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(ID.NO. 2602/10)

In partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science

in Geo Information Science

College of Social Sciences and Humanities

School of Geography and Environmental Studies
Program of Geo-Information Science
Advisor: Elias Cherenet (MSc)

June, 2020
Haramaya, Ethiopia
College of Social Sciences and Humanities
Program of Geo-Information Science
Haramaya University
This is to certify that the Research prepared by Kalid Hassen entitled as “Identification of
Abattoir site selection by using GIS based Multi criteria evaluation: in the case of Dire Dawa
city, Ethiopia” is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of
Bachelor of Science in Geo Information Science compiles with the regulations of the
university and meets the accepted standards with respect to originality and quality.

Signed by the Examining Committee:

Elias Cherenet ______________

Advisor Signature Date

_____________ _____________
Examiner Signature Date

By my signature below, I declare and affirm that this Research is my own work. I have
followed all possible ethical principle of scholarship in the preparation, data collection, data
analysis, and completion of this work. All scholarly matter that is included in the Research
has been given recognition through citation. I affirm that I have cited and referenced all
sources used in this document. Every serious effort has been made to avoid any plagiarism in
the preparation of this work. I solemnly declare that this work has not been submitted to any
other institute anywhere for the award of any academic degree, diploma or certificate.

Declared by:

Kalid Hassen Yasin

Signature__________________ Date: _________________

Haramaya University

First and for most, I would like to thank, “Allah (SWT)” who made it possible, not only to
begin and finish this work successfully, also for his protection and favor in my entire life.
Thanks to my advisor, Elias Cherenet who provides me constructive comments and valuable
advices throughout my work.
I have no word to express my deep and heartfelt gratitude to my father, Hassen yasin and my
mother, Rehima Hussen who have been helping me from early school age to this day that
brought me near to success and their financial support. I would like to convey special thanks
to my better half Mebruka Kedir for her persistent encouragement and support throughout my
I also thanks to Geda Hoka lecture in Hawasa University, Amir Hussen, Temesgen Mulatu
and Muaz Ismail and his family for their invaluable comment, material support throughout
this work.
Last, but not least, I would like to thank Haramaya University Abattoir, Dire Dawa and
Haromaya municipal abattoir Employers, DVM meat experts for their support and
I apologize to all of my friends, teachers whom I did not mention the names. I equally
appreciate and acknowledge all of you.

STATEMENT OF APPROVAL.................................................................................................i

STATEMENT OF THE AUTHOR........................................................................................... ii

Acknowledgement.................................................................................................................... iii

List of Figure.............................................................................................................................iv

List of Tables..............................................................................................................................v

Abbreviation and

Abstract.................................................................................................................................... vii

1 Introduction.........................................................................................................................1

1.1 Background of the study and Justification.................................................................. 1

1.2 Statement of the problem.............................................................................................2

1.3 Objectives of the study................................................................................................ 3

1.3.1 General Objective.................................................................................................3

1.3.2 Specific objective................................................................................................. 3

1.4 Research questions...................................................................................................... 4

1.5 Significance of the Study.............................................................................................4

1.6 Scope and Limitation of the study...............................................................................4

1.7 Organization of the report........................................................................................... 4

2 LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................... 5

2.1 Abattoirs...................................................................................................................... 5

2.1.1 Basic Features...................................................................................................... 5

2.1.2 Environmental Problems Associated with Abattoirs........................................... 5

2.1.3 Utilities for Abattoirs........................................................................................... 5

2.2 Abattoir Site Selection Criteria................................................................................... 6

2.2.1 Land use/cover..................................................................................................... 6

2.2.2 Topography.......................................................................................................... 7

2.2.3 Surface water........................................................................................................7

2.2.4 Accessibility......................................................................................................... 7

2.2.5 Airport.................................................................................................................. 8

2.2.6 Site Capacity........................................................................................................ 8

2.2.7 Environmental Constraints...................................................................................8

2.3 Multi-Criteria Decision Making.................................................................................. 9

2.4 GIS for Site Suitability Analysis................................................................................. 9

2.5 Remote Sensing for Site Suitability Analysis........................................................... 10

2.6 Integration of Geo-spatial technology for Site Suitability Analysis......................... 10

3 MATERIALS AND METHODS......................................................................................11

3.1 Description of the Study Area................................................................................... 11

3.1.1 Location..............................................................................................................11

3.1.2 Population.......................................................................................................... 12

3.1.3 Topography........................................................................................................ 12

3.1.4 Climate............................................................................................................... 12

3.1.5 Transportation.................................................................................................... 13

3.2 Research Methodology.............................................................................................. 14

3.2.1 Data Acquisition.................................................................................................14

3.2.2 Software used in the Analysis............................................................................ 14

3.2.3 Methods..............................................................................................................14

3.2.4 Conceptual Framework and Flowchart of the Analysis..................................... 16

3.3 Spatial data processing and analysis..........................................................................16

3.3.1 Satellite image processing..................................................................................17

3.3.2 Image classification............................................................................................17

3.3.3 Accuracy Assessment.........................................................................................19

3.4 Classifying criteria Maps...........................................................................................19

3.4.1 Reclassified Land use / Land cover................................................................... 19

3.4.2 Reclassified Topographic Factor........................................................................20

3.4.3 Reclassified Accessibility Factor....................................................................... 22

3.4.4 Reclassified Surface Water................................................................................ 25

3.4.5 Reclassified Airport........................................................................................... 26

3.4.6 Reclassified industries sites................................................................................27

3.5 Calculating Factor Weights and Overlaying Identified Suitable Sites...................... 28

3.6 Selecting Optimal site................................................................................................29

4 Result and discussion........................................................................................................30

4.1 Abattoir site Suitability Map..................................................................................... 30

4.2 Candidate Abattoir Site............................................................................................. 31

4.2.1 Location..............................................................................................................32

4.2.2 Topography and slopes...................................................................................... 32

4.2.3 Water resources.................................................................................................. 32

4.2.4 Land use/Cover.................................................................................................. 32

4.2.5 Transportation.................................................................................................... 32

4.2.6 Noise levels........................................................................................................ 32

4.2.7 Religious, cemetery, industry and Recreational site.......................................... 33

5 Conclusion and recommendations.................................................................................... 34

5.1 Conclusion................................................................................................................. 34

5.2 Recommendation............................................................................................................ 34

REFERENCE........................................................................................................................... 36


List of Figure
Figure 3.1: Location map of the study Area……………………………………..……….11
Figure 3.2: Map of elevation………………………………………………………..……12
Figure 3.3: Route Map of the study area ……………………………………………..….13
Figure 3.4: General work flow of the study………………………………………….…..16
Figure 3.5: Land use/cover types………………………………………………………...18
Figure 3.6: Reclassified map of land use/cover………………………………………….20
Figure 3.7: Reclassified map of elevation ……………………………………………….21
Figure 3.8: Reclassified slope map …………………………………………………...…22
Figure 3.9: Reclassified map of Road Network …………………………………………23
Figure 3.10: Reclassified map of Railway ……………………………………...…..….. 24
Figure 3.11: Reclassified maps of Water body ……………………………………….…25
Figure 3.12: Reclassified maps of Airport ………………………………………………26
Figure 3.13: Reclassified map of industries sites…………………………………….… 27
Figure 3.14: AHP weight derivation method for criteria classes………………….…… 28
Figure 4.1: Abattoir Site Suitability map ………………………………………………..30
Figure 4.2: Abattoir suitability per Area ……………………………………………..….31
Figure 4.3: Candidate Abattoir sites Map……………………………………………….33

List of Tables
Table 3.1: pair-wise comparison, 9-point weighting scale ………………………………15
Table 3.2: Descriptions of land use land cover types identified in study area ………….17
Table 3.3: Land use/ land cover classes…………………………………………………18
Table 3.4: Error matrix showing classification accuracy of the true land covers ……...19
Table 3.5: Area coverage and Land Use/ Cover suitability …………………………….20
Table 3.6: Area coverage and Elevation suitability …………………………………….21
Table 3.7: Area coverage and Slope suitability ………………………………………...22
Table 3.8: Area coverage and Road suitability …………………………………………23
Table 3.9: Area coverage and Railway suitability ………………………………….…..24
Table 3.10: Area coverage and Water Body suitability …………………………..….…25
Table 3.11: Area coverage and Airport suitability ………………………………….…..26
Table 3.12: Area coverage and industries sites suitability …………………………..…27
Table 4.1: Statistical Analysis for the Abattoir Site Suitability map ……………….…..30

