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Opening Case 1: Sony Builds an IPv6 Network to Fortify Competitive Edge.

Page 111

1. Why might IPv6 be a business continuity issue for organizations?

There will be a continuity issue because Sony has compatibility issues on their network
infrastructure the main one is the IP conflicting if they move to the IPv6 protocol they
will eliminate the problems and enabling this will cause some divisions to become more
productive like real time collaboration between units.

2. Explain how Sony’s IPv4 enterprise network was restricting the productivity of its workers.

They will restrict productivity because they will duplicate the IP’s once they finish the
integration they will be able to fix the routing issues the main issues if they keep like this
will be the communication between employees, file sharing and all their virtual services.

3. What problems did duplicate IP addresses cause at Sony? Give an analogy.

The main problems with this issues are that several devices are connected on independent
networks that are using the same IP addresses this issues generate on the routing traffic
errors this cause drop on packages and the information don’t get to the right place.

4. Why did Sony need to run both protocols on its network instead of replacing IPv4 with

They was forced to utilized both protocols simultaneous due to the devices they have on
the network and their applications that was meant to use only on IPV4

5. Describe the strategic benefit of Sony’s IPv6 implementation.

By utilizing the IPV6 protocol they fixed the duplication of IP addresses and as said
previously on question 1 they will be able to perform better in collaboration with other
units by working in real time, this will help them to release new applications and will
unified all Sony departments into one solid and unique network.

6.  Do research to determine the accuracy of this prediction: “Today, almost everything on the
Internet is reachable over IPv4. In a few years, both IPv4 and IPv6 will be required for
universal access.”

I highly believe that due to the limitation of the IP’s that can be release to the world soon
this will need to change to IPV6 to allow all devices access to the internet with a better
legacy on this devices that access the WAN.

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