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A Look at six people from Anya’s Instagram page. Which person do you think is Anya?

Who do you think the other

people are?

B Listen to six sentences, and complete the missing words. (2.14)

1 __________ __________ my first term at university.

2 I _________ __________ with him in the Easter holiday.

3 We ________ ________ a music course.

4 __________ __________ at school together.

5 She took this when we _________ ________ the Colosseum.

6 We _________ all __________ champagne, and Roz __________ ________ the hard work!

C Listen to Anya talking about the photos. Label the photos 1-6 in the order she describes them. (2.15)

Choose a picture you like and prepare yourself to describe it using PAST sentences. You can write a description, if
you want to.

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