The Odd Couple ODD PAGES 16

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OLIVE. (into phone) Well, personally I think she's FLORENCE. What else did he say?
taking it very well, Sidney. OuvE. But as a wo man , yo u're craz y as a bedbug.
FLORENCE.I am NOT taking it well. I'm taking it like ~LORENC E. ( She walks to kitchen door, stops and says
a crazy woman. You call this taking it well? deliberately:) Oh, really? . . . Is tha t wha t the sh or t
OLIVE. (into phone, warmly ) Oh, I know you have, hairless cowboy sa id? .. . Well, tell him he'll ne ver find
Sidney. You've been wonderful that way, God bless ano the r wo man like me if he Jives to be a thousan d .
you. (She goes into kitchen with dishes.)
FLORENCE . WHAT DO YOU MEAN, "GOD BLESS OLIVE. . .. Which bedroom do you want? One yo u
YOU"? DON'T "GOD BLESS HIM"!! can see New Jer sey, the oth er you can see a guy who
OLIVE. ( to FLORENCE) He sneezed, what do yo u sleeps naked.
want from me?? FLORENCE.(She comes oui of ki tchen.) You know
FLORENCE.I'm sorry. Does he want to speak to me? I'm _glad. Becau se he fina lly made me rea lize. It's over!
A sk him if he wants to speak to me? It didn' t sink in un t il j us t this min ut e. ( continues to tidy
OLIVE. (into phone) Er, Sidney , would you like to up)
talk to her? OLIVE. You want some sleeping pills ? Take some
FLORENCE. (reaches out) Give me t he phone. I'll talk sleeping pills .
to him. FLORENCE.I can't swallow them .
OLIVE. (into phone) Oh, you don't want to talk to OLIVE. You can suck on the m all night.
her. FLORE':'CE. I don't think I belie ved him un til just now .
FLORENCE.(sho cked) He doesn't wan t to talk to me? My marriage is rea lly over.
OLIVE. (into phone) Yes. I see . . . I understand .. . I OLIVE. Florence, let's go to bed. I have anothe r career
agree ... You're absolutely right ... Okay. You take besides you.
care too ... Goodbye. ( She hangs up.) FLORENCE.Somehow it do esn't seem so bad no w. J
FLORENCE.He didn't want to speak to me? mean I think I can Jive with this thing.
OLIVE. (sympathetically) No. OLIVE. Good. Live with it tomo rro w. Go to bed
FLORENCE. Then why did he call? tonight.
OLIVE. He just wanted to make sure you wer e alr ight. FLORENCE.I will . I ju st want to start rearranging our
FLORENCE.He did? life. Get things in order. Do you ha ve a pad? I wa nt to
OLIVE. He sa id he loves you very much and that ma ke out the me nus for the week.
you 're a wonderful mother and a wife. OLIVE. NO MENUS! Don't plan m y food . I don't
FLORENCE.He said that? .. . What else did he say? want to mak e any promises to a roast chicken. Please go
OLIVE. It wasn't impo rtant. to bed!!
FLORENCE.What else did he say? FLORENCE. Can I pleas e be alone for a few minutes? I
OLIVE. It was nothing. hav e to collect my thoughts. (starts to pick up the debris

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