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The perceived direct health effects of radio-frequency
radiation are due to the absorption into the body of energy
Lightning, from the radio waves, causing the tissues to warm up.
astronomical sources: planets, Health risks occur if excess heat cannot be removed by
stars, gas and dust clouds, television and radio broadcasts, cellular human temperature control. During or shortly after
1. Radio Waves galaxies, pulsars and even
black holes
phone communication, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi exposure, the health effects tend to arise from an increase
in temperature appear. The number of sources contained
artificial sources: broadcast in the immediate vicinity does not generally impact the
radio towers, cell overall exposure substantially. Due to one or a few
phones, satellites and radar. nearest sources, the cumulative overall exposure of many
sources located further away just increases the exposure
percent on top of the exposure.

Microwaves cause water and fat molecules

to vibrate, which makes the substances Radiation from the microwave could very well heat body
Artificial devices: circuits, hot. Mobile phones use microwaves, as tissue the same way it heats food. A painful burn may be
transmission towers, radars, they can be generated by a small antenna, caused by exposure to high levels of microwaves.
masers, and microwave ovens which means that the phone doesn't need Furthermore, the lens of the eye is especially susceptible
Natural sources: sun and to be very big. Wi-Fi also uses to extreme heat, and cataracts can be caused by exposure
2. Microwaves Cosmic Microwave microwaves. Microwaves are also used by to high microwave levels. But only through exposure to
Background fixed traffic speed cameras, and for radar, massive quantities of microwave radiation can these
which is used by aircraft, ships, and forms of accidents, burns, and cataracts. However, ovens
weather forecasters. that are defective or modified could cause microwaves to
leak out, and therefore could pose a danger to overall
public by potentially causing burns.
Exposure to excessive electromagnetic radiation,
including infrared radiation, can damage the eye's lens
Warm objects, such as the human body, and cornea. Skin and tissues may also be impaired by
produce large amounts of infrared, and massive doses of infrared waves. The greenhouse effect
heat-sensitive CCTV cameras work by includes infrared waves. The surface of the earth and the
3. Infra-red Sun, fire, heat, thermal
detecting these infrared waves. Half of the
energy produced by the sun is infrared, so
clouds above it absorb radiation from the rays of the sun
and re-emit it back into the atmosphere as infrared
Radiation radiation we are being bombarded by it constantly. radiation. When the air above the surface of the earth
contains a high concentration of water vapor, as well as
elements such as sulfur and nitrogen, and chemicals such
as chlorofluorocarbons, the infrared radiation is trapped
near the atmosphere. This triggers high temperatures and
changes in weather patterns that can be detrimental to
humans and animals.
We're using light to see stuff. You can also Visible light radiation has biological effects on the skin,
make light waves using a laser. It which include erythema, pigmentation, thermal damage,
functions differently from a light bulb and and free radical production. Visible exposure to light can
generates "coherent light. Lasers are used also induce or intensify photodermatoses, such as solar
in compact disk & DVD players, where urticaria, chronic actinic dermatosis (CAD), and
the light is reflected from the tiny pits in cutaneous porphyria. Visible light can cause indirect
the disk, and the pattern is identified and DNA damage through the generation of reactive oxygen
4. Visible Light Sun, light bulbs, basically converted into sound or data. Lasers are species. Visible light is the primary aspect of solar
anything that’s hot enough to also used in laser printers and aircraft radiation and the major source of the greenhouse effect.
glow weapon targeting systems. Visible light However, some light can be so strong that it can destroy
waves also make our television, computer, your eye's receptor cells, causing temporary or permanent
and mobile phone screens work. Life on blindness. High powered lasers can also cause damage
earth is dependent on visible light and burns. The toxic effect of visible light towards this
radiation. Without it, food chains would may be due to increased production of reactive oxygen
fall apart and surface temperatures would species, caused by visible light.
UV lighting applications include having The best known acute effect of prolonged UV exposure is
suntan, finding forged banknotes in stores, erythema, the famous reddening of the skin called
and hardening certain forms of dental sunburn. Chronic exposure to UV radiation often induces
filling. Several substances can absorb a variety of degenerative changes in the cells, fibrous
energy in UV light and instantly convert it tissues, and blood vessels of the skin. These involve
to visible light. This concept is referred to freckles, nevi and lentigine, which are pigmented areas of
as fluorescence. We can use UV and the skin, and diffuse brown pigmentation. UV radiation
fluorescence to provide effective accelerates the aging of the skin and the gradual loss of
illumination for offices, factories, and our elasticity of the skin causes wrinkles and dry, rough skin.
own homes. Ultraviolet rays can be used A reduction in the rate of photosynthesis is one of the
5. Ultra-violet Sun to destroy microbes. Hospitals use UV major biological effects of UV exposure on aquatic
lamps to sterilize surgical instruments and environments. This may have a direct impact on primary
Light air in the operating facilities. Food and productivity and as different species may vary in their
pharmaceutical companies also use UV sensitivity to UV exposure, it may eventually affect
lamps to sterilize their products. Suitable biodiversity. There is concern that ozone depletion could
levels of ultraviolet rays allow the body to lead to a loss of plant species and a reduction in global
develop vitamin D, which is used by food supply. Any change in the balance of plant species
doctors to treat vitamin D deficiency and can have severe consequences, as all life is interlinked.
other skin disorders.
Astrophysical sources of X-
rays include plasmas with Health professionals use x-rays to see X-rays can cause cell damage and cancer. That's why
temperatures of 1 to 100 inside individuals. The devices are Radiographers in hospitals are standing behind the mask
million degrees Celcius, such operated by a professional x-ray while their patients have X-rays. While the dosage is not
as the solar corona, supernova technician. They move through soft tissues enough to put the patient at risk, they take a lot of pictures
remnants, and gas in galaxy quickly, but not so easily through bones. every day and may easily build up a dangerous dose
6. X-rays clusters. In addition to this, X-Rays are also used for airport security themselves. The pathogenic function of x-rays is to cause
blackbody radiation from hot checks to see through your luggage. They carcinogenic and atherogenic mutations that may interact
gas, high-energy events are often used by astronomers-many with various environmental contaminants, endogenous
involving charged particles objects in the universe emit X-rays that we and exogenous hormones, dietary and tobacco
moving at high speeds within can track using effective radio telescopes. metabolites, and other endogenous and exogenous agents.
a magnetic field can also
generate X-rays.

They are produced by the Gamma rays are a risk of radiation to the whole body.
hottest and most energetic Gamma rays are ionizing rays that can They can easily penetrate barriers that could avoid alpha
objects in the universe, such destroy living cells. They are used in and beta particles, such as skin and clothes. Gamma rays
as neutron stars and pulsars, radiotherapy to treat malignant tumors. have so much penetrating power that a few inches of
7. Gamma Rays supernova explosions, and
black hole regions. On Earth,
Gamma rays may also act as surgical
knives for surgery.
dense material, such as lead, or even a few feet of
concrete, might be needed to avoid them. Gamma rays
gamma waves are formed by  Sanitize medical devices can pass completely through the human body; as they pass
nuclear explosions, lightning,  Purify food (irradiate food) through, they can cause ionizations that damage tissues
and less dramatic radioactive  Used as tracers pharmaceutical and DNA. They can destroy living cells, produce
decay. products gene mutations, and cause cancer.

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