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SACRED DESTINY ORACLE eee eee eee aa eRe nee thin you. They can even help you decipher oe ene you enjoy this journey, my fellow soul traveler. May your inner oracle awaken, and m: wisdom of the native spirit unfold within your life Se nee) Praeres 4a WHO ANLLSIG GAYOYS SACRED DESTINY AC, SO SACRED DESTINY ORACLE [Guidebook | DENISE LINN a> a hay al w York City London « Sydney * New Delhi Copyright © 2019 by Denise Linn Published in the United States by: Hay House, nc.® © Published in Australia by: Hay House Australia Pty. Ltd.: www.hayhouse + Published in the United Kingdom by: Hay House UK, Ltd: Published in India by: Hay House Publishers India: All artwork is copyrighted by the artist and may not be reproduced by any means, electronic or otherwise, without first obtaining the permission of the artist Interior design: Scott Breidenthal Allrights reserved, No part of this guidebook may be reproduced by any mechanical, photo: graphic, or electronic process, or in the form of a phonographic recording; nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise be copied for public or private use—other than for “fair use" as brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews without prior written permission of the publisher, The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual ‘well-being. In the event you use any of the infor- mation in this guidebook for yourself, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions Printed in China Other Hay House Products by Denise Linn BOOKS Alltars Dream Lover Energy Strands Feng Shui for the Soul* Four Acts of Personal Power* The Hidden Power of Dreams* If | Can Forgive, So Can You* Kindling the Native Spirit* ‘The Mystic Cookbook (with Meadow Linn)* ast Lives, Present Miracles* Quest (with Meadow Linn)* Sacred Space The Secret Language of Signs Secrets & Mysteries* Soul Coaching®* The Soul Loves the Truth* Space Clearing Space Clearing A-Z* Unlock the Secret Messages of Your Body!* ORACLE CARDS Gateway Oracle Cards* Native Spirit Oracle Cards* Sacred Traveler Oracle Cards Soul Coaching® Oracle Cards* AUDIO PROGRAMS Angels! Angels! Angels! Cellular Regeneration Complete Relaxation* Dreams Journeys into Past Lives* Life Force Past Lives and Beyond Phoenix Rising 33 Spirit Journeys* The Way of the Drum VIDEO Instinctive Feng Shui for Creating Sacred Space* *Available from Hay House Please visit: Hay House USA: www® Hay House Australia: Hay House UK: Hay House India: ‘These cards are dedicated to the ‘Total Life Reset Community, with love. CONTENTS Introduction: Journey to Your Sacred Destiny .ix How to Use the Sacred Destiny Oracle .....Xi¥ Preparation...somicmernsnte xv Choosing the Cards .. XX Interpreting the Cards xi Storing the Cards... “xxiv Methods of Card Reading Daily Spiritual Insight... One-Card Reading. Three-Card Reading Five-Card Spread ‘Tree of Life Spread Four Directions Spread. The Sacred Circle One-Year Spread . Discovering the Hidden Meanings of Your Dreams... Xxxvit Reading Signs and Coincidences in Your Life.. a xvi Xxvi xxv xxviii SACRED DESTINY ORACLE: Abundance: Wildflower Wonderland ....-1 Action: Storm Clouds Gathering. Adventures: Lofty Waterfall... Blessings: Holy Spring. Change: Dancing Clouds. Community: Ancient Forest . Courage: Rocky Seashore : Delight: Sparrows in Spring Grass 15 Diligence: Fallow Field... - Embracing: Floodplains .. Enlightenment: Vast Galaxy. Flexibility: Bamboo in Wind... Flow: Meandering River.. Focus: Snowy Mountain Pea Forgiveness: Sunset Glow... Freedom: Cliff Swallow... Fulfillment: Laden Peach Tree Gateway: Enchanted Valley Going Forward: Grassy Hills... Happiness: Shimmering Sunshine. Healing Chaos: Spiraling Tornado. Mlumination: Mist Rising on Alpine Lake 43 Inner Peace: Lily Pond Leadership: North Star. Love: Wild ROC... : Miracles: Double Rainbow... 51 New Beginnings: Radiant Suntise ...0...53 ‘Openness: Secrets of the Moon Opportunity: Moon through Patience: Dense Fog. Pleasure: Luscious Meadow. Potential: Volcano at Rest Power: Mountain Thunder Protection: Guardian Oak Purification: Summer Rain. Purity: First Snow... Relaxation: Harvest Moon Release: Autumn Light..... Security: Firelit Cave Simplicity: White Feather. Solitude: Sacred Island Standstill: Swamplands Stillness: Frozen Tundra Success: Tropical Jungle Taking Risks: High Plateau... Thriving: African Savanna Transformation: Blue Butterfly. Trust: Desert Vision... Truth: Song of the Wind Voyage: Humpback Whale. Wisdom: Depths of the Sea. Wonders: Quartz Crystals About the Author. |NTRODUCTION_ Journey TO Your Sacred DESTINY You have a sacred destiny; we all do. ‘There is a powerful and profound reason that you are here on the planet. However, some- times it may be difficult to understand what that reason is and perceive what is required on your journey into the future. It may be a challenge to know what the next step in life should be. At those pivotal points in life, it is valuable to consult the oracle. Oracle cards are a time-honored tradition; they can point you in the direction of your destiny. ‘They can be remarkably accurate and offer insights into the most challenging situa- tions. These particular oracle cards in your hands—the Sacred Destiny Oracle cards—call upon the energy of nature and majesty of the natural world to provide answers to the heartfelt yearnings of your soul. In ancient traditions, shamans, med- icine women, visionaries, and prophets all accessed hallowed knowledge by observing their natural environment. They believed that all aspects of the earth—from the mountains to valleys, and in the elements, plants, wild animals, and even in the celes- tial bodies—provided long-sought answers to eternal questions. In current times, our fast-paced modern world has separated us from the wisdom of the land, but the voice of nature exists within each of us. It’s sim- ply a matter of learning how to access that wisdom, and the Sacred Destiny Oracle cards can help to deepen your connection to the mysterious, natural forces around you and thus provide answers to your questions. They can also be used to gain information about the future, make decisions, show you where you are presently, or meditate on your inner truth. From the earliest history of humankind, there are records of native people using the signs in nature to determine their destiny. Throughout time—in Africa, the Middle East, China, India, Indonesia, the Americas, and ancient Europe—people have turned to visionaries, prophets, shamans, and heal- ers to gain wisdom and insight about their lives. These wise beings stepped through mystic gateways into inner realms to bring back meaning to the seemingly random events of life. For example, if the clan elder ‘was trying to figure out what direction the tribe should relocate and an eagle flew low overhead going toward the East, the elder might discern that this meant the tribe should move toward the East. Or, if a sha- ‘man saw a fish-shaped shadow, created by the sun filtering through an oak tree, this could mean that the tribe should take that day to go fishing at the neighboring lake. In an earth-based culture, a young woman desiring to marry might consult the seer, xi who in turn might look at the way the wind ‘was making numerous ripples on the pond and thus proclaim that it would be a long and fruitful marriage. Today, however, those supernatural entrance points into spiritual realms—that were once only available to a select few—are now open to many. It’s no longer necessary to turn to a seer or a shaman to answer the heartfelt questions of life; the veil between the ethereal and terrestrial worlds is now thinner, Additionally, because of your evo- lution asa soul, you have an innate capacity to travel through divine entryways, as did the wise ones of yore, to obtain understand- ing of the circumstances of your life. As a child, nature was my solace, Per- haps it was my Native American heritage, or a deeper longing to be embraced in the arms of Mother Earth, that brought results, but every sojourn into the woods—climbing up a hill or wading through a creek—brought insight, healing, and understanding that xil allowed me to brave the onslaught of trauma in my early childhood. In nature, | found the sacred landscape of my sou Use these cards on a regular basis and you'll find solace, healing, and wisdom emerging within you. They can help you decipher secret messages from the Uni: verse. Not only does the guidebook for the Sacred Destiny Oracle give you information regarding your inquiry, but simply looking at the image on the face of the card can activate your inner perception. The rea- son this occurs is because within the col- lective unconscious, and the ancestral soul that dwells in each of us, are associations and meanings for nature that reach back in time. For example, through human history, mountains often have symbolized higher states of conscious, reaching lofty heights in life, and also an arduous upward climb. Caves have represented quietude, sinking into the deeper spaces of self, and with- drawing from the world. All our ancestors xiii were surrounded by nature and every part of mature had a meaning, Remarkably, many of these meanings were universal. You'll find that your ability to go through the mystic veil into sacred dimensions will grow the more that you use these cards. Additionally, if you perform readings for others, profound realizations will occur in your life, as well as in theirs. How To Use THE SACRED DesTINy ORACLE ‘When you hold a card, you hold a key to greater consciousness. Each of these cards acts as a key to a different gateway . . beyond the world of form, into the invisible realm of Spirit. When you first obtain your deck, take time to get to know the cards. As a suggestion, hold each card for a brief moment to tune in to its energy. I also rec- ommend putting them next to your bed to xiv foster an energy connection between you and the cards while you sleep. Card reading is an ancient and revered art form, When you do a reading for your- self or another, you are entering into a realm beyond time and space. It is a dimen- sion where messages from Spirit can be heard, and where the soul awakens to inner truth. The way you approach your reading will ignite an energy that will affect the results you get. The most powerful read- ings occur when you are relaxed and allow your thoughts to become still. This is when ‘magic happens! Preparation: 1. Clear the Space: The clearer the space, the clearer the reading. So it’s valuable to designate a special area in which to do your readings. ‘Take time to cleanse it thoroughly. xv It's a good idea to dust, vacuum, and de-clutter before embarking on a reading. In native traditions often herbs were burned to clear energy. (This is called smudging.) ‘Today the most common herbs used are sage, cedar, juniper, and sweetgrass. However, if you don't desire to burn herbs, then you might consider using a single feather or a feather fan to cere- monially cleanse the space. (For further information, see my book Space Clearing A~Z ot my profes- sional online certification course Elemental Space Clearing®,) You can also light a candle; this moves you ut of the mundane and into the mystical. By taking the time to energize the space in which you do the reading, you're creating sacred space, xvi Center Yourself: Make sure that your spine is straight and that you're sitting or standing tall. Take a few deep, relaxing breaths. Go inside yourself to find your sacred center. This is the place where power resides in your body. Be still. Imagine that the energy of the earth is flowing upward into you, and the energy of the heav- ens above is flowing downward into you. You're now at the sacred intersection between the above and the below. Call Spirit: Take a few deep breaths and call upon the Creator, your higher self, angels, ancestors, and spirit guides, Ask for assistance and guidance. This will increase the clarity and power of the reading. Give thanks in advance for the support and love that flows into you. Whether you're doing the