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How agile is your

supply chain?
Raoul Dubeauclard, Kerstin Kubik, and Venu Nagali

Our research shows that ten operating practices are tied to higher service levels
and lower inventory costs.

What would it take for manufacturing scores organized into quartiles. We

businesses to operate like the best then compared those scores with two
online retailers? How can such widely employed measures of supply-
companies turn orders around in a day, chain performance: service levels, as
deliver them with greater customization, measured by the proportion of orders
and replenish stocks seamlessly? These delivered on time and as promised,2
aren’t idle questions for the top teams and days of inventory held.3 Companies
of manufacturers, because customers, with more agile supply-chain practices
across both B2C and B2B markets, are (as described by executive-survey
more fickle now; service demands are respondents) had service levels that
steadily notching upward; and economic were seven percentage points higher and
volatility shows no sign of abating. inventory levels that were 23 days lower
Supply operations often struggle to keep than their less agile peers did (Exhibit 1).4
pace, as many aren’t sufficiently agile to
capture fleeting upside opportunities or We also looked at specific agile
to mitigate fast-moving risks. practices and how consistently top-
quartile companies adopted them
To shed light on the enablers and (Exhibit 2). Most, we found, do well in
enemies of agility, we examined the areas such as demand forecasting, labor
supply-chain performance of companies flexibility, and the optimal placement of
in five industries, as well as a range of inventory across distribution networks.
practices that influence it. We analyzed Fewer had mastered capabilities such
proprietary data from interviews with as modularization and postponement,
operations executives at more than which require standardized
250 global companies. The interviews manufacturing and process inputs so
assessed ten supply-chain capabilities, that companies can respond more
including portfolio and complexity, order fluidly to fluctuations in demand and to
and demand, forecasting, and risk.1 lower stock levels. Most struggled to
Responses were plotted on a scale shape demand, a practice that relies on
of one to five and the overall agility variable pricing—increasingly grounded

QWeb 2015
Agile supply chains
Exhibit 11of 2

Agility leaders offer higher service levels even though their

inventories are lower.

Deliveries that are on Days in

time and in full (OTIF) inventory

94% Agile leaders1 85 days

87% Laggards 108 days

1Leaders defined as those in top quartile in aggregated agility score; all others are laggards.
Source: McKinsey analysis

in advanced analytics—to regulate orders with them and solicits their

the flow of products through supply insights into the availability of materials
networks and to optimize margins. One and capacity constraints.
example of a company that uses these
techniques is Amazon, which adjusts The company has also invested
prices and inventory levels in real time in in redesigning processes (the
response to competitors’ moves, among modularization and postponement
other things. mentioned above) so that end products
can be made more efficiently and quickly
Experience in two industries from standard inputs that are always
demonstrates how supply-chain in the production stream. Thus, when
agility accounts for divergent levels of demand increases for an individual
performance among companies. product, a plant manager can access
the modular base and rapidly create the
Chemicals. One top-quartile company final formulation with only a few more
is an industry leader producing a full steps than would be necessary with
range of chemicals used in agriculture nonstandard inputs. That capability has
and food processing. After regularly not only sharply reduced the number
missing shipments as a result of raw- of end products the company needs to
material shortages, executives shook up stock but simplified SKU management
their operations and now tightly integrate as well. This company has also
planning efforts with those of suppliers: negotiated greater labor flexibility across
the company shares data on forward its plant network, easing contractual

QWeb 2015
Agile supply chains
Exhibit 22 of 2

Agile leaders outperform their less agile counterparts in a variety of

levers, though they fall short in one.

% of agile leaders1 in top quartile for given lever

Labor and asset

flexibility 76
management 75
placement 75
planning 73

Forecasting 70
shaping 14

as those in top quartile in aggregated agility score.
Source: McKinsey analysis

constraints on hours worked. In addition, of its difficulties adjusting work

it has trained employees in multiple schedules when demand increases.
areas of process knowledge, so teams
can quickly shift from one site to another Consumer products. A large consumer-
to meet demand peaks. Factories now goods company had trouble meeting
run at nearly full capacity, with lower demand for its fast-moving food
logistics costs and far fewer expensive and beverage categories. On closer
express shipments. inspection, it found that a lack of
transparency across its supply chain
An industrial-chemical company with was the culprit. To remedy the problem,
a broad product portfolio ranks two the company charged a senior supply-
quartiles lower. Its service levels have chain executive with managing sales
slipped, because chronic shortages of and operations planning end to
materials, resulting from inconsistent end—something consumer-products
coordination with suppliers, often delay companies often strive to do but rarely
shipments. Meanwhile, the company get right. After a successful pilot, the
carries high levels of inventory because company extended the program to

1 The survey solicited self-reported answers to

most of its suppliers, retail stores, and
more than 60 questions on the following topics:
distributors. Inventory data became forecasting, the ability to shape demand, risk
more reliable, collaboration improved, management, modularization and postponement,
and on-time order fulfillment rose integrated planning, labor and asset flexibility,
network agility, lean fulfillment, inventory
significantly. placement, and disruption-response planning.
2 Operations executives use the term “on time and
Operations executives also sought in full,” or OTIF.
ways to lower the risks when gyrating 3 Inventory days average raw materials, work in

geographic and seasonal demand progress, and finished goods across the supply
chain. For this analysis, we examined more than
patterns put pressure on the supply 70 companies distributed across five industry
chain. After a review of the company’s groups. Industries such as chemicals and
pharmaceuticals had higher average inventory
distribution network, these executives levels than consumer products and automotive did.
found they could mitigate customer 4 We found statistically significant correlations
stockouts by outsourcing a significant between reported OTIF service levels and agility
portion of their warehouse operations. scores across quartiles. Regression analysis also
revealed a statistically significant relationship
When regional demand for a line of new between reported inventory days and agility
products surged, the business could quartiles.
easily add low-cost warehouse capacity.
The authors wish to thank Klaudia Sidor for
her contributions to this article.
By contrast, service and inventory
performance were less strong at one
Raoul Dubeauclard is a senior expert in
home-products manufacturer, which
McKinsey’s Lyon office, Kerstin Kubik is
like the consumer-products company a specialist in the Vienna office, and Venu
above boasted a diverse product line but Nagali is an expert in the New Jersey office.
had lower agility scores for operations
planning and risk management. Its Copyright © 2015 McKinsey & Company.
logistics costs are 25 percent higher All rights reserved.
than those of the consumer company,
and it has been hit by persistent
transport problems that require it to
carry twice as much inventory.

Agile practices can help companies

navigate an increasingly volatile
and unforgiving global economic
environment. Only a few companies,
however, are adopting these approaches
broadly enough to improve their supply-
chain performance significantly.

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