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A term paper presented to

Mountain View College
College heights, Mt. Nebo, Valencia city
In partial fulfillment of requirement


Role of computers in business

I. Introduction:

“While it is easy to see how technological advance promotes

growth in productivity and living standards, business cannot

simply command people think longer or to be smarter.”

Computers nowadays are the most useful gadget that promotes

to the development of every user. Applying the knowledge of

accountants and businessperson combined with the advances and

technical abilities of computer technicians and programmers, they

produced an effective, less-expensive tool to business related

areas. Elaborating the fact of its usefulness to humanity and

especially to the business world, some members of the community

found out that this device is a diverse way of bias and stealing,

but it has ended up with creating firewalls and securities on


For many of us, computers are known as a piece of equipment

that awesome package of glass, plastic, metal and wires-used to

make our work easier. However, these computers are already

changing our lives. It is now possible for us to see the world

in a different way, to achieve new goals, which were impossible

before, and to control the world around us. Computers have

actually transformed our lives, how to communicate how we work

and learn things and even how to play. However, let us see it in
the other perspective of its use, on how the business look

forward on its usefulness and what is the advantages of computers

in business? Who will be benefited with this device? In

addition, what is the main role of this device?

Let us find out the answers to this question and try to see

what are the things it can do for the business are.

II.Brief History of Computers

It is from the abacus in 2000 B. C. were it all started.

Greeks started this computing that enhances inventors to make a

computer. In 1951, “Microprogramming” was produced by Maurine V.

Willy and word-processing on 1982 as well. Apple Macintosh line

was introduced to the computer world as the same as the IBM PC.

Its operating system has a GUI, which allows users to move screen

icons instead of typing directions. Microsoft introduced

windows. Although it is still showing DOS commands and

functions, windows have also the GUI that made easier for users

to operate the computer.

A. Computers Definition

A device that process data by following set of directions

called programs. All digital computers work by recording

information represented as numbers. Charles Babbage mechanized

the tallying principles of abacus in calculating machine, in

geared wheels. A typical device that has the capability to store

data depending on the capacity a computer had.

B.Classification of Computers
Computers are classified into the following: according to

purpose, according to the type of processing. According to their

purpose, their goals and their aims for variety of

tasks, these devices are versatile, dedicated to specific tasks.

According to the types of processing, there are three types of

computer under this category. A machine that represents variables

or quantities using physical analogies commonly known as analogs.

Digital, are machines that specialized in counting, use discrete

numbers and results obtained is precise and repeatable and the

last is Hybrid, a machines that incorporates measuring

capabilities of the analog devices and the country capability of

the digital devices.

III.Role of Computers in Business

There are generally four major business application for

computers in the nineteen sixties and seventies these are:

The computer serves as a clerk, they handle large amount of

repetitive clerical work for the business. The computer as an

information system, there computers would try to gather, foretell

and stores data. Because computers were not very sophisticated

back then, the technology that was use to provide such service
was not able to give any real results. Also its serves as the

first drafting technology, there computers were used for

designing crude and small buildings or crude vehicles and

aircrafts. Then it serves as a controller, they are equip with

information that responds with programs that are install. The

programs would help a computer decide on raising or maintaining

certain information such as stocks. The last is computers as an

editor; this is the substitute of human to edit papers and

worksheets needed by the business for corporation’s income and

expenses purpose. However, modern computers are use for decisions

and architectural design.

While we could just represents each command as an integers

and then the numbers following as a float, the technique is the

same. Internet connections and networking concepts are just

major things a computer can do to a business. With the genuine

concepts of recording and analyzing data fast, it has the

capability store data and information of the business in the

computers memory or a safer process, store it in a compact disk

or in a flash drive that made the risk lesser of destroying the

files from fire and thief. To help the business to progress is

the main work and purpose of the computer.

IV.Economy changes
As long as they have computers they can progress

immediately, based on the statistics survey of United States of

America Business Survey. The checkout or the bar codes readers

are an important input device that hides many of its specialized

talents. The raw input for the mini mart’s computers is

merchandise on the shelves. Each package in the stores is marked

with a pattern of bars and spaces called Universal Product Code

(UPC) used for security and bias of a costumer or individuals.

That means they will do the easiest job they ever know, they just

going to swipe the item in their bar code readers and then in a

flash the amount will appear in the screen of the computer and

then there it goes the amount which is going to be paid by the

costumer engage in buying and selling. Automatically it is

recorded in the purchase and sales invoices, computerize results

will be shown. That takes less of the time spent, less work to do

and less expenses for the company.