reading for yourself or anoth- cr, this is an important step. Focus Your Intent: Become clear on the results you want from the reading. As | like to say, “Where intention goes, energy flows.” If you want to feel calm, confident, and direct, focus on that. If you are longing for a resolution to a problem, focus on that. Hold your intent clearly in your mind, This is an essential step, Activate the Sacred Landscape: Imagine that you're somewhere in nature where you feel safe, protected, and well. Then imagine that your energy is reaching out to touch all parts of our planet, both on land and in the sea. Imagine and sense that you are connected to it all. And indeed, you are. Clear the Cards: Between every reading it’s important to clear your cards. You can do this by holding them over the smoke of sage or cedar; incense can also be used. Alternatively, you can gently blow on, tap, or knock the cards to reset the energy. You can also place them under a singing bowl; as you tone the bowl, the vibrations enter the cards and clear them. A tuning fork can similary be used to clear the cards, Any note will work, but if you have to pick one, chose F-sharp. F-sharp opens the heart chakra, so itis the best tone to use to clear your cards. Here's how this works, Simply strike the tuning fork until it resonates, and then hold the end of the fork on the cards. You'll feel the cards vibrate as they magnify the sound. When this occurs, you know that they have been cleared. xix Choosing the Card: L Energize Your Hands: As you concentrate and focus your intent, slowly rub your hands together until they feel warm and tingly. You're energizing them in prepara- tion for working with the cards. Fill Your Cards with Love: Hold the deck in your hands, and then slow- ly place the deck in the center of your chest. Imagine that the golden light of your heart is illuminating the cards. Say to yourself, “May the wisdom and truth be revealed in this reading, in accordance with the highest good.” Ask a Question: Focus on your question. (Or ask whomever you are doing the reading for to focus on their question.) You can state XX the question out loud or concen- trate on it silently. As you do this, have faith that you'll receive exact- ly what is needed in the reading. The questions should not be yes/ no questions. They should be more open-ended, such as: “What is the best way to resolve this situation?” Shuffle the Cards: As you mix and remix the cards, continue to call Spirit while staying centered. Then spread out the cards and allow your hands to hover above them. Select the Cards: Don’t think about it. Work quickly and easily. Your fingers may tingle o feel ‘warm as you near the cards that you're meant to turn over. Also, ay attention to any that seem to jump out on their own. There are no accidents. xxl Interpreting the Cards: L Turn a Card Over: Notice your first feeling, emotion, and sensation. What's the first insight that arises within you? Trust your intuition and your gut response. Usually your first impulse is the most accurate one Look at the Card: Be aware of the colors, images, and words. Everything is conveying a message to you. Use your intuition to understand the deeper meaning regarding your question. You might consider writing down your question and the answers you received. Down the road, when you look back on what you've written, you'll begin to understand even deeper meanings. xxii Find a Deeper Meaning: If the an- swer doesn’t immediately appear when you first look at the card, you might want to look at the secondary explanations written in this guidebook. These messages give a deeper understanding of the meanings behind each card. Often just reading these words ignites a spontaneous insight. However, if the explanation in the guidebook is at odds with your first instinct, go with your initial feeling Your first impulse usually comes straight from your intuition and is typically the correct one. Choose a Method: This guidebook provides a number of suggestions for ways to use these cards; however, the card-teading method is less important than the openness of your heart, When you're centered xxiii and your heart is open, even pulling one card will give you what you need, Storing the Cards: 1 Wrapping the Cards: Ideally, you want to keep your cards wrapped in fabric, Some people like to use black silk to embrace the energy within, Some prefer to use white silk to purify the cards between uses, Others use green- or blue- colored wool to stabilize the ener- gy of the cards when not in use. Every color and every fabric carries a different energy. Use your intu- ition to decide which is best for your cards. In my book Feng Shui for the Soul, there is information about the energy of various colors. Additionally, on my website, in xxiv the free Chakra Portal, you'll find information about how different colors affect your personal energy field. See Recharging the Cards: Once you have wrapped your cards, place a crystal on them, This helps to recharge the cards when they are not in use. It’s important to cleanse the crystal between uses. (To do this, you can put the crystal in sunlight for at least four hours, rinse it in cold water, or rub it with eucalyptus oil.) Placing of the Cards: Honor your cards by putting them in a place that’s clean and clear of clutter. (In other words, don't stuff them into your utility drawer, Ideally, they should be on a home altar, on your mantelpiece, or in any other place that honors them as a sacred tool. METHODS OF CARD READING Dalty SpirtTUAL INSIGHT Choose a card for the day. This card can give you an understanding of the forces at play on that particular day. It may also help you discover the best course of action to take regarding any challenges ot decisions that may arise, Choosing a daily card can affirm the underlying energy of life for that 24-hour cycle. ONneE-Carb READING The simplest way to use your Sacred Destiny Oracle Cards is to draw one card to address a single concern or to answer a xxvi specific question. Here are some questions you might consider asking yourself or the person for whom you're doing the reading, 1 What inner or outer course of action is my soul suggesting I take to gain a positive solution for this situation? What quality do I need to nurture or promote within myself to ob- tain the best possible solution? What is the quality needed in resolving this concern? ‘What do I need to work on? What do I need to heal? ‘What message am I being given and why? xxvii THREE-CARD READING If there’s a specific area that needs at- tention in your life, the Sacred Destiny Or- acle can assist you in understanding the best way to proceed. Choose three cards and lay them facedown, left to right. Turn them over one by one to reveal the messag- es from Spi Card 1—What Needs to Be Healed: The card on the left is called the “Blockage Card.” It indicates what’s blocked and needs to be resolved to clear the challenge. For example, if you got the card Patience: Dense Fog, it might be because you are blocked in your ability to be patient, and as a result, you can’t sense what's ahead. If you got the Gateway: Enchanted Valley card, perhaps there's a blockage regarding your ability to believe in magic and your ability to mani- fest a life you deserve. XXVili Card 2—How to Heal the Blockage: The card in the middle is the spiritual tool (or the “Healing Card”) that helps resolve the obstacle. For example, if the “Blockage Card” on the left is Community: Ancient Forest, this might indicate you are blocked from having healthy community relation- ships, or that your community is blocking you from stepping forward. If the Healing Card in the middle is Purity: First Snow, it ‘might mean that you need to heal your rela- tionship with forgiveness. Card 3—What Is the Future Outcome?: The card on the right is the “Outcome Card,” and it represents how the situation Il be resolved if you follow the advice given in the previous cards. For example, imagine that the “Blockage Card” is Em- bracing: Floodplains. Then, imagine that the middle card, or the “Healing Card,” is Flow: Meandering River. This could mean that the way to mend blocked emotions is xxix to just let go, surrender, and enter the flow. If you then pulled Illumination: Mist Ris- ing on Alpine Lake for the “Outcome Card,” this could mean that you'll gain profound illumination, grace, and support, provid- ed you heed the guidance of the first two cards and allow your emotions to flow. Variation for the Three-Card Reading: The card on the left represents the past (or the origins of the challenge), the middle card represents the present (or where you currently are), and the card on the right is. what the future will bring. Five-CArD SPREAD Messages from Your Spirit Guides ‘The Five-Card Spread is a method by which your guides can give you spiritual advice. In this spread, imagine that all your spiritual helpers are in one place, poised to Xxx speak to you and guide you, It’s as if you're in the center of a great council of all those who love and care for you, To initiate this powerful process, focus on your ques yn, and then ask for the bless- ings and guidance of all your celestial help- ers. Know that they are present while you do this reading. Card 1—Message from Your Higher Self: Choose a card that represents you (or the person for whom you're doing the reading) and place it in the center. Card 2—Message from the Heav- ens: Pick a card that represents what the heavenly beings want you to know. This card goes above the center card. Card 3—Message from the Earth: This card contains a message from the divine Earth Mother and from xxxl all your animal, plant, and stone allies. This card goes below the center card, Card 4—Message from Your Ances- tors: This card is a powerful mis- sive from those who are connected to you through your heritage. This card contains a message from your relations who are in Spirit. Place this card on the left-hand side of the center card. Card S—Message from Your Future Self: Choose a card that contains a message from the person you will become in the future. If only you could go back to your younger self and give that being advice and guidance based on what you have learned. This is that opportunity. This card goes on the righthand side of the center card. Xxxii After you pulll a card for each of these spirit helpers, examine the thoughts that jump into your head. Notice if there seems to be an overall theme for the messages. This is the key to truly understanding the message that Spirit has for you. Tree OF Lire SPREAD ‘The Tree of Life Spread is excellent for understanding the deeper issues at play in your life and what the ultimate outcome Will be, The four root cards represent the underlying energy from your past regarding your mental, physical, emotional, and spir- itual bodies. The card at the base of the tree is where you are right now in your life, and the four branches are where you're heading in the future in regard to these four bod- ies, (In other words, the roots represent the past, the base symbolizes the present, and the branches pertain to future possibilities.) Xxxiil Four DiRecTIONs SPREAD In this spread each direction gives you information about a different aspect of your life based on the energy of the me wheel and the four directions. 