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Player Integrity Contract

Welcome Columbia River Football student/athlete to the 2021 football season!

The coaches are dedicated to ensuring a fun, successful, and safe season. It is our endeavor to ensure your sacrifices, hard
work, and determination will payoff in a season you will remember the rest of your life.

The privilege of being a CR football player, like all privileges in life – comes with responsibilities. These responsibilities and
expectations are required. They will help us meet our season’s goals and your life goals of staying safe and healthy.
Ultimately, they will allow you to represent your teammates, coaches, community, and parents with class and character on
and off the field.

I challenge you to make the following commitments with the greatest sincerity. There will be no accepted excuses for
deviations from these commitments that you are making for yourself and the team.

If you are sick or feeling sick you need to stay home! This is new. Please do not come to practice if you are sick or feeling
like you may be getting sick. We do not need to have an outbreak and have to cancel a game. Notify me if this is the case.

Name (Print Name) _________________________________________

***Please initial the following:

1. ________I will not violate any of the rules in the school handbook (alcohol, tobacco, or drugs) . I understand that
any violation of this commitment will result in immediate disciplinary action as outlined in the Columbia River
School Handbook.

2. ________I will behave on and off the field with pride and class. I understand that in game swearing at officials and
opponents is a violation (and penalty) as is the hazing and harassment of opponents or teammates…These types of
actions will not be tolerated…..The River Way all the way!.

3. ________I recognize that the team always comes first. I will attend all planned team functions to support the CR
football program and the CR community.

4. ________I will be dependable, coachable, loyal, disciplined and follow all of the team and school rules.

5. ________I will be a gentlemen, good citizen, and good family man.

6. ________I will work hard to pass all of my classes. I understand that having two or more F’s will place me on the
ineligibility list until I can get those grades up.

7. ________I will respect the locker room, bus/bus driver, and equipment – Home and Away.

8. ________I will be early, ready to play or participate in all team practices, meetings, and events.

9. ________I will give maximum effort…even if nobody is watching. Practice like a winner. Mental Toughness!

10. ________I will represent the team, my family and community with pride when traveling and on the playing field.

11. ________I will notify a coach (not player) if I am going to miss/be late to practice. Work with coaches directly.

12. ________I will have fun and remember this is a game!

Player Printed Name___________________________Player signature ____________________________Date _________

Parent Printed Name___________________________Parent signature ___________________________ Date _________

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