Getting Things Done Masterclass For Professionals (MM-EN-SB)

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Getting Things Done Silvan Becker


Masterclass for professionals

Mailbox full, many meetings and phone calls to follow up, juggling work and private commit-
ments. Every professional is suffering from an information overload. Being an effective, higly Want to know more about Getting Things
productive professional is tougher than ever. Staying creative and innovative is a challenge. Done in your organization, team or from pro-
fessionals? Get in touch with Silvan Becker:
Often information overload and a busy life result in:
t +31 (0)20 491 7710
„„ Too many contradicting commitments m +31 (0)6 5352 7630
„„ Getting results too slow for your ambition e
„„ Too little time to think about creative solutions
„„ Increased work pressure and stress
„„ Being less effective

Do you also want:

99 To be back in control again?
99 To have a clear overview of all your commitments?
99 To do more with less stress?
99 To have a better work/life balance?

Join us for a 1 day Getting Things Done Masterclass for

Professionals, based on the principles from the book of best-seller
author David Allen. You will get:

„„ 2 DISCOVER Individual assessments, valued at € 249,- 

„„ The book “Getting Things Done” by David Allen, valued at € 12,95 
„„ GTD Implementation guide and toolkit, valued at € 49,- 
„„ GTD Tool selection guide, valued at € 20,- 
„„ GTD Personal workflow map, valued at € 10,- 
„„ GTD Mindmaps with key concepts, valued at € 20,- 
„„ FREE access to our ‘Getting Things Done by Mastermind’ Linkedin group 
Comparitive research between top-performers and average performers shows that the most
productive people have two traits in common:

#1 They are 90% self-aware of their talents (versus an average of 50%)

#2 They are authentic in in using their talents (true to themselves).

HOW you do things

WHY you do things

Open masterclass are organized at different
That’s why every Getting Things Done Masterclass for professionals includes 2 DISCOVER online dates and venues. All upcomings dates and
venues can be found at
assessments. You will take these before the Masterclass. gtd.

In-house or open event? Your time

The Getting Things Done Masterclass for professionals can be organized as in-house train- The Getting Things Done Masterclass for profes-
ing programme for you and your team. Or you can join us for one of our open masterclasses. sionals is a 1 day event. Exact start and end
times can be found on our website.
Upcoming dates and venues can be found at
About mastermind
Your investment for this Getting Things Done
Mastermind is a concepting, consulting and coaching organization. To asssist in your strategy execution, we combine
Masterclass for professionals is € 495,- ex-
these capabilities with our extensive experience accross different industries. Mastermind has offices in the United King-
clusive of V.A.T. and inclusive of 2 DISCOVER
dom and the Netherlands from which we service both national and international clients.
Individual assessments and training materials.

Mastermind © 2005-2011 Want to know more? Contact us at +44 (0)20 3287 8381 or visit our website at
Getting Things Done Change Programmes


organization Organizational Perspective Organizational Organizational Management
Is your strategy execution too slow to stay health check and focus outputs and workflow dashboard
ahead of your competition? Are targets accountability
and deadlines missed frequently while 1  2  3  4  5
at the same time your people feel being

Assess your current Identify backlogs, Align your people Establish a culture of Monitor progress
business perfor- eliminate waste and with organizational trusted manage- and keep your
Our five-step ‘Getting Things Done in your
mance accross establish a clear per- outputs and estab- ment interactions organization on
organisation’ programme will help you to 11 core business spective and focus lish clear account- and clear rules of track
diagnose and fix your performance issues dimension on what really needs abilities engagement
quickly and effectively. to get done

Getting Things Done in your DISCOVER GET RETHINK

team Team perfor- Perspective Team workflow
Do you think your team can do more with mance and and focus

less stress? Do you want to build a high effectiveness

performance team? 1  2  3

Our three-step ‘Getting Things Done in your
team’ programme is designed to assist Assess your current Conduct situational Establish a culture
management groups, departments, project team make-up, analysis, establish of trusted team in-
team role in the a clear team vision teractions and clear
teams or communities to align and expand
organization and and decide on your rules of engage-
their abilities to handle issues, and meet team performance next action steps ment
organizational objectives.. and effectiveness

Getting Things Done from DISCOVER FACILITATE


professionals Professional Effective meet-

Do you want to increase the productivity of culture ings
your professionals? Want them to become
more innovative?

The key is to manage and facilitate your

knowledge workers more effectively. Assess how effec- Manage and fa-
tively your profes- cilitate professionals
sionals work together more effectively with
in teams and how a focus on outputs
they can contribute to and creative and in-
better performance novative thinking
and innovation

Getting Things Done Masterclasses

Do you want to get more things done done with less stress?
Manage your time better? Have more productive interactions with
your managers, peers en direct reports? Find innovative ways to
engage with others to achieve results?

Then there is a Getting Things Done training or masterclass for

you. You can organize them as a stand-alone in-house training
programme, participate in one of our open masterclass training
or run them as part of a larger corporate change programme. Masterclass Masterclass Masterclass
for professionals for managers for executives
„„ DIISCOVER Assessment DISCOVER Individual DISCOVER Team Manager DISCOVER DISC Executive
DISCOVER Team performance DISCOVER Organization
„„ GTD Get perspective and for focus for yourself • • •
„„ GTD 7 steps for managing personal workflow • • •
Day 1
„„ GTD Dealing with information overlaod • • •
„„ GTD Managing stress more effectively • • •
„„ GTD Get perspective and focus for your team •
„„ GTD Rethinking and redesign of team workflow •
Day 2
„„ GTD Manage teams & projects •
„„ GTD Facilitate effective meetings •
„„ GTD Get perspective and focus for your organization •
„„ GTD Rethinking and redesign of organizational workflow •
Day 2
„„ GTD Manage teams, projects & progammes •
„„ GTD Building a culture of performance •
Mastermind © 2005-2011 Want to know more? Contact us at +44 (0)20 3287 8381 or visit our website at

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