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YWCA of Queens Online Classes Student Agreement

As a participant of YWCA of Queens’s Adult Literacy program, I agree to the following rules
and regulations in the contract:

• I understand that I am expected to protect the privacy of my classmates and

the teacher. I can use resources provided for YWCA of Queens’s online
classes for authorized purposes only. I may NOT share the class material
with anyone outside of the class members or publish any class projects,
Power Point slices, assignments and other material on any social media
without the teacher’s permission.
• I understand that I may NOT take pictures or record the classes on my
device unless I get my teacher and classmates’ permission in advance.
• I understand that I may only share class related content during the class with
the teacher’s permission. Profanity, nudity, cyber-bulling and sexual
harassment are strictly prohibited at the YWCA of Queens. I will be
terminated immediately if any offending content is shared.
• I understand that I need to use appropriate and respectful language in all
communications. Inappropriate language will not be tolerated. The
teacher will determine whether language and/or messages are inappropriate.
The following minimum disciplinary guidelines will be used when
determine consequences: first offence, a warning to the student and notice to
administrator; second offence, removal from the program. In the case of a
grievous offense, a student could be terminated even if it is a first offense.
• I understand that I need to wear appropriate attire during the Zoom meeting.
Failure to dress appropriately will result in termination.

• I understand that YWCA of Queens’s Zoom class information can ONLY be
used for myself to participate classes. I may NOT share the Zoom ID and
passcodes with anyone who is not a student in the class or post the Zoom
class information online.
• I understand that I may miss up to 9 classes per semester. After 9 absences
I will be automatically removed from the program and not allowed back
until a new semester begins. If I have an emergency or special situation, I
will speak with the office to avoid to be removed.


• The YWCA staff reserves the right to change, update, or add to this contract
at any time.

By signing below, I acknowledge and agree to all rules and regulations of the YWCA of Queens.
I understand these rules are subject to change and by refusing to sign below, I forfeit all
privileges of this program and will be dismissed.

Name: ___________
First Name Last Name

Signature: X Date:

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