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Human Resource Management (HRM)


Human Resource Management (HRM):

Human resource management, HRM, is the department of a business organization that
looks after the hiring, management and firing of staff. HRM focuses on the function of people
within the business, ensuring best work practices are in place at all times.

Human Resource Department is an integral part of any organization. Also, the Human

Resource Manager (HRM) is a member of the management. Four basic functions of Human Resource
Management are Planning, Directing, Controlling and Organizing.

Functions & Activities of HR Management:

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 Major Functions:
1. Job Analysis & Job Design.
2. Recruitment & Selection.
3. Employees Training & Development
4. Performance Management
5. Compensation & Benefits.
6. Labor Relations
7. Managerial Relations.


In the words of Edwin B. Flippo, “Job analysis is the process of studying and collecting
information relating to the operations and responsibilities of a specific job”.

According to Scott Clothier and Spriegal, “Job analysis is the process of critically
evaluating the operations, duties and responsibilities of a specific job”.

Job Analysis Process:

The process provides information about what the job involves and what human features
are essential to carry out these activities. This information becomes vital to decide what
sort of people to recruit and hire. The data derived from job analysis process is beneficial
for estimating the value and appropriate compensation for each job.

Job analysis is a data collection function performed by the HR department that includes
the following steps:

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Recruitment & Selection:
The second HR function involves attracting people to work for the organization and
selecting the best candidates.
Attracting people usually starts with an employee brand. Being an attractive employer
has plenty of advantages – just as it is the other way around
With a strong employer brand and the right sourcing strategies, you’re already halfway
there. Once candidates apply, selection is an HR instrument to pick the best qualified and
highest-potential candidates

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 Employees Training & Development:

Imparting proper training and ensuring the right development of the selected candidates is
a crucial function of HR. After all, the success of the organisation depends on how well
the employees are trained for the job and what are their growth and development
opportunities within the organisation.

This function allows employees to acquire new skills and knowledge to perform their job
effectively. Training and development also prepares employees for higher level

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 Performance Management:
After selected, training and motivation, the next task, a HR manager has to perform is to
evaluate the personality and performance of each employee by quantitative factors (such as
targets achieved). 
In actual, with the help of performance management, the management through HR
department would like to find out how effective it has been hiring and placing employees.
Performance management allows retailers gain access to the reliable, timely information that
drives better decisions.

 Compensation & Benefits:

Benefits and compensation form the major crux of the total cost expenditure of an
organisation.  It is a must to plug the expenses, and at the same time, it is also necessary
to pay the employees well.
The primary objective of the benefits and compensation is to establish equitable and fair
remuneration for everyone. Plus, HR can use benefits and compensation as a leverage to
boost employee productivity as well as establish a good public image of the business.

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 Labor Relations:

Cordial labour relations are essential to maintain harmonious relationships between

employees at the workplace. At the workplace, many employees work together towards a
single objective. However, individually, everyone is different from the other in
Therefore, it is crucial for an HR to provide proper rules, regulations and policies about
labour relations. This way, the employees have a proper framework within which they
need to operate. 

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 Managerial Relations:

Relationships in employment are normally divided into two parts — managerial relations
and labor relations. 
Managerial relations determine the amount of work that needs to be done in a given day
and how to mobilize the workforce to accomplish the objective. It is about giving the
appropriate project to the right group of employees to ensure efficient completion of the

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