Self Management

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I graduated from an international school, BSB, having met people of different races and religions, thus

enhanced my people-management skills as I learned to communicate and accept people’s differences. In

school I got away with poor time-management and no organizational skills, but the load university puts on
made me realize that my ways don’t always work, highlighting my need for proper self-management
skills. I enjoy change and challenges and so learning new skills interest me, it's the routines that kill my
joy. To me, I come first, my well-being, physically/ mentally, and so my “me times”are crucial, though
they sometimes lead me to procrastinate my work. I enjoy life, the new given freedom of a semi-adult, the
uncertainty of the future, and as a principle, I don’t do 2 things: stress and regret, whenever I feel stress
creeping in, I step back and entertain myself, thus refilling myself with positivity and joy. As for no
regrets, I know that the decisions I made were those I thought were best at that moment, and I trust my
judgement, and dwelling on the past is a waste of time.

1. Management refers to the ability to coordinate and administer tasks efficiently and effectively to
achieve a goal (indeed career ,2020), and self-management is the ability to find self-control, and control
one's thoughts, feelings and actions (indeed,2020). Self-management is an essential life skill as it
promotes independence and personal responsibility (indeed,2020), it focuses on improving skills that help
a person manage time, achieve goals, reduce stress, cope with change, be flexible and stay focused
((pdf,2020)). Once a person is able to efficiently self-manage, he/she will be able to work at maximum
productivity and would be able to independently set goals and take initiative to achieve them.

2. Self-management focuses on increasing self-responsibility by encompassing different sets of skills,

qualities and attitudes that enable you to become happy and successful in both your personal and
professional life ((pdf,2020),. All self-management enhancement skills are interconnected and dependent
on each other. People tend to develop different personal techniques to help gain management skills, as
each persons’ take on the meaning and importance of the skill differs.
Time-management, given that time comes in limited supply and cannot be taken back, is crucial.
Time-management refers to the way you plan and organize the time slots for each of your tasks, if done
efficiently, you'd reduce associated stress (™ link) , and would be able to make time to be creative and
proactive with your goals, enabling you to learn new skills and participate in different activities
(indeed,2020). If however, your time is not managed properly, your workflow will become lumpy and
inefficient as you'd be stressed out trying to squeeze in work, and messing deadlines,the quality of the
work you produce would also decrease significantly as you would be rushing to finish (™ link), making
time-management, the most sought after skill. There are many techniques that help enhance a person's
time-management like prioritizing, when you prioritize tasks, make sure you prioritize based on the most
time sensitive, as to ensure its completion before deadline, and for those with no time limit, know how
much time they take, that way, when setting plans, you set those more time-critical first, followed by the
others according to their completion time(indeed,2020, (pdf,2020)). This strategy is efficient if you are
able to follow through, however I have found that some tasks may take longer than anticipated due to
various reasons, or that the task’s length was underestimated in the beginning,which could cause problems
if the schedule created is tight and has no room for change. Another technique to manage time is setting a
routine, once a person follows a routine, he/she gets familiar with what's expected to be done, and how its
done, thus saving time as he/she would be able to gain speed and efficiency (scheduler ,2013), however, I
personally believe that routines de-incentivize people to work, as repetition and the lack of change limits
exposure to new situations and the ability to be creative, hence creating a boring atmosphere that might
end up wasting more time, than saving it. Because I am not the type of person that likes writing up

