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As a responder of crisis within the condition, I would prefer to debriefing female which
was detained hostage, earlier boss of men as well as women which viewed the condition and
called 911. They experienced something wounding. These are feeling emotional distress. There
are many numbers of physical level indicators like fluctuation of pulse and blood pressure. There
is extreme emotional level as well as mental level symptoms which follow traumatic experience
but also physical indicators (Abdollahpour, et al., 2019). I imagine that victim would present
symptoms following the event. Trauma these individual have faced could lead to disassociation,
time distortion, inhibit the capability for process information, inhibit the brain left and right side
from connecting, etc.

Victims are feeling big stress at incident time but should stay hopeful that god can head
emotional pain. This is typical to hopeful regarding the future after witnessing something like
this but god is good and enough capable to bring peace with hope. Debriefing is different
compare to long time counseling as known as the approach which is more immediate after
incident which experienced through the client. Counseling of long time crisis is ongoing as well
as gradual procedure of growth. Debriefing and cognitive behavioral counseling approaches
increased the scores of post-traumatic stress.

Debriefing is important to minimize the chances of post-traumatic distress. Debriefing

approach differs from long time counseling. There are particular indicators a counselor of crisis
should look within the victim to select that whether should stay with long time counseling.
Effective progressing of victims allows the symptoms to come along with experiencing that
trauma should lessen. Symptoms will decrease slowly within the intensity. There is possibility
that victim does not present any growth of symptoms (Wright, 2014). It will be decide through
the counselor that long time is important on the basis of crisis.

With the use of debriefing, short time, counseling system can complement the long time
procedure of crisis counseling. Debriefing can support the customers to start and make progress
for minimizing the impact of main traumatic event like presented within the case. Use of
procedure after crisis immediately will support the customers to make the progress soon as well
as combat the changes of symptoms worsening. In long time counseling customer should have
made progress with creating easiness to regarding grow.

This is agreed that whole three employees which witnessed the condition would need
debriefing. These saw that traumatic event take place in could experience trauma indicators.
They can have physical stressors with physical and emotional distress that caused through the
event witnessing. Process of debriefing supports the customers to address trauma symptoms
more effectively. Whole symptoms should lessen by debriefing procedure. If no kind of progress
indicators then should decide necessity of long time counseling. This should be done on the basis
of case. Debriefing can support the customer to explain the emotions that experienced within the
initial trauma. Customers will be capable to convey effectively as start to work with trauma. God
is counselor as well as caretaker as support to grow and work by trails in life.

Abdollahpour, S., Khosravi, A., Motaghi, Z., Keramat, A., & Mousavi, S. A. (2019). Effect of
Brief Cognitive Behavioral Counseling and Debriefing on the Prevention of Post-
traumatic Stress Disorder in Traumatic Birth: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Community
Mental Health Journal, 55(7), 1173–1178. doi: 10.1007/s10597-019-00424-6

Wright, H. N. (2014). The complete guide to crisis and trauma counseling: what to do and say
when it matters most! Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House.

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