Syllabus English 0

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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Vice President for Academic Issues and Research

Syllabus English 0, Code 90030

1. Course information

Faculty or Unit the course belongs to: Vicerrectoría Académica y de

Investigación VIACI
Academic Degree Level: Profesional Academic Program: Interdisciplinar
Básico Común
Time credits: 2 Course type: Metodológico
The course Can not be retested by a Course designer: Jorge Hugo
remedial work Hernández V.
Course Updater : Jorge Hugo Hernández V.
Course development date: lunes, 20 de Course update date: : jueves, 19 de
enero de 2020 noviembre de 2020
Course description:

This course aims to help the English learning at basic level in students to develop a
real communication (not only in oral competence, but also writing) with other English
speakers. In order to get this, the tasks in the virtual course use authentic texts,
recordings and materials that simulate situation in meaningful and real contexts
outside the course.

This methodological course consists of 96 hours of academic work: 64 hours of

autonomous study and 32 hours of tutor assistance and monitoring.

2. Academic training purpose:

The course’s academic training purpose is:

To recognize, identify and apply knowledgement, gramar structures and basic

vocabulary in English in real contexts using a communciative approach in level A1
according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages.

3. Learning’s outcomes:
At the end of the academic course the student will be able to:

Learning’s outcomes:1– Identify principal and secondary ideas from simple readings
and write texts using basic daily vocabulary and expressions.

Learning’s outcomes:2– Show a good use of basic English structures and vocabulary
through interpretation of pictures and readings.

Learning’s outcomes:3– Express orally the daily routine following a logic sequence,
using verbs in concordance with gramar tenses.

Learning’s outcomes:4– Write simple texts like postcards and/or letters using
connectors that link and make coherent the text.

Learning’s outcomes:5– Express opinions in a conversation using basic gramar

structures appropriately.

Learning’s outcomes:6– Read, understand, correct ideas and organize a text about
own topics related to the his environnment.

4. Learning strategy:

The course’s learning strategic is: task based learning.

This strategy based on: doing “… previous homeworks to get the main task that
consists of three stages, planning, the task and the paper and finally later tasks of
language and practice analysis”.

According to Nunan (Nunan as citated in Recino & Lufer, 2010, page 5), a task is
“(…) a piece of classroom work which involves learners in comprehending,
manipulationg, producing or interacting in the target language while ther attention is
primarily focused on meaning rather than form. The task must have a sense of
completeness and stand alone as communicative act in its own right”.

The learning strategy is settled in: 6– Task :

• 1– Task : Prior Knowledge Assessment
• 2– Task : Writing Assignment
• 3– Task : Online English Test
• 4– Task : Speaking Production
• 5– Task : Course Self-Assessment
• 6– Task : Final Exam

5. Course’s Contents and bibliography

Unit 1: Introducing yourself and your family

At this unit you will study these academic contents:
• OVI: Virtual Object of Information. Using There is and There are.

• Module 1: Greet people. Use simple present with verb to be. Identify
nationalities and languages. Write a basic e-mail. Give and ask simple
personal information.

• Module 2: To talk about friends and family. To write an e-mail for a short
interview. To tell the age and the time. To ask and answer questions with to
be and Wh-words. To use time expressions.

• Module 3: Describe where people and places are. Improve the pronunciation of
specific words in the lesson. Use prepositions of place.

• Module 4: Give and understand simple commands. Ask for and offer help. Talk
about places. Express possession.

• Module 5: To describe activities in progress. To use Wh questions with present

progressive. Ask for possessions. Connect actions in progress.

• Module 6: Talk about daily routines. Talk about likes and dislikes. Ask about
the time. Ask and answer questions about daily routines.

To deal with topics of this subject, it is recommended to look up the following

bibliographic references:
• UNAD, INVIL English (2020). Unit 1.1: Greet people. Inglés 0. Taken from:

• UNAD, INVIL English (2020). Unit 1.2: To talk about friends and family.
Inglés 0. Taken from:

• UNAD, INVIL English (2020). Unit 1.3: Describe where people and places are.
Inglés 0. Taken from:

• UNAD, INVIL English (2020). Unit 1.4: Give and understand simple
commands. Inglés 0. Taken from:

• UNAD, INVIL English (2020). Unit 1.5: To describe activities in progress.

Inglés 0. Taken from:

• UNAD, INVIL English (2020). Unit 1.6: Talk about daily routines. Inglés 0.
Taken from:

Unit 2: Talking about past activities

At this unit you will study these academic contents:

• Module 7: Describe and compare people physically. Talk and identify the parts
of the body. Ask for and give reasons: Why / Why not? Identify word
formation: Stem, affixes. Plurals in nouns.

