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A2 Level
A1 Level
1. Read the paragraphs below. Fill in the gaps with
1. Choose the word, from the list below to fill each gap. the correct word from the “WORD BOX”.
The first one is done for you.
Hi Steven,
The benefits of yoga provide 1._____ instant gratification
Thank you 1. a much for the birthday present. and lasting transformation. In the fitness world, both are
I really 2. ______ a new video game, so 3.____ was extremely important. Too much time with too 2._____
terrific. You are very 4._____. results can be incredibly discouraging, and 3._________
5.____ are you? Good luck in your exams. I hope you routines week after week can lead to stagnation. Yoga
6.____ it with good grades. can change your physical and mental 4._______ quickly,
while preparing the mind and body for long-term health.
Speak to you soon.
5._______ yoga studios and local gyms offer yoga classes
Maria. that are open to all generations and fitness levels. It’s
1. a. very b. too c. quite exciting to enter a room full of young teens, athletes,
2. a. to need b. need c. needed middle-aged moms, older gentlemen, and 6._______
3. a. it b. he c. you fitness buffs and body builders. 7. ______ can feel
accepted and included and, unlike other sports or classes
4. a. useless b. kind c. reliable
that focus on niche clients, yoga tends to offer open
5. a. how b. who c. what
arms. 8._______ you like to say “Om” or you can’t stand
6. a. passed b. pass c. will pass the word “yogi”; whether you are 92, 53, or even 12, yoga
can 9.______ you.

Taken and adapted for educational purposes from:

2. Use the verbs, from the box below, to fill in the gaps
in the letter that Monica wrote Jamie. There are more
words than needed and some are used twice. WORD BOX
Play Comes Have Works A. few C. little D. Most E. Everyone
Like Want Wants Meet
Likes Meets Come Goes J.
Has Say Plays Live F. help G. even H. both I. If
work lives go says
K. M. N.
Hi Jamie, L. aid O. Many
capacity capability Whether

How are you? I am great. I (1) ______ to tell you

something about the person who (2) ______ with me
here in my flat. 2. Order the sentences below from 1 to 6 to make a
Her name is Carla and she (3) ______ from France. She is story. The first one is done for you.
28 and she (4) ______ at the airport near the city. She
really does (5) ______ her job and she (6) ______ it is
because she (7) ______ new people every day from many __1__A. Liz was excited. She was going to Asia
different countries. with her mom. Neither of them had ever traveled
On the weekend and holidays, she (8) ______ running out of the United States before. They were going
and sometimes we (9) ______ to play basketball, and
to fly to Hong Kong. After staying in Hong Kong
occasionally we (10) ______ skating together. She (11)
______ a very handsome boyfriend called Andrew and for three nights, they would travel on their cruise
they (12) ______ to get married next month! ship to Shanghai and Beijing.

OK, that is all for now. Write soon. _____B. From China, the cruise ship would go to
Pusan in South Korea, and finally to Tokyo. From
Tokyo, they would catch a flight back to Los one ruined bean can make your cup toxic. If you
Angeles. invest and buy high quality, speciality coffee you
don’t have to worry about this.
_____C. "The trip is going to last three weeks.  _____3. One study has shown that coffee may
It's only going to cost us $2,800 each, IF we can decrease the risk of developing prostate cancer
control our urge to shop," she laughed. in men by 20 %, and endometrial cancer in
women by 25 %. People in the test group drank
_____D. "We've heard about those disasters," four cups of coffee a day. Caffeine may also
said Liz. "Mom and I are going to be washing our prevent developing of basal cell carcinoma, the
hands every 30 minutes, and we're bringing most common type of skin cancer
surgical masks with us."  _____4. Yes, if you drink 80-100 cups (23 litres) in
a short session. This dose is lethal and will
_____E. "Beijing is inland, so we have to take amount in 10-13 grams of caffeine within your
about a two-hour bus ride to get there from the body. Before you reach this point, however,
port. I forget the name of the port. Anyway, you'll be vomiting most of it out since 23 litres of
we're going to see the Great Wall, the any liquid is a lot. Even drinking 23 litres of water
Tiananmen Square, and the Forbidden City. It's can kill you.
going to be so cool!" she told her neighbor Jane.  _____5. Caffeine stimulates the central nervous
system and boosts production of serotonin,
______F. "I hope your trip is more fun than mine dopamine, and noradrenaline, which elevate
was," said Jane. "I took a cruise to the Bahamas, your mood. Two cups of coffee a day prevents
but almost all the passengers got sick. I caught risk of suicide by 50 %.
some kind of virus that made me throw up for  _____6. Studies on coffee's effect on a fetus
almost three days. They gave us a discount that have been controversial, but one thing is sure: if
we could use on a future trip. Ha! No more you drink coffee when pregnant, caffeine will
cruising for me." also reach the fetus, and your baby is highly
Taken and adapted for educational purposes from:
sensitive to caffeine. So, if you’re a heavyweight
coffee drinker and can’t stop drinking it while
B1 Level pregnant, at least reduce your coffee intake to
one cup a day.
1. Read the passage and then choose a heading from the  _____7. Coffee contains magnesium and
“TITLE BOX” in the answer sheet for each numbered potassium, which helps the human body use
paragraph (1-10). There are two more headings than insulin, regulating blood sugar levels and
needed. reducing your craving for sugary treats and
 _____8. One survey reported that caffeine
consumption of 5-7 year old kids may increase
 _____1. Have a cup of black coffee about an hour
enuresis a.k.a. bedwetting.
before workout and your performance
 _____9. High caffeine levels in your blood reduce
can improve by11-12%.
the risk of Alzheimer disease. It also lowers risk
 Caffeine increases adrenaline levels in your
of dementia.
blood. Adrenaline is your body’s “fight or flight”
 _____10. Coffee beans contain cafestol and
hormone, which helps you to prepare for
kahweol, two ingredients that appear to raise
physical exertion.
LDL cholesterol levels. Filtering the coffee traps
 _____2. Bad quality coffee can have a lot of most of the LDL, but cafestol and kahweol are
impurities in it, which can cause sickness, found in espresso, turkish coffee, french press
headache or a general bad feeling. This can and scandinavian style “cooked coffee”.
Taken and adapted for educational purposes from:
happen if your coffee is made from beans that
have been over ripped or otherwise ruined. Even and-6-disadvantages-of-coffee-smashing-it
1. Look at photograph below and discuss what you
think might be happening in this picture.

