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Transcription of Challakere brothers’ YouTube video - Gāyatrī dhyānaṁ

The mundane and the spiritual life are poles apart and therefore cannot co-exist. That is the gentle feeling.
Many scholars too agree with this thinking. A little bit of selfishness, half-truths and betrayal are inevitable
in mundane life. But, these are contrary to the spiritual sense. Hence, the mundane and the spiritual cannot
co-exist. This is the argument of the so-called worldly wise.

But even a little bit of misleading, backbiting or ill will is sufficient to corrupt one’s mind. This polluted,
gullible mind is at the root of infinite problems that are strongly influencing an individual, a family, a society,
a country, and the entire world.

Our mundane and routine life should be entirely based on righteousness and spirituality. There should not
be even an iota of scope, or ill will, or self-seeking to get the better of us. Only then can we shape our lives
on a firm base and pave the path for world peace too.

The art and science of structuring our lives on the spiritual foundation is what is expounded in the Vedas.
They are open to all sincere seekers of truth. They do not belong to any one caste, religion or nation,
discrimination on the basis of gender too, is denounced. The Veda itself proclaims thus, in the 2nd stanza
of the 26th Chapter of Śuklayajurveda1:

yathemāṁ vācaṁ kalyāṇīmāvadāni janebhyaḥ ।

brahmarājanyābhyāṁ śūdrāya cāryāya ca svāya cāraṇāya ca।।

(That I to all the people may address this salutary speech, To priest and nobleman, Śūdra and Arya, to one
of our own kin and to the stranger.

- Ralph T.H. Griffith's translation of the Vajasaneyi Samhita2)

It applies to all people - our own and others. This universal axiom holds good for the brahmins, the
kṣatriyas, the vaiśyas and the śūdras. These are not casts as misinterpreted. A person does not get into a
community slot just by virtue of his or her birth. Instead, these are different ways of life. Varṇas chosen in
accordance but one’s qualities, profession, capabilities and aptitude. Social well-being is the goal of all
these different ways of life, and hence, no way is superior or inferior to other ways.

The study of the Vedas begins with the Gāyatrī mantra, the subject matter of which is the Savitṛ. Gāyatrī
doesn’t mean a female deity or goddess, but many heads and multiple hands. Savitṛ doesn’t mean only the
Sun, it is that which protects the one who chants Gāyatrī. But it is mandatory that the one who recites
should have understood the mantra that is chanted. That omnipotent and the supreme, responsible for
the creation of this universe and that great force that prompts us into good deeds is the Savitṛ. This

The Vajasaneyi Samhita is the actual Śuklayajurveda, there are two surviving renditions: Madhyandina and Kanva
Transcription of Challakere brothers’ YouTube video - Gāyatrī dhyānaṁ

omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient force is above any gender and has no shape, it cannot be bound into
any structure. It is the bharga of this omnipotent that is worthy of being born in our hearts and
recapitulated time and again. Bharga is that power which can burn to ashes any ill will or even ill born
thoughts. Let that divine force prompt all our thoughts and actions. This is the essence of the Gāyatrī

It is to be especially observed that the words dhīmahi and naḥ are in plural. This implies that the mantra is
a collective, group prayer, a oneness arrived that in the greater interest of the greater number. That is
neither any privacy, nor any secrecy in this recitation. On the other hand, only when the essence of this
Gāyatrī mantra percolates into the inner recesses of our hearts, into the crevices of our mind through
practice, and preaching, and enlighten human society, and world peace can be established. Let all our
prayers convert into vows in this direction. Let our thoughts and actions be guided by these noble ideals.
Let us be blessed with such strong spiritual ambiance, always.

Oṁ tat sat.

sapta vyāhṛti saśiras gāyatrī

oṁ bhūḥ | oṁ bhuvaḥ | ogṁ suvaḥ | oṁ mahaḥ | oṁ janaḥ | oṁ tapaḥ | ogṁ sa̱tyam |

oṁ tat sa̍vi ̱turvare̎ṇyaṁ̱ bhargo̍ de̱vasya̍ dhīmahi | dhiyo̱ yo na̍ḥ praco̱dayā̎t |
omāpo̱ jyotī ̱ raso̱'mṛta̱ṁ brahma̱ bhūrbhuva̱ḥ suva̱rom ||

Om Earth, Om mid-world, Om Heaven, Om the realm of super mind, Om ānanda world,

Om the world of askesis, Om Truth. May we meditate on the Adorable Light of that
Divine Generator who energises our thoughts. Om, He is water, light, flavour, ambrosia
and also the three worlds. He who is denoted by praṇava is all these. 3

kṛṣṇa yajur veda – taittirīya ārṇyaka – 10.35 (mahānārāyaṇopaniṣat)

R.L. Kashyap, SAKSI, Veda Mantrās and Sūktās

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