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This document contains business strategies, marketing methods and other business advice

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on the nature of the product or business model, the conditions of the marketplace, the

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Now, this isn't so much Internet Marketing (although it certainly
can be), but is an online based business model that many of you
can use to make extra money.

What you're doing is creating a "Flyer Distribution" business


Okay, so here's the basic model: You're going to advertise flyer

distribution services for businesses, music artists, events,
religious causes. You set your prices beforehand obviously and
differentiate between if the customer wants the flyers distributed
AND printed? Or just distributed? Will they upload it to you or
ship to you? Write down all the prices for what you'll charge for
I live in America and work with the American Dollar, so with that
said, I usually charge 2:1 either way honestly (unless for small
orders). So for example, if a customer orders say 1000 flyers to be
distributed, I would charge $500 for the order.

Yeah, no shit, neither do I. And I don't.

So here's where a little creativity and just general internet savvy

come into play.

I advertise my services a number of ways and one of the 'perks' is

that I can essentially advertise anywhere.
One day, I got an order, for exactly 1000 flyers to be distributed in
Chicago. Order was $500 (why I mentioned it above lol). Now, I
don't live anywhere near Chicago. Tragic. So what you do is
simply throw up a few Craigslist ads in Gigs in the Chicago area
for someone to distribute flyers. LOL.

Simple and stupid, but works. You put the ad up "Need someone
to distribute flyers, need photo proof of completed work, you get
paid once you send photo proof of completed work, blahblah).

You put the gig up for $50-$100, your preference really. And sure
as shit, you'll get plenty of hitups. They'll send you photo proof of
completed work (usually ask for like 10 pics, maybe 20) and send
that to the buyer. Buyer is satisfied and (in my case) comes back
for another order. Now, in that first order, the order was for $500
and I paid the distributor $100, so my profit was $400 for doing
next to nothing.
So, in short, you're advertising flyer distribution services and then
(very easily) outsourcing the work. You're essentially sending a
few emails and there is next to no work or skill really needed to it.
It's a great newbie method and it's honestly one of my better
income streams.

I promote my services on Fiverr and Craigslist only, by the way,

but I would imagine with a few more twists I could easily get
more clientele. I just don't need to and don't want to, it's just one
of my many deals.

You can certainly email businesses, post in other classified

websites your services, UpWork, Freelancer, a million other ways
to sell your services.

But you could perhaps make a small website for the business?
Social Media?

There's a million ways you can promote your services and/or add
another spin to it to gain more clientele.
I've distributed flyers in the UK, among other countries, and I
don't live there. That's the beauty of the internet -- if any of you
guys can write/speak freaking English, you're pretty much good
to go. Just advertise your services on U.S classified
sites/forums/fiverr and subcontract out virtually the same way.
Or you can make a website and subcontract out. Either way, you
definitely can do this and anyone can do this from anywhere.
That's the beauty of it.

I accept payments via PayPal (and orders through Fiverr which

pays via PayPal of course). I'm not hosting my own website at all,
although if I were, and if I put more into it, I'm sure I could make
way more money. But no, I did it the no-cost way so to speak, and
didn't make a website. For anyone looking to turn this into a legit
business, I would def recommend a website/social media/etc as
it'll help get sales. Because this is on the lower-end of my income
totem pole, I don't really put much into it anymore and I get
orders on Fiverr/responses to ads all the time. That's what I'm
trying to tell you guys too -- put next to no effort into this and I
make probably an extra $100-$200/week on average. Some
weeks are more, never less than $100/week though. Which again
tells you that if you make a website, put some effort, actually give
a fuck, etc you'll probably make good money if not a full time
There is never an instance where I can't find a distributor. Never
has and likely never will. CL Gigs will always get you replies for
something so easy as distributing flyers. And I have lots of orders
under that gig now, plus I don't just advertise on Fiverr.

Here are some Fiverr pros and cons:

Fiverr Alternatives

If you need the same task done each day...

Solution: or hire your own personal assistant

from a similar site. Fiverr requires you to reorder for gigs that are
ongoing, so it is not the most logical option for things you are
certain you will need each day. Also, check out if you
are looking for an agency type assistant.

If you need large projects and require a lot of input...

Solution: You should work with serious freelancers for large

projects. You will spend more upfront, but the value will be well
worth it. You will save time and energy and you will get a better
end product. I recommend, or for larger projects.

Don't compare the Fiverr prices to the prices on these sites, it is

truly "apples to oranges" when it comes to quality. If someone on
Fiverr wants to build your entire software/website/etc. for 10%
the cost of the other sites, run away!

Note: There are a lot of poor quality freelancers on these sites as

well. You will need to narrow your search to more qualified
applicants. Hiring a bad freelancer on one of these sites is of
course no better than hiring a bad one from Fiverr. It may even
be worse if you set your budget to high.
If you are building a serious brand and have $99+ to spend...

Solution: is a cool site that runs a very cool

concept. You submit your request and then multiple contractors
compete to win the job. You get to view dozens of options and
unique examples created specifically for your project and then
you select only the one(s) that you like the most out. If you like
options, this is the absolute best choice.
How To Outsource Your Flyer Distribution On Fiverr

Step 1

Log in on Fiverr. If you have not already an account, create a free


Step 2

When you are on the home page click “Buying” and then “Post a
Request” on the top right of the page.
Step 3

Now, you are on the page where you edit and publish your

You can write a description, choose the most relevant category,

choose the time you want to be completed the order and you
can set a budget for the project.
It is important to give a detailed description of what you are
looking for and select a relevant category to get more replies as

Step 4

If you post your request, you wait some time to get approved.

You can see your requests if you click the “Manage Requests”
on the top right menu.

Then, you will visit a page where you can see all your requests
and not only the active.
Step 5

When you have enough replies go to the “Manage Requests”

page, click review offers and pause or delete the request if you
have found what you are looking for.

Thanks for reading! I hope this helps a newbie or someone earn

some more money and perhaps even start a little business out
of it. It certainly can be done and to this day makes me a
sizeable income. Please feel free to ask any questions.

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