1 East Card: This reveals what’s be- ginning in your life, what needs to begin, or what you need to search for or explore. South Card: This reveals what is expanding in your life. This is what you should be growing and working toward. West Card: This reveals what you're harvesting or gathering. It can also represent what you need. to release or clear out of your life. xxxiv 4. North Card: This is what you need to consolidate or nurture. It’s also what you need to repair or heal THE SACRED CIRCLE One-YEAR SPREAD ‘The sacred circle (often made of stones and called a medicine wheel) has been found in many forms in native cultures around the world. It’s a symbolic repre- sentation of all the cycles of life, such as the cycle of the rising and setting sun; the phases of the moon; the stages of birth, death, and rebirth; and the turning of the seasons. In the sacred circle, every moon (month) has a position. The winter solstice is at the top of the circle (the North position on a compass), and the summer solstice is at the bottom (the South position); the spring XXXV equinox is on the right side (the Fast), and the fall equinox is on the left (the West). To forecast your coming 12 moons (one yean) first choose a card for the month that you're currently in, and then place each subsequent card in its position around the circle. For example, January would be in the North/Northeast position on the circle (approximately 1:00 on a clock), and if you do the reading in March, you would start at the East position (3:00 on a clock) that corre- sponds to March. After pulling all 12 cards, place a final card in the center to represent the overall energy of the entire year. As you look at the forecast, you'll receive insights as to the flow of the coming months. ‘AS a suggestion, reshuffle the cards after pulling each card, in case the same cards desire to appear again. Some people like to photocopy each card in the spread, and then make notes about what occurred during the month on each card’s page. At the end of the year, you'll have a journal of xxxvi the past 12 moons. These also make great gifts to give someone on their birthday. You pull a card for every month of the year and place that card (or facsimile of it) on the page dedicated to that particular month. You can gift this to them as a reading for the coming year. DIscOVERING THE HIDDEN MEANINGS OF YouR DREAMS Dreams have always been important to indigenous people because they can bring visions of the future, inspiration for our present, and glimpses of the past and even. the far past. Dreams can be a meeting point between the earthly and heavenly realms, and they can activate vast creativity and inspiration. However, even when we can remember our dreams, we're often puzzled as to the meaning of the seemingly strange and vivid images they contain. The Sacred xxxvil Destiny Oracle can help you begin to deci- pher the deeper meaning of your dreams. Here are some steps to do this. Write Down Your Dream: 1. In adream journal, write down your dream in its entirety. Include every detail that you can remem- ber. Rather than jumping right into dream interpretation, take time to savor your dream and al- low the nuances of your emotions to permeate your awareness. 2. Scan your dream and pick out the most prominent images, feelings, and emotions, and then write them down in your journal Xxxvili Choose a Card: 1 Focus your intent on gaining an understanding of your dream, Hold this thought utmost in your heart as you put your attention on the overall feeling of the dream, Pull a single card. Know that your subconscious will choose the card that most closely matches the vibration of the deeper energy in your dream. The card you pull will help give you an understanding of the secret message your dream is conveying to you. For a more in- depth examination of your dream, you might consider using one of the other methods presented in this guidebook, xxxix Discern the Message: 1 ‘Trust that the first thing that jumps into your mind is usually the most accurate reading. Look at the cards as initiators of insight. Sometimes what you think the instant you turn over the card might not seem related to the card, but trust that this process is giving you a deeper understanding of your dream. Reflect on the image of the card and notice if any spontaneous insights come forward. Sometimes the image (even more so than the words) will be a catalyst for understanding your dream mes- sage. Look at the colors, shapes, and objects on the card. What aspects of the image seem to be the most relevant to your dream? Remember, when interpreting xl dreams, the card won't give you a definitive answer, But it will broaden your ability to tap into your innate knowing, 3. Even if you don’t remember your dreams, you can pull a card first thing in the morning when you awaken. This way the Universe can give you the message of your dreams from the night before. READING SIGNS AND COINCIDENCES IN Your LIFE Earth-based people lived by the signs. They were as essential to life as breath- ing. Even though messages, signs, coin- cidences, and synchronicities constantly surround us—and are all aimed at propel- ling us in the direction of our sacred des- tiny—often we aren't aware of them. At xl every moment, the Universe is whispering to you, though sometimes it’s difficult to understand the deeper meaning. This is where your oracle cards come in. To hear the Universe’s message, simply focus on the sign and pull a card. Here is an example of how this can work: If you walked outside into a stiff breeze and saw a dollar bill rolling down the street, you might determine that is a kind of sign but not know what it represents. You could pull a card from your deck to gain awareness of its meaning. If the card you pulled was Power: Mountain Thunder, this might be a sign that you are entering into a time of power related to abundance, and it is time to wake up, take the reins, and make a stand. If you received the card New Beginnings: Radiant Sunrise, this could mean that you need to think of new investment strategies for your future and begin your financial life anew. (For more information about signs, see my book The Secret Language of Signs.) T hope that you enjoy this journey, my fellow soul-traveler. May your inner oracle awaken, and may the wisdom of the native spirit unfold within your life. From my heart to yours! DENISE LINN Please join me at, where ‘you can find more information about my online oracle card certification course. xiii ABUNDANCE Wildflower Wonderland Wildflowers are not intentionally planted; they are untamed, natural, and free. Their fragrance calls bees to pollinate them so that seeds are created to continue the cycle of life. These kinds of natural flowers don’t try to be profuse and beautiful. They just are... without struggle or worry. They are abundant without effort. Prosperity is your birthright, and the grand profusion of a field of untamed flowers reminds ‘you that a windfall is coming. It’s simply a ‘matter of aligning your vibration and frequency with that which you desire to manifest. The Sacred Landscape Wants You to Know: Everything is blossoming in life. Open yourself to receive. Abundance, fulfillment, and pros- perity are ready to be activated in your life. Life desires you to prosper. You are moving toward «an outpouring of money, energy, time, or love. Opportunities are limitless. However, you must take action in the direction of your dreams, Don't wait for abundance to fall into your lap. Take steps. Give deeply and fully—don't hold back. This card reveals that this is a great time to make investments. The more you give, with a free and open heart, the more you will receive, Be grateful for what you already have ‘and even more will flow to you. ACTION Storm Clouds Gathering Have you ever been outdoors just before a storm? You feel energized and alive, and may- be even a little “high,” as if your body is being fed energy and vitality from the storm. The energy in the atmosphere is building (literally), ‘and your body can feel it. Storms are neces- sary to replenish and refresh the land. They can feel disruptive and dangerous, and can cause damage, but without storms the planet wouldn't be renewed and replenished. When you understand the deeper energy of storms ‘and can embrace that energy within your body ‘and your life, then you are always poised to take action when itis called for. ‘The Sacred Lan u A shift is coming. The time is now. Don't hesitate. Face your fear. Do it anyway. When big change is on the horizon, it’s time to take action. Of course, there are times to deliberate and carefully consider your next step. .. but not now. Now is the tinte to take immediate action. Look forward with a calm, steely gaze, and then forge ahead with clarity, determination, power, and grace. Quicken your spirit by making decisions now. Even if you are not 100 percent certain of your decision, right now it's better to ‘make any choice than none at all ADVENTURES Lofty Waterfall Symbolically, water usually relates to emo- tions—moving water is moving and fluid emotions. It represents letting go and release. Water also represents spirituality, and moving water can represent spiritual rejuvenation, egeneration, and renewal. Water falling from @ great height, such as a lofty waterfall, inten- sifies every meaning of water. The power of the ‘moving water doesn’t allow life to be stagnant; it activates new experiences and adventures, ts Wi u to Know: Something exciting is around the corner. You are entering a new frontier filled with expansive energy. Begin to look at your world in new and different ways. Something that ‘you thought was mundane, or someone whom ‘you may have overlooked, will open the door to new opportunities and a bigger and bolder way of living. Be willing to see the world around you in new ways. Don’t be lulled into complacency. This card appears when you're ready to remove your blinders and take action 0 life doesn’t become stagnant and lackluster. It also can signify incredible spiritual attunement and spiritual voyages. BLESSINGS Holy Spring In many ancient cultures, it was believed that there were some springs that were holy. Gods and goddesses were thought to reside in or near these special places, and they were revered. Greek mythology is replete with stories of these special places. Many of the Christian hallowed water sources, such as the Chalice Well, were used for sacred purposes long before Christianity rose to prominence. These kinds of springs were thought to be healing waters where blessings ‘were bestowed by mystical beings. Th im Wants You to Know: Immense blessings are emerging into your life from those in Spirit. Angels, guides, and spirit guardians are watching over you. An- selic intervention is available to you. Be open to the voice of the Divine. Messages are all around you. You are protected; you are safe. Have faith that your path is guided. Watch for signs that spiritual beings are present. Profound healing energy is flowing to you in wondrous ways. Refreshing, replenishing energy is filling your life. Dancing Clouds Throughout time, people have looked to the heavens for signs, and in the ever-changing movement of the clouds they have seen shapes and forms that seemed to be direct messages from the Creator. Clouds are shape- shifters. Their essence is the same, but they can change from mist to rain to ice to snow to water. The transient nature of clouds lends the understanding that life is transitory and ever-changing. The Sacre It's okay to change your mind. It’s all right to change directions. You do not need to be consistent. This is the time to put the needs and expectations of others aside and listen to the beat of your own drum. You don’t need to follow tradition. Create your own traditions You are free to express yourself and let your spirit fly. Be daring. Go beyond predictable behavior. Just because something has always been done a certain way doesn’t mean that it needs to continue to be done that way. You can’t control the exact circumstances of your life, but you can control what meaning you sive to them. Select meanings that empower ‘you, for this is the time to be carefree, wild, and unpredictable. 