Speakout DVD Extra Elementary Unit 9

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ELEMENTARY UNIT 9 B What does each photo show? Match photos A–C
with sentences 1–3.
1 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
1 What people are doing at night.
1 Do you like travelling by aeroplane? What do you
2 What people are doing in the day.
like most about it?
3 The airport manager’s solution to one of the
2 Which of these travel problems are the worst?
• long queues
• cancelled flights 3A Answer the questions in pairs.
• losing your luggage 1 What is everyone hoping to do?
• children that behave badly 2 What’s the weather like?
• forgetting your documents 3 Why does the first woman have to sleep at the
• sitting next to someone who won’t stop talking airport?
3 How can you avoid these problems? 4 Where does the man want to fly to?
5 What are some people on the garden chairs doing?
2A Watch the DVD and number the photos in the order
6 How many flights le that day?
you see them.
7 How many flights were cancelled?
8 How many people stayed in the airport overnight?

B Watch the DVD again to check.

4 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

available having midnight pass queue

snack terrible zen
1 First I woke up late then missed my bus. I’m really
a bad day.
2 Dinner is going to be late, so have a
if you’re hungry.
3 We didn’t enjoy our holiday by the beach because
the weather was .
4 I’m sorry, your flight is cancelled, but there is a
seat on the next one.
5 The was really short so we didn’t
wait long to buy our ticket.
6 I love the so music and colours in this room, it’s
very .
7 What can we do to the time while
we wait for our flight?
8 I’m going to stay up until so I can
be the first one to wish you a happy birthday!

B 5A Choose one of the airport innovations below and

find out as much as you can about it.
• sleep pods
• free personal shoppers
• free city tours
• yoga rooms

B Work in groups. Ask and answer questions about

the innovation you chose. Would you like to use any
of these? What other things would you like to have
in airports?
A: Which innovation did you choose?
B: The sleep pods. They’re really useful if you have a
long flight.

© Pearson Education Limited 2016

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