To do everything on the web, in an ideal world, we could

walk up to any computers, punch in a web addre, ready for

editing. Reliability and availability continue to be major

concerns. The internet lines are the business “wi-fi”

connections can flake our moment routine, virtually of these

services are in beta, so you can ss, name, and password; and

instantly gain access to all of our applications or to an archive

of all our data expect a few bugs and random errors. The business

can share any documents or spreadsheet systems, and up to 50

people can work on file at once. The business can use the web for
hiring people or employees and they can do filling of the forms

on-line, if they want to.

Business prefers to have computers in business to be sure of

their transactions and to be accurate in their recordings.

V.Advantages and Limitations

These developments have made significant changes people’s

lives but has awesome capabilities and limitations. These are

some of its capabilities and limitations respectively. First,

they can do repetitive and routine work. Computers are tools that

tirelessly perform some operations repeatedly without errors and

complaints, unlike humans. They can be automatic and can do

controlled processing. They have the speed to process voluminous

data in a flash, resulting in the greater productivity and less

labor needs. Then computers are reliable and accurate. Along with

the high speed of the computer, performance is their high

accuracy and reliability. They can store and recall tremendous

amount of data and information. Because of their increasing

storage capacity, limitless amount of data can be stored

permanently and retrieval is easy, convenient and fast. Then the

fifth, computers have a self-checking capability. They verify the

accuracy of their own work by using a control routine called

parity check. Computers always counter check the validity and

reliability of information given. Computers can be self-

operating. Once all data are fed into the computer memory,

processing and output are given without human intervention. Then

the last is they can do remote processing. Computers can process

any data coming from anywhere, even from any remote place.

With all the capabilities mentioned above, computers still

have limitations. These are some of the limitations: they are

always dependent on instructions and data given through the

program made by the programmer. In addition, cannot decide if

they were not programmed for certain specific tasks and

vulnerable to virus attacks.

VI.Companies Big Shift

Business somehow can rapidly technological change both

by encouraging new technologies ensure profit or gains, its

optional it’s rather a must or obligatory to have computer its

main role is to increase profit, knowledge of the business and

less expenditures. With computers, they can do transactions on-

line that most of the countries exercise and promote information

and technology rapids framework of the business. The business is

concerned with the proper organization of files. The computer

organizes files in hierarchical fashion. By definition, a file of

a business firm is a collection of related transactions made by

the business daily, monthly or annually. This file serves as a

tool to be use to determine their expenses and their income.

However, employees cannot do the recording of this tremendous

amount of transactions if they done it manually. Nevertheless,

they use a computer as a substitute or somewhat a helper to

record and compute instantly.

“Research promotes more technologies to the new world which

made work easier than ever.” While people enjoys new

technologies, business organization grab’s the opportunity to use

machine to replace people to increase productivity, rate of

recording and decrease expenses such as delivery, salaries etc.

Recording and making graphs. Computing and processing data’s are

just the main work of computers in business, which confirms that

machine is more intelligent than man is, but has a disadvantage,

which cannot run itself if there is such person who can manage

and has the knowledge to control it. High productivity and fewer

expenses are the effects and the main role of computers in

business. For as long as innovation goes on and on, this device

will be in a greater possibility to be upgraded and the things

and the programs installed into it will be more high-technology

programs which enhances and makes work more and more easier. Then

business firms are obliged to purchase, for is stated in a

business point of view “that all assets is prone to depreciate.”

With computer they can do transactions everywhere, anywhere,

protects the business and then business economy arise.

References of this term paper

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 Charleston, R. Benefits of computers. New Orleans: South-

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 Gordon, D.K., Pocock, P. & Webster, B.F. How Things Work-

Computer: Hidden Talents. Alexandria, Virginia: St. Remy

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 Grolier Encyclopedia (1998)

 Hall, J.A. Accounting Information System. United states:

Thomson South- Western Press

 Locker, K.O. Business Administrative Communication. United

States of America: Mc Graw- Hill Companies. (2000)

 Philip. Philip’s World Encyclopedia. Docklands, London:

Octopus Publishing Group. (2006)

 Riolando, R.R. The Philippine Star. (April 7, 2007)

 Samuelson, P.A. Economics. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies.


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