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Casco, Pauline Faye S.

CBM 0016-14

BSPT 2-2

Guide Question: Upon watching the video links provided, which mindset (Growth or
Fixed) do you think has a better ability of seeing business opportunities ahead? Why?

Upon watching the video, I have learned that there are two kinds of mindset. First is the
growth mindset. People with this kind of mindset views conflicts and problems as opportunities
to learn. They are excited in learning new things and are not afraid to fail for they understand
that failing is inevitable and essential when trying to become better at something. Second is the
fixed mindset. People with this type of mindset thinks that talent, skills, and intelligence are
inborn and cannot be enhanced through practice. They take constructive criticism personally
and stops when they get stuck on a phase when trying to learn something.
Given the two types of mindset, I believe that people with a growth mindset will be better
at seeing business opportunities. Entrepreneurs must be open minded. They should not be
afraid to fail and take risks. In the entrepreneurial world, you do not always get lucky the first
time you try. It is a roller coaster ride of failing and success. It is constantly learning on how to
be better. It involves a lot of hard work that a fixed mindset cannot handle. People with growth
mindset will be able to easily tackle these things head on without being afraid. Only these types
of people will someday be successful as long as they do not give up.

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