to-do-lists, or following schedules, I found a way that allows me to attend to the hectic university needs
and the other activities that bring me joy; I made more time. I started sleeping at 11-11:30 PM and waking
up at 6-7 AM, giving me extra 6-7 hours I previously did not have, in which I balance both my university
work, and personal activities.
self-motivation is another important skill that allows you to keep forward progress and not lose focus on
your goals (indeed,2020). Without motivation, people would start losing the bigger picture of why they’re
doing things. When people have long to-do-lists, they start getting demotivated as the tasks seem endless
and impossible to complete, the same goes for long-term plans too, when they are too long-term, they feel
very far away and unapproachable. One technique that helps maintain motivation is including short-term
goals and easy tasks in the to-do-lists ((pdf,2020)). Once you complete a short-term goal/ task, you get a
taste of success, motivating you to go on and completing more, thus restoring your hope and
self-confidence, the more things you check out of a to-do-list, the closer you seem to finishing of your
work and the closer you are to achieving your goal, further incentivizing you to work. Demotivation
conflicts with time-management as it can cause laziness and things like writer’s block, making the person
unproductive, however these are easy to overcome. Whenever I feel stuck and out of ideas, I increase the
blood flow to my brain, by going upside down (headstand/ handstand) or by jumping. The increased
blood in my head relaxes me and gives me a more focused sense, thus helping me overcome my block.
However when it's laziness that staggers my workflow, I try laughing as much as possible, and so
whenever I don’t feel like working, whether it's laziness or tiredness, I take a 5-10 minute break talking to
funny people or watching comedy shows, thus filling me up with energy and motivating me to start
working again. My techniques work, however, sometimes I get carried away and 10 minute breaks turn
into an hour long ones.

3..All self-management skills are important and essential to finding peace and success, as they all target
the same ideas at different angles, but personally, I prioritize 4 skills over the others; organization,
self-motivation / confidence, stress-management and the management of one's emotions.
Organization: when aspects in your life are well arranged and organized like your thoughts, tasks,
appointments and work space, your mind is kept at ease as it creates a safe space with the illusion that you
are in control, thus help you cope with the ever-changing uncertainty of life and boosts your confidence.
Being organized will not only increase your work efficiency by helping you physcologically calm your
mind, but by increasing functionality too. Being able to locate resources easily and having everything
ready for when needed, decrease time spent looking for things, hence increase productivity (indeed,2020).
self-motivation / confidence: It's important for one to be self-confident, as self-confidence gives you the
ability to face life’s challenges with positivity and ease (managing self ,2020). The belief in one's
strengths and abilities increases self respect, increasing others' respect towards you, making you happy
and proud with yourself, thus motivating you and enhancing your performances in all aspects of your life
((pdf,2020)). However, when a person has low self-esteem and lacks confidence in his/her abilities, they
are more prone to stress, as they believe they are not good enough. This perspective negatively affects
them psychologically and makes them less productive.
If we have no goals in life, nothing to look forward to, you tend to feel lost as you have no sense of
purpose, and so self-motivation is important. Self-motivation provides you with a drive and makes sure
you don't lose your focus and willingness to achieve great things. When you are able to self motivate
yourself, you'll be able to take initiative in making your goals come true, and unlike those
un-internally-motivated, you would be able to carry out those task from start to finish, ensuring you don’t
drop out mid-way when things start getting hard as you would be driven by the desire to succeed
Stress management: stress affects a person's wellbeing both physically and mentally(managing self
,2020), as increasing pressure affects the ability to concentrate thus reducing productivity. (indeed career
,2020). Stress occurs when “there is an imbalance between demand on a person, and the resources

available to respond to that demand” (managing self ,2020), it affects each person differently, there is the
good type of stress, where the pressure is seen as a challenge and creates motivation, making the brain
and body want to extend and respond to conquer the situation and then there is the other type that gets
crushed under the overload. Effective stress-management is not about avoiding all stressors, it's about
proactively managing stress (indeed,2020) to help you remain calm and using the challenge to your
advantage, for its “your perception of the stressor'' that determines the severity of the stress( .

Emotion management: emotional well-being is an important factor in our ability to work, manage and
succeed, yet people tend to ignore it, thinking that it's only our thoughts and actions that affect. Emotions
can prevent efficiency as they can get in the way of rational thinking, hence, the importance of emotion
management. To manage emotions, 3 things are suggested; knowing your emotions, experiencing them,
and expressing them ((pdf,2020)). To many people, having emotions is a sign of weakness, yet they don't
recognize that it's the bottled-up emotions inside them that clouds their judgements.

