E & A Y H: TSY Liexpress in OUR Ands

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2017 | by LIGGZ
With these proven steps I’ve helped many people earn a full time living
online. Everyday my email box is full of success stories with some people
even making over $50,000 a month. I’m going to take you through these
steps to help you live the online lifestyle. The freedom to do what you like
and get out of that 9 to 5 grind.

For the past little while I've been doing this method and since I figured out
a new twist to scale it up I figured I'd release the basic method - it's been
earning me on average about $800/week in Etsy. After all my costs about
half of that is profit.

Selling on Etsy is a great way to work on your craft and turn a profit in the
process. It puts your work in front of people who are ready to buy.

But here’s the catch: It’s not that simple.

Competition on Etsy is quite tough. There are many sellers also hoping to
get attention to their products.

You need traffic to your store. Without people looking at your Etsy listings,
you won’t get sales.
Step 1:

Create an Etsy account and start a shop - you should name it some like
[XXXX]Boutique, or FairTrade[XXXX] try and play up the one off novelty
factor because girls love that. Here is a sample shop I've created for the
purpose of this tutorial:
Step 2:

Aliexpress is one of the biggest online shops along with Ebay and Amazon
and I will show you how you can become their partner and start making
money with their site.

AliExpress is amazing. There are millions of very cheap products in more

than 40 categories. Most of their products will come with Free Shipping
option so you will earn more because of that too.
Step 2:

Go to AliExpress and type in things like "Africa" or "bead bracelet" "fair

trade" and sort by price. Look for items that don't look like total crap. A
great example is these:

The earrings look fairly fancy and could easily be something that is sold in
a nice boutique. They have a high quality image where they are nicely
displayed and they only cost $1.29 a pair! Download that picture and
return to etsy!
Step 3:

Add the items into your shop and set your base price to something
roughly $30 - $39 dollars and then set shipping to $10 US, $25 rest of the
world. Even if your item is super cheap to ship people charge so much for
shipping on Etsy that it isn't a problem. This price range works for most
trinkets and still keeps you competitive, however you may want to
research what the rest of the market is selling these objects for.

When listing it consider saying it is "hand crafted" "rare" or "vintage". Play

up the materials it is made out of. If in doubt you can get creative with
your wording. The earrings are "silver leaf earrings" as they are silver in
color but actually not made of silver.
When a user places an order ship the item from AliExpress to you. (If this
is your first time getting that particular item consider taking high quality
photos of the object so you can re-list it on Etsy with new unique
pictures). Repackage the object and ship it to the customer. Your RoI on
an item is massive and the shipping is covered so you can usually ship it
express which will help get positive feedback.

Step 4

Here are five tactics that’ll help you get more traffic to your Etsy store.

Kick it up on social media

To start I would use Pinterest (pinterest bots work great), as well as

Facebook groups interested in fashion or fair trade products. Once you get
1-2 sales I'd start spending on Facebook advertisements which I found to
be rather effective. Things like Reddit/Stumbleupon may work as well, I've
never really tried organic traffic on this method since paid traffic was
quick and working great. My average CPS was around $5 - $7 per
customer and my average profit per item is over $20. On an average week
right now I am selling 18 - 23 products across all my listings. A few tweaks
I've made in my newest test store are starting to increase this average so
play around and get creative.
Get found on the Etsy search engine

To get people to your store, the single most important idea you have to
grasp is that Etsy in itself is a huge search engine. Say you’re selling
leather-bound notebooks. When prospective buyers type “leather-bound
notebooks” into the search bar on Etsy, does your product listing appear
on the first page?

The higher your products show up in searches, the more people get to
your store and actually make a purchase. Learn how to use Etsy’s seller
tools and techniques like keyword research and competitor research to
optimize your store for the Etsy search engine. There are loads to learn in
the art of optimizing your store and listings for the search engine. Check
out the Etsy Seller Handbook.

Dress up your storefront

There are thousands of shops on Etsy and you need to stand out; not only
to get more traffic in but to keep visitors coming back.

The key to this is to have a detailed, thorough, and visually appealing


Photos are the lifeline of online shops like Etsy. Buyers love photos that
show off the product’s best feature. If it’s something that can be worn,
make sure you have a model photographed wearing it. As much as
possible, be consistent with your photos. Using a backdrop like a solid
colored cloth or foam board is a quick fix.

Don’t overlook seemingly small details like your shop’s “About” page and
your store’s policies. Make sure your policies are reasonable, especially
your returns and exchange rules. Make this section interesting.
Just because they’re “fine print” they have to be bland.
Start a blog

Don’t be afraid to get self-promotional. A blog is another venue for you

talk about your products and let your audience in on the creator behind
the products and a bit deeper into your creative process.

Link to your product listings where possible. Having relevant links pointing
to your Etsy store improves your chances of getting found on Etsy. Of
course, only link when the content is relevant — don’t overdo it.

Be known in your niche

Aside from marketing to your direct audience, there is a lot to gain in

networking with other creators and brands in your niche.

Look up sites that welcome guest posts. There’s also no harm in asking
websites if they’d be open for a guest author to write an article for their
site. Make sure that your pitch isn’t all self-promotion.

For example, if you’re selling hats, maybe you can pitch a step-by-step
guide on hat-making. Make it pretty and full of photos. You can include a
link to your store. Share that you have handmade products in case the
readers would rather buy than make.

Never buy a link or engage in spammy and black hat techniques. You’re
not only wasting money. You could also be penalized for it and lose all the
fruits of your hard work.

Selling on Etsy is a marathon, not a sprint. Be diligent in marketing and

improving your store. Dedicated Etsy sellers who are open to learning and
applying lessons to their store are those who get good traffic.

-If an object isn't selling try dropping the price by 10% and relisting,
experiment a bit to find out where the right price mark is.

-Get familiar with Etsy SEO - (This link is a good one


-Blog posts of "Ten great fair trade items on Etsy" or Pinterest posts are a
great way to drive traffic. On Etsy affluent females age 17-40 are your
primary market.

-It costs $0.20 per item you list and $0.20 every time you relist it, so be
careful in your selections only pick high quality.

-That being said numbers are important this is a game of quantity to beat
the searches one you make $200+ a week hire a virtual assistant to start
bulk adding goods while you promote.

-Try and keep a theme to your shop, new theme should be a new shop.
You can send out emails to your previous buyers or even invite them to a
Facebook page and promote new items in the same niche to them. About
12% of my sales come from repeat buyer advertising.
-Consider Facebook advertising the margins on these products are really
high so you have a great CPA.

-If you have the money to invest buy your product in bulk to cut down on
shipping costs, and buy it in advanced to cut down on shipping times to
your customers.

-Throw in a business card with your shipment that has your store name
and links to a Facebook page and your store.

Beyond that I'm afraid we've tapped out my knowledge so far of Etsy, I am
sure there are people who are far better at organic traffic and at Etsy
selling than I am. So experiment with their concepts and see how you can
bring it to Etsy to earn on these high margin items.

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