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3.1 Introduction

The main objective of this research was to investigate Banking Data Protection Schemes and

Relative Application to Healthcare Patient-Data Security. This is mainly motivated by an

inherent need for cyber security as organization continues to explore secure methods of

protecting their data. Under this chapter, the research philosophy, is explained, research design,

sampling methods, target population, research design as well as the data analysis techniques. The

application of various data collection methods will help this research in answering some research

questions such as:

 How are the banks protecting their crucial data?

 How can the data protection measures employed by the banks be rolled out in healthcare?

 What are the data risks facing healthcare facilities?

Research methods and Design

 Research method refers to the processes, strategies or techniques used in the collection

evidence in order to create an understanding for the phenomenon under study.

 This research utilizes case studies research method in gathering of data for the research


 Research design is defined as a comprehensive plan or strategy employed in a research in

order collect data that will help in answering the research question.
 This research employs descriptive correlational research design which entails describing

of a problem systematically and providing information about a given situation and hence

providing a better understanding.

 The research design employed will be crucial in answering the research question as it

seeks to create an explanation of how the Banking Data Protection Schemes and how

they can be applied to Healthcare Patient-Data Security. by use of this research design,

question such as how can banking data protection schemes can be rolled out to healthcare

will answered easily.


This refers to a total number of members of entities, individuals, objects and institutions that

exhibit common characteristics are of interest to a researcher. The study focuses on the banking

organizations in which, the application of Banking Data Protection Schemes will be studied. This

population is crucial owing to the nature of threats that these businesses face. Every bank in the

country will have an equal chance of being selected in the sample


Since the number of banks is very high, the study will work with a sample of 21 banks which

will be selected randomly from the entire population of banks across the country. The banks to

be included in the sample are both small scale and large scale banks.

 Under this sampling technique, the researcher will be focusing on the collection of the

qualitative data on the data protection schemes employed by different banks.


 The data for this research will be collected from banks and this includes the archived data

by the banks
 To collect this data, interviews with the CIOs of the banks that will form the sample size

will be undertaken.

 Secondary data from the banks will also form an important part of the research,

Data Collection, Processing, and Analysis

 The data collection will be done through direct interviews, questionnaires and case study

analysis for the selected banks

 Once the data is collected, it will be processed through electronic data processing to

ensure that the data to be analyzed meets the research criteria.

 SPSS and Anova will be used to analyze the collected data.

Limitation of the study

 Owing to the sensitivity of the data handled, this study is limited by the nature of data

that banks are willing to provide on how they protect information with them.


 To do away with the limitation, this study seeks to create assurance that all information

provided will be treated with a lot of confidentiality.

Ethical assurance

 All data provided will not be disclosed to third parties and therefore it is only for research



In summary, the chapter gives detailed information on the approaches taken to address

the research question by gathering the necessary data that will help in making informed

judgment. This research utilizes case studies research method in gathering of data for the
research question. Through the targeted population, this research will gather data from the

selected sample therefore giving clear insights on the research problem.

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