4.People: people management is about understanding others, given that I have no first-hand experience on
how people are managed in the corporate world, I will be discussing how people are supposed to be
managed in one’s social life. Some prefer having a little group of friends, I on the other hand enjoy being
part of different, wider groups, I find the different ways in which groups act entertaining. I believe the
best way to manage and maintain people in your life is by understanding, not judging them and accepting
their differences. Each individual comes from a different background, with different thoughts and beliefs
and different views on what’s right and wrong and so when others join in your life, it is not up to you to
change those people, nor do you have the right to impose your opinions on them. Sometimes it's hard not
judging someone else's behaviour, especially when the things they do don't align with what you consider
right, but it's up to you to either go out of your way and bully them, or keep it to yourself, thus
maintaining your relation with them and gaining their trust. However, there would be times where you
have to stand up to their actions, and when that happens, try to remain respectful, if possible.
Money:managing money is one I used to struggle with, I would usually assign myself a budget, but
because I had access to the rest of the money, controlling my urges was hard, and so the most effective
strategy that has helped me control my spending, is finding something to save for. Saving with an aim,
helps motivate you to save as you want to reach that aim and make it happen, it's exciting. I am currently
saving to buy a“penny-farthing”, a cycle with one big, one small tire.. Once I get my money, I save a part
of it, and manage myself with the remaining. This limits my spending abilities, but has made me more
price considerate and in-control. Saving is good, if not overdone, as people start becoming “stingy”. There
is no harm in being truly committed to your saving’s goal, but not allowing yourself to enjoy your money
and spend on things that make you happy, is wrong, in my opinion.
Time is an essential resource, as it is limited and cannot be taken back (managing self ,2020).To manage
my time, I assign time slots and create action plans to organize my activities. When following action
plans, I am able to manage my time efficiently, however the ability to follow those action plans is
dependent on various internal and external factors, some tasks might take longer and plans might pop-up
disabling you to work on the assigned task . Some find having time slots assigned for everything very
stressful as it constraints their times, limiting their spontaneous actions.

5.There are 4 techniques I implement that help me adjust with the university life and its demands:
Exercise, action-plans, revision and other activities. Physical health is a priority as it helps me maintain
my balance. According to the washington post, exercise and problem-solving capabilities are directly
linked (becker ,2020), as it keeps the mind and body healthy and active.I’ve also realized that after a
challenging exercise, I am left with an amazing boost of self-confidence and accomplishment, making me

feel unbreakable. Along with the normal exercises, I enjoy cycling, the fresh air liberates me, removing
all doubts and worries, making me more productive and efficient. I never had a lot to do in school, and so
never needed to be organized, but I realized that action-plans are the only way I'd be able to stay on track
with all my subjects in university. Goal-setting enables a person to determine all that needs to be done and
prioritize tasks which help in creating an action-plan of how to achieve them (indeed,2020). Creating an
action-plan helps save time and maintain focus as it highlights the order in which tasks are to be
completed. However I have found that tasks with the least importance tend to get ignored as there are
always more important things to do, making the completion of the minor tasks less likely.
I also try to revise and make notes on a daily basis, thus ensuring I don’t fall behind. During lessons, I
take quick notes, the important things teachers mentio,. then I make more in-detailed notes using the other
resources like powerpoints and books. After making notes, I read through them, revising everything I
learned that day, ensuring the information remains in my head. This method enables me to participate in
class confidently as I am ready with answers. I don’t like having to work all the time, as it de-incentivizes
me, and so I make sure I participate in enough activities to keep me entertained and open to new
experiences, this way I maintain a more positive outlook on everything enabling me to be creative and
more efficient when it comes to working and problem-solving

