Speakout DVD Extra Elementary Unit 8

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ELEMENTARY UNIT 8 3A Choose the correct option, a) or b), to complete the

1 Work in pairs. Write the name of the places where
1 In the past, the small shop was
you shop for these things.
a) an important part of daily life.
• books
b) not very popular.
2 Shopping malls arrived in
• clothes
a) the 60s and 70s.
b) the 70s and 80s.
• food 3 The hypermarket was a place where people
a) met to chat.
• courses b) went shopping once a week.
4 People started shopping online for
• holidays/travel a) books and music.
b) everything.
• music 5 Some small shops offer
a) fashion shows and parties.
• gis b) free gis.
6 Small shops are now
• gadgets a) becoming popular again.
b) closing forever.

2 Watch the DVD. Number the things in the order B Watch the DVD again to check.
they are mentioned.
a) shopping mall e) parties
4 Complete the extracts from the DVD with the words
in the box.
b) shop owners f) hypermarket
c) small local shops g) internet shopping attract future human lifestyle name town
d) car showrooms 1 … and answer the big question: do small shops
have a ?
2 The small shop was once an important part of
our .
3 … those large shops out of where
people did their weekly shopping.
4 … books, music, clothes, food – you
5 Some shops are finding new ways to
6 … the chance to get away from the cold world of
the internet and feel that shopping has a real,

5A Choose one of the places below and find out as

much as you can about it. Where is it? What can you
buy there?
• Djemaa el Fna
• Muara Kuin Floating Market
• Witches’ Market
• Freitag Container Shop

B Work in groups. Ask and answer questions about

the place you chose. Which of these places would
you like to visit? Why?
A: Which place did you choose?
B: The Freitag Container Shop.
A: Where is it?
B: It’s in Zurich, in Switzerland.

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