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Digital Value Creation

22th February 2018

Jürgen Seitz Andreas Burosch

Department of Electronic Media Department of Electronic Media
Stuttgart Media University Stuttgart Media University
Stuttgart, Germany Stuttgart, Germany

Abstract — The starting point and fundament of this value creation, were identified. Afterwards, logically associated
work is the initial Digital Value Creation study. Within this initiatives were assigned to four categories as a framework,
qualitative examination, on the basis of interviews with experts of namely:
the digital transformation, a total of 22 digitisation initiatives,
aiming at value creation, were identified. These were then logically
clustered into a framework with four categories, namely “Digital • Digital Business Models
Business Models”, “Digital Business Operations”, “Digital • Digital Business Operations
Marketing & Sales Strategy” and “Digital Mindset”. The research • Digital Marketing & Sales Strategy
task of this work was now to evaluate these digitisation initiatives • Digital Mindset
in terms of the two parameters of value creation potential and
degree of maturity. In order to obtain relevant points of view, an Each consists of five or six of the dimensions that were
online survey, based on a quantitative methodology, was
determined. This outcome then formed the starting point for the
conducted among Chief Digital Officers of companies of the
German-speaking area. As a result, 50 participants answered the
quantitative follow-up research and provided the basis for it.
questionnaire, which asked them to evaluate the value creation
potential and maturity level of each digitisation initiative within a But before turning our attention to the latter study,
five-point scale. Although Digital Business Operations had the chapter two of this paper makes a reference to related research,
highest value creation potential, respondents consistently expected which offers an alternative perspective to the created
a strong value contribution from the four categories. That can also framework that has been presented in this paper.
be seen as an indicator of the relevance and correctness of the
identified initiatives. Whereas the degree of maturity was rated for
each category with a noticeably lower score, marking a clear need II. RELATIONSHIP TO EXISTING WORK
to catch up. Enriched with the quantified value creation potential
and maturity information, the framework now optimizes Digitisation Piano [1]: The model, developed at the
predictability and supports the management in prioritization by IMD business school in Switzerland, with its ten areas of study,
allowing to bring forward such initiatives that promise a higher represents the value chain of an organisation. In the illustration,
value contribution. the framework uses the optics of the keys of a piano, hence its
title. Each individual dimension represents a value driver for the
Keywords — Digital transformation; Digitisation; Value company and is clustered together with one of the three
creation; Digital maturity model sections: “Digital Strategy”, “Digital Engagement” or “Digital
Enablers”. The Digitisation Piano can now be seen as a
I. INTRODUCTION guideline that shows, the areas in which changes have to be
This paper deals with the joint research on value made, in order to succeed in digital transformation. Each
creation in digital transformation. In order to do so, we begin company has to determine for itself, exactly how pronounced
with the initial qualitative study on identifying value-adding the individual value drivers already are, and where there is still
dimensions and continue with the quantitative follow-up a need for action. Thus, a roadmap can be created, that will lead
examination, in order to validate them. to the goal of increased agility with digitisation as a means to
an end. According to the authors, this consists of the three
The objective of the first explorative investigation, was components “hyperawareness”, “informed decision-making”
it to create a better understanding of the C-level manager’s view and “fast execution”, in order to obtain detailed insights into
on digital transformation, with the focus on Germany. customer needs, knowledge of the marketplace and
Therefore, 24 interviews were conducted with Chief Digital competitors, data-driven decisions that build on these factors
Officers (CDOs), as well as experts and executives in the field and the ability to dynamically implement and monitor the
of digitisation in general. As a result of a subsequent software- success of measures and their related instruments and resources.
supported content analysis, 22 digitisation initiatives, aimed at However, the intended agility must always be seen as just an

978-1-5386-1469-3/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 2018 IEEE International Conference on Engineering,

Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC)
Authorized licensed use limited to: Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia. Downloaded on April 08,2021 at 12:35:33 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
interim target, which must support the highest corporate goal of each containing two items that queried the value creation
profitability. potential and the degree of maturity, according to a five-point
Likert-scale, ranging from “non-existent” (1) to “low” (2),
Digital Vortex [1]: This model uses the image of a “rather low” (3), “rather high” (4) and finally, “high” (5). In a
vortex to illustrate how strongly the respective industry is six-week field phase, at the end of 2017, 50 (n) respondents
currently affected by digital transformation and how its could be acquired through the business networks XING,
competitive environment will change. Industries closer to the LinkedIn, via email and telephone.
centre (#1 technology; #2 media & entertainment, #3 retail) are
more intensely under the influence of change, but those on the
edge will also move into the centre, at least gradually. The IV. FINDINGS
"Disruption Map", provided by the consulting firms Deloitte The results are now presented from three viewpoints
Digital and Heads!, also uses a similar scheme. However, in with a particular focus on the findings from each section. In
their matrix, they also complement a quantified level of order to stay within the scope of this paper, the intention is
influence that indicates how strongly an industry will be
mainly to respect the level of the dimension categories and not
affected when it is captured by digital transformation [2].
to go too deeply into the evaluations of the 22 individual
Five Domains of digital Transformation [3]: The dimensions. Starting with the value creation potential, the
author uses this framework from his book "The Digital analysis and interpretation should always be accompanied by
Transformation Playbook" to provide a concept that shows the managerial implications.
relevant areas that every company in the throes of digital
transformation must completely rethink. He sees digital The first perspective should therefore reveal which of
transformation from a strategic aspect rather than from the point
the dimensions it is more advisable for a company to exercise,
of view of IT. The approach identifies, in five dimensions, how
companies have traditionally managed their initiatives in these due to the high positive value contribution, they are likely to
areas, and then explains why it is necessary to change those generate, and which are less advisable, because they are likely
parameters today. The author divides it into five sections: to generate no added value or very little. As an outcome, the
"Customers", "Competition", "Data", "Innovation" and "Value" graphic also represents a ranked checklist that will provide an
and provides the associated strategic priorities and key concepts overview of the digitisation efforts that need to be made, in
for each.
order to successfully master digital transformation with the
In this form, these frameworks create awareness of significant objective of value creation. Since, in principle, it
those initiatives that have to be executed in order to survive the must be assumed that the available resources within companies
digital transformation, as a tremendous change to products, are limited, the ranking helps to identify those dimension
services, processes and complete business models [4]. They categories that need to be prioritised, because they signal a
provide a clear overview of the business areas that are affected particularly high value creation potential.
by the change and therefore need to be adjusted in order to
generate sustainable value. These models thus support the
development of an advanced (digital) strategy. Only then, a Ø Value creation potential of the dimension categories
company will be able to sustainably transform and differentiate (4.00)
itself and, as a result, succeed in the long term [5]. 5
4.04 4.03 4.02 3.91
As already mentioned in the introduction, the Digital
Value Creation framework points out 22 digitisation initiatives,
which are aimed at value creation according to revenue, profit 1
and enterprise value growth, as a superordinate goal of every Digital Business Digital Mindset Digital Business Digital
Operations (n=44) Models Marketing &
company [6]. Now, the follow-up study goes one step further, (n=45) (n=50) Sales Strategy
in order to evaluate these 22 dimensions from two perspectives. (n=44)
First of all, the value creation potential should be measured.
Secondly, the maturity level needs to be assessed. Ø Value creation potential

For this purpose, a quantitative investigation, on the Fig. 1. Value creation potential of the dimension categories
basis of an online survey among Chief Digital Officers and
Heads of Digital Departments in the German-speaking area,
was designed. According to the identified digitisation Although the first three positions are very close
initiatives, the questionnaire consisted of 22 matrix questions, together, the Digital Business Operations category is the

978-1-5386-1469-3/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 2018 IEEE International Conference on Engineering,

Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC)

Authorized licensed use limited to: Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia. Downloaded on April 08,2021 at 12:35:33 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
winner, with an average value creation potential of 4.04 (>
"rather high"), according to the digital chiefs’ judgment of the Ø Degree of digital maturity of the dimension categories
activities, bundled here together as the most promising in terms
of value creation. These initiatives are about reengineering the 5

business to adapt to the new technologies and changing user 4

3.16 3.07 2.97
behaviour in digital transformation. But Digital Mindset (4.03) 2.75
too, relating to the staff’s set of skills and Digital Business
Models (4.02), should not be ignored, because of their close
placement in the creation of added value. Only Digital
Digital Business Digital Business Digital Digital Mindset
Marketing & Sales Strategy (3.91) fall a bit further behind in Operations Models Marketing & (n=44)
the ranking. This dimension category subsumes activities in the (n=45) (n=50) Sales Strategy
area of gaining new customer groups and distributing via digital
channels. Overall, the four dimension categories have an Ø Degree of maturity
average value creation potential of 4.00, and are thus considered
Fig. 2. Degree of digital maturity of the dimension categories
as "rather high".