6.“A leader is the one in charge, the person that convinces other people to follow” (vocabulary,2020).
Inorder to become an effective leader, you have to efficiently utilize all resources available(scheduler
,2013). I don’t step in as leader in group projects if I don’t need to, however, in times where others don’t
step in, I do, and to be respected as a leader, you have to be able to manage yourself and others.Creating a
vision; as a leader, imagine the future, recognize the opportunities that are on the way, and organize your
resources accordingly. When setting a vision and sharing it with those you’re leading, you motivate them
by showing them what it is they are working towards, thus giving them a sense of a higher purpose and
importance (HR,2020). However, when setting a vision, make sure they are not as far-fetched and are
manageable within a certain time-frame, impossible visions or those that are very long-term, tend to
demotivate teams as the possibility of them becoming a reality is slim.
It is also your duty as a leader to be responsive to change, and making sure you ease transition, ensuring
minimal effect on productivity. change occurs due to internal / external factors and the uncertainty of
things evoke fear in many(managing self ,2020). Preventing shocks is impossible, but changing with
change, reduces the severity of future shocks, however, in order to implement change, you need the
corporation of the team as a whole, some of whom might be resistant to change. To ensure minimal effect
on productivity, you should implement flexible processes that increase your team’s ability to change with
As a leader, you have to be well organized. Organization radiates a sense of order and control, thus
increasing team members’ confidence in your skills. If a leader is always organized, team members would
be encouraged to follow similar habits (notemastic,2020), but organization is not only about knowing
where your pen is, it is about dividing the work into achievable tasks, and delegating each task to the
person with the most relevant skills, thus efficiently utilizing each person’s individual skills and talents,
increasing the team’s productivity as a whole (indeed career ,2020). As an organized leader, it's best if you
check-up on teammates, making sure that they are on top of tasks, and not overwhelmed by
them(scheduler ,2013). Some misunderstand the idea of organizing a team with controlling, yes in order
to be taken seriously, you do have to delegate and to some extent control, but you cannot go on ordering
people around with no respect, assigning them random tasks, and expect them to be productive,efficient
and respectful towards you.


- P > the ability to plan activities, and go through with them reflects responsibility.
- L > mastering the art of managing one’s self would enable them to lead efficiently and effectively,
as their self-management abilities promote trust and confidence.
- O> efficiently organizing time and the other aspects in one’s life enables working creatively and
proactively (indeed,2020)
- C> evaluating the speed/ progress of your work, highlights your strengths and weaknesses.
Knowing your strengths gains you confidence and knowing your weaknesses allows you to work
on improving them.
- P> To gain time-management skills, one needs to be able to set target goals and plan their day
- O> organizing tasks/activities efficiently allows effective to manage time
- C> when finding out that goals are not met, you can alter your plans to increase efficiency and
meet goals.
- P> defining goals and planning the day accordingly, ensures goals are met and maximizes
day-to-day productivity.
- O> being organized creates the impression of being in control, boosting confidence. It also
reduces wasted time thus increasing productivity.
- C > monitoring emotions is important when wanting to gain self-management skills, and so a
person has to continuously check-up on his/her state of emotional well-being.
- Q4:
- P> budgeting and deciding how much to save increases ability to manage money
- O>organizing time slots for activities help increase efficient time-management
- C> checking-up on, and reconnecting with others helps maintain relations
- P> action plans help coordinate and prioritize tasks.
- O> organizing time and university work efficiently gives a chance to focus on other activities too.
- C> constantly evaluating progress ensures keeping track with all that is done and due, thus
boosting confidence and gives reassurance that university is not hard, and acing it should not be a
- P> planing results in efficiently allocating resources and delegating responsibility thus increase
productivity and ensure objectives are met on time (notemastic,2020)
- L> If not confident, or comfortable with commanding, the management.pdf team might not be
able to finish a task as no-one would take initiative and start. Leading also includes motivating
and boosting team morale when facing challenges.
- O> complete utilization of resources occurs when properly organized (notemastic,2020). The
ability to reorganize in response to new challenges and growth increases
- C> monitoring the performances of the others and make changes when needed helps ensures
everything runs smoothly

indeed. 2020. self management skills. [ONLINE] Available at:
[Accessed 24 November 2020].
pdf. 2020. managing self. [ONLINE] Available at:
a7-4d3a-ad2c-08e2f96c8abd. [Accessed 1 December 2020].pdf. 2016. why learn
management. [ONLINE] Available at:
ant.pdf. [Accessed 4 August 2020].

skillizen. 2019. self management skills. [ONLINE] Available at:
our-life/. [Accessed 26 December 2019].
pdf. 2019. successful self management. [ONLINE] Available at:
[Accessed 26 December 2019].
- indeed. 2020. career guide. [ONLINE] Available at:
[Accessed 19 October 2020].
- resource scheduler. 2013. managing organizational resources. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 1
December 2020].
- 2020. definition. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 1 December 2020].
- human resources. 2020. basics of managing. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 1 December 2020].

- mind tools. 2020. what is time management. [ONLINE] Available at:
ime%20in%20the%20day. [Accessed 1 December 2020].

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