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Project Title

"Global Hand Washing Day"

Project Supervisor:
Sir Hafiz Waqas Khan
Team Leader:
Amna Bibi
Team Members:
Asmaa Siddiqa, Asma Shaheen , Zainab Khatoon
Date and Venue:
19th October 2020, Federal Government Girls Primary School I-14
Report Writer:
Amna Bibi

Activity Details:

Keeping hands clean is one of the most important steps we can take to avoid getting
sick and spreading germs to others. Many diseases and conditions are spread by not
washing hands with soap and clean running water. We, being adults, are aware of the
importance of hand washing, but Children are more likely to get sick because of not
washing their hands properly and not being aware of the times where it's necessary.

Being a socially responsible person, Sir Hafiz Waqas Khan with the help of Helping
Hand NGO, started a project to celebrate the Global Handwashing Day (15 October)
and gathered a big number of teams from Riphah International University, to visit
various schools and provide the children with the necessary guidelines . The objective
of this project is to spread the light of knowledge to every dark speck of our
society,as today's generation tends to educate their homies and surrounding people
and do their task more enthusiastically. So
"Educating Children is equivalent to educating a family" (Amna Bibi)

We four as one of the team, from Riphah international university went to a Federal
Govt. Girls Primary School I-14 and requested their principle to permit us to address
the Children while following the SOPs properly. They welcomed the team warmly
and appreciated their efforts. The Team was allowed to address a class of 25 children
Zainab Khatoon was the photographer and video maker of the session. After making
the necessary setup, Amna bibi hosted the session while introducing the purpose of
the activity, its importance in covid-19 and refreshed Islamic references in the little
minds. Students were also told to pay attention to the whole session as they will be
asked some questions at the end of the session where they can win exciting prizes,
badges with titles on them and Chocolates.
Asma Shaheen was invited to perform the important steps involved in hand
washing. All the students replicated the steps three to four times . After that students
were asked one by one, to perform the steps and those who did correctly were
awarded with badges. After learning the method, Amna bibi told the students that at
which times it's important to wash hands. The students were Quick Learners in a real
sense. They learnt it fastly and when Asmaa Siddiqa conducted the Question answer
session all the students enthusiastically raised their hands to answer them. At the
end , Asmaa Siddiqa and Zainab Khatoon distributed choclates,badges and soaps to
all students to encourage them. The whole team encouraged the little minds, and
asked them about the best part of the session. All the students said in one voice that
they liked the hand washing method the most and assured us to follow what they
learnt today. The team and school faculty greatly appreciated the project.

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