Abbreviation and Acronym
°C: Degree centigrade
a.m.s.l: Above mean sea level
AHP: Analytic Hierarchy Process
CR: Consistency ratio
CSA: Central Statistical Authority
DEM: Digital Elevation Model
EPA: Environmental Protection Authority
ERDAS: Earth Resource Data analysis System
ESRI: Environmental Studies Research Institute
ETM+: Enhanced Thematic Mapper+
GCP: Ground control point
GDP: Gross Domestic product
GIS: Geographic Information System
GPS: Global Positioning System
Ha: Hectare
IDP: Integrated Development Plan
Km: Kilometer
km2: Kilometer Square
KSA: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
LMA: Livestock Marketing Authority
M: Meter
MCDA: Multi Criteria Decision Aid
MCDM: Multi-Criteria Decision Making
MCE: Multi-Criteria Evaluation
Mm: Mili meter
MoWR: Ministry of Water Resources, Ethiopia
OLI- TIRS: Operational Land Imager and Thermal Infrared Sensor
SPS-LMM: Sanitary and Phytosanitary livestock and meat marketing program
UAE: United Arab Emirates
ULGDP: Urban local government development project

Abattoirs are essential plants by giving services for community in the form of slaughtering
animals, examining and certifying of carcass finally transport to butcher in residential area
in a hygienic way. As a result of development activities, fast population growth and
industrial expansions leads abattoir to face environmental hazard in reverse it affects’
some nearby activities. Inappropriate site posing also affect abattoirs. Therefore, it is
necessary to select new abattoirs site for the study area that is environmentally sound,
socially acceptable and economically feasible. The present study was carried out to select
the most suitable abattoir site in Dire Dawa by using the integration of Geographic
Information Systems (GIS) with Multi Criteria Evaluation (MCE) and Remote sensing (RS)
technology. Factors such as elevation, slope, land use/land cover and proximity for road
network, Railway, Industrial sites, Airport and streams/ river were used for selecting
suitable abattoir site within the study area. GIS-based Multi-Criteria Evaluation
methodology was followed to have advantages of both GIS and Multi-Criteria Evaluation
method and solve spatial decision making problems. All the factor maps were reclassified
and standardized in GIS environment followed by preparation of their suitability map.
Analytical Hierarchy Processes pair-wise comparison module was used to derive weights
for all factor parameters. These factors were weighted in hierarchical order using the
MCE approach to produce suitability map of abattoir site. Accordingly, 6.94 km2 (10.12 %),
24.83 km2 (36.20%), 24.82 km2 (36.19%) and 11.96 km2 (17.49%) of the total study area is
highly, suitable, moderately and unsuitable for abattoir respectively. Among the highly
suitable abattoir sites, were also evaluated against other criteria like site capacity and
Accessibility to road and railway so as to choose the candidate abattoir site. In relation to
those evaluating criteria abattoir site which is located in the western part of the city in
Melka jebdu village, east of road to Meiso is chosen as the most suitable site, because of
the larger area and distance from nearby road and railway.

Key Words: Abattoirs, Multi-Criteria Evaluation, Dire Dawa, GIS, Remote Sensing, Site

1.1 Background of the study and Justification
Ethiopia is the largest livestock producer in Africa and ranks eighth in livestock ownership in
the world. According to the Central Statistical Authority CSA (2011), Livestock is central to
the Ethiopian economy, contributing for 20% of the GDP, supporting the livelihoods of 70%
of the population and generating about 11% of annual export earnings and meat production.
The country has been earn foreign currency by exporting meat (mainly chilled shoats’ carcass)
and live animals namely cattle, sheep, camels and goats to major destination markets of UAE,
KSA, Yemen and Egypt. Given the large porous border, a large amount of cross-border
exports also go un-recorded. As the country has the largest number of livestock in Africa,
Ethiopia has much to gain from the growing global market for livestock products (SPS-LMM,
Recently, several large scale meat processing abattoirs have been established in Ethiopia in
response to the emerging meat export opportunities to the Middle East and North African
Countries (Asfaw and Mohamed, 2007). There are also several meat export abattoirs sites
under construction and more are planned to be established in the near future in different
regions of the country. These developments are in the right direction towards diversifying and
increasing Ethiopia’s foreign exchange earnings and improving the livelihoods of livestock
producers and other actors engaged in the livestock related activities (Asfaw and Mohamed,
Site selection is the critical environmental issue for abattoirs. Careful site selection can
greatly reduce the environmental nuisance (EPA, 2019). GIS is a computer based system that
offers a convenient and powerful platform for performing suitability evaluation. Site
suitability assessment is inherently a multi-criteria analysis problem that involves several
competent factors appearing at the same time. GIS, through its spatial analysis tools that are
particularly suited for an overlay analysis of various competent factors, ease the task of
decision makers. Accordingly, many spatial decision problems give rise to the GIS based
multi criteria decision analysis (Hay and Lennon, 1999).
Remote sensing technology is capable of providing up to date geographic data’s and is the
main source of input data for assessing and monitoring the environment in GIS environment.
For example, the current land use/land cover information of the study area were extracted and
mapped from satellite images and used as an input data for the study. Thus, remote sensing

techniques makes it possible to increase the speed and frequency with which one can analyses
a landscape. Therefore, remote sensing can aid in making quick and focused decisions
(Steininger and Horning, 2007).
In Ethiopia researches studies has been carried out by using GIS as extensive tool in solving
spatial related problems. For instance, municipal abattoirs operation and waste management
practices, Suitability Analysis for Anaerobic Treatment Facility for Slaughter Houses, and
livestock production suitability analysis (fikadu, 2011; teshome, 2015; Aysheshim, 2002).
However, Teshome (2015) assessed his research on the application of GIS and remote
sensing using multi criteria decision making analysis for abattoir site selection in Ethiopia for
sodo town. In his study, he did not consider some necessary factors such as industrial areas.
And Aysheshim (2002) conducted his research on the application of GIS for urban planning
in Ethiopia with particular reference to abattoir site suitability analysis for kulito town. The
study did not consider the multi-criteria decision making analysis. The ability to manipulate
the spatial data and corresponding attribute information and to integrate different types of
data in a single analysis and a higher speed are unmatched by any manual methods (Aronoff,
1989). The current study attempts to select a suitable site for abattoir using GIS based multi
criteria evaluation with specific objective of developing a candidate suitable site for abattoir
in the study area. For instance Industrial areas, were major factors in abattoir site selection for
this study, was not treated in the case of sodo town. In addition, selecting candidate site also
give an alternative for concerned body was not included. on the whole, technology in general
and geographic information technology in particular, is a means to make many types of work
more efficient and works more effective; it enables better decision, based on better
information (Teshome, 2015). Hence, this study fills the gap and seeks to validate the suitable
site for abattoir site by considering major constraint and factors of the city using GIS as a tool.
This study was focused on abattoir site suitability assessment in Dire Dawa City, Eastern
1.2 Statement of the problem
Abattoirs are livestock processing industries, located near the major town/city and serves (for
Ethiopian case, usually within the municipal boundary of the corresponding cities and towns).
The activities involved in abattoirs pose severe environmental hazards to the neighboring
areas manifested in the form of liquid wastes, storm water contamination, solid wastes,
airborne wastes, diseases, and noise (EPA, 2019).
In Dire Dawa the increased high meat consumption pattern of the city dwellers has created
the highest demand for livestock products mainly meat. To satisfy this demand, large number
of livestock is being slaughtered in the existing abattoir and outside illegally (ULGDP, 2012).
The existing abattoir is constructed by the second livestock development project in 1971 E.C
it lacks the necessary rooms with facilities that enable to conduct the proper meat inspection
activities and presence of the economically important fatal diseases in the locality. Thus
situation indicates the need to have a facilitated abattoir so as to assure the supply of safe
meat to the public Dire Dawa Administration develops another abattoir By the aid of World
Bank with a daily slaughtering capacity of 200 cattle and 400 small ruminants in the area of
15 hectares is located outside Dire Dawa City boundary, around Ija aneni rural kebele. The
specific Abattoir site is located on the way to Legaoda rural kebele, in the village called
Genet Menafesha. Its geographic coordinates are 814273.3038 E and 1056531.7462 N
However, the high runoff generated from the surrounding hills coupled with the nature of the
site terrain significantly attributes to the flooding and erosion of the site (ULGDP, 2012).
Abattoir site selection should be in an environmentally sound and acceptable way so as to
protect the environment and safeguard public health. However, the traditional and manual
method used to select suitable abattoir site is inaccurate, tiresome, time consuming and costly.
Therefore, in order to fill gaps observed in Dire Dawa city it is recommended to select new
Abattoir site for the city by considering some, environmental and social factors.
The study focused on integrating GIS, MCDM analysis and Remote Sensing techniques to
provide appropriate information about geographic data to assist in selecting suitable abattoir
site using different factors. Remote Sensing is the main source of digital data that can be
further manipulated and analyzed in GIS environment. Moreover, GIS is capable of
integrating geospatial data from different sources and thus help decision makers in
environmental and public health protection. Hence, the present study employs GIS and
remote sensing techniques for appropriate Abattoir site selection for Dire Dawa City.
1.3 Objectives of the study
1.3.1 General Objective
 To select the most suitable Abattoir site by using GIS based multi criteria evaluation
techniques in Dire Dawa City, Ethiopia.
1.3.2 Specific objective
i. To produce map showing suitable site for abattoir purpose.
ii. To develop a Candidate site in order to select the most suitable site for abattoir.

