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Past year EOP Psychiatry (2010/2011)

1st EOP Psychiatry (2010/2011)

Section A (Scenario)

A middle aged lady, where her husband ran away with another woman. After that she started to
hear voices saying she is worthless and she should die. She tried to commit suicide but was saved by
her relatives. She was brought to the hosp.

Quesitons: Assess her, management, SAD PERSONS scale

Section B (Short notes)

1. Causes of dementia
2. DSM-IV criteria of alcohol dependence
3. Biopsychosocial management of schizophrenia
4. Personality disorder Cluster A,B,C
5. Anorexia nervosa VS Bulimia nervosa

2nd EOP Psychiatry (2010/2011)

Section A (Scenario)

A 32-year-old Chinese lady was brought to the A&E by her husband after she wanted to jump from
the balcony on the 3rd floor of a hotel. She has alcohol intoxication. She was saying that she wants to
die because she is distress of voices around her.

a) What would be your immediate management? (6m)

She has psychiatric follow up for the past 1 year and is on medication. For the past 1 month she has
always been alone in her room and does not go to work. She has been talking by herself.

b) What are your differential diagnoses? (8m)

The patient has delusional perception, third person auditory hallucination, and delusion of reference
(dlm Q tu takla cakap camni, tapi diorg bagi scenario tu korang interpret la).

c) What is your diagnosis now? (4m)

d) How would you manage this patient? (8m)

Her children are all in overseas. They seldom come back. Her husband is preoccupied with business
and always goes overseas.

e) Discuss the psychosial problem that might be encountered in the long term run for
management of this patient. (7m)

His son came back from overseas and wants to get married. He is worried that his future children
might get the psychiatric illness too.
f) How would you advice the son based on the statistic? (5m) (yg % genetic inheritance tu kot)

The son also wants to know the side effects of the medication that is prescribed to her mother.

g) What would you tell the son? (4m)

Section B (short notes)

1. Hypomania
2. 10 causes of delirium
3. 3 drugs (recreational of therapeutic) that can cause psychosis and 2 drugs that is use to treat
heroin dependence.
4. 5 psychiatric diagnoses that are associated with increase suicidal risk and give reasons.
5. Consequences of untreated ADHD and 2 medications that can be used to treat ADHD.

Section C (MCQ, 10Q)

1. What can be the organic cause of psychosis?

a) Viral encephalitis
b) Hyperthyroidism

2. Which of these are pervasive developmental disorder in childhood

b) Autistic disorder
c) Asperger’s disorder
d) Rett’s disorder
e) Childhood disintegrative disorder

3. What are the symptoms of anxiety

a) Palpitation
b) Paraesthesia
c) Derealization
d) Sweating
e) Choking sensation

4. Psychiatric symptoms that can be experienced by normal people

a) Depersonalization
b) Hypnopompic

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