10 COMMUNITY Ancient Forest The towering ancient trees in a forest look distinct from one another. Yet beneath the surface of the earth, their roots are intertwined. The roots act like a kind of communication system throughout the community of trees. Instantaneous messages travel through this underground system. Nutrients can travel on this network. u ‘Trees at one side of the forest can supply the nourishment required on the other side of the forest. Danger at one end of the network is communicated to the far end of the intertwined roots. ‘The Sacred Landscape Wants You to Know. Support is all around you, even if you are not consciously aware of it. Allow yourself to be supported. Give encouragement to others. The more you allow yourself to be supported, the ‘more your dreams can come true. If you believe that you have to do it all alone, you will. Your true family is not just blood relationships; some- times the strongest family ties are friends who know who you are. Sometimes they are your ancestors and soul family who reside in Spirit. This card speaks of finding your community and your “people.” Itis a card of remembering that your people are at your side—believing in you, loving you, and stranding strong beside you. Call on your community, and ask for their assistance, They are only a thought away. 12 COURAGE Rocky Seashore The waves crash again and again on the rug- ged, rocky shore. And yet these ancient rocks face each storm with strength and fortitude. They are strong beyond measure. When the waves are gentle, they stand strong; and when the great storms arrive, they remain strong. They never falter. This card signifies that an enduring, everlasting, passionate courage, in 13 the depth of your being, is arising. There is nothing that you can’t confront and face. You are a warrior of the light. ‘The Sacred Landscape Wants You to Know: Step forward, throw your shoulders back, and stand up for yourself with passion. Speak up for those less fortunate. Be impeccable in all your actions. This isn’t the time to be timid and pull back. Don't be limited by the beliefs of others. Use your passion to make a differ- ence, Courage doesn't mean that you aren't afraid. Fearless means “fear less.” Acknowledge your fear and take action anyway. Make a stand, You are strong and powerful, and have ‘great valor within you. 4 DELIGH T Sparrows in Spring Grass The sparrow gains its power from its num- bers, In clusters, sparrows eat and forage, and predators are distracted and deterred—even intimidated—by their numbers. Security and Joy in numbers is a lesson of the sparrow. Within their community, sparrows are always busy, living life fully. Many cultures align 15 the meaning of the sparrow with joy, and in the Middle Ages, the sparrow was thought to relieve suffering, help one triumph over hardships, and bring joy. the Wi Kni Delight is expanding in your life. Clap your sands with glee. Spend time with others. Go to a community gathering. Host a party. The joy you experience will give birth to immense creativity, and your life will blossom. Share your happiness and elation with others and it will grow by leaps and bounds. This isn’t the time to be serious or buckle down and get to work. This is the time to be spontaneous and madcap. Do not make hard-and-fast commitments, Don't sign any legal documents or make any pledges right now. Don't make any promises—or you might not be able to keep them. Give yourself permission to have fun .... lots of fun, especially in community with others. 16 DILIGENCE Fallow Field Traditionally, fields were left fallow— uunfiarmed—for extended periods of time to allow the soil to recover and rebalance its nutrients, to break disease and pest cycles, and to provide a haven for wildlife, Letting fields lie fallow meant that the subsequent crops were much healthier and more vibrant, Engaging in this time-honored process takes patience and diligence, but the results are worth the wait. v7 mt to Kn There are times in life to step forward and take risks, but there are other times to be patient, step carefully and slowly, and know that the benefits you will gain in the future will be worth it. Be attentive, meticulous, and persistent. Use this time to plan for action steps in the future. Be diligent and consistent at each step as you ‘move forward. By doing so, you will harvest re- ‘markable results in the years ahead. This is not the time for instant gratification. Your diligence will pay off in the future, tenfold. This is the time for deliberate organization, Clean house Clear clutter out of your life. Be thoughtful about how you spend your time, and be dis cerning when choosing with whom you spend it Clear out relationships that do not support you. 18 EMBRACING Floodplains A floodplain is a naturally occurring phenomenon in which the land adjacent to a river floods out to far banks of the surrounding land during times of high water. Land that is normally dry may be underwater for a period of time. When this occurs silt, sand, and mutrients are deposited. For this reason, floodplains are often areas of great fertility as well as rich ecosystems. They are excellent areas for lush, abundant crops. It isa natural occurrence that allows life in all areas to thrive. ‘The Sacred Landscape Wants You to Know: Sometimes life overflows with emotions, which can feel uncomfortable. However, the ensuing result of this discomfort can be of great value, perhaps arising from an unseen or unknown source, You get this card when emotions are seemingly overflowing . .. or not flowing at all. Cherish the overflow of emotions, and ‘embrace the times that seem murky, for your inner floodplains are being replenished, and as a result, there will be great spiritual and phys- ical expansion, Embrace all your emotions; when you do so, greater prosperity and fertility will flow into your life. Alternatively, if your emotions have been blocked, this isthe time to explore and experience them. 20 ENLIGHTENMENT Vast Galaxy Our beautiful home galaxy is so large that if you traveled at the speed of light, it would take you 100,000 years to go from one end to the other. (It is small compared to some ‘galaxies—for example, the Hercules A galaxy would take 1.5 million years to cross at the speed of light.) The realm of galaxies is so vast and so wide that it is beyond human 21 comprehension, which is why the galaxy often symbolizes great enlightenment as well as faith in the forces much greater than us. The Sacred Landscape Wants You to Know: Enlightenment occurs when one steps out of the confines of an ordinary definition of self and expands into a greater awareness of the self within the Universe. You are now reaching into the invisible realm of Spirit and connecting with what you cannot see. Forces beneath the surface are supporting you on your journey. Have faith in yourself. You are so much more than you believe yourself to be. Have patience that there is a plan unfolding. The sky's the limit, This card represents en- lightenment and signals that you are entering into a time of expansive transformation in a luminous and remarkable way. Trust that the changes ahead are for the greater good, for most certainly they are, 22 FLEXIBILITY Bamboo in Wind The symbolism of bamboo runs deep. Where- as many larger, seemingly stronger trees will break in high winds, bamboo simply bends and sways. Its flexibility allows it to survive ‘and even thrive while other species suffer. Even during a hard winter, when its branches are laden with snow, bamboo doesn't break; it snaps back when the snow melts in the spring. 23 Italso has a strong root system so that even during great storms, it survives. Additionally, it is often a symbol of abundance because of its rapid growth, Its upward, verdant, constant growth is used as a metaphor for the fulfilling rise of prosperity. The Sacred Lani Wai ‘The meaning of this card is rich and varied. It cautions you to be flexible in your life. Be willing to bend and yield, There are times to stand strong, but there are also times to go around a situation, rather than face it head on. This card suggests being amenable to change. It is also a fantastic card for abun- dance and prosperity, and it suggests that if you are flexible, prosperity can and will come your way in all areas. Additionally, it suggests that a time of rapid growth is ahead. Don’t resist it. The time is right for this surge of spiritual growth to occur. 24 FLOW Meandering River A meandering river is a waterway that curves, bends, turns, and seems to swing side to side 4s it flows forward. Viewed from above it looks sinuous and even snakelike. Meandering rivers are dynamic as they wind their wa xy floors and bring life-giving sediment to new habitats. The word meander was derived from the ancient Meander River, which flows into the Aegean Sea. The Greeks created symbols y across val- 25 for “meander” that have been described as some of the most important symbols for the ancient Greek culture; they represented the fluid movement of water and the eternal flow of all life. The twisting patterns were also thought to represent the serpent, which was the symbol of healing, hence our present-day symbol for doctors is the caduceus. ‘The Sacred Landscape Wants You to Knot There are times to hold on tight to the shore, and there are times to enter the flow. Notice where life is going and move in that direction, Watch for signs and follow them. Don't resist When you go with the flow, your lifeforce expands and healing on all levels abounds. This is also the time to release old, limiting patterns, forgive, and let go of the need to be right about ‘your beliefs. Ifyou aren't feeling the smooth currents of life, it might mean that you're being selfcritical or judgmental. When you enter the flow with gratitude and love, you will find blessings surrounding you. You will enter into a state of grace, and heating will abound. 26 Snowy Mountain Peak Mountains traditionally represent transcen- dence and spiritual evolution, They also symbolize rising above mundane situations and reaching greater heights. The snow at the peak represents pristine clarity. Mountain peaks are often the destination of spiritual pilgrimages. Many cultures believed that the tops of mountains were the resting points of the gods and celestial beings. 27 ‘The Sacred Landscape Wants You to Know: What you focus on is what you pull to you, so put your attention on that which is worth- while, Concentrate on one desire. Direct your intent to one thing, rather than being scat- tered in many directions. When your thoughts and actions are unfocused, it dilutes and di- ‘minishes your forward movement. It is much easier to gain results when you are concentrat- ing on one path, Gather your inner resources, and with intensity and passion, go forward and upward . .. and you'll see results. This is also a card of spiritual transcendence and traveling to higher realms, so stay focused as you elevate your higher consciousness. You are close to heavenly realms. 28 FORGIVENESS Sunset Glow As the sun sinks behind the horizon, and the reds and oranges turn to the lavenders and deep purples of the ensuing night, the day is complete, Sunset signifies that a new cycle has begun. AS each star emerges into the velvet sky, we enter a realm of the dark unknown, where magic and even the mystery of life itself seems to shimmer above us. To be regretting that the day is done is to miss the Slory of the starry heavens above. 29 ‘The Sacred Landscape Wants Yo m It is human to want to hold on to the past— cour memories, experiences, and relationships. However, there can be times when we are car- ying so much of the past that we can’t fully see the present. The past doesn’t need to equal the future. Just because you had a pattern or a recurring challenge in the past, doesn’t mean that it needs to recur in the future. The key is to be willing and ready to simply and cleanly let go of the hold that the past has on you. The past is gone, And it’s okay to let it go. The way to do this is to fully immerse yourself in the here and now. Be super aware of the sights, sounds, smells, textures, and energy of your present. When you do this, the past simply vanishes and the glory of the present emerges. 