1.4 Research questions
In this research work an attempt will made to find answers for the following questions.
 What are the criteria employed for abattoir site selection in the study area?
 To what extent Abattoir site is suitable in terms of the major environmental factors?
 Which part and what percentage of the study area are suitable /unsuitable for Abattoir site
1.5 Significance of the Study
The study is expected to select suitable site map for abattoir in Dire Dawa City. The final
outcome of this research will help governmental and non-governmental organizations that
work on urban planning to exercise right judgment on the provision of preferable location for
specific urban facilities and organizations working on environmental issues and livestock
1.6 Scope and Limitation of the study
The scope of this study is identifying suitable site for abattoir by using GIS and Multi criteria
decision making techniques. The study do not used some of the most important factors such
as; High tension Lines, churches, cemetery, which are necessary for abattoir site selection.
Although much remains to be done, this work will generate important findings in potential
site suitability mapping.
1.7 Organization of the report
The report is organized into five chapters. The first chapter provides an introduction to the
study, which consists of different sections: background, statement of the problem, objectives,
significance of the study and scope and its limitations. The second chapter deals on the
review of related literatures. This mainly included the importance of abattoirs basic features,
undesirable environmental problems abattoirs pose and basic facilities they require to
properly function, the application of geographic information system (GIS), remote sensing
and Geospatial science in site suitability analysis. The third chapter deals with the presents
the methodology and procedures used for data collection and analysis. These include;
description of the study area, identification of site selection criteria and analytical framework.
In chapter four, contains presentation of the results discussions of the analysis report and final
suitable site has been identified for the study area. Chapter five is about conclusion and
recommendations for future research.

2.1 Abattoirs
2.1.1 Basic Features
The major activities involved in the operation of an abattoir are: receiving and holding of
livestock; slaughter and carcass dressing of animals; chilling of carcass product; carcass
packaging; freezing of finished carcass and cartooned products; rendering processes; drying
of skins; treatment of waste water; and transport of processed materials (EPA,2019).
The ultimate purpose or importance of establishing abattoirs is, thus, to provide cleaner and
hygienic animal slaughtering services; to ensure proper utilization of animal by-products
including hide, skin, horns, bones; to establish and control standards, and to generate income
for the services affording; and to improve impact on the environment by controlling the waste
disposal system (LMA, 2000).
2.1.2 Environmental Problems Associated with Abattoirs
The characteristics of abattoirs are such that they can pose serious problems to the
environment unless these problems are satisfactorily appreciated and felicitous measures are
taken. The issue could be discussed in terms of liquid wastes, solid wastes, airborne wastes,
diseases and noise (EPA, 2019).
A) Liquid wastes: Abattoirs use huge amounts of water for sanitary purpose in animal
processing operations. This produces large amounts of wastewater that must be treated In
general; the effect of liquid wastes could be explained in terms of effluent salinity and
wastewater as well as storm water qualities.
B) Solid wastes: Solid wastes generated at abattoirs have different sources including animal
holding areas, slaughterhouse and processing areas, waste treatment plant, unwanted hide or
skin and unwanted carcasses parts.
C) Airborne wastes: Airborne wastes can refer to odors, dusts and fuel burning emissions.
2.1.3 Utilities for Abattoirs
A suitable site is necessity for establishing modern abattoir for hygienic production and
processing of good quality meat and meat products for human nutrition. While selecting a site
for an abattoir development, utilities should be considered to decide the suitability of site
(Meat Technology – Atom, 2020).
Electricity Supply: Electricity is essential for a number of mechanical operations. With
advancement of the technology, the manual practices have been replaced by mechanical one

for which electricity is needed. Boiler plant, refrigeration unit, rendering plant, even lighting
at inspection point, chiller etc. therefore, site should have a regular electric supply.
Road Accessibility: Abattoir requires the connectivity of site through road so that raw and
processed product could be transported easily. Your native place may be devoid of any
broiler farm or layer farm even though the chicken and egg shops are common.
Water Supply: An adequate supply of potable water must be available. While mains water is
to be preferred, well or bore water will also be suitable provided the water meets drinking
water standard. Abattoir practices need a lot of water even more than 10,000 liter/ton dressed
carcass weight.
Effluent Disposal; An effective system for the disposal or renewal of effluent must be
provided. The building should be connected with main sewage line or the effluent disposal
scheme has to be based on subsurface irrigation and soakage.
2.2 Abattoir Site Selection Criteria
Site selection requires consideration of a comprehensive set of factors and balancing of
multiple objectives in determining the suitability of a particular area for a defined land use.
The selection of abattoir site involves a complex array of critical factors from physical,
economic, policies, and environmental disciplines (Collins et al., 2001). Suitability
techniques allow decision makers and environmental managers to analyze the interactions
among locations, development actions and environmental elements. This enables analysts to
map the interactions in different ways (Collins et al., 2001).
2.2.1 Land use/cover
The definition of land use and land cover has been used interchangeably. However, these two
terms explain two different meanings. Land cover refers to the observed biophysical cover on
the earth's surface including vegetation, bare soil and water bodies. Whereas land use is the
utilization of land cover type by human activities for the purpose of agriculture, forestry,
settlement and pasture by altering land surface processes including bio, Geo chemistry,
hydrology and biodiversity (Di Gregorio and Jansen, 2000).
There could be various programs of expansion on lines, of primary, secondary or tertiary
processing of meat. Therefore, it is best to have surplus land and for further expansion of the
plant as and when necessary. The abattoir should also be at a reasonable distance from local
housing and other development to avoid complaints about noise and smell (Meat Technology
– Atom, 2020).

