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Joy Division – Disorder

New Transmission Records

4th Feb: Moved all the clips into one iMovie timeline, then proceeded to move this into Final Cut
Express. Jonny and Joel also designed a general layout for the order of the music video.



Middleton Woods






The cold turkey scenes will also intercut at various stages of the video.

After uploading all of our footage, we had over 1 hour & a half’s worth to sort through.

7th Feb: Started editing as a group and worked on the opening few clips to the video. Jonny and Joel
worked on a few shots separately in their free time. Established how to use black and white filter as
well as basic editing tools and shortcuts.

Black & white = Effects – Desaturate- Drag onto clip

B = cut z= zoom, a= arrow tool

Jonny also figured out how to get the track into Final Cut. You have to render the track once
imported. We also placed in the first and final shots to have a better understanding of what we
needed to fill the video with.

8th Feb: Decided not to use snorricam in the Burley scene as it will ruin the progressive nature of the

We initially had a problem learning to use the chroma key as we were confused with the different
layering required. Through trial & error we learnt that we needed 2 video layers (one in black white
and one normal). We eye dropped chroma section (embers) and then inverted selection. It worked
but we will continue to experiment with this.
Discusssed the clips at the start of the Burley scene, decided that we needed to choose only a select
few shots. Discussed having the end of each location finishing with the upwards spinning shots and
cutting to the next location’s similar shot. Decided this would take up too much time.

Jonny & Callum after school

Added quick cutaway shot of the character’s feet to make the piece flow better. This was initially
quite a long shot duration, but again due to time constraints was reduced.


Began to look at using transitions as an effective way to change scenes. Need to discuss the various
options in depth as a group.

We then decided that it would be best to look at snorricam shots. We managed to get the first
snorricam shot in place, and cut to perfection. We are very happy with the impression given by the
shot. First big success.

9th Feb: Callum suggested moving all upward shots into a separate layer and leaving them at the side
for now. Jonny said it’s vital to include one now though as the it is a big intertextual link to Control.
We then picked the best version of the spinning shot of the telephone pole from around ten
different attempts.

Jonny messed around with adding a few more shots to Burley scene as shot variation is very
important. Kept one in place until Callum & Joel could agree/disagree. He also tried to cut a few
shots to the song more tightly. Burley scene was now nearing completion.

10th Feb: Some clips were lost having been originally imported from a memory stick. Had to reimport
from Mac. Cropped a shot due to visible shadows of a crew member. Google told us how to. We also
finished the canal scene.

Then proceeded to work on the car park scene and begin looking at the Malham section.

11th Feb: Added 8mm car park footage, which then completed the car park section.

A shot in Malham was causing continuity concerns. We then decided to reverse this shot, we works
very well. We then positioned climbing shot in place. This would be followed by the more peaceful
Malham shots, an idea given to us by our drug addict influencer of “peaks and valleys” in terms of

Debated a cutaway shot to a tree. This was then taken out as it ruined the flow of the section. We
then put in our snorricam Malham footage, followed by the aforementioned reversed shot.

We slowed down our shot which links to an image of Ian Curtis sitting down. This was due to the
original footage being shaky, but surprisingly when slowed down worked really well. The editing in
this scene is a bit faster than intended, but this can be addressed in the next cut of the video.

We then started looking at the underpass scene. We decided to intercut the long shot with the shot
of the protagonist sitting down. This will act as a jump cut. This could work well cut to the beat of the
We then reorganised our video layers as they had begun to get a bit cluttered up. This was proving
to be a frustrating point for us as the time constraints were proving an issue. We even considered
having a point where the track would stop whilst the visuals continued and the track would then
come back in. This was dismissed as we were not thinking logically.

12th Feb: We finished the final bridge scene, and with that the first rough cut was complete. There
were some issues we knew would have to change at a later date, but we were happy with our first
cut. We then exported the file as .mov


15th Feb: Disaster as we discovered that Final Cut had deleted our rough cut. As a solution we had to
reimport the movie file version of the video.

16th Feb: Callum & Joel

Started by cutting the rough cut into individual sections. We copy and pasted the woodland section
so we had an original version and one to edit freely. We then started to re-edit the woodland scene.
Decided to take out 8mm footage and the shots linking them.

We then moved on to the canal scene, and removed one shot to see how the section would flow
without it.

Our key focus when making the second rough cut was on the time constraints. We moved onto the
train section (car park) and got rid of a few more shots. We removed a shot where the camera pans
to the left as it interrupted the flow of the scene. The second shot of the train was replaced with
another shot of the train. Worked much better, and we also cut the first train shot down to again
give us more time for other shots. This was vital as we still have to include the cold turkey scenes.

BIG – We have decided to remove all 8mm footage from the second rough cut. This would be
interesting to discuss in audience feedback.

We then started looking at our confined shots. Shot of the wall will be the first to separate the
woods and Burley scenes. Put a nice spinning clip in with the tree spinning shot.

17th Feb: Finished the second rough cut after adding more cold turkey scenes. Showed Jonny
progress made and he was very happy with it. He too was unsure on whether to use 8mm footage so
audience feedback could be vital on this debate.


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