Mizoram Nursing Council: Part I: Objectives Answer All Questions

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3rd year General Nursing and Midwifery, September 2020

(Part I)
Paper I: Midwifery & Gynecological Nursing
Time: 3hrs Full Marks: 75

Answer All Questions

1. Fill in the blanks: [1x5=5]

a) Intermittent painless uterine contractions are called …………………
b) The process by which the reproductive organs return to the pregravid sate is called
c) The normal weight if the placenta is ……………………….
d) The first fetal movement which is felt by the mother is known as ………………….
e) The anterior fortanelle closes after …………………. Months of delivery

2. Match columns A and B: [1x5=5]

Column A Column B

a) Absence of menstruation i) Lightening

b) Heavy or prolonged bleeding ii) Polyhydramnios
c) Descend of presenting part into pelvis iii) Vernix Caseosa
d) Increased liquor amnii iv) Amenorrhea
e) Creamy white substance v) Menorrhagia

1. Define/Write the meaning of any six of the following: [1x6=6]

a) Presentation
b) Midwife
c) Lie
d) Dysmenorrhea
e) Eutocia
f) Ptyalism
g) Labour
h) Foramen ovale

2. Write the following in not more than 3 to 5 sentences or points: [1.5x6=9]

a) Lochia
b) Ectopic pregnancy
c) Types of pelvis
d) Colostrum
e) Oxytocin
f) Cusco’s Speculum

3. a) Define Postpartum haemorrhage

b) List out the causes, signs and symptoms of Post-partum haemorrhage
c) Explain the Nursing Management of a patient suffering from Post-partum
Haemorrhage using nursing process.

4. Answer any one set

a) Define Primary Infertility

b) List out the causes of male and female infertility
c) Explain the treatment available under assisted reproductive technology


a) Define labour
b) List out the stages of labour
c) Explain in detail about 2nd stage of Labour
5. Write short notes on any four of the following. [4x5=20]

a) Management of Hyperemesis Gravidarum

b) APGAR scoring
c) Carcinoma of the cervix
d) Episiotomy
e) Mechanism of labour
f) Newborn reflexes
g) PIH

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