English Questions

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English question article group 1

1. Mustagfiroh Rahma( PO.

2. Lidya Caroline Purba (PO.

3. Miftahul Jannah (PO.

1. Is Jane ___ student at your college

a. So
b. A
c. An
d. The
Answer : b

2. ___ weather of today is quite unpredictable

a. The
b. An
c. So
d. A
Answer : a

3. I saw ___ very beautiful creature, but I don't know ___ name is

a. An - The
b. A - An
c. A - The
d. The - An
Answer : c

4. Oxford is ___ University town

a. An
b. Also
c. A
d. The
Answer : a
5. I know someone who write a book about ___ life of Gandhi

a. Either
b. The
c. A
d. An
Answer : b

6. Lucy's father works as ___ electrician

a. The
b. Either
c. An
d. A
Answer : c

7. We need to be at ___ airport in ___ hour

a. The - A
b. A - An
c. The - An
d. The - So
Answer : c

8. Please, open ___ door

a. A
b. An
c. Also
d. The
Answer : d

9. I have just had ___ great idea

a. A
b. So
c. The
d. An
Answer : a
10. ___ President of Indonesia is giving ___ speech to night

a. The - So
b. The - A
c. The - An
d. So - The
Answer : b

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