30 FREEDOM Cliff Swallow The swallow flies free on wind currents and thermals in remarkable aerial maneuvers, ignit- ing the expression “as free as a bird.” In many cultures, such as that of the ancient Egyptians, the swallow was thought to carry souls to heav- en. Early sailors would tattoo themselves with ‘an image of a swallow so if they drowned, the swallow would carry their soul to the heavens. In poor light, a cliff swallow looks brownish 31 gray; however, in good lighting, itis a luminous, ‘metallic, dark blue. Cliff swallows traditional- ly make their nests on vertical cliffs, carefully crafting them out of mud. Although they can nest solitarly, they usually nest in colonies, When one finds a cloud of insects, it alerts the other members of the flock so that all can bbe nourished. Even though they fly free, their community supports them. The Sacred Landscape Wants You to Know: Express yourself without hesitation. Break free and let your spirit fly. Make choices that increase ‘your freedom, Don't be tied down, Laugh, dance, explore, and go beyond predictable behavior. Be daring. Cast aside restrictions. Find your wings; as you do, you'll help others find theirs. You are not here to be ordinary or live a mundane life; you are here to step beyond limitations and selFimposed boundaries. Do not be trapped by convention or the need to please others. Choose life on your terms. Don't accept rales that don't feel right. You can be immensely free, and yet Still be a part of a loving, supportive community. 32 FULFILLMENT Laden Peach Tree The peach tree blooms early, and because of this, itis often a symbol of spring and the renewal of life. It is also the Chinese symbol of 4 happy marriage and of fertility. In some tra- ditions, it stands for immortality. Ripe peaches also portend fertility, fecundity, and great fulfillment. In Korean traditions, the peach represents happiness, riches, honors, and 33 longevity. In the Renaissance, peaches repre- sented the heart and love, and speaking the truth from one’s heart, ‘The Sacred Landscape Wants You to Know: Fulfillment is at hand. No matter what is, occurring in your life, put your attention on what is splendid, pleasurable, and luscious. Find bliss in the moment. Love fully, deeply, without hesitation. Cherish your friendships. Fill your life with people, experiences, and places that give you delight. Let go of people ‘and things that don’t feel empowering and that drag your energy down. You no longer need to put the needs of others ahead of your own needs. If you've had any health issues, a Tipe peach represents a return to better health. Savor your life with gusto and with grace. Experience and embrace life in all its permuta- tions. If you want to conceive a baby, or a new project, or start a new relationship, this card is an excellent omen for a great outcome. 34 GATEWAY Enchanted Valley There are places on the planet where the veil between the physical realms and the mystical dimensions is especially thin. These places are called portals, vortexes, or spirit gateways. In mythology, they are revered as places where things beyond ordinary reality can occur. Mys- tics, visionaries, and shamans can traverse this realm and the next through these places In Celtic traditions, the “wee folk” (fairies and elves) easily move through these portals ‘and have access to these magical places. The enchanted valley is the place where these portals often appear. The Sacred Landscape Wants You to Know: Magic is afoot. Wondrous events are unfolding. Profound revelations and inner illuminations, are close at hand. It is now much easier to ‘manifest your dreams. This is an excellent time to take action on your visions for your future. A small amount of action now will generate much bigger results. Gateways to Spirit are opening and there are places where the veil is especially thin. Fairies and elves are supporting you. Wonders are blossoming in your life. Watch for them. Open your heart to hallowed, holy, magical energy. The more you become aware of the small marvels in your life, the more they will grow in magnitude. 36 GOING FORWARD Grassy Hills Grasses are one the most abundant fumilies of plants on earth. From the earliest days of human history, grasses have played an import- ant role in life. We eat grasses: oat, barley, and wheat are kinds of grass. We have thatched our roofs with it, fed our animals with it, walked 37 (on it, had picnics on it, and made love on it Its matrix of roots prevents erosion, and its lush, rapid growth produces volumes of oxygen. Grasses are one of the world’s most significant food sources. Grass, in past times, has symbol- ized growth, productiveness, prosperity, new ideas, and fulfilment. ‘he Sacred Landscape Wants You to Kno1 When you receive this card, fertility, produ: ty, love, health, abundance, and fulfillment are ahead for you, Things are growing and expand- ing in your life. Keep going forward. Sometimes it may be easy to be distracted by what's occur ring around you, but this card indicates that it is important to not let anything hold you back from increasing the bounty in your life. Step up and know that your needs will be taken care of. Your life is escalating and intensifying in the best possible way and for your highest good. 38 HAPPINESS Shimmering Sunshine ur sun is at the center of our solar system. Our planet and our lives revolve around its cycles of light and dark. Our inner and outer biological rhythms—as well as the rhythms of every animate and inert part of life—are ruled by this celestial force. In the far past, the sun has been thought of as a god. Traditionally, it has been associated with happiness, joy, hope, 39 enlightenment, illumination, truth, cheer, warmth, and goodwill. Additionally, sunlight is an expansive force. When something is heating up by the light of the sun, it enlarges. Without the energy of the sun, things contract. The sun carries the deepest energies of expan- sion in life, so to receive this card is to know that you are expanding. The Sacred Landscape Wants You to Know: Click your heels and shout for joy! The signs are with you. Let your light shine! Abounding good luck awaits you. A gateway is opening for event ‘more joy and happiness. Your life is expanding. Opportunities are emerging. This is the time to go forward with glee. Love deeply and fully. Embrace life with open arms. Goodness is flow- ing to you! The only thing to be aware of is to ‘monitor your expansion in a metered way. Too ‘much, too fast can be overwhelming. 40 HEALING CHAOS Spiraling Tornado Energy in our Universe spirals. Water spirals in the wake of the fish that swims through the stream. Air spirals in the wake of a bird in flight. The moon spirals around the earth, which spirals around the sun, which spirals around the galaxy. Even our DNA is a spiral. It is the healing principle of life. It’s not an accident that the ancient symbol for healing is the caduceus: two spiraling serpents. It is the 41 sacred spiral. Most people assume that there is ‘nothing good that comes from tornados, but every part of nature has value. For example, although some birds lose their habitat from «tornado, birds such as the prairie warbler, whippoorwill, woodpecker, grouse, and wood- cock, as well as forest salamanders, all benefit from the new landscape created by tornados. Downed trees provide habitat for black bears and white-tailed deer and create dens for many kinds of animals. Tornados churn up the soil in ways that rejuvenate the earth. The Sacred Landscape Wants You to Know: When you receive this card, it acknowledges potential chaos (or the need for chaos) as an activator for profound heading. If your life seems chaotic, know that it has an underlying energy of healing. You are being healed on all levels. You are a healer. Alternatively, if your life is calm to the point of being stagnant, this card suggests that it might be time to create a bit of chaos in your life. It will activate healing. Do the unexpected, Mix life up a bit. 42 ILLUMINATION Mist Rising on Alpine Lake As the sun rises over the far mountains, ‘ists begin to swirl upward, illuminated by the golden, radiant rays of morning light. In ‘many traditions, mist symbolizes what is called the “mystic veil,” which represents an entrance point into unseen realms. In ancient and native cultures, mists are associated 43 with mystical and magical inner dimensions. Mist in the mountains represents higher states of consciousness. nds The upward, spiraling mists rising in the ‘mountains suggest that those in the realm of Spirit—your spirit protectors, ancestors, and guardians—are close at hand, assisting you on your upward journey of illumination. They are protecting you and supporting you. Your spiritual life is expanding by leaps and bounds. Even if you can't see what's ahead, Spirit is close at hand. If you draw this card, trust your heart and what you feel more than what you see and what you think, and you will be guided in a wondrous direction. 44 INNER PEACE Lily Pond Simply sitting next toa lily pond, watching the dragonflies soar overhead and looking at the Juminous lily pads floating gently on the water (ovhile their translucent lowers open their petals to the heavens), can fill one with the sense of profound and everlasting peace. Lilies grow in ‘many countries and have been given a wide range of meanings. However, one enduring 4s image of the lily is the notion that out of the darkness and mud arises a thing of immense beauty and grace. No matter how much dark- ness there has been in your life, you can rise into enlightenment and profound tranquility. ‘The Sacred Landscape Wants You to Know: Inner peace is your birthright. Tranquility (occurs when you realize that your life is un- folding according to divine planning. Serenity isn’t something you have to work for, or search for—it already exists within you. To find this, inner peace, simplify your life, spend time in nature, and listen to the message of your soul. True peace transcends fear and connects you intimately to the Creator. Breathe deeply and fully, knowing that all is well. 46 LEADERSHIP North Star In Western culture, we wish upon a star because the stars represent all that is illuminating and enchanting. They sym- bolize aspiration, illumination, inspiration, imagination, and wonder. Native people used the stars to find their way in the night. The North Star was often used as a kind of compass to make sure one was going in the 47 right direction. The North Star symbolizes direction and guidance. It is a guiding light for those who can’t find their way. It’s one of the brightest stars in its constellation. ‘The Sacred Landscape Wants You to Know: Just as the North Star is a beacon for travelers in the dark of the night, you are a beacon for others. It’s time to step into the light and take ‘your leadership role. You are a teacher, steward, ‘guardian, and healer: a true leader. Own these ifts. Come into the light. Don't hold back. Let the world see your light. The greatest leaders are those who know how to serve and act as stepping-stones for others to reach their dreams. If you have been hiding in the background, it’s time to break out and become the light for oth- ers. Through this, your star shines brighter. 