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ERM 535

April 14, 2021

Week 14 - Final Exam Study Guide
Module 1
• General review of Units of Measure
• Hydrologic Cycle
• Types of water sources
• Definition and types of “underground water”
• Water transportation – basic construction
• Older US water transportation facilities
• Groundwater development history
Module 1 Continued
• Review ancient water systems
• History of groundwater development
Modules 2 through 6
• Doctrines
• General Water Governance and Authorities
• Doctrine Histories – General
• Key Doctrine Principles
• What is a “water right” in terms of
• Doctrines and American geography – which
Doctrine “where”
Modules 2 through 6 continued
• List of 20
• Significance of Navigability
• Types of Title
• Comparing the two primary US Doctrines
Modules 6 & 9
• Origin and Evolution of Federal Reserved
rights in the US
• Basic Geography of the Colorado River
• Interstate Water Compacts (Doctrine used in
the Colorado River Compact)
Module 10
• Basic History of Water Governance in Australia
• Comparison and Contrast between Murray-
Darling and Colorado Basin governance
• International Boundary Water issues between
US, Canada and Mexico
• General History of CAP
Module 12
• Review of Doctrines
• General History of Arizona Groundwater Law
– Major Arizona Court Cases
• Key Provisions of the GMA
– How List of 20 appears to apply (or not)
– Types of Rights Established
• Assured Water Supply Basics
• General Understanding of the CAGRD
• General Understanding of Water Markets under the
Module 13
• What is/are the purposes of Arizona’s
• General Issues in the Adjudications
Module 14
• General Purposes for Underground Storage
• Water Management techniques - general
You made it to the end!

Thank you all for the privilege of

your time and your attention.

All the best to each of you!

George Fletcher

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