2.2.2 Topography
Topography describes the surface shape and relief of the land. It refers to various landforms
(physical features) which represent the external shape of the earth. It determines the patterns
and form of many other landform and land cover features. Furthermore, elevation and slope
should be considered when selecting site for abattoir construction project.
Elevation According to Fard, 2012; abattoirs could be constructed in an area lower than the
city level in order to prevent the spread of contamination. The elevation classes are evaluated
based on the basis of suitability of landscape for urban land use allocation.
Slope: Slope is an important criterion in hilly terrain for finding suitable sites. Slope is
associated with building cost. Building the abattoir is less expensive on low slopes. The slope
is also closely related to surface drainage characteristics of the site. Desirable slope for
abattoir site is suggested to be gently sloping area (LMA, 2000), which ranges from 2 to 10
percent. Slope values below 2 percent are not suitable from safe drainage point of view.
2.2.3 Surface water
Waste water from abattoir is one of the major sources of pollution in river. A considerable
amount of water is used in abattoir operations. If discharged to controlled waters it will have
an environmental impact by virtue of volume and quality water run-off Pollution and
consequent damage of watercourses (EPA, 2019).
Livestock will deposit significant amounts of dung and urine during unloading and storage,
with the risk of subsequent wash-off into storm drains or local water courses. Similarly, by-
products such as blood and stomach contents pose a risk to surface waters if not properly
contained. Abattoir site must not be located in close proximity to surface water (streams,
rivers, lakes, sea). In order to avoid possible contamination of the river/ stream and to prevent
the abattoir from being flooded, the site should not lie within 100 meters of rivers/streams
(LMA, 2000).
2.2.4 Accessibility
Availability of Road/ Rail Transport: Abattoir is just similar to a processing plant for which
raw materials are animals and the carcass meat is the processed product. Similar to any
industries it is necessary that raw materials should reach to processing site and ready product
should be cleared from there timely. It requires the connectivity of site through roads/
Railway so that raw and processed product could be transported easily. Transport to and from
the abattoir by roads/ railway should be available throughout the year for efficient function
(Meat Technology – Atom, 2020).

Moreover, in order to find out better accessibility to the existing road and considering urban
expansion buffer zones have been created by taking distances between 50 and 400 meter
distance from the existing major roads to generate accessibility map (LMA, 2000).
2.2.5 Airport
Abattoir practices produce a lot of wastes such as, bone and flesh which attract a number of
birds (Scavengers); therefore, an abattoir must be away from airports to prevent bird menace
to aircrafts. Hence, an abattoir must not be located within 4 kilo meters of an airport (Meat
Technology – Atom, 2020, Aysheshim, 2002).
2.2.6 Site Capacity
Size of Abattoir is one of the determinant criteria, According to FAO, 2020: A minimum site
area of 2000 Square meters is required for abattoir to accommodate all modules. However,
LMA, 2000; reveled that one hectare of land should be found to accommodate all the
necessary components of the abattoirs
2.2.7 Environmental Constraints
Buffer zones are particularly important as measures to separate conflicting land uses and to
minimize any harmful effects of new developments in environmentally sensitive areas.
Adequate buffer distances from nearby environmental constrains are the best way of avoiding
nuisance from air and noise pollution (EPA, 2019).
There are many more constraints that can be included in the assessment of suitable site for the
location of abattoir. Constraint mention here is: Industrial area
Industrial area: The meat is such a commodity which easily picks up odour of environment
and if any such odour prevails as a result of pollution, it affects the quality of meat. The
abattoir should be situated away from industries as the pollution caused by chemical
industries such as paint, odour, dust, smoke and ash suspects clean and hygienic production
of meat. Moreover, the presence of pollutant in environment also affects the livestock in
lairage and working manpower. Abattoir should be located at least 300 meters from industries
(Meat Technology – Atom, 2020).

2.3 Multi-Criteria Decision Making
Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) is a wide ranging methodology that offers a
technique and practice to uncover real-world management problems based on GIS
applications. MCDM implies the assignment of values to alternatives that are evaluated along
multiple decisions or criteria (Pereira et al., 1993). Spatial decision problems are those
challenges in which the decision implies the selection among several potential alternatives
that are associated with some specific locations in space. Multi-Criteria Decision Making
(MCDM) involve a set of geographically defined alternatives from which a choice of one or
more decision is made with respect to a given set of evaluation criteria (Malczewski, 1996).
To meet a specific objective, several criteria will need to be evaluated and have called “Multi-
Criteria Evaluation”. A criterion is the basis for a decision that can be measured and
evaluated. It is the evidence upon which an individual value can be assigned to a decision set.
MCDA consists of a series of techniques (such as weighted summation or concordance
analysis) that permit a range of criteria relating to a particular issue to be scored, weighted
and then ranked by, for example, experts, interest groups and/or stakeholders according to
their degree of suitability or importance for locating/sitting a particular facility/service
(Malczewski, 2004). Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is one of the most commonly used
MCDA tools. This tool is applied in site selection processes as it assists the decision making
process by allowing decision-makers to organize the criteria and alternative solutions of a
decision problem in a hierarchical decision model (Eldrandaly et al.., 2003).
2.4 GIS for Site Suitability Analysis
Site suitability assessment is inherently a multi-criteria problem that involves several
competent factors appearing at the same time. GIS, through its spatial analysis tools that are
particularly suited for an overlay analysis of various competent factors, ease the task of
decision makers. On the other hand, GIS can facilitate the spatial analysis of the detected
change through time by overlaying the spatial components of the same feature during two or
more periods of time. Accordingly, many spatial decision problems give rise to the GIS based
multi criteria decision analysis (Malczewski, 2006).
Therefore an important advantage of using GIS technology is to perform a spatial MCDM
study. Through this application of GIS various criteria can be developed based on
neighborhood analysis operations (Malczewski, 1996; Pereira et al., 1993). Hence, the
integration of multi-criteria methods of suitability assessments in to a GIS environment offers
the system not only spatial capabilities but also analytical power for formal MCDM tools.

Furthermore, integrating Multi-Criteria Evaluation (MCE) with GIS for spatial decision
making purposes is a mainstay application of GIS technology (Carver, 1991).
2.5 Remote Sensing for Site Suitability Analysis
Remote sensing is defined as the science or art of obtaining information about an object, area
or phenomenon through the analysis of the data acquired by a device that is not in contact
with the object, area or phenomenon under investigation (Lillesand et al., 2004). Remote
sensing serves as a tool for environmental resources assessment and monitoring. The
advancement of remote sensing technology to provide multi-spectral, multi-temporal and
multi-spatial images is very helpful to increase the speed and frequency with which one can
analyze a landscape (Idowu and Ukoje, 2009). In addition, remote sensing contributes to the
development of objective and comprehensive assessments over larger geographic extents and
inaccessible area than is possible with fieldwork alone (Steininger and Horning, 2007).
The modern technology of remote sensing which includes both aerial as well as satellite
based systems, allow to collect lot of physical data rather easily, with speed and on repetitive
basis, and together with GIS helps to analyze the data spatially, offering possibilities of
generating various options, thereby optimizing the whole planning process (Teshome, 2015).
2.6 Integration of Geo-spatial technology for Site Suitability Analysis
Integration of geo-spatial technology, (remote sensing, GIS and GPS) can contribute
substantially in a more supplementary fashion to some of the interactive operations that
should become an advantage for assessing, examining, mapping utility and service facility
using GPS and solving complex urban environmental issues (Rahman and Netzband, 2007).
Geo-spatial technologies are central to achieving a successful transition from traditional
environmental and resource management practices to sustainable development because of
their integrative quality of social, economic and environmental data and their addressing
quality in relationship among places at local, national, regional and global levels (Fikadu,
2011). Moreover, they have the capacity to provide valuable and timely information about
natural resources, urban change and the extent of environmental change being experienced in
earth as an important basis for sustainable planning for land management and decision
making (Osei et al., 2006).

3.1 Description of the Study Area
3.1.1 Location
Dire Dawa is one of two chartered cities (federal cities) in Ethiopia (the other being the
capital, Addis Ababa). It is divided administratively into two woredas, the city proper and the
non-urban woreda of Gurgura.
Dire Dawa lies in the eastern part of the nation, on the Dechatu River, at the foot of a ring of
cliffs that has been described as "somewhat like a cluster of tea-leaves in the bottom of a
slop-basin. At a latitude and longitude of 9°36′N 41°52′E, The city is an industrial center,
home to several markets and the Aba Tenna Dejazmach Yilma International Airport.
Haramaya University is 40 kilometers’ (25 miles) away. East Hararge Administrative zone of
Oromiya Regional State borders it in the south and southeast and Shinele zone of Somalia
Regional State in the north, east and west, Dire Dawa has a total area of about 66,017ha of
which the south and southeastern part of the city which is characterized by a chain of
mountains and upland covering 45%; low lying flat land accounting for 40% of the land area;
and the remaining 15% is covered by gorges, valley and River terraces (MoWR Ethiopia,
2006). It is found at a distance of 515 Kilometers from Addis Ababa.

