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My concept

Dramatic style: Tragedy

Dramatic meaning: The importance of fatherhood on a young boys life

Key Convention: Breaking the 4th wall

The convention the 4th wall was chosen to imply the importance of fatherhood and the relationship
between and a farther and his son. Using this convention, the actors are able to take the audience on
the journey with them and engage with the audience in a situation that affects many young males life’s
in society today.

The purpose is to create an emotional connection with the audience on a deeper level were the
audience is engaged with the actors.

Georges life gets changed upside down when an unexpected tragedy strikes and turns his whole world
upside down. George learns to grow up without his farther but important moments in life with his
farther really affects how George grows up without a farther figure in his life.

Storyboard Notations
Lights up to show front of house set.

Rob: I will miss you bud, but do not worry I will

be home soon.
Melisa: Please stay safe and call me as soon as
you get off the water.
George: Bye dad be home soon Through the hand gesture to the audience this
Rob: (gestures goodbye signal to the audience) engages them making them believe they
personally know rob and they’re saying goodbye
to him. This then forms a relationship between
the actor and the audience.

Blue lights on the scene

Rob: I cant hold on for much longer this storm is

going to take me out. (looks to the audience with The look from Rob to the audience gives a sense
complete sadness)…I do not think we are going to of fear within the audience for Rob’s safety
make it. because that connection was made early on from
the start.
Blue lights shift to a darker blue
The use of blue lights help us understand the
environment of the setting being displayed on
the stage. The blue lights symbolize water and
they turn darker because it helps the audience
understand that when seems become darker
tragedy as happened and the mood is toned

White light onto set

Melisa: Hey George, can I speak to you for a

second. Melissa talks slow and emotion fills her face of
George: yes, mum what’s wrong mummy sadness and symbolizes that tragedy had truck
Melisa: I am so sorry…but.. dad is dea-… dead. and the audience knows this before any words
(tears fall down cheek). You know he loved you are spoken to George.
and he will always be with you. I am so sorry, but
we will be okay.

George: It has been fourth months dad. I miss

you and I really wish you were here. Things just
have not been the same since you passed.
No dramatic movements are chosen because the
emotion through the face creates meaning and
intimacy for the audience.
George: Well is not this fun dad…I just wish you
were here for real., you know to teach me to play
ball instead of a wall. I mean at least I think I
drew you well. Tomorrows the first day of high
school and its bring your parent to work week.
Mums working all day…I wish you could come.

Fellow student: Hey guys, this is my dad and he

works from home. He teaches me how to play
catch and helps me with my school work. The change of scene and environments affect
how George acts around people that is not just at
George to himself: I just wish this day would end home. George is more miserable when he is in his
school environment and this creates
understanding for the audience how the
environment someone is in can change ones

Popular group: (faces to the audience) Hey is not

that the kid without a dad…ha what a loser. He
probably does not even know what having a By talking to the audience, the actors are
farther is like. breaking the forth wall and is inviting the
audience into their conversation that is
happening on stage.
George: (speaking to the audience). This was for
you dad. I would not be here unless you were not The fourth wall is broken once again as George
in my heart keeping me inspired. talks to the audience and because the audience
has followed George with his whole journey of
growing up without a farther. The audience now
forms a sense of proudness because of how far
he has come.

George: I know its been a while since I visited you

but guess what. I graduated top of my class…I
could not have done it without you though. Back
when you were still here with me you truly
pushed me to be my best and I would not have
come this far without you.

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