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When people are looking to move to an area, when they need trees to make houses and to do
other tasks, then they contribute to deforestation. Without plants around, the rest of the biome
cannot thieves
2. Farming practice
Farmers do not know how to use land effectively. They essentially strip the land of
everything that it has to move in to another lot of land. By stripping the soil of its nutrient,
desertification become more of a reality for the area being used or the purpose of farming.
3. Use of fertilizers and pesticides excessively
Use of an excessive amount f the fertilizers and the pesticides to maximize their crop yields
in a short term which often leads to a significant damage for the soil.
In a long run this may turn from a arable into arid land over the period of time and it will no
longer be suitable for the farming purpose after a few year of excessive farming since the
solid has been damaged to much over the time.
4. Over drafting of the ground water
The groundwater is defined as the freshwater found underground and also is one of the
largest after source. The over drafting is the process in which the groundwater is extracted in
excess of the equilibrium yield of the aquifer that is pumping or the excessive pulling up of
the ground water from the under ground aquifers. Its depletion causes the desertification.
5. Urbanization and types of land development
As previously stated, development will cause people to die and plants to die. It can also be
cause other types of issues with the soil due to the chemical and other things that may harm
the ground. As the area become more urbanized, there are few and few places for the plants
to grow, this cause desertification
6. Climate change
It plays an important and huge role in the desertification, as the days gets by the temperature
rises and the period of drought become more frequent the desertification become more and
more eminent
Until unless the climate change is slowed down, huge areas of the land will become desert,
some areas may even become even more uninhabitable as the time goes by.
7. Stripping the land resources
An area of land that has natural resources like the natura gas oi, or the mineral people will
come and mine it or take it out. This will usually strip the so full of nutrients which in turn
will kill the plant life and eventually leads to the process of becoming a desert biome as time
goes by.
8. Natural disasters
There are some cases where the land gets damped because of the natural disasters it included
drought. There isn't anything people can do in these situations except work to try to help
rehabilitate the land after it has been ravaged by nature.
9. Soil pollution
The pollution of soil is an important cause of the desertification in most of the plants, they are
quite sensitive to their natural living conditions. When the soil become more polluted due to

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