcome 0.15 0.14 If probability falls below this threshold, then the addition of a fourth ASD (clobazam)
with resective surgery is more cost-effective than resective surgery.
Probability of Engel class II seizure outcome 0.11 0.31 If probability exceeds this threshold, then VNS implantation is more cost-effective than
with VNS implantation resective surgery
Probability of Engel class I seizure outcome 0.00 0.12 If probability exceeds this threshold, then ketogenic diet is more cost-effective than
with ketogenic diet treatment resective surgery
Probability of Engel class II seizure outcome 0.07 0.21 If probability exceeds this threshold, then ketogenic diet is more cost-effective than
with ketogenic diet treatment resective surgery
Utility of Engel class I seizure outcome 0.96 0.956 If utility falls below this threshold, then the addition of a fourth ASD (clobazam) is more
cost-effective than resective surgery
Utility of Engel class II seizure outcome 0.91 0.896 If utility falls below this threshold, then the addition of a fourth ASD (clobazam) is more
cost-effective than resective surgery.
Utility of Engel class III seizure outcome 0.79 0.778 If utility falls below this threshold, then the addition of a fourth ASD (clobazam) is more
cost-effective than resective surgery.
Utility of Engel class IV seizure outcome 0.66 0.650 If utility falls below this threshold, then the addition of a fourth ASD (clobazam) is more
cost-effective than resective surgery.
Utility of less than 50% reduction in 0.82 0.822 If probability exceeds this threshold, then the addition of a fourth ASD (clobazam) is
seizure frequency more cost-effective than resective surgery.
86 A. Fallah et al. / Epilepsy & Behavior 63 (2016) 79–88

Fig. 5. Monte-Carlo simulations demonstrating cost-utility acceptability curves for 4 competing treatment strategies in TSC after failure of 2 ASDs.

4) Neuropsychological, psychosocial, quality of life, and psychiatric out- but cannot be used in isolation, as it does not incorporate individual
comes, which are other patient-important outcome measures, were not center or health-care provider expertise and patient values and
evaluated; 5) These results have to be cautiously interpreted if making preferences [54]. They do not reflect societal judgments on how
treatment decisions in other countries, given the variability in costs and health resources should be allocated. This study suggests that in
health outcome values, which limits external generalizability; 6) Seizure general, for children with TSC whose epilepsy has failed to improve
outcomes were limited to five years because of the lack of long-term ev- with 2 ASDs, the addition of a third ASD is a universally cost-
idence, which limits conclusions beyond the study's time horizon. effective treatment strategy. It is important to note, however, that
this may not apply to newer ASDs which are generally more expen-
4.1.4. Clinical implications sive. In resource-rich health-care settings with a greater WTP for
Cost-utility analysis is a methodology for evaluating the costs and each additional QALY, resective epilepsy surgery is an incrementally
utility of health-care interventions. It acts as an aid in decision-making cost-effective treatment strategy following failure of 3 ASDs. In

Fig. 6. Monte-Carlo simulations demonstrating cost-utility acceptability curves for 5 competing treatment strategies in TSC after failure of 3 ASDs.
A. Fallah et al. / Epilepsy & Behavior 63 (2016) 79–88 87

Fig. 7. Two-way cost-utility sensitivity analysis for the cost of VNS insertion and battery replacement.

children in resource-limited health-care settings or when resective for DRE alone. Other novel or experimental interventions can also
epilepsy surgery is not an option, the addition of a ketogenic diet is be evaluated using our project. Responsive neurostimulation
the most cost-effective treatment strategy. Clinicians should be cau- (RNS®) is a surgically implanted device that uses electroencephalo-
tious in recommending first-line palliative treatment with a VNS im- graphic recordings to provide responsive neurostimulation when
plantation in children who can tolerate the ketogenic diet. detecting abnormal electrical events. It was recently approved by
Treatment with mTOR inhibitor for DRE independent of SEGA is the FDA as an adjunct palliative therapy for adults with partial-
very costly and relatively ineffective. onset epilepsy. Additionally, MR-guided laser induced thermal ther-
apy (MRgLITT) is a new curative technology in the treatment of focal
4.1.5. Implications for decision-makers epilepsy. Compared with open resective surgery, it involves signifi-
In children whose epilepsy has failed to improve with 3 ASDs, mTOR cantly smaller incisions and fewer perioperative risks, with promis-
inhibitor should cost less than $6300 a year to be a cost-effective treat- ing preliminary results in the pediatric population. In a resource-
ment option. Lowering the cost of VNS implantation and battery re- rich health-care setting, novel strategies such as RNS and MRgLITT can
placement may make this treatment option cost-effective. Assuming be considered. From a cost-utility perspective, these novel therapies
the cost of battery replacement is one-quarter the cost of VNS implanta- would be the dominant strategy for children whose epilepsy has failed
tion, a combination of $1500 and $6000 or lower, respectively, would to improve with 3 ASDs, if they exhibit greater efficacy (improved health
make this treatment option cost-effective. states) than resective surgery and cost less than resective surgery
($77,675 over a 5-year period). However, if these therapies are less effi-
4.1.6. Research implications cacious and less costly than surgery, or more efficacious and costlier than
To improve upon the shortcomings of this decision analysis and CUA, surgery, then they may be indicated, depending on the health-care re-
long-term prognostic studies of each treatment option are warranted in sources of that setting.
homogenous cohorts of children with TSC and medically intractable
epilepsy. This can be facilitated with multi-institutional patient regis-
tries given the infeasibility of clinical trials for a rare disease. In addition, 5. Conclusions
capturing accurate cost data in patient registries would enhance the
precision of our estimates. Further research is required to increase the With the rising costs of health care, the importance of economic
accuracy of the range of acceptable values for the outcome states, health efficiency is progressively relevant. Decision analysis and CUA are
utilities, and costs. increasingly required to not only guide the clinician in health-care deci-
sions but also to facilitate the efficient delivery of health care. These
4.1.7. Future directions analyses emphasize how costs and prudent resource allocation can po-
Future cost-utility analyses in children with DRE should be per- tentially play a large role in clinician decision-making. Our research
formed using Markov modeling and informed by actual patient demonstrated that the addition of a third ASD or resective epilepsy sur-
data using registries. Markov modeling would allow us to incorpo- gery is the most cost-effective treatment options in children with TSC
rate change in seizure control over time, which can occur over a lon- whose seizures have not improved with 2 ASDs for DRE and who are
ger follow-up period irrespective of whether the patient received candidates for resective epilepsy surgery. The decision to choose the lat-
medical or surgical therapy. From a pharmacotherapy perspective, ter treatment option preferentially depends on the health-care re-
mTOR inhibitors show significant promise in the treatment of sources available evidenced by a greater WTP to obtain an additional
SEGAs and reduce seizure frequency in preliminary studies of adults. QALY.
As this medication is extremely expensive, our secondary analysis Supplementary data to this article can be found online at http://dx.
demonstrated that it will not be a cost-effective treatment strategy
88 A. Fallah et al. / Epilepsy & Behavior 63 (2016) 79–88

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