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Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad

B. Tech. IV Sem. (Civil) 2020-21



1. Describe in brief:
(a) Methods of levelling (e) Objective
(b) Level tube & its sensitivity (f) Diaphragm
(c) Bench Mark and types (g) Levelling staff and types
(d) Eye-piece (h) Temporary Adjustments of dumpy level

2. The B.S. on a staff held vertical on a B.M. (on the floor of a room) whose R.L. is 135.000m is
1.210m and the F.S. on a staff held vertically inverted against a roof slab is 1.805m. Find the R.L.
of the roof slab and the height of the room.

3. The following consecutive readings were taken with a dumpy level:

1.590, 1.500, 1.865, 2.570, 2.990,
2.020, 2.410, 2.520, 2.960, 3.115, 3.530
The level was shifted after 4th, 6th, and 9th readings. The R.L. of the first point was 150.000m.
Rule out a page your tutorial sheet as a level book and fill all the columns by:
(a) H.I. method (b) Rise and Fall method
Apply usual checks. Also indicate the highest and the lowest points.

4. The following consecutive readings were taken with a dumpy level and a 4m levelling staff on
continuously sloping ground at 20m interval:
1.130, 1.510, 1.855, 2.330, 2.885, 3.380, 1.055,
1.860, 2.265, 3.540, 0.720, 0.940, 1.495, 2.215
The R.L. of the starting point was 150.000m. Carry out the reductions using rise and fall method.
Find out gradient of the line joining first and last point.

5. What do you understand by balancing of sight? How the error due to non-parallelism of line of
collimation and axis of bubble tube is eliminated through balancing of sights.

6. Discuss the effects of curvature and refraction in levelling. Find the correction due to each and
combined correction.

7. Discuss reciprocal levelling and its suitability. Explain how the procedure of reciprocal levelling
eliminates the effect of earth’s curvature and atmospheric refraction.

8. Differentiate between:
(a) Profile levelling & Cross-sectioning
(b) Internal focussing & external focussing telescopes

9. Discuss the characteristics of contours. Describe various methods of contouring with their merits
and demerits.

10. Briefly write down the uses of contour maps.

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