Figure 3.1: Location map of the study Area

3.1.2 Population
The total population of Dire Dawa city is estimated to be 400,000 people (IDP, 2006).
According to the 2008 Central Statistical Agency census result, Dire Dawa city had a total
population of 252,000 during the census period and in the year 2005; the population of the
city has reached 389,851 which exceeded the census period population by 137,851. More
than half of this increase is due to migrants from nearby rural areas and other part of Ethiopia.
The average annual growth rate of the population was 4% for the region during the years
1995-2000. The growth rate declined to 3.8% for the years between 2000 and 2005 and
expected to further go down to 3.5% for the years between 2005 and 2010 (IDP,2006).
3.1.3 Topography
Dire Dawa is located on a low land area in the Great East African Rift Valley. Its
watershed comprises different elevation points that range from 1000 to 2000 m above sea
level. Dire Dawa city, where different rivers meet is the lowest point with an altitude of 1000
m above sea level. Dangago Mountain, with the peak altitude is located at South of Dire
Dawa city in Oromia Regional State. In addition, there are other mountain chains located
south of the city that surround the city in Southern direction (Erena and Worku, 2018).

Figure 3.2: Map of elevation

3.1.4 Climate
Because of its tropical location Dire Dawa is experiencing high temperature throughout the
year with minor seasonal variations. Temperature progressively increases northward from
somewhat temperate type along the mountain side of the city in its southern most point. The

seasonal rainfall has a bimodal distribution with peak in April and August. The two rainy
seasons are spring and summer by local Oromo language called 'Afraasa' and ‘Ganna’
respectively, separated by a short dry spell in June. The mean annual rainfall is about 730mm.
The mean annual average air temperature is 29°c and June is the warmest month of the year
while December and January are the coldest. Dire Dawa enjoy a sunny climate with mean
annual daily value of bright sunshine equal to 8 hours (IDP, 2006).
3.1.5 Transportation
Dire Dawa is served by a station on Addis Ababa-Djibouti rail way, which is located 10km
north west of the city center close town of melka jebdu. In addition the city is served by the
Ethio-Djibouti rail way with its western terminus located in the city center. Dire Dawa
Airport offers flights to and from the city. Dire Dawa Airport also known as Aba Tenna
Dejazmach Yilma international airport is an international airport serving Dire Dawa. It’s
located 5Km (3miles) northwest of the city center. Astronomically this airport is located
09°37´28´´N, 041°51´15´´E or 9.62444°N, 41.85417°E and located at an elevation of 1167m
(3829feet) amsl. It has one run way with an asphalt surface measuring 2679 by 45 meters. It
has 3 major destinations Addis Ababa, Djibouti and Gode. Additionally, bus share Line
Company provides inter-city bus services (

Figure 3.3: Route Map of the study area

3.2 Research Methodology
3.2.1 Data Acquisition
This study focuses on site suitability analysis for abattoir in Dire Dawa city using GIS based
multi-criteria decision support techniques. Data gathering was included Primary and
secondary data collection from various Sources. Firstly, the primary data were generated
from satellite image, field survey; questioner was developed for Doctor of veterinary
medicine, abattoir employers, Meat experts and GIS experts.
The secondary data were gathered from municipality of Dire Dawa and Haramaya University,
GIS Lab which includes; boundary maps and other necessary maps of the town. In addition,
online searching (i.e. also was contacted of GIS datasets for the
collection of necessary information and literatures.
3.2.2 Software used in the Analysis
The thematic maps were prepared and edited, overlaid and visualized on the basis of the site
suitability analysis for abattoir using ArcGIS 10.3 software of ESRI. The application of GIS
for overlaying thematic layers to establish land databases requires that all the layer maps need
to be converted into a common coordinate system. ArcGIS 10.3 concurrent use with spatial
analyst extension was used, proximity analysis and producing maps and graphics. ERDAS
Imagine 2015 were used to classify land use/cover map of the study area. Other soft-wares
used in this research include Microsoft Internet, word, Excel and power point. In addition,
Google earth Pro were used in order to collect Ground control point (GCP), Cameras also
were used to collect field data.
3.2.3 Methods
There are different methods of GIS operation for suitability analysis. Methods like
buffering, overlay, digitizing, spatial analysis and AHP were the major ones used in this
study to select suitable Abattoir sites.
It refers the creation of a zone of a specified width around a point, a line or a polygon area.
Buffering is one method of spatial analysis called proximity analysis. It used to produce
areas of a given distance around specific criteria that used to select suitable site for
Abattoir. The features that were buffered in this Research paper include: (Road, stream,
Railway, industrial sites and Airport).

Overlay analysis desirable to establish the relationship of all the input factors together to
identify the desirable locations for Abattoir. For this study, all the weighted factor maps
were overlaid using weighted overlay extension of spatial analyst tool. In this
combination approach, it is assumed that the more favorable the factors, the more
desirable the location will be.

Multi-criteria Decision Analysis

MCDA, combined with GIS data, is a powerful approach to systematically and
comprehensively analyze a problem. The fundamental components of a multi-criteria
problem are human value judgment and assessments of the importance of criteria. The
main purpose of the multi-criteria evaluation techniques is to investigate a number of
alternatives in the light of multiple criteria and conflicting objectives (Voogd, 1983).

Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)

The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a multi-criteria decision-making approach
(Saaty 1977). AHP is a decision support tool which can be used to solve complex
decision problems. It uses a multi-level hierarchical structure of objectives, criteria, sub-
criteria, and alternatives among which the best decision is to be made. AHP generates a
weight for each evaluation criterion according to the decision maker’s pair wise
comparisons of the criteria. The comparison is about whether the row criterion is equal,
greater or lower importance that the column criterion and the higher the weight, the more
important the corresponding criterion. The reciprocal values (1/3, 1/5, 1/7, 1/9) have
been used when the row criterion is less important than the column criterion.
Table 3.1: pair-wise comparison, 9-point weighting scale
1/9 1/7 1/5 1/3 1 3 5 7 9
Equally Important
Very strongly

Very strongly




Less Important More Important

Source: Adapted from Saaty, 1989 as cited in Malczewsk, 1999

3.2.4 Conceptual Framework and Flowchart of the Analysis
There were four important steps to produce site suitability map for abattoir. These are:
(1) finding suitable factors to be used in the analysis, (2) assigning factor priority, weight and
class weight (ranking) to the parameters involved, (3) generating land suitability map of
abattoir, and (4) determining suitable areas for abattoir. The details of the conceptual
framework and each processing step are shown in Figures 3.4.

Data Source DEM

Image 2017 Streams
Industrial Area
Road Slope
LULC Railway

Proximity to Elevation
Industrial Area

Weighted Overlay of Factor Maps
Abattoir Site Suitability Map

Figure 3.4: General work flow of the study

3.3 Spatial data processing and analysis
This part discusses the analysis and processing of satellite image for land use cover classes
and different data sets that were used to select suitable Abattoir sites. In this study, suitable
sites for abattoir were determined for Dire Dawa city by using the Geographical Information
System (GIS) and MCDA method.

3.3.1 Satellite image processing
Land use/land cover of the study area was classified using Landsat8 OLI-TIRS acquired in
2018, having path and row of 166/54. The study area was subsetted from the full scene by
using shape file of Dire Dawa city. Then the subsetted image was undertaken supervised
classification with the aid of 120 ground control points (GCP) collected from Google earth.
The classification of land use/cover involves evaluation and grouping of specific areas of
land in terms of their suitability for a defined use.
3.3.2 Image classification Supervised Image Classification

The overall objective of image classification procedure is to automatically categorize all pixels in
an image into land cover classes or themes (Lillesand et al., 2004). The present study used
supervised classification techniques to categorize the images in to different land use/land cover
categories, representative points thought to represent the various land cover classes were collected
using Google earth pro. Finally, supervised classification has been carried out using ERDAS
Imagine software from the stacked image. Accordingly, Based on the remote sensing image; the
land use/cover map of the study area was classified into five categories (Anderson et al., 1976).
Table 3.2: Descriptions of land use land cover types identified in study area
No LU/LC Classes Code Description of land use classes
1 Settlement S Urban areas and permanent residential areas of
varied pattern i.e. cities, towns, villages, strip developments
along highways, transportation, & communications facilities
2 Vegetation V Refer to plants and trees collectively, typically those in a
specific region.
3 Agricultural AL The land area that is either arable under perm ant crops or used
land Primarily for production of food.
4 Bare land BL Land of limited ability to support life and in which less than 1/3
of the area has Vegetation or other cover. In general, it is an
area of thin soil, sand, rocks or The area with no dominant
vegetation cover on at least 90% of areas covered lichens or
5 Shrub land SH Land covered by small trees, bushes, shrubs, in some cases
mixed with grasses less dense than forests.