a. Coffee reduces risk of cancers.

b. Coffee brightens your mood, helps fight
depression and lowers risk of suicide.
c. Coffee boosts your physical performance.
d. If you have high cholesterol please choose
filtered coffee.
e. Coffee protects your brain.
f. Bad coffee can be toxic.
g. Coffee for kids, may increase bedwetting.
h. Don’t drink more than one cup a day if you’re
pregnant. 2. Look at all the photographs below; imagine these
i. Coffee can kill you
photographs are going to be used in a book about
j. Coffee may help you lose weight
security. Talk about what aspects of security are covered
k. Coffee helps you focus and stay alert
l. Coffee can cause insomnia and restlessness by each photograph and whether each would be an
appropriate photo to use in such a book.


A1 Level

1. Orally and with complete sentences respond to the

following questions.
 Is English your main subject of study?
 Do you spend more time studying alone or with
 Have you lived in your current city for a long
 What is the most interesting place for visitors to
see there? B1 Level
 Do many tourists visit your area?
1. You're each going to talk for about three
minutes about the following topic; you need to
2. Practice the following questions orally. Work with a cover the three aspects mentioned.
classmate by switching roles.
Is it better to live on your own or with a roommate?
 Could you describe your family and home?
 Do you plan to take up a new sport in the future?  Privacy
 Are there good quality TV programs in your area?  Maintenance
 Do you find it hard to relax?  Company
 What was a memorable holiday when you were a
A1 Level
A2 Level 1. You are looking for a new roommate. Write a
newspaper add to be published on the next edition. You
have 7 minutes.
2. Write the reasons why you decided to change your society being a non-profit organization does not have
roommate. Use 50 words. You have 7 minutes. the means to replace the money. We have no choice
but to award the winner with a diploma, but there
A2 Level will not be a 1st place cash reward. I encourage
everyone to keep on participating and I look forward
1. You are a member of a benevolent society. You are
to announce the winner at the end of the month.
chatting to some other members in the chat room.
Talk to them using complete sentences. Use 30  Write a letter to another member of your
words per answer. You have 10 minutes. society expressing your feelings about this
decision and what alternative solution you
 Victor: Hi, I heard you are a new have. Write about 100 words. You have 10
member of this society, what was the minutes.
last charitable campaign you were
involved in and why were you interested
in participating?
 Victor: I like to help people with Images taken from:
cognitive disabilities, what about you?
 What type of text do you enjoy to write?
 What has been the most difficult part of
being part of a benevolent society? %3A&w=339&h=240&bih=638&biw=1360&ved=0ahUKEwjd8ePb_K_PAh
2. You are the best soccer player in your town. You are
talking to other member of your team at the soccer
field. Use 30 – 50 words and use complete sentences.
 Joey: Hi, you must be the new player in this
soccer club, what was the last club you belonged WCeSYKHVj4D2cQMwg5KAswCw&iact=mrc&uact=8
and why did you quit?
 I like to train 6 days per week, what about you?
What type of training do you do? guards.jpg&
 What has been the most difficult part of being %2Fsecurity-guards-services-india-
the best soccer player? punjab.html&docid=YbpUkAsKjDazFM&tbnid=YxNlIeUX2KE6hM
B1 Level
You received this letter that was sent to all the
members of the benevolent society. %2F2013%2F05%2FBest-Security-Guard-Companies-in-
Dear members, %3A&w=481&h=309&bih=638&biw=1360&ved=0ahUKEwjd8ePb_K_PAh
We are already half way to choose the winner of the:
“most amazing benevolent event”, the entry fee was
set at $10 dollars per member and the winner will
take all. Unfortunately, the funds were lost and the

Answer Key TALLER 1


1. Choose the word from the list for each gap. The first one is done for you.

1 2 3 4 5 6
a c a b a b
2. Use the verbs from the box below to fill in the gaps in the letter that Monica writes to Jamie. Be careful of the third
person "s"!

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
want live come works like says meet goes like go has want
s s
Read the paragraphs below. Fill in the gaps with the correct word from the “WORD BOX”.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

H. both A. few J. monotonous M. capability D. Most G. even E. Everyone N. Whether F. help

2. Order the sentences below from 1 to 6 to make a story. The first one is done for you.


1 3 4 6 2 5

Read the passage quickly. Choose a heading from the “TITLE BOX” in the answer sheet for each number paragraph (1-10).
There are two more headings than you need.

1. C. Coffee boosts your physical performance

2. F. Bad coffee can be toxic
3. A. Coffee reduces risk of cancers
4. I. Coffee can kill you
5. B. Coffee brightens your mood, helps fight depression and lowers risk of suicide
6. H. Don’t drink more than one cup a day if you’re pregnant
7. J. Coffee may help you lose weight
8. G. Coffee for kids, may increase bedwetting
9. E. Coffee protects your brain
10. D. If you have high cholesterol please choose filtered coffee

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