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Family, School, and

A community school is both a place and a set of partnerships

between the school and other community resources . Its integrated

focus on academics , health and social services , youth and

community development and community engagement leads to

improved student learning , stronger families and healthier

communities . Community schools offer a personalized curriculum

that emphasizes real -world learning and community problem -

solving . Schools become centers of the community and are open to

everyone – all day, every day, evenings and weekends.

Using public schools as hubs , community schools bring together

many partners to offer a range of supports and opportunities to

children , youth , families and communities . Partners work to

achieve these results : Children are ready to enter school ; students

attend school consistently ; students are actively involved in

learning and their community ; families are increasingly involved

with their children s education ; schools are engaged with families

and communities ; students succeed academically ; students are

healthy – physically , socially , and emotionally ; students live and

learn in a safe , supportive , and stable environment , and

communities are desirable places to live .

Helpful KEYS in building strong
among school members and
the community.
Helpful KEYS
Know Where You’re Going
Start by creating a vision – in partnership
with school staff, families, partners and
Share Leadership
community residents (and I’d add
Actively involve staff, parents, and
students) – of what the school could look
community partners in sharing leadership
like and develop a plan for how to get
functions, and work closely with them in
there. Ensure that diverse viewpoints are
working towards your shared vision.
included in this process.
Helpful KEYS
Reach Out
Be proactive in learning about the community
surrounding the school and become active Don’t Ignore the Elephant
outside the school. Don’t just expect the
community to help meet the school’s priorities;
in the Room
also think about how the school can contribute Recognize, and embrace, diversity within
to what the local community wants. Identify the school and the broader community.
community resources that could help the Instead of pretending that there are no
school AND school resources that could be differences in culture, lifestyle choices,
useful to the community. income, skin color etc., promote open and
honest discussion of the diversity you find
around you.
Helpful KEYS
Tell Your School’s Story
Make your school's story come alive. “We
have to learn to communicate and to tell our
Stay on Course
story well. Once parents and the community
Ensure that the vision and plan for the
pick up on this, they will do a lot” Using
school remains at the heart of partnerships
stories, and the strategic use of facts and
and in community engagement initiatives.
figures can inspire people to become
Think about long-term sustainability and
how partnerships can thrive over the long
Strengthen the school-
Objective: based feeding program
-Conduct a meeting.
-Encourage the parents, concerned-citizens, NGOs to

Strategies: help the feeding program of the school.

-Explain the importance of good nutrition for the
improvement of academic performance of learners.
Benefits of



It promotes higher school attendance
and reduces the rate of dropouts.

Many pupils in developing countries are unable to

attend school because they have no access to a meal
or cannot get all the meals required in a day for their
healthy growth. A number of them are even forced to
do odd jobs and work hard despite their young age to
earn just that one meal to keep them going. School
feeding programs attract more children to school as it
assures them of a meal. It also keeps them in school
thereby reducing their dropout rates.
It promotes the health and
development of children.

Lack of food or an improper diet causes

malnutrition among children. This in turn
stands in the way of proper development of the
children and their activity. School feeding
programs provide a healthy diet to children,
though simple, which facilitates their healthy
growth and development. It keeps the children
away from nutritional diseases.
It improves concentration and
educational performance in school.
Another benefit of school feeding
programs to the community is that the
food provided in schools improves their
energy levels. When these energy levels
are improved, the children can
concentrate better in class and as such,
they are able to perform better in their
It provides support to the children’s
parents and guardians.

It is the responsibility of parents and/or guardians

to provide food. However, due to poverty levels,
some are not able to do this regularly. They can
however benefit from school feeding programs for
their children as the programs take the burden of
feeding their children off their shoulders. They can
focus on other tasks with the assurance that their
children will eat in school.
It promotes farmers and
local vendors.

Farmers and local vendors also benefit

from school feeding programs because the
programs increase the demand for their
products for them to feed all those children
in school. They are encouraged to work
harder and smarter to reap the benefits.
It helps the community
rise above.

As we have already mentioned, the programs

help keep the children in school and as such,
they are better placed to complete their
education. With an increase in the number of
children completing school, the community will
in the long term experience an improvement in
their economy, thus rise above poverty.
Lesson for Today
"Community engagement is a two-
way street where the school,
families, and the community actively
work together, creating networks of
shared responsibility for student
success. It is a tool that promotes
civic well-being and that strengthens
the capacity of schools, families, and
communities to support young
peoples’ full development”
Balcorta, Justeen Marie B.
Pascual Micaela M.
Pinlac, Esperanza M.
Relator, Aira Marie D.C

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