Sources: (Anderson, 1972)

Table 3.3: Land use/ land cover classes.
No. Land Use/Land Cover Classes Area (km2) Area (%)
1 Settlement 28.86 41.8
2 Vegetation 4.81 7
3 Shrub land 19.4 28.16
4 Bare land 7 10.07
5 Agricultural land 8.8 12.8
Total 69 100

Accordingly, an area occupied by Vegetation is insignificant whereas settlement and shrub

vegetation covered larger area. Settlement and shrub are found at the periphery and central
part of the city. The other land use/cover types are Vegetation. Vegetation covered the
Western border area of the city where as scattered trees are found mixed with residential
lands and are planted by the dwellers.

Figure 3.5: Land use/cover types

3.3.3 Accuracy Assessment
Accuracy assessment should be done as image classification without accuracy assessment is
incomplete (Lillesand et al., 2004). The present study used a total of 120 GCP points which
are collected from Google earth pro for the land use/land cover map, The current study
revealed an overall accuracy of 84.17 % and a kappa index of agreement of 0.8021.
Table 3.4: Error matrix showing classification accuracy of the true land cover
User’s Producer’s
Land use SH V S BL AL Total
accuracy Accuracy
Shrub Land 20 2 2 2 2 28 83.33 % 71.43 %
Vegetation 1 21 0 0 0 22 87.50 % 95.45 %
Settlement 1 1 22 0 0 24 91.67 % 91.67 %
Bare Land 1 0 0 22 6 29 91.67 % 75.86 %
Agriculture 1 0 0 0 16 17 66.67 % 94.12 %
Total 24 24 24 24 24 120
Overall Classification Accuracy 84.17%
Overall Kappa Statistics 0.8021

3.4 Classifying criteria Maps

The first step Abattoir sitting process is identifying site requirements or criteria. Since the
main objective of this study is selecting suitable Abattoir site, criteria used should minimize
surrounding environmental, economic and social impacts. Factor maps were overlaid together
for final suitability classification of the study area. However, in this process data’s were kept,
displayed, and managed individually. Because the factors have different scales of
measurement; they cannot be compared by their raw scores.
3.4.1 Reclassified Land use / Land cover
Land use land cover is considered as one of Abattoir site selection criteria. According to Meat
Technology – Atom (2020), the abattoir should also be at a reasonable distance from local
housing and other development to avoid complaints about noise and smell. For the purpose of
this study, land use/land cover of the area was reclassified into four classes based on their
importance to evaluate suitable site to locate abattoir for overlay analysis. These are
Settlement, barren lands, agriculture and vegetation. Bare lands and agricultural lands are
more preferable for the location of abattoirs due to Surplus land for expansion and low cost of
acquisitions. Barren lands ranked as highly suitable; agriculture, ranked as suitable;

Vegetation and Shrub land, ranked as moderately suitable and Settlement ranked as
Table 3.5: Area coverage and Land Use/ Cover suitability
No Land use/Land Suitability Classes Suitability Area in Area in
Cover type Rank (Km2) (%)
1 Settlement Un suitable 1 28.86 41.8
2 Vegetation /Shrub land Moderately Suitable 2 24.22 35.15
3 Agricultural Land Suitable 3 8.8 12.8
4 Bare land Highly Suitable 4 6.9 10.1
Total 69.174 100

Figure 3.6: Reclassified map of land use/cover

3.4.2 Reclassified Topographic Factor
Reclassified Elevation: The elevation raster was reclassified in to four classes by examining
the value and the frequency of elevation in the study area. According to Fard, 2012; abattoirs
might be constructed in an area lower than the city level in order to prevent the spread of
contamination. It is convenient to locate abattoirs over low laying parts in order to minimize
the effect of flooding hazard. Therefore, in this study areas with high altitude which ranges
from (1198 – 1325) ranked as Unsuitable, and areas with low altitude (1055 – 1114) ranked
as highly suitable for site selection.

Table 3.6: Area coverage and Elevation suitability
No Elevation Suitability Classes Suitability Area in Area in
(meter) Rank (Km2) (%)
1 1198 – 1325 Un suitable 1 6.3 9.24
2 1155 – 1198 Moderately Suitable 2 14.58 21.26
3 1114 – 1155 Suitable 3 24.18 35.26
4 1055 – 1114 Highly Suitable 4 23.47 34.22
Total 68.57 100.0

Figure 3.7: Reclassified map of elevation

Reclassified Slope: Steep slopes are disadvantageous for construction. Steeper slopes
increase construction costs, limit maximum floor areas and contribute to erosion during
construction and subsequent use. Slope of the study area was generated from digital elevation
model (DEM) using ArcGIS spatial analyst extension of surface tool. Then the slope raster
was reclassified into four classes of slope percent. The reclassified slope was given a rank
value one (1) to four (4) with the higher value of four (4) showing high influence, while the
lower value of one (1) showing low influence, least suitable. The desirable slope for abattoir
site is suggested to be gently sloping area.

Table 3.7: Area coverage and Slope suitability
No Slope Suitability Classes Suitability Area in Area in
Classes (o) Rank (Km2) (%)
1 > 30 Un suitable 1 1.6 2.34
2 20 – 30 Moderately Suitable 2 9.31 13.58
3 10 – 20 Suitable 3 25.5 37.18
4 < 10 Highly Suitable 4 32.16 46.8
Total 68.6 100

Figure 3.8: Reclassified slope map

3.4.3 Reclassified Accessibility Factor
Reclassified Road: Road is also an important criterion in Abattoir site selection processes.
Access roads to abattoirs site should be at least compacted gravel road as per the Ethiopian
Road Authorities rural road standard (RR10) (Aysheshim, 2002). For the purpose of the
analysis, largely all-weather roads that cross the boundary of the study area are considered. In
addition to possessing optimal accessibility, are characterized by being less susceptibility to
dust attack. As it is known, most of Ethiopian towns have road networks not paved with
asphalt material. As a result, dust problem prevails depending on the local vehicle traffic
density and the intensity of the wind. In order to alleviate the impact of the former effect on
the abattoir site, in addition to asphalt road cobblestone and gravel road surfs were selected.

The need to transport processed meat, carcasses, slaughter animals, etc. is dependent on the
proximity to transportation facility. Then the buffer distance zones have been categorized into
four levels based on the level of proximity to abattoir site. For this work, areas below 400m
away from roads were analyzed as best site for abattoir site. As buffer distance from roads
increases suitability level diminishes. Therefore; Buffer distance near to road ranked as
highly suitable whereas the buffer distances away from road ranked as least suitable. Thus,
the rank value of four was given for highly suitable road buffers and the rank value one was
given for unsuitable road buffers.
Table 3.8: Area coverage and Road suitability
No Buffer Distance in Suitability Classes Suitability Area in Area in
(m) Rank (Km2) (%)
1 > 1200 Un suitable 1 22.73 33.14
2 800 – 1200 Moderately Suitable 2 7.94 11.58
3 400 – 800 Suitable 3 10.8 15.75
4 < 400 Highly Suitable 4 27.1 39.52
Total 68.58 100.0

Figure 3.9: Reclassified map of Road Network

Reclassified Railway: In cities that are located on the railway track, it is more accurate to
choose a place for slaughterhouse near the railway (Fard et al, 2012). Similar to road factor
railway also categorized into four levels based on the level of proximity to abattoir site. For
this work, areas below 400m away from railway were analyzed as best site for abattoir.
Table 3.9: Area coverage and Railway suitability
No Buffer Distance in Suitability Classes Suitability Area in Area in
(m) Rank (Km2) (%)
1 > 1200 Un suitable 1 55.28 80.6
2 800 – 1200 Moderately Suitable 2 4.45 6.47
3 400 – 800 Suitable 3 4.39 64.0
4 < 400 Highly Suitable 4 4.47 6.52
Total 68.58 100.0

