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Unit 7:

My partner, Binh, has quite an unhealthy eating habit. He usually eats nothing in the morning if he has
to go to school. Sometimes on the day off, he eats hamburgers and instant noodles, which are not good
for his health. During the day in school, he often has fast foods and soda even for lunch. He said he likes
fast foods and canned foods and always buy them in the convenience store. He also doesn’t eat
vegetables and fish. He loves fried chicken and chips.

I have given him some advice and he has promised to try a new healthier diet. I suggest he drink water
milk instead of Coca-Cola, eat a lot of fish and vegetables. He can try beans and peas because they are
not fatty but very nutrient. Besides, he should stop consuming so many fast foods. He had better do
some exercises if he wants to lose weight and keeps fit and healthy.

Unit 8:
Tourist can bring many benefits of economic, employment, social, but on the other hand, tourist may
create some negative effects on the region or country. Firstly, the natural environment is damaged
seriously. When the number of tourists is increasing, it means that the environment is more and more
destroyed. More trash will be discharged such as food shells, domestic waste…. And some tourism
activities can affect strongly the environment because of the vehicle, the tourist lacks awareness.
Secondly, traditional ways of life are affected by tourists. Many tourists can have different cultural, this
may affect strong to the traditional ways because they need to welcome a large number of tourists in
one day

Unit 9:
The role of a teenager is never constant. it changes time by times. In the past, no one respects an
adolescent. They just take them for granted. But now, since the start of the 21st century, all things
change in a significant way, people especially teenagers get more chances to prove themselves. They
begin to do extra work which even though a bit low-paid still contribute partly or wholly to the
economies of these countries. Not only in this aspect, but they have more impact on another field also,
some teenagers are so intelligent that they could set up a company on their own and manage all the
things. Some teenagers got many certificates at a young age and this is affecting the world

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