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University of Bahrain

College of health Sciences

Nursing Division
WHO Collaborating Center for Nursing Development
NUR317 Mental Health

Occupational Therapy Report

Faculty Signature: _________________ Student’s Signature: __________________

University of Bahrain
College of health Sciences
Nursing Division
WHO Collaborating Center for Nursing Development

NUR317 Mental Health

Student Name Marwa Abdulhadi Mahdi Zahra Mohamed Mayoof

Student I.D No 20184638 20187263

Patient initials S.M.H S.N.J

Age 40 29

Diagnosis Bipolar Affective Disorder P.Schizophrenia

Occupational Therapy Report

Clinical area: W 32

Activity data

Date of activity: 18/5/2021

Timing of activity: 1-2 hours.

Description of activity:

Pottery is the art or activity of making objects out of clay. According to an American art therapy

study, pottery is a therapeutic and relaxing activity, and it has a lot of benefits for mental health.

Moreover, the tactile experience of pottery can be meditative in nature and invite a deep sense of

relaxation and well-being. Heart rate and blood pressure lower, breathing regulates, and stress level

naturally sinks as the mind and body become enveloped in the world of creativity.

University of Bahrain
College of health Sciences
Nursing Division
WHO Collaborating Center for Nursing Development

NUR317 Mental Health

 To improve patients' focus, get away from their life worries and reduce their stress.

 Help the patients to express themselves by creating something with clay.

 Encourage sociability, communication, and collaboration.


In the beginning, our two patients were enthusiastic about the activity. S.M.H was curious about

what we would do and S.N.J wanted to start with it as fast as possible. So, he helped us to prepare the

activity materials. Before beginning the activity, we ensured that the activity and the location were safe

for it to be performed, and we provided instructions, the most important of which is to wear gloves

during the activity and not spread the mud material, and to dispose of the gloves immediately after

completing the activity. We were surprised by the presence of all the members of the ward to

participate in the activity. They all gave their time, effort, and creativity to manipulating the clay and

they made different shapes with it. Everyone was sitting in the place assigned to him. Besides that, for

the first time when we came to the ward, we saw all the patients sitting at one table for an activity, not

for eating a meal. This helps them to socialize with each other.

During the activity, the patient’s movement was normal, there was no hyperactivity or lethargy.

S.M.H did not move as much as he usually does like when he is sitting in a chair, he moves his body,

but in the activity, he appeared calm and had no abnormal body movements. S.N.J was also sitting in

his place; he did not go suddenly and then come back or go when he heard the bell ringing to see who

was coming to the ward as he usually does. In addition to that, the two of them were totally focused on

the activity, they knew what they were doing, and they were both conscious, directed, and cooperative
University of Bahrain
College of health Sciences
Nursing Division
WHO Collaborating Center for Nursing Development

NUR317 Mental Health

and following our instructions. On the other hand, S.N.J had no thoughts and did not suddenly interrupt

the activity to speak. He is usually a talkative and interrupting characteristic. Our patients spoke within

the range of reasoning, and their pitch and speed were normal. Besides that, their facial expressions

seem to be they are enjoying and feeling confident while performing the activity, especially S.M.H

because he was sad, slept most of the time and felt a little depressed, so the change of his facial

experience from sadness to happiness was very noticeable. S.M.H made a cup shape, and he insisted on

us adjusting it, so I told him that everyone should complete his work and innovate in it himself, so he

modified it, while S.N.J made about five shapes, including a ship and a turtle, and he wanted everyone

to see his work to compliment him.

After they finished the activity, the two of them got rid of their gloves and wanted us to evaluate

their work. The activity ended and the patients were in a happy mood.  We did a small interview with

them about the activity, and both said that it was very interesting. S.M.H said "I liked the activity very

much, and what you did for us made us feel fine, and your idea was more than wonderful. Thank you

very very much". Our goals were achieved as evidenced by the patient’s reactions and behavior before

and during and at the end of the activity in the given report. They showed interest, were focused,

socializing with each other and their stress was reduced too. Goal Met.
University of Bahrain
College of health Sciences
Nursing Division
WHO Collaborating Center for Nursing Development

NUR317 Mental Health


About Alt.Cardiff. (2017, October 24). Alt.Cardiff.

Bridges to Recovery. (2018, December 26). The Shape of Healing: The Power of Pottery in Mental

Health Treatment.



Clayground Studio and Gallery. (2020, April 21). Top 10 Health Benefits of Pottery. ClayGround

Studio & Gallery.

Guest Author for (2020, July 29). Creativity and Recovery: The Mental Health Benefits

of Art Therapy. Resources To Recover.

Helena de Morais, A., Roecker, S., Jodas Salvagioni, D. A., & Jacklin Eler, G. (2014). Significance of

clay art therapy for psychiatric patients admitted in a day hospital. Investigación y Educación

En Enfermería, 32(1), 128–138.

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