Figure 3.10: Reclassified map of Railway

3.4.4 Reclassified Surface Water
Reclassified Water body: Water body is one of the most criteria required to select suitable
site for Abattoir site. The Water body factor was obtained from Ethio-GIS Geo-database.
This data was acquired from online spatial database ( All stream and river
that cross the city are Non-Perennial, Intermittent and Fluctuating. Then it was buffered
based on the standard criteria. Thus, four buffer zones have been drawn around rivers, and
relative suitability rank was assigned; areas 200m away from to water body are more suitable.
Table 3.10: Area coverage and Water Body suitability
No Buffer Distance in Suitability Classes Suitability Area in Area in
(m) Rank (Km2) (%)
1 > 800 Un suitable 1 13.56 19.77
2 400 – 800 Moderately Suitable 2 11.78 17.18
3 200 – 400 Suitable 3 19.91 29.03
4 < 200 Highly Suitable 4 23.32 34.05
Total 68.58 100.0

Figure 3.11: Reclassified maps of Water body

3.4.5 Reclassified Airport
Airport zone were digitalized manually in Google Earth and projected into the same spatial
reference system as DEM data and satellite image data (WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_37N). In
order to reduce scavengers menace to aircrafts. An abattoir must not be located within 4 kilo
meters of an airport. While establishing an abattoir no objection from local airport authority
is also required.
Table 3.11: Area coverage and Airport suitability
No Buffer Distance in Suitability Classes Suitability Area in Area in
(Km) Rank (Km2) (%)
1 >4 Un suitable 1 44.05 64.23
2 4–6 Moderately Suitable 2 10.06 14.63
3 6–8 Suitable 3 10.37 15.12
4 <8 Highly Suitable 4 4.12 6.07
Total 68.58 100.0

Figure 3.12: Reclassified maps of Airport

3.4.6 Reclassified industries sites
Abattoir should be situated at a significant distance away from Industry sites. The focus is to
minimize the impact of neighborhood activities upon the abattoir, and alleviating possible
impact of neighboring activities on the abattoir. The impact that the industry poses may
manifest in the form of dust and smoke that can produce chemical and other form of pollution.
Therefore, a buffer zone of 300 meters should be reserved around industries sites, was
classified based on the standard criteria using spatial analyst buffer Euclidean distance and
the reclassified optimum buffer zone of each factor was taken as suitable site for abattoir site
Table 3.12: Area coverage and industries sites suitability
No Buffer Distance (m) Suitability Classes Suitability Area Area (%)
Rank (Km2)
1 > 300 Un suitable 1 2.57 3.75
2 300 – 600 Moderately Suitable 2 3.02 4.41
3 600 – 900 Suitable 3 3.91 5.71
4 < 900 Highly Suitable 4 59.06 86.11
Total 68.54 100.0

Figure 3.13: Reclassified map of industries sites

3.5 Calculating Factor Weights and Overlaying Identified Suitable Sites
Based on impact surrounding environment, different weights were assigned to all the
parameters. The larger the weight, the more important is the criterion in the overall utility. In
this study pairwise comparison was done by using ArcGIS ‘ext_ahp’ extension each factor has
been given specific weights based on their significance for Abattoir Site selection in the study
area. In this process, expert’s opinions and literature reviews were taken to calculate the
relative importance of the factors and criteria involved.

Figure 3.14: AHP weight derivation method for criteria classes

Where a calculated CR also found to be 0.0558, which is acceptable to be used in the site
suitability analysis. The computed Eigen vector is used as a coefficient for the respective
factor maps to be combined in weighted overlay in ArcGIS environment.
The GIS overlay process can be used to combine the factors and constraints in the form of a
Weighting Overlay process. The result is then summed up producing a suitability map.
Using ArcGIS ‘ext_ahp’ software all factors has been given specific weights and the
weighted overlay analysis has been conducted which produces Abattoir Site Suitability map
using ArcGIS model builder.

3.6 Selecting Optimal site
Size of Abattoir is one of the determinant criteria. According to LMA, 2000; one hectare of
land should be found to accommodate all the necessary components of the abattoirs. For
evaluating Abattoir site, distance from the road is also another very important criterion from
economic point of view. Abattoir site should be accessible from a permanent road to allow
ready transport of livestock and meat. Accordingly, the analyses of the potential Abattoir
sites in GIS environment show that, sites with area less than one Hectare and far from road
are excluded. Highly suitability class is extracted using conditional spatial analyst tool. The
conditional tool allow for control of the output values based on conditions placed on the input
values. The condition that was applied here was Location and an attribute query to select the
optimal Abattoir suitable sites. There were many single cells representing optimal locations.
These dispersed small cells are too small for the Abattoir site. Using the Majority Filter tool
of ArcGIS these scattered small areas were cleaned up and removed. Then, filtered optimum
suitable areas were converted from raster to vector data set inside a Geodatabase.

4 Result and Discussion
4.1 Abattoir site Suitability Map

Figure 4.1: Abattoir Site Suitability map

Table 4.1: Statistical Analysis for the Abattoir Site Suitability map
Suitability Class Value Count Area( Percent %

Unsuitable 1 13329 11.96 17.49

Moderate suitable 2 27582 24.82 36.19
Suitable 3 27596 24.83 36.20
Highly suitable 4 7713 6.94 10.12
Total 76220 68.59 100
Source: Extracted from the Abattoir Site Suitability Map
The main objective of this study was to select the most suitable Abattoir site by using GIS
based multi criteria evaluation techniques in Dire Dawa City. This was accomplished through
use of Suitability analysis model which incorporated various weighted criteria’s.
Figure 4.1 shows the resultant map indicating suitable Abattoir site areas by degree as well as
areas not suitable for Abattoir site. After weighted overlay of eight layers: - Land use/ Cover,

Roads, Slope, Stream, Airport, Railway, Elevation and industrial sites the results were
obtained showing Suitable site for Abattoir in Dire Dawa City. The results are shown in a
suitability map (Figure 4.1) which assists in quick identification and comparison of suitability
level. ‘Highly suitable’ class contributes about 6.94 km2 (10.12 %) these areas are mainly
located in the north west and west corner of the city, whereas, ‘suitable’ class accounts for
about 24.83 km2 (36.20%). Somewhat, under the class of ‘moderate suitable’ there is also an

appropriate site for the development of abattoir and contributes 24.82 km2 (36.82 %). Finally,
the unsuitable areas for abattoir site selection are also located on the stream side of the city
11.96 km2 (17.40%).

Figure 4.2: Abattoir suitability per Area

4.2 Candidate Abattoir Site
Socio-economic criteria like size of the site, their closeness to Road and Railway were the
determinant criteria used to evaluate Candidate abattoir site so as to choose the best suitable.
Accordingly, the analysis of the Candidate abattoir site in GIS environment shows that sites
with area less than one Hectare are economically not feasible and areas far from road are
hence excluded. Accordingly, the result of the analysis shows one abattoir site is selected; the
candidate abattoir site is the most suitable site for abattoir, because of its Availability of
sufficient land for expansion, Low environmental impact, Availability of infrastructure (water,
road, electricity and railway).