Secondly, the evaluation of the degree of maturity is The chart shows the category Digital Business
now done. In order to measure this, survey participants were Operations with a maturity level of 3.16 (> "rather low") again
asked how far they have progressed with the digitisation in first place. In contrast to the view of the value creation
initiatives in their companies. Assuming that the 22 dimensions potential, the four dimension categories distance themselves
represent a company's digital transformation efforts more clearly from each other on this side of the average degree
holistically, this information can reveal the degree of maturity. of maturity. Digital Business Models follows in second
This is a measure of how pronounced the individual dimensions position, with a rating of 3.07. The two last-placed categories
already are, thereby indicating how much of the digital are now below the overall average and thus indicate, most
transformation challenge has already been mastered. A full strikingly, that there is still a need for action there. Digital
advance would therefore stand for optimal prospects to Marketing & Sales Strategy describes the acquisition of new
successfully accomplish the digital transformation. The customer groups and the distribution via digital channels, and
consideration of the degree of digital maturity also provides at an average score of 2.97, it is in the penultimate place. Digital
information about how much effort has already been invested Mindset is in last place, also with a less than "rather low"
in digital transformation by the companies. Since it was average maturity of just 2.75. As a result, companies see
previously found, that none of the dimensions can be neglected, themselves as least advanced in the field of qualified personnel.
due to insufficient value creation potential, it is worth analysing Such initiatives, which aim to establish a culture among
the maturity level of each dimension, because obviously none employees, which is open to digital ideas and has no
of them are irrelevant. reservations about modern technologies, should be stepped up
much more in the future.
Consequently, the degree of maturity itself is an
interesting measure of the transformation progress and can thus The average degree of maturity in the overall view is
be understood as a model that reflects the current status of
2.99 and thus almost exactly on the assessment level of "rather
digital transformation. Comparable to other maturity models,
here are the four categories, that differentiate the various low". As a consequence, there is still a clear gap to a complete
subject areas. Among them are the 22 assigned dimensions of digital transformation of the companies and an unmistakable
the concrete fields in which a company has to be active for need for action in all dimension categories.
successful digital transformation. Therefore, the
recommendations for action result from the respective degree Corresponding to the two measures in which the 22
of maturity itself. If a dimension indicates a low value, for dimensions were evaluated in the empiric procedure, the
example, the need to invest further effort there is higher than
for those with a high degree of maturity. previous subsections were dedicated to an analysis and
evaluation of the two perspectives of the value creation
potential and the degree of maturity. These viewpoints were
consciously treated separately from each other, so that the
findings could be worked out in a focused manner. An
extension of the research findings now goes beyond the two

978-1-5386-1469-3/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 2018 IEEE International Conference on Engineering,

Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC)

Authorized licensed use limited to: Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia. Downloaded on April 08,2021 at 12:35:33 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
parameters, by examining the discrepancy between the value
creation potential and the level of maturity of the digitisation Discrepancy between value creation potential and degree of
maturity of the dimension categories
initiatives. This is particularly legitimate, because both objects
were measured on the same scale and the difference between 3.5
the two scores can thus be used for further analysis. The contrast
should therefore be formed as a separate indicator for each
individual dimension category and consequently allow a

Degreee of maturity
combined view. From this angle, new insights should be visible.
If, for example, the degree of maturity of a specific digitisation 3 0.94
initiative is particularly low, but the value creation potential is
very high, this suggests an exceptionally efficient way to
generate a high positive value contribution. In this case, there is
a large discrepancy between the two ratings and the maturity
level is also at a very low level. This speaks in particular for the 2.5
attributes of a so-called "quick win", which is justified in the 3.8 3.9 4 4.1
fact that progress on a dimension that still has a low degree of Value creation potential
maturity, can clearly be optimised more easily and faster than
if the initiative is already far advanced and should be brought Digital Mindset (n=44)
forward to the same degree. If the dimension now also has a Digital Business Models (n=50)
high value creation potential, a big lever becomes apparent. In Digital Marketing & Sales Strategy (n=44)
simple terms, a high added value can be realised promptly with Digital Business Operations (n=45)
little use of resources. It is therefore important to identify these
dimensions in this analysis. Fig. 3. Discrepancy between value creation potential and degree of maturity
of the dimension categories

