Indian Ocean Online Activity

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​Name: ​Alicia Lobaina

Indian Ocean in the Post-Classical Age (600-1450 CE)

A. Visit the site ​

B. Under Learning Tools click Student Guide and Indian Ocean Overview. Read the introduction
and answer.

1. Describe the Indian Ocean region:

The Indian Ocean is the ocean that is under Asia. It covers area from the Tropic of Cancer in
the Northern Hemisphere to the Tropic of Capricorn in the Southern Hemisphere. It is above
the southern ocean and it is considered the 3rd largest ocean only under the Atlantic and
2. What is a monsoon and what is its significance? Which occupations would benefit the
most from the knowledge of the monsoons? Why?
(Also, open the Prehistoric maps in a new tab click on the Monsoon Geography Icon) .
A monsoon is a strong wind and the Indian Ocean contains the largest Monsoon system. The
monsoon system can cause it to get rainy in the summer and dry in the winter. The Monsoons
are significant because they affect most of all the countries in the southern part of Asia. Even
though monsoons are dangerous they are predictable and the knowledge of monsoons can
benefit sailers, farmers, and merchants. Sailers will know when is best to sail, farmers know
when it is best to harvest, and merchants know when it is best to trade and when the winds are
strong enough to lead their boats.
C. Scroll to the top of the page and click ‘Learning Tools & Historical Overviews.’
Click ‘Medieval Era Overview. Read it and answer the following:

3. What time period does the “Medieval Era” cover according to the site?
It covered 300 c.e to 1450 c.e.

4. Why might this periodization be different than the AP World History curriculum
It may be different because the overview establishes it earlier since they see the 4th-6th
centuries as significant and they see them as the beginning of the medieval era while the AP
curriculum counts the beginning as being in 600 c.e because the 4th- 6th centuries were not as
5. In detail, explain the “major changes” in the eastern end of the Indian Ocean region.
Be specific!
The Tang ans SOng dynasties reunited China and brought prosperity through the country.
They began to trade, mainly maritime trading in the Icdina Ocean. Buddhism spread across
China because of trade and pilgrims began to travel as missionaries and scholars. Religious
tolerance grew and China was prosperring. Until, the mongols invaded but China over came it
and began to explore larger areas across the Icdian Ocean.
6. Describe the port of Guangzhou (Canton).
The port of Canton was a large commercial port where many merchants went to trade. The
port was mainly known for its religious tolerance, many diffrent people of different religions
lived together in this area. Many statues were erect symbolising how the different religions
lived in peace together.
7. In detail, explain the “major changes” in the western end of the Indian Ocean region.
Be specific!
In the western Indian ocean Islamic beliefs spread rapidly. Soon Islam became a major
religion in that region and most people spoke Arabic. The Umayyad and Abbasid empires
reigned over the area and ruled from Spain to the Chinease border. Many technologies were
found and trade flourished.
8. What type of Muslim communities spread around widely? Where did they spread?
Merchant communities spread around quickly through the all the places bordering the INidan
9. What is Swahili?
Swahli is a coastal culture that evolved from East African city-states. It combines African,
Islamic, and reigioanl influences int heir culture.
10. Where was the “central hinge” for trade in the Indian Ocean? What goods were
The central hinge was India and they traded spices, cotton, gold, ivory, and many other simple
and fancy things.
11. Malay and ​southeast Asian ​regions were active in this time. Traders used the
the route to ​China t​ hrough the Strait of Malacca……

12. Describe the inventions in ships and navigation that helped maritime trade to flourish
during this time period.
There were many innovations in ships and navigation in this time period mainly with sails.
The invention of the triangular sail came aout int his time period. Also, many innovations in
maps came about mainly because of advancements in astrology and mathematics.
D. Under Maps, click Medieval Era. ​Explore the map & answer​:

13. What are the main water and overland routes used? (4 total—2 land & 2 water)
The routes connecting India and Africa throug the Indian Ocean, the routes connecting
China and the Southeastern countries, the routes connecting China and Africa, and the routes
connecting the middleeast and Africa.
14. Where on the map do ​water routes​ and ​overland routes​ converge such that goods
transported via water can then be carried to another destination overland, or vice versa?
Many routes converge in Iraq and the middleeast.
15. Look at the travelers. From what regions/civilizations did most of them come?
Compare that to the travelers on the Classical Era map.
Most of them are from China and Muslim sdominated countries. IN the classicla era most of
the travelers were Roman and European with a few Egyptians.
E. In your own words, how would you describe trade in the Post-Classical Era?
I believe trade in the post classical era had more cultural diversity therefore there was a larger
amount of trade. Also, there were a variety of advancements made when trade began in the
Indian ocean. Additionally, post classical trade brought on the expansion of the Islamic
relgion and many others such as Buddism.

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