48 Wild Rose Roses are a universal symbol of love. The rose ‘was associated with Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty. It was also thought to represent truth; in Roman times a rose was hung in meeting places with the understand ing that only truth could be spoken under the rose. In many Native American tribes, wild roses are a powerful symbol of life. Some 49 tribes believed that wild roses were protection so they kept them in their homes, The wild rose, as opposed to the domesticated rose, represents a love that is wild and free and without bounds, It blossoms all summer and is beloved by bees and butterflies. ‘The Sacred Landscape Wants You to Know: Love is all around you. Love is coming into ‘your life. You are already more cherished than you can possibly know. Indeed, you are a sacred vessel for love to flow through you when ‘you stand in the center of it all. All is well, no ‘matter what is happening around you. You know that you are loved and you are lovable. You know that there is nothing that you need 10 do to deserve love. You are enough, just as you are. The Creator is love, and in the depth of your soul, you are love. In matters of the heart and romance, all is healing or is already healed. In terms of self-love, your confidence and self-esteem are growing as you take time to cherish and care for yourself 30 MIRACLES Double Rainbow After the storm, the rainbow appears. No ‘matter where we are, the instant a rainbow splashes across the sky, we usually stop and stand in awe. Some say that rainbows ‘are messages from the Creator; others say that they are a part of the electromagnetic spectrum phenomenon. But no matter the explanation for their existence, rainbows have sl struck awe in the hearts and souls of many through time. Many traditions believe that rainbows are blessings from the Creator—a double rainbow is double the blessings. i i Want The storms of the past are passing, and your dreams are coming true! No matter what has happened in the past, your future holds abounding miracles. Good fortune, celestial beauty, and inner divinity are expanding within you. Believe that your life is guided. Trust in the goodness of the Universe. A celes- tial bridge to the heavens is opening for you Start a health program, invest in your career, or initiate a relationship, and good fortune will manifest. Blessings are flowing in all directions, Believe that you deserve the best because you do. Bounty, joy, blessings, and ‘miracles are flowing your way. 52 NEW BEGINNINGS Radiant Sunrise The sun is the most profound symbol of life itself, large enough to fit one million Earths inside it. In ancient cultures the largess of the rising sun represented hope and the under- standing that life begins again, fresh and new. Responsible for the climate and weather of the earth, itis the symbol of birth and rebirth. It an also represent resurrection and a time of 53 profound spiritual awakening. It symbolizes the end of darkness and the beginning of light, and an initiation of a whole new cycle. ‘The Sacred Landscape Wants You to Kno\ Your life is expanding in profound and won- drous ways. New experiences and ideas are emerging. Vitality and wide-open opportunities are at hand. Seize the day! This is a perfect time to begin that new project or give birth to an emerging idea. Timing is everything, and the time is now. Anything and everything is possible. Good fortune awaits you. The rising sun is the ultimate symbol of the yang prin- ciple: expanding power and activity. You are radiant and luminous, There isa glow within ‘you that can be felt by all. 34 OPENNESS Secrets of the Moon The cycles of the moon affect every aspect of our life. The cyclical, magnetic pull regulates the tides as it acts on our planet's waters. The moon even affects the monthly cycles of women. It’s not an accident that a woman's cycle and the cycle of the moon are approximately the same amount of time. In native cultures, when women lived in nature, it was not uncommon for them to menstruate during the new moon and ovulate around the full moon. It was believed that 35 ‘menstruation was the time that a woman had to be still, put her everyday labors aside, and renew. For all people, the dark of the moon was a time to incubate ideas, watch nocturnal dreams for signs, and be still. In modern life, we as a culture don't honor these natural cycles often enough, and as a result our lives are usually bereft of this important time of rejuvenation. The Sacred Landscape Wants You to Know: When you receive this card, be open to receiving signs. Be still. Do nothing. Be open. Breathe. Relax completely and thoroughly. Incubate your dreams for the future. If you are trying to make a decision, take the time to watch for signs and listen to the whispers of the Universe. Watch your dreams for messages regarding the situation. Become the sacred watcher. Observe life as it unfolds, rather than becoming engaged in it, Be open to what the Universe has in store for you. Be receptive to messages from your soul. This card can also be the bringer of sacred wonders into your life. Miracles can show up in ways you didn’t expect. 56 OPPORTUNITY Moon through Pine Trees An occasional owl hoot and the song of a solo coyote punctuate the stillness in the forest, as a traveler walks through the pines. Light from a waning moon filters down through the canopy of needles and cascades across the forest floor. Sometimes the trees obscure the moon, but sometimes its illumination clearly shows the s7 path ahead. Pines are one of the most ancient plant genera on the planet. They have existed nearly three times longer than all flowering plant species. Because most pines stay green all winter, they traditionally represent longevity, immortality, fertility, health, and abundance. The moon, and her gossamer glow, represents the feminine and receptive side of life. Just as the moon receives and reflects the light of the sun, symbolically the moon represents receiving the goodness of the Universe flowing to you. ‘The Sacred Landscape Wants You to Know: Gifts from the Universe are ready to cascade into your life. Abundance, health, longevity, vitality, and joy are flowing to you, gently and easily, in the days ahead. There may be times when the goodness of life feels like itis ebbing and flowing, rather than being a steady stream of fulfillment. This is similar to the moon peek- ing through the pine trees for a moment or two. But as you stay open and receptive, physical and emotional gifts will come into your life. Instead 58 of bemoaning the fact that there isn’t a steady and constant stream of joy and gifts from the Universe, accept whatever you receive in a spirit of gratitude, and your bounty will increase tenfold. This is a universal law. 39 PATIENCE Dense Fog Water represents our emotions, our feelings, our subconscious, and our nocturnal dreams. When the water becomes condensed as fog, wwe can’t see clearly. Fog occurs when the air is cooled to the point at which it cannot hold all the water vapor it contains. Thus, it condens- es water vapor, where it is suspended in the air as fog. We can’t see what's ahead, and 60 things that look one way in the fog will look another way in the light. However, when you can't perceive what's on the horizon in life, ‘your imagination can surge forward, and your sixth sense can be ignited The Sacred Landscape Wants You to Know: In dense fog, it’s best to be quiet and still. For now, don’t go forward. Wait. It’s hard to see what lies ahead, and things may not be as they seem. Things that seem one way may, in fact, be completely different. Be patient; the truth will emerge. In this state of obscured visibility, your imagination and intuition can be sparked. If you can wait long enough, your dreams and inner yearnings can come to fruition. Listen to your intuition and pay attention to those seemingly random thoughts. 61 PLEASURE Luscious Meadow Meadows are usually open, sunny places where flora and fauna thrive and flourish. They are havens, as the trees surrounding the mead- ow offer protection and shade for the grassy area, Traditionally, they are associated with openness, gentle calm, and relaxation. They are places where the weary traveler can stop and rest to renew his spirit. A meadow is a 62 place where people, as well as animals, gather to enjoy the simple pleasures of life. ‘he Sacred Landscape Wants You to Know: Savor your life... each and every part of it. Take pleasure in slowing down and experi- encing each of your senses. Taste your food with full gusto, Inhale the scents of the world around you. Enjoy the colors and textures of your life. This is truly a “stop and smell the roses” card. Embrace your sensuality. Move in a languid way. Let pleasure be your password into every intimate part of your life. Allow your life to be less about being productive and more about enjoying each moment with verve . and a radiant energy will flow through you, in all directions of your life. 63 POTENTIAL Volcano at Rest Volcanoes erupt in places where the earth’s plates meet and where there are cracks through which lava emerges, either explosively or by flowing more slowly down a cinder cone. Even when a volcano is at rest, there is always the possibility of a huge eruption. There is the potential of great power. There are very few things on this planet more commanding 64 than an erupting volcano. The archetypal personality of a volcano is one of a wild, unpredictable, and formidable energy. The Sacred Landscape Wants You to Know: This card appears when you are ready to activate your potential and step into your strength. This is the time to activate those Sifts that you've had on the back burner in your life. You have incredible, untapped potential. This is the time to allow it to flow. ‘An inner wellspring of power is emerging. You have a profound spiritual power that is deep within you. Do not doubt your great authority and capabilities. A dormant volcano might indicate that you have uncomfortable emotions that you are repressing or keeping inside, thus creating emotional stress and inner pressure. It can also mean that you are on the verge of @ great expansion of energy and life-force. 65 POWER Mountain Thunder Like the fist of God thrusting up toward the heavens, the stark, ragged mountain holds firm as thunderbolts crash down on all side. The sound is deafening as it echoes from ‘mountain peak to mountain peak. Mountains represent strength, power, and permanence, as well as being a potent symbol for attaining spiritual heights, as they extend into the sky 66 toward the heavens. Thunder and lightning traditionally represent surging power, enlight- enment, and revelations of divine matters. ‘Thunder ignites our deeper self and activates ‘our primal and deep emotions. Together, the ‘mountain and thunder symbolize immense power, vitality, and strength. The Sacred Landscape Wants You to Know This is your time! This is the time to claim your power and step into your potential. This doesn't necessarily mean that you will be without fear. You might feel uncertain, but do it anyway. Be courageous. Let the world hear your voice. Take a stand, Stand up for yourself and for others, Share your passion. Teach from the heart. Write, and your words will have great meaning. Hold your body as if you are incredibly valiant, noble, and brave... after all, you are. 67 PROTECTION Guardian Oak In many traditions, the oak tree is associated with wisdom, strength, and protection. One of the many remarkable things about the oak is that from the smallest acorn, a powerful tree of enormous size can spring forth and live for hundreds of years. The roots of the oak go as deep into the earth as its branches reach into the sky. The oak is honored for its expanse, its nobility, and its endurance. Additionally, its 68 tendency to attract lightning confirmed in the ‘minds of many ancients that the oak repre- sented life-forc, vitality, and strength. Many cultures revered the oak and honored the living spirit within it. They believed that there was a ‘mystic doorway in the oak tree through which one could travel to inner worlds. Oak is one of ‘the most compelling symbols for protection. The Sacred Landscape Wants You to Know: One of the most potent signs on the sacred landscape is the ancient oak. It carries numerous meanings. You are protected. You can weather anything. Your roots go dee{ You are brave, and you can survive anything. Stand strong. You carry the energy of a leader, ‘and you have great authority in life. Great wisdom is expanding within you, and others sense this. This card can also mean to protect your assets; take care to guard and protect your home, your loved ones, and yourself 69 PURIFICATION a 6. Summer Rain Traditionally rain symbolizes rebirth and washing one’s sins away. Water is also asso- ciated with emotions, and a summer rain can represent the release of long-held emotions that allows for a purification and inner heal- ing. There is also a renewal aspect of rain; the cold saying “April showers bring May flowers” ‘means that what follows the rain is a time of renewal and blossoming. 