The brief description of the Candidate abattoir site has been presented in the following:
4.2.1 Location
The Candidate abattoir site for Dire Dawa city is located at the western part of Dire Dawa,
around 01 Keble, It accounts 230.56 hectare. The specific Candidate abattoir site is located
on the way to Ethio – Djibouti railway Dire Dawa station, in the village called Melka Jebdu.
Its geographic GPS coordinates are 804199.53 E and 1064758.18 N.
4.2.2 Topography and slopes
Topography of the Candidate abattoir site and of the surroundings ranges from 1084 - 1145
which is a plain land form and it is the optimal site in order to prevent the spread of
contamination from environmental view. Generally, the specific site is sloped 9% from south
to north.
4.2.3 Water resources
There is no surface water that passes through the candidate abattoir site while a Non-
Perennial and Intermittent stream path is found 100 meter away from the candidate abattoir
site. Hydro wells are found 6 kilometer away from the candidate abattoir site, further study is
needed for determining groundwater availability in the study area.
4.2.4 Land use/Cover
Land use and land cover pattern of the study area has been assessed through LULC map of
the study area in addition Google earth pro were used to identify the land use in and around
the candidate abattoir site. Accordingly, the candidate abattoir site is covered by shrub land
and Bare lands. While some patches of lands were seen used for agricultural purpose. No
residential settlers are found in the candidate abattoir site. However; around one kilometer
radius from candidate abattoir site its vicinity areas are sparsely populated.
4.2.5 Transportation
The candidate abattoir site is connected to the Dire Dawa - Mieso road by a gravel road.
Ethio–Djibouti rail way is also adjacent to the candidate abattoir site; there will be no
problem of transportation.
4.2.6 Noise levels
The mild noise levels are expected around candidate abattoir site because of a traffic
movements which undertaken from Dire Dawa railway station to the city center but this
traffic flows were neither heavy nor continuous. Dire Dawa international airport were also 6
kilometers away from the candidate abattoir site which is a potential distance to prevent bird
menace to aircrafts and to reduce the noise level came from airport. 9 kilometer distance was

kept between candidate abattoir site and city center which reduce the noise level comes from
the urban area.
4.2.7 Religious, cemetery, industry and Recreational site
According to Data’s collected from different sources indicate that there are no known sites of
Religious, cemetery, industry and Recreational site areas significance in the vicinity of
selected candidate abattoir site. Absence of this features from candidate abattoir site create
good condition to maintain public health from different pollution that abattoir poss.
Generally, the selected candidate site is the potential abattoir site in terms of locating the
abattoir within this site ensures minimizing the impact of abattoir on the surrounding
environment and reducing the impact of nearby activities on the abattoir.

Figure 4.3: Candidate Abattoir sites Map

5 Conclusion and Recommendations
5.1 Conclusion
Abattoir site selection is a complex procedure which involves evaluating numerous factors
like, physical, environmental and socio-economic factors. The main purpose of establishing
abattoir is to provide stable and adequate supply of fresh meat to the community. This study
applied GIS based multi criteria analysis to produce a suitable site map for abattoir in Dire
Dawa city. This was enabled through application of various spatial analysis tools. The tools
were applied on eight layers: - Land use/ Cover, Roads, Slope, Stream, Airport, Railway,
Elevation and industrial sites.
The output maps were divided into four classes from unsuitable to highly suitable areas. A
method which integrates both GIS and MCDA is used for the analysis. The analysis has
taken important factors to minimize public health risks comes from environmental problems
generated by abattoir. The results have shown that a candidate site was suggested as highly
suitable for abattoir. The site is appropriate from the point of view of topography and
proximity to railway and Road. It’s located in western part of the city and is mainly bare land
and mostly shrub lands with less than 10% slope. Candidate Abattoir site Accounts 230.56
Hectare which is suitable for various program of expansion on lines of meat processing and it
is ideal to have surplus land and for farther expansion of the plant as and when required.
From the study, it was noted that to define the weights for each criteria, expert opinion in the
subject of interest is paramount. In this case, expert input from Abattoirs, Meat experts,
Veterinary public health officers and Doctor of veterinary medicines was a key ingredient.
Information derived from this study can be used to inform government and other
stakeholders on livestock industries.
5.2 Recommendation
In this study an attempt is made to develop a model for conducting abattoir site suitability
analysis for Dire Dawa city. The study shows that the use of a GIS for land suitability
analysis is appropriate. For further undertaking of the system, the following
recommendations are given:
1. The present study considers different factors for abattoir site selection. However, other
factors such as Religious Consideration also influence abattoir site selection, in
Ethiopian religious context oppose the slaughter of pig. Therefore, an abattoir dealing
with pork must not be established in area with dense population of Muslims and

2. This study has been intended to serve for solving the location problems associated
with municipal abattoirs. For Export abattoirs, which are expected to flourish in the
near future, some additional factors such as, distance to settlement/ residential area,
distance to cattle market, distance to meat industry and soil types should be
considered, depending on the nature and complexity of such abattoirs.
3. To protect downstream surface water pollution, sewage must not flow into nearby
streams. Hence, effluent drainage system should be constructed around the abattoir
4. Anaerobic and facultative ponds shall be used for suggested candidate site to
maintain the discharge of pollutants to nearby water body and reduce pollution.
5. To ensure safe hygienic disposal of solid wastes Vehicles with close containers
should be provided for the disposal of various solid wastes before being disposed
to designated landfill site.

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Appendix 1: Questionnaire used during data collection with experts
Date (dd/mm/yyyy): ____/____/____
The person who submitted this questionnaire is student at Haramaya University doing
research on suitable site selection for abattoir using GIS and Multi criteria decision making.
For this reason your contribution by filling this questionnaire to the researcher is greatly
appreciated. Return this questionnaire honestly simply by ticking (  ) or by giving short
answers of a case may be. The questionnaire has four parts, first: demographic information,
second: abattoir site selection issues, third: abattoir operation that relate with environment
issues for abattoir employers and forth: contact information.
Thank You!
Age __________________
Gender (tick one): Male [ ] Female [ ]
Education level (tick one): Degree [ ] Grade 12 complete [ ] MA, Msc and DVM [ ]
Profession: ______________________________
Working experience (tick one): below 4 years [ ] 4-6 years [ ] above 6 years [ ]
1. List criteria are considered for abattoir site selection?
2. What is the possible distance you considered to separate municipal abattoir from constrains?

3. list/mention the possible reasons for choosing distances provided in (Question No 2)?
4. Have you ever used GIS techniques to select these distances?
Yes [ ] No [ ]
5. If your answer is yes for (Question No 4) describe?
PART THREE: ENVIROMNTAL ISSUE (only for abattoir employers)
The questions below are intended to collect information about operations of the abattoir that
relate with environment issues. Questions can be answered by the abattoir manager or owner.
Abattoir name: _________________________________
City name: _________________________
GPS reading: Long(x). _________ Lat(y).____________ Elevation (Alt).___________
1. How long have you worked at this abattoir? ______________Years __________Months
2. List the main activities undertaken in this Abattoir?
Tick all that apply:
Slaughtering [ ] Cleaning [ ] Flaying [ ] Evisceration [ ] Product (meat) storage [ ]
3. Is the abattoir polluting the environment?
Yes [ ] No [ ]
4. If your answer is yes for (Question No 3) what kinds of pollution is it (Tick all that apply)?
Air pollution [ ] water pollution [ ] Noise [ ] soil pollution [ ]
5. What do you think should be done to solve these environmental problems in (Question 4)?
Tick all that apply:
Appearance of efficient pollution management on abattoir [ ]
Giving awareness for people to protect environmental pollution [ ]
Re-locating the existing site to other to other place [ ]
Working with accordance of environmental laws [ ]
6. Is the abattoir face pollution from surrounding activities?
Yes [ ] No [ ]

7. If your answer is yes for (Question No 5) in what kinds of form it affects?
Tick all that apply:
The meat picks up odour of environment [ ]
The spread of bone and flesh affect the abattoir [ ]
Personal hygiene of employer in slaughterhouse has an influence on the product [ ]
Chemical industries such as paint, dust, smoke and ash affect hygienic production of meat []
8. Is the abattoir near from residential area (settlement)?
Yes [ ] No [ ]
9. If your answer is yes for (Question No 7) what kinds of measurements need to be
taken Problems related to residential areas?
10. Is the abattoir use proper waste disposal system?
Yes [ ] No [ ]
11. If your answer is No for (Question No 9) what methods are planned for the future to
control waste disposal system?
1. May I contact you again for further questions or clarifications?
Yes [ ] No [ ] Unknown [ ]
2. If yes, your telephone number: _______________________

Appendix 2: Environmental pollution in different abattoirs (Photographs taken during field

A) Stream pollution near to Haramaya municipal abattoir. B, C, D) pollution on the Gate of

Slaughter house in Haramaya municipal abattoir due to inefficient effluent management.

A) A stray dog near the Haramaya University abattoir, B) Haramaya University Abattoir sited
near to stadium and student dormitory.


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