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Nama : Farid alfarizi

NIM : 1882050020
Mata Kuliah : Reading for Basic Strategies

Exercise 5
1. Appeared in newspaper
2. Santos Family’s apartment in Sao Paulo
3. Mrs. Santos daughter
4. Trapped in neighbor apartment and then falling from window and fell five long stories and
landed safe and sound
5.  father of Luis and Augusto, they catch her

Exercise 6
1. Women on the average live longer.
2. Women produce hormones that are involved in fertility.
3. Female genes and lack of stress
4. Yes, Because of social habits of women are changing, Young women are smoking and
drinking more than women used to
5. yes, I just found out that women live longer

Exercise 7
1. C. the Surgeon General
2. a. liver disease
3. a. three seconds
4. c. raises blood pressure
5. c. willpower
6. a. giving up smoking
7. b. enjoys food more
8. b. the odor of smoke clings to cloth
9. a. twenty years old
10. b. illness and smoking are often related

Exercise 8
1. b. Antartica
2 b. 1960
3. c. 85 percent
4. b. twice the size.
5. a. ice free
6. a. fox
7. c. characters and actions
8. a. coastal areas of the world would flooded
9. c. adequate knowledge
10. c. penguins could not live at North Pole

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