70 The Sacred Landscape Wants You to Know: It’s difficult for new, vibrant energy to enter your life if itis clogged with old and outdated energy. Cleanse and purify your body and your physical space. This is a great time for a detox, clutter clearing, cleansing, and space clearing. Release outdated energy to invite fresh, clear energy into your life. Eat lightly. Don’t take things personal- 'y, Release resentment, guilt, and blame. Purify yourself—thought, word, and deed. De-clutter- ing is modern-day alchemy. If you don't love it or use it, let it go. This card can also represent abundance, as flowing water is a metaphor for prosperity and summer is the time of expansion. n PURITY First Snow Before the first snow, the earth is dark and cold; fallen trees from autumn storms lay haphazard- ly atop the decaying leaves that cover the forest floor. However, when the first snow arrives, the darkness and decomposing soil are replaced by a purity that is light and bright. In the sunshine, the individual snowflakes atop the snowdrifts sparkle with crystalline light. Harsh sounds are ‘muffled. Sharp corners and rugged edges are 72 ‘muted. Everything feels fresh and new. Debris seemingly disappears beneath the pristine, white landscape. Softly falling snow illuminates the environment in a diffusion of swirling forms. At night, in the light of the full moon, the first snow is slowing and serenely silent, turning everything into an enchanted, fairy-tale reali. In some mystical traditions, descending snow symbolizes the transmission of knowledge from 4 higher plane (the heavens) to the lower planes (the earth), thus bringing purity to the earth. The Sacred Landscape Wants You to Know: ‘No matter what has happened in the past, everything can be fresh and new again. The purity of your soul is shining through every- thing that you encounter. You are entering into a period of grace. Simply open your heart and know that the best is yet to be. The past does nnot need to equal the future. Your future can be (and will be) shimmering, sparkling, and bright. Old, limiting patterns are dropping away. Recur- ring challenges are releasing. This is a time of redemption, forgiveness, and holy healing. 73 RELAXATION Harvest Moon On a warm, peaceful autumn night, a gentle haze softens the light of the full moon. The songs of night birds softly emerge through the dark, against the backdrop of the sonorous outpouring of the frogs that line the lake's shore. The stillness allows your senses to expand. You inhale the earthy dampness in the air, hear the nuances of the night sounds, look at the muted reflections 74 of the moon in the lake, and sense the deep quietude of the night. A full moon occurring close to the autumn equinox is called a “harvest moon.” The harvest moon symbolizes that all you have worked for is coming to fruition. In other words, you can ‘put your feet up, relax, and let go. The Sacred Landscape Wants You to Know: When you receive this card, relax. Allis well. ‘No need to strive or push to get ahead. Be- neath the surface of life, everything is gently propelling you in the right direction. You can lay down your burdens and simply unwind. Slow down and allow calmness to fill you. When you relax and relinquish control, your intuition expands, and you create the space for your spirit guardians to help you. Additionally, it’s vastly easier to heal and have positive outcomes in life when you are rested and not filled with worry and a need to control outcomes. Lie back, stretch out, and watch magic unfold in your life. 78 RELEASE Autumn Light The cooler days and change of color in the leaves mark the seasonal change from summer to autumn, The bracing wind widly flings the red, orange, and yellow leaves from the trees 4s they spiral to the dampened, dark earth, Lingering sunshine filters through the canopy of vividly colored leaves, creating an autumnal slow. In the great cycle of life, fall is the time 76 of letting go, Just as spring is the time of new birth, and summer the time of expansion and growth, fall is the time of the harvest. Itis the time to begin the inward journey into the restoring and renewing season of winter. ‘The Sacred Lan Wo a When you receive this card, it is time to let go and surrender. Let go of situations, people, and objects that do not serve you. Let go of old, outmoded, self-limiting beliefs that drag you down. This is a time of stripping away super- ficial distractions until you reach who you are at your core. If you are holding on to the old, itis difficult for anything new to come into your life. Begin to clear your home and living environments of clutter. If you don't love it or use it, itis probably clutter. Clear it out of your space. It's time for a detox. To get ready for the new, you must release the old. 7 SECURITY Ee Firelit Cave Inancient times, our forebears took refuge in caves. It was there that they could seek shelter from the weather and be protected from preda- tors and enemies. The cave offered a safe place to prepare food, sleep, heal, and build commu- nity. Caves were also the places where sacred spiritual ceremonies occurred, evidenced by cave drawings and altars that had been built along the ledges. Symbolically, caves often represented 78 a secret pathway to the underworld, the divine womb of Mother Earth, and the sacred heart. Allso, caves can be energy portals for shamans or other spiritual explorers. ‘The Sacred Landscape Wants You to Know: You are safe and protected. No matter what is occurring in your life, you are in safe hands. Those in the realm of Spirit are watching over you. You can relax and let $0. Once you've taken measures to pro- tect yourself and those you love—such as ‘making sure everyone has their seat belt on in the car, making sure your insurance is paid on time, or replacing the filter on your heating unit—then let go. If you have been hhypervigilant lately, take a break. Relax; know that all is well. You can turn it all over to the Creator. 79 SIMPLICITY White Feather Imagine a single white feather illuminated against a blue sky, wafting on warm air currents as it floats to the earth with simplicity and grace. Both Native Americans and Egyptians thought feathers were messages from the sky gods. Chiefs would wear feathers to symbolize their communing with the Creator. It was believed that when one wore feathers ‘on one’s head, messages from a human could travel to Spirit. Likewise, messages and energy from the spiritual realms could travel back down to the human through the hollow shaft of 4 feather. Feathers were also wafted through the air to cleanse and purify a space. The Sacred Landscape Wants You to Know: To find a sacred simplicity and have clarity in your life, do only what matters. Release everything else, Simplify your life. Scan all areas and clear both internal and external clutter. Rest, rejuvenate, and only participate in what is truly important to you; relinquish everything else, Do not delay. Do it now. When your life is cluttered with objects, relationships, time constraints, and emotions, there's no room for Spirit. There is too much static and too much stuff to connect to your soul, The smallest amount of clutter clearing can make the biggest difference. 81 SOLITUDE Sacred Island Islands are bodies of land surrounded by water; they can be in an atoll or a river basin. However, the ocean surrounds most islands, They can be massive, with their own unique, verdant ecosystems, or they can be small and barren. The terrain can be flat or mountain- ‘ous. They can be a detachment from the ‘mainland through erosion, or they can arise 82 from the sea through volcanic activity. The thing that is universal in all islands is their isolation, and many cultures assign mystical symbolic meaning to particular islands. They ‘are thought to be the resting places of gods and thus are used for sacred purposes. ‘The Sacred Landscape Wants You to Know: Spend some time alone, In your life, this means to take your own counsel, rather than relying (on the opinions and dictates of others. Break away from the crowd. Be on your own. This card also speaks of self-resourcefulness, self-re- liance, and tenacious individuality. If you are working on a project, trust your instincts and follow your own lead. Your creativity is at its ‘peak. Let it flow. If you are in a relationship that is disempowering, this card suggests that it is time to step away. Take time to reassess your life. In solitude you will thrive. This card also suggests safe haven, a sacred womb for incubation, and self-transformation. 83 STANDSTILL Swamplands A swamp is a low-lying area with woody plants (shrubs and trees) where water col- lects and saturates the ground. During rainy seasons, swamplands become overwhelmed with water. The edge of the swamp is often a quagmire of mud and silt. But an abundance of plants and swamp insects dwell there. Because of the sticky nature of the mud, it 84 is often impossible to walk through swamp- lands. Even trying to maneuver with a boat can be difficult and treacherous because of dense vegetation. However, there is great value in swamplands. They act as natural flood control, as runoff can be temporarily stored in their basins. They keep the land around them from washing away. Lush vegetation provides @ haven for nesting birds and waterfowl as well as habitat to mammals such as beaver. Freshwater swamps near the Tigris and the Euphrates rivers in the Middle East are part of the Fertile Crescent and contributed to the fertility of the land for the earliest humans. ‘The Sacred Landscape Wa now: If it feels that some areas of your life have slowed down, or even come to a standstill, you are right. Something is not progressing. Even if it seems that things are flowing, look beneath the surface; perhaps something is immo able. The first step to becoming unstuck is to acknowledge where you are. The soul loves the 85 truth. In life you can either say, “There are no weeds! There are no weeds!” Or you can notice the weeds and begin pulling them out. Notice what isn’t working in your life, and then take slow, steady steps to unblock the barriers. In nature, when one is being sucked into mud, the worst thing to do is struggle, The best thing to do is slowly and carefully, one step at a time, extricate yourself. 86 STILLNESS Frozen Tundra The tundra is a stark and severe landscape found in both the southern and northern hemispheres. It is usually bereft of most plant ‘and animal life, and can only support very low-growing plants such as mosses and lichen. The soil is frozen year-round, so itis impossible for trees to grow in that barren landscape. In the winter, the landscape is very cold and dark, 87 and wild winds surge across the desolation. Even in the summer, the land remains frozen, although the surface can be soggy and covered with lakes, marshes, ponds, and bogs that be- come havens for millions of migrating birds. he ani We to Know: Take a step back from a project, situation, or relationship, even if for just a few mo- ments. Mend bridges. Slow down. Breathe. Be still. Go within. Listen to your inner voice. Take tine to connect with your spit Suides, ancestors, and spiritual guard- ians. Listen to your higher self. Timing is everything. This is not a good time to start a new cycle. Wait. Incubate. Fix things that need fixing. Heal things that need healing. Think things through. Forgive yourself and others. If things seem barren, or even bleak, hold on, Just as the migrating birds find new life in the tundra marshes in the sum- ‘mer, you too will expand once again during the coming thaw in your life. 88 SUCCESS Tropical Jungle Tropical jungles are some of the richest and ‘most successful habitats on our planet. They have incredible diversity—a multitude of plant varieties and animal inhabitants. They are dense with life-force that is rapidly growing and rapidly changing. The lushness of their vegetation is essential to the ecological health of the earth, In many ways, the success of the 89 planet depends on the rain forest. These areas are called the “lungs of the planet.” The plants absorb carbon dioxide, produce oxygen, and help reduce the impact of worldwide climate change. In addition, thousands of plant and animal species that may have medical properties hhave yet to be discovered. ‘The Sacred Landscape Wants You to Know: Satisfaction, contentment, and fulfillment are at hand. Success is waiting to expand in your life. Be ready to accept and embrace this suc- cess, for it might occur rapidly. Allis possible. The gates of triumph are waiting to open. Being ina state of gratitude for all the small successes in your life will give birth to larger ones. Your satisfaction will come in many forms and from many areas of life. Celebrate it all and breathe it all in, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant. This is an excellent time to make commitments, sign contracts, and make deals. Good fortune will ensue. TAKING RISKS High Plateau A high plateau is a large, flat area of land that is significantly higher than the landscape around it, The sides, at least one or two, are sheer and steep. These formations are typically caused by the upwelling of volcanic magma, tectonic movement, or even erosion. Some indigenous groups call these tablelands tepui, which means “house of the gods.” When you o1 stand at the edge of one of the sheer walls, you can feel that you are in the place of the gods. The Sacre Wants You to Know: When you draw this card, itis time to step beyond your normal, everyday life. Take some risks. Face your fears. Do things in a new and even unorthodox way. Listen more to your inner voice than to the voices and opinions of others. Rather than running from potential failure, embrace it. History has shown that those willing to face failure will often succeed in a massive way later. 