• Module 8: Identify and use prices. Describe clothing. Express feelings and

• Module 9: Talk about the past. Talk about famous people and important
events in the past. Use comparative and superlative adjectives.

• Module 10: Talk about the past (continuous form). Talk and ask about food
preferences. Describe simple recipes.

• Module 11: Talk about past activities in progress. Talk about anecdotes. Talk
about historical facts. Use time expressions.

• Module 12: Express ability. Order food in a restaurant. Express desires and
preferences: would.

To deal with topics of this subject, it is recommended to look up the following

bibliographic references:
• Ospina, S. & Parrado, Y. (2018). Objeto Virtual de Información: Using There is
and There are. Recuperado de:

• UNAD, INVIL English (2020). Unit 2.7: Describe and compare people
physically. Inglés 0. Taken from:

• UNAD, INVIL English (2020). Unit 2.8: Identify and use prices. Inglés 0.
Taken from:

• UNAD, INVIL English (2020). Unit 2.9: Talk about the past. Inglés 0. Taken

• UNAD, INVIL English (2020). Unit 2.10: Talk about the past (continuous
form). Inglés 0. Taken from:

• UNAD, INVIL English (2020). Unit 2.11: Talk about past activities in
progress. Inglés 0. Taken from:
• UNAD, INVIL English (2020). Unit 2.12: Express ability. Inglés 0. Taken

6. Settings of academic’s activities by weeks

Initial moment:

Task 1 : Prior Knwoledge Assessment

It is developed from week 1 and 2
Agree to learning’s outcomes:1
The activities are: Recognition task of the course that consists of making online prior
knowledge quiz in order to know the level the students have.

Intermediate moment

Task 2 : Writing Production

It is developed from week 3 to week8
Agree to learning’s outcomes:4
The activities are: Work in collaborative forum of writing production according to the

Task 3: Online English Test

It is developed from week 3 to week14
Agree to learning’s outcomes:6
The activities are: Online activity that assesses the knowledge studied in Units 1 and
2 (Modules 1 to 12).

Task 4: Speaking Production

It is developed from week 9 to week14
Agree to learning’s outcomes:3
The activities are: Making a video in the collaborative forum and synchronic meeting
via Skype with tutor.

Task 5 : Couse Self-Assessment

It is developed from week 10 to week14
Agree to learning´s outcomes:2
The activities are: Reflection about the academic performance along the course, and
specially, about the tasks proposed.

Final moment

Task 6 : Final Exam

It is developed from week 15 and 16
Agree to learning’s outcomes:6
The activities are: Online task that assesses the Unit 1 and 2 (Modules 1 to 12)
topics through a Closed Objective Test which consists of 25 questions.

7. Monitoring strategy

To develop the activities, you will have an academic monitoring from your tutor. The
spaces stablished to have this academic monitoring and interaction are as follows:
• Virtual Campus email
• Workshop forum
• Skype session
• Webconference and online sessions
• B-learning sessions

8. Course’s evaluation plan

Initial moment evaluation

Task 1: Prior knowledge assessment

Agree to learning’s outcomes:1
The evaluation standards are (Criterion): Recognize basic vocabulary in English as
part of the process of interpretation of basic pictures and readings.

The learning evidences are: Online automatic activity - Quiz

This standard represents 25 points of the activity, corresponds to 5% of the course’s

Intermediate moment evaluation:

Task 2: Writing Production

Agree to learning’s outcomes:4
The evaluation standards are (Criterion): Recognize and use useful expressions to
describe people and places of the environment.

The learning evidences are: Write a text

Activity higher score: 120 points

Task 3: Online English Test

Agree to learning’s outcomes:6
The evaluation standards are (Criterion):
The learning evidences are: Identify vocabulary and expressions of the daily life
regarding daily routines and familiar and place descriptions.

The learning evidences are: Online automatic activity - Quiz

Activity higher score: 110 points

Task 4: Speaking production

Agree to learning’s outcomes:3
The evaluation standards are (Criterion): Understand basic questions about personal
information and answer them appropriately.

The learning evidences are: Video and meeting with tutor via Skype
Activity higher score: 90 points

Task 5: Course Self-Assessment

Agree to learning’s outcomes:2
The evaluation standards are (Criterion): Assess your performance along the
learning process in order to identify positive and negative issues.

The learning evidences are: Online automatic activity - Quiz

Activity higher score: 30 points

The higher score of this evaluation moment corresponds to 70% of the course (350
Final moment evaluation:

Task 6: Final Exam

Agree to learning’s outcomes:6
The evaluation standards are (Criterion): Identify and use appropriately basic
vocabulary and expressions to talk about own ideas taking into account his reality.

The learning evidences are: Online automatic activity - Quiz

Activity higher score: 125 points

This standard represents 125 points of the activity, corresponds to 25% of the
course’s evaluation

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