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Hi Etzel,

Fantastic post. Teen pregnancy is linked to poor decision-making skills and a lack of social
maturity. This resource is a non-profit group that assists underprivileged children and families
(Dillon,2014). The reduction in figures may be due to the education and programs made
available to this age group and the recognition that school districts have given to children in this
age group.

Dillon, M. E. (2014). Adolescent pregnancy and mental health. International Handbook of
Adolescent Pregnancy, 79-102.

Hi Sarah,
Fantastic post. When a young girl or couple participates in sexual intercourse without taking the
necessary steps to avoid serious health effects, the most serious is underage pregnancy
(Dillon,2014). When it comes to having a child or being pregnant, pregnant teens would require
a lot of emotional and emotional support from their family, friends, and school district. Assisting
adolescents going through this challenging time and programs geared especially toward pregnant
girls or others who are already parents help them advance and graduate.

Dillon, M. E. (2014). Adolescent pregnancy and mental health. International Handbook of
Adolescent Pregnancy, 79-102.

Hi Ganga

Fantastic post. Stress may have a substantial negative impact on teens when they move through
their daily lives—identifying the main stressors that affect teens assists with providing the right
amount of treatment to help them recover. If they want to advance, they'll have to do incredibly
well at any level (Dillon,2014). Teenagers become overwhelmed due to all of this stress, often to
the point of mental breakdown. Teens are still too stressed to cope, whether they're trying to keep
up or nailing every task.

Dillon, M. E. (2014). Adolescent pregnancy and mental health. International Handbook of
Adolescent Pregnancy, 79-102.

Hi Rocio
Risk-taking behaviors are believed to be linked to the desire for social and peer acceptance.
Several stressors may influence adolescence. Environmental stressors affect one's well-being.
There is a connection between early childhood sexual abuse by family members and the
occurrence of domestic violence later in life (Dillon,2014). Adolescents struggle with self-
esteem as their bodies change, and social media forces promote idealistic images of beauty. In
the battle to reduce such stressors, parental care social networking platforms are critical.

Dillon, M. E. (2014). Adolescent pregnancy and mental health. International Handbook of
Adolescent Pregnancy, 79-102.


Only whether a child has systemic complications, atypical background, focal tenderness,
allodynia, reduced joint range of motion, or joint swelling should laboratory, or radiographic
tests be performed. Total blood count, C-reactive protein, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate are
examples of laboratory tests. The laboratories would show thrombocytopenia if the discomfort
were caused by leukemia. The laboratories would show thrombocytosis if the discomfort were
consistent with an inflammatory disorder. The lab would show leukocytosis if an infection
caused the discomfort. Children's musculoskeletal accidents vary from adults', and they are most
likely to experience physical breaks in the hand (Bradley,2015). Tendinosis affects swimmers
and throwers, as well as dancers' iliopsoas. Finally, repeated activities such as skipping, riding,
and throwing cause stress injuries such as apophysitis in infants. Development plate fractures,
which arise before the age of eight, are a popular type of fracture in infants.

Bradley, D. (2015). Patient documentation for minor injuries. Managing Minor Musculoskeletal

Injuries and Conditions, 45-55.

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