92 THRIVING African Savanna In the African savanna tives the “tree of lif,” the baobab tree. This isa prehistoric species that predates humans. Itis over 200 million years old. Ithas adapted, survived, and thrived in a harsh environment where so many other species have gone extinct. The baobab can live up to 5,000 ‘years and can reach almost 100 feet tall. It is @ succulent, which means that in the rainy season it absorbs and stores water in its enormous trunk, 93 ‘This water helps it produce a nutrient-dense fruit in the dry season, when the land is parched and arid. These remarkable plants provide shelter, Food, and water for both animals and humans. It is one of the only plants in the world that doesn’t chop its fruit, where it would spoil. It stays on the branch, where it dries out. When picked, the fruit has a three-year shelf life. Dhe Sacred Landscape Wants You to Kno If you draw this card, you area survivor. And not only do you survive, but you use situations that others might find challenging to thrive. You ‘expand when others shrink, This may be the time to adapt to your circumstances, rather than be ‘overcome by them. You have a remarkable ability to step beyond any challenge. You are strong. Others may find shelter in your energy, and right now, that’s okay. Through giving to others, you are in turn nourished. This card may be urging ‘you to step into the primal, primordial, powerful, wild part of yourself: Doing this will increase your vitality and contribute to your overall well-being. 94 TRANSFORMATION Blue Butterfly It’s no accident that the butterfly represents transformation, rebirth, and resurrection. Remarkably, when the caterpillar becomes a chrysalis, it doesn’t just instantly become a butterfly; it actually dissolves into a kind of soup. In other words, it liquefies itself... and out of that emerges something completely different. It is a true transformation. In some cultures, blue 95 butterflies are considered very good luck ‘and even wish granters. In Native American tribes, it is believed that a wish whispered to.a butterfly will be granted when it flies to the heavens. The Native American shawl dance, which celebrates renewal, is derived from the butterfly dance. Also, the color blue represents a calmness, peace, and spiritual attunement; and the blue butterfly is thought to carry all these meanings. ‘The Sacred Landscape Wants You to Kno’ This is the time for change, reinvention, or a rebirth into a new way of being. If you've been plodding along, this card suggests that you take measures to shift everything. Don't resist change. The blue color suggests 4 spiritual renewal or initiation. Trans- formation doesn't mean taking something old and remodeling it or rearranging a few things; it means becoming something completely different... . or doing some- thing completely different. Change is often 96 uncomfortable, but it is usually for the highest good. This is a very lucky card, and drawing this card can mean that a wish ‘may be about to come true. 97 Desert Vision The desert seems parched and devoid of life, yet it isto the desert that spiritual sojourners go to sain messages from the Creator. Traditionally, the desert is the place of spiritual cleansing, renewal, and profound healing visions. Just as desert terrains can féed our souls, they also nourish lands thousands of miles away. For example, the Sahara desert and the Amazon 98 rain forest are a great distance from each other. One is a vast, dry area of sand and scrub, while the other is moist, lush, and green, And yet they are connected. Annually, thousands of tons of nutrient-rich dust from the Sahara crosses continents in the upper atmosphere and deposits vital phosphorus and other minerals to the Am- azon, which is needful of those exact nutrients The Sacred Landscape Wants You to Kno This is a powerful and important card to receive, Even when things seem parched or not fruitful, a deeper energy speaks of the power of your inner knowing. Meditate. Trust those nudges from the Universe. Your celestial advisors are close now. You are now open to receive some of the most important messag- €s of your life through your intuition. Your intuition is spot-on, so trust it. And even if there are some areas of your life that seem lackluster, know that other areas are being fertilized for a resplendent future. Have faith, and know that there is a higher purpose. 99 Song of the Wind Wind is in the realm of the air elements, one of the four elements of life (air, water, fire, and earth). Air takes form in the oxygen we breathe as well as in breezes and zephyrs. It also represents our communication skill. When we speak, it is the air that passes through our mouths that allows us to speak and communicate, Wind is also prana, the 100 source of life. AS you communicate your truth to yourself and others, you'll find new energy and vitality emerging within your life. ‘he Sacred Landscape Wants You to Know: Be honest with yourself and speak from your heart, Find your truth. Listen for what is sincere and honest in others. One of the most difficult things to know is what's true for you ‘and what isn’t. Sometimes it takes sincere silence to find your inner voice of truth, but once you find it, let go of anything in your life that isn’t authentic. Share your truth with others. Release relationships in which you can’t be yourself and can't be real. Being gen- uine can allow your spirit to fly and the song of your soul to be heard in the Universe. 101 VOYAGE Humpback Whale ‘Humpback whales make the longest journey of any mammal, They travel 14,000 miles (22,000 kilometers) every year. They spend the summer months near polar regions, and in the winter, they journey toward the equator to tropical waters. Among some native tribes, whales are considered to be protectors of travel- ers and journeyers as well as guardians of the 102 sea. This card indicates that no matter what your journey is and where it takes you, you have protectors at your side. The Sacred Landscape Wants You to Know: Get ready; you are about to embark on a journey. It might be an inner sojourn or an outer voyage to a distant land, It might be a ‘project or idea that is coming to life. But most certainly you are an intrepid traveler, sallying [orth into the unknown. Where do you want to go? What have you always wanted to do or be? This is the time to make it happen. Get prepared. Have a clear vision of what you want to experience, but also be prepared for the unexpected . .. that is part of the exhilaration of being a traveler. Remember to enjoy the journey as much as reaching the destination. 103 WISDOM re Depths of the Sea The surface of the sea can be choppy and turbulent, but when we sink down into the depths, our surroundings are completely different. Often there is a stillness below. In other cases, the surface of the sea might be placid, yet down in the liquid blue are a myr- iad of creatures and a variety of seaweeds. A vast community of creatures is eating, 104 mating, giving birth, and dying. What we see on the sea’s surface has very little to do with what is occurring below. The Sacred Landscape Wants You to Know: Things are not as they seem. Look beneath the surface in your life. For example, you ‘might feel that you aren’t making progress. on a particular project, yet beneath the surface, things are happening. Or you might be going through a stormy cycle. This card is letting you know that even though the surfiace of your life might be a bit rocky or wobbly, in a deeper place all is well and serenity and peace are emerging. Things that may seem challenging will later be revealed to have been beneficial. 105 = Quartz Crystal ‘Natural rock crystals—clear, amethyst, citrine, rose, and smoky—were all revered in ancient times, The Aborigines of Australia called it maban, which was the material through which their shamans and elders gained their magical powers. The Egyptians believed quartz had mystical healing abilities and would bury their dead with a piece of crystal on their forehead. The Greeks and Romans believed crystals were 106 solid ice that had been formed by the gods and thus had mystical powers. Even to present day, people believe that crystals can help manifest their intentions. Perhaps that is because of the piezoelectric qualities of quartz—the reason why quartz can amplify radio signals. There are some places in the world where it’s not uncom- ‘mon to find crystals om the surface of the land. These are especially powerful because they have found you in their natural setting. candscae Wants You to Kno Just around the corner, exciting possibilities are ‘waiting for you. Wonders will be abounding in ‘your life! Sometimes they won't be apparent at first; nevertheless, they are there. The more you see them and embrace them, the more these possibilities will grow in magnitude. Celebrate and cherish even the smaller ones, no matter how tiny they may seem. Let go of expectations. Don't limit the way that you think that won rows events could appear in your life. Be open. If you believe, anything and everything és possible. 107 ABOUT THE AUTHOR, Denise Linn’s personal journey began as a result of a near-death experience at age 17. Her life-changing experiences and remarkable recovery set her on a spiritual quest that led her to explore the healing tra- ditions of many cultures, including those of her own Cherokee ancestors, the Aborigines in the Australian bush, and the Zulus in Bophuthatswana, She trained with a Hawai- ian kahuna (shaman), and Reiki Master Hawayo Takata, She was also ceremoniously adopted into a New Zealand Maori tribe. In addition, Denise lived in a Zen Buddhist monastery for more than two years. Denise is an internationally renowned teacher in the field of self-development. She's the author of the bestseller Sacred Space and the award-winning Feng Shui for the Soul, and has written 19 books, which are avail- able in 29 languages. Denise has appeared in numerous documentaries and television 108 shows worldwide, and is the founder of the Red Lotus Woman’s Mystery School, which offers professional certification programs. For information about Denise’s certification. programs and lectures, please visit her web- site: 109 We hope you enjoyed this Hay House book. you'd lke to receive ‘our oaline catalog fetuting aditional information on Hay House ‘books and products orf yur like to fd out more about the "ay Foundation, please contact: ay House Inc, RO. Rox $100, Carlsbad, CA 92018-5100 (760) 431-7695 or 600) 684-8126 (960) 431-5948 ax o (800) 680-515 fx) wn ayouse com? » wx hayfoundstion on, Published in Austratia by ay House Australia Pry. 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