For the graphical presentation of the following

overview, a bubble chart will be used, which provides the value So, above all, it is the category Digital Mindset, which
creation potential on the abscissa and the degree of maturity on needs to be highlighted. At a value of 1.28, there is a drastic
the ordinate. The bubble diameter indicates the difference difference between the two parameters, and furthermore, the
between the two scores. In order to make the distances of the value creation potential is also assessed as being absolutely
four categories visible, consciously reduced bandwidths have strong, while the maturity level is also absolutely at a low level.
been chosen for the x- and y-axes. Due to this diagram structure, Activities in this area of the staff’s skills set are therefore
the dimension categories of interest tend towards the lower right attractive because of these characteristics, as they can be
corner, because this positioning expresses a high value creation implemented efficiently and have a noticeably positive effect
potential, while speaking for a low degree of maturity, and on value creation. The three remaining dimension categories are
therefore the discrepancy is high. In this respect, there is a clear inferior and fall significantly further behind in this evaluation
need to catch up and a high value creation potential. Advances perspective. For example, at 4.04, Digital Business Operations
by companies in this area can thus be realised efficiently and occupies first place in terms of value creation potential – albeit
are rewarded with a high positive value contribution. with a minimal lead – but the degree of maturity (3.16) is
comparatively pronounced, so that there is less space above and
the difference (0.88) is consequently lower. The situation is
similar with Digital Business Models. Again, the average value
creation potential of 4.02 is relatively high, but the average
maturity level is also higher, as in the case of Digital Mindset,
resulting in a discrepancy of 0.95. That of Digital Marketing &
Sales Strategy is even further behind, by 0.01.

It can be stated in this combined overall analysis, that

the average degree of maturity for each dimension is generally
positioned behind the average value creation potential. The
average value creation potential in the total consideration, over

978-1-5386-1469-3/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 2018 IEEE International Conference on Engineering,

Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC)

Authorized licensed use limited to: Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia. Downloaded on April 08,2021 at 12:35:33 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
all four dimension categories, is 4.00, whereas the score for the Digital Mindset category, with the lowest level of maturity,
degree of maturity is 2.99, and consequently a difference of should be especially highlighted. Therefore, the framework
1.01 is obtained. The former score of 4.00 confirms the proposes to pay special attention to activities that affect the staff
dimensions identified in the Digital Value Creation study, as or their education. For this purpose, especially those employees
having precisely a "rather high" value creation potential. At the who have competence in the digital field should be hired. In
same time, the degree of maturity is at a "rather low" level. So, addition, they should be empowered to independently initiate
obviously there is still substantial ground to be covered, in order innovations, even with an uncertain outcome. It is up to the
for digital transformation to succeed. executives to win the staff for the cause of the transformation
and to motivate them. The analysis of the discrepancy of the
value creation potential and the degree of maturity also points
out Digital Mindset, and therefore supports this view.
The initial explorative and qualitative Digital Value
Creation study came up with 22 dimensions, divided up into In summary, the 22 dimensions subdivided into their
four categories, creating a valuable framework for digitisation four categories provide a valuable and helpful overview for the
initiatives, with the aim of achieving a positive value management to check the completeness of their own
contribution towards mastering digital transformation. The transformation efforts. In addition, the quantification, taken
quantitative follow-up research, based on an online survey place in this work, helps to judge the prospective value
among digital executives, then assessed these outcomes contribution in order to prioritize the digitization initiatives and
according to the parameters of value creation potential and to optimize their predictability.
degree of maturity.

Regarding the evaluation of value creation potential REFERENCES

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978-1-5386-1469-3/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 2018 IEEE International Conference on Engineering,

Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC)

Authorized licensed use limited to: Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia. Downloaded on April 08,2021 at 12:35:33 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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