Topic: Functions and Importance of Mass Media. Functions of Mass Media

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Topic: Functions and importance of mass media.

Functions of mass media: Mass media is communication—whether

written, broadcast, or spoken—that reaches a large audience. This includes
television, radio, advertising, movies, the Internet, newspapers, magazines, and
so forth. In this way the main functions performed by mass media are as

1- to inform

2- to educate

3- to entertain

4- to persuade

Information function:

We have a need for information to satisfy curiosity, reduce uncertainty, and

better understand how we fit into the world. The amount and availability of
information is now overwhelming compared to forty years ago when a few
television networks, local radio stations, and newspapers competed to keep us
informed. The media saturation as led to increased competition to provide
information, which creates the potential for news media outlets, for example, to
report information prematurely, inaccurately, or partially.

Education function:

Education today, therefore, has a far greater responsibility than it had ever
before. It has to meet the demands of a dynamic world which change its
character every day. Contemporary education has to be more comprehensive
and complete than it was ever before. The role of the various agencies of
education like home, society, community etc. has consequently increased, so
has the role of the mass media like television, radio, cinema, newspaper
increased.” So now-a-day, press, radio, cinema, television, etc. are becoming
more and more important in an individual’s life There are many media outlets
that, in addition to providing information, also provide education and training
on many different aspects. In this regard, an effective source is television.
Many channels teach people moral lessons through their programs, dramas and
movies. In this regard ARY, HUM,GEO and many other channels are playing
very effective role in Pakistan.Beside this, many channels are working to
promote Islamic teachings like QTV, Peace TV etc. This is a very effective
method that is very easy to understand for a common man who is not highly

Entertainment function:

The mass media also entertain the public by providing emotional relaxation, intrinsic
and cultural enjoyment. Actually, entertainment is a kind of performance that
provides pleasure to people. Mass media fulfill this function by providing amusement
and assist in reducing tension to large degree.This year we have been confined to
homes for a long time because of Corona. In this situation, this function of media has
proved to be very useful.

Persuading function:

It is another function of mass media. Persuasion involves making influence on others

mind. Mass media influence audience in varieties of ways. Media content builds
opinions and sets agendas in the public mind. It influences votes, changes attitudes
and moderates behavior. Using editorials, articles, commentaries and among others,
mass media persuades audience. However, all audiences are not well known about it.
Many of them become influenced or motivated unknowingly towards it.
Advertisement is the example which is designed to persuade.This function has been
shown to be very useful in raising awareness about coronavirus and promoting safety

Importance of mass media;

n In developed nations, where literacy and industrialization is high, is likely to
depend more on mass communication channels for people’s knowledge,
entertainment and decision making.
n Mass media has developed into industry and has provided jobs to millions of
people enabling them to earn their living.
n Mass Media provide information to the mass within a less time.
n It takes a wide coverage of information regarding anything that is happening
in any coner of the world.
n It brings the entire world to the individual or to the classroom. Children spend
hours together sitting in front of the television and can visualize, hear and
acquire knowledge about the world.
n Mass media as means of communication make ideas clear to children and
help them to acquire correct knowledge. They help in simplifying and in
giving vividness to explanation.
n At personal level, mass communication is woven into our day-to-day
existence. Individuals use mass media to satisfy their need for entertainment
or enlightenment.
n In a country like Pakistan, it is not possible to train a mass of Pakistani
population in basic life skills simultaneously and uniformly through formal
education. It is not possible with our meager existing resources and facilities.
This requires resorting to effective system of mass media.
n In Pakistan a large majority of the population is illiterate and hence beyond the
reach of the printed media. Moreover, more than 63 per cent of Pakistan n population
is living in villages, bound by traditions, deep rooted attitudes and superstition.This is
a challenge for any educator. It is only through persuasive influence of mass media,
the illiterate and backward population in Pakistan can be directed towards any social
change required for development. Thus, mass media has important role to play in
enlightening the masses to raise the standards of their living and improve quality life.
n Mass media helps us to raise our voice against social issues. As Pakistan is
highlighting the Kashmir issue to the whole world.
Conclusion:Thus, media is attractive even more important in life of adults as
well as of children. We get great deals of information from the different forms
of media such as newspapers, films and documentaries, journals, radio, motion
pictures and more. Mass media plays a vital role in forming and reflecting
public opinion, connecting the world to individuals and reproducing the self
image of society.
What the mass media offers is not popular art, but entertainment which is
intended to be consumed like food, forgotten, and replaced by a new dish.
W. H. Auden


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