Assignment: Voltage Stability: 0.20 Pu 0.20 Pu 0.15 Pu

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Power System Anaylisis using DIgSILENT PowerFactory

Assignment: Voltage Stability

X ' d=0.20 pu
X T =0.20 pu

X L1= X L 2=0.15 pu
V Base =220 KV

S Base=100 MVA

The power flow equations are

|V s||V r|
Precieving =Pr =PL = sin δ
X eq
|V s| |V s||V r|
Qsending =Qs= − cos δ
X eq X eq
−|V r| |V s||V r|
Q recieving =Q r =Q L = + cos δ
X eq X eq

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Power System Anaylisis using DIgSILENT PowerFactory

X eq= X ' d + X T +( X L 1∨¿ X L2 )

X eq=0.2+
X eq=0.275 pu
¿ V s ∨¿ 1.05 pu

¿ V r ∨¿ 1.0 pu

For δ = 5˚
|V s| |V s||V r|
Qsending =Qs= − cos δ
X eq X eq
|1.05| |1.05||1|
Qs = − cos 5 ˚
0.275 0.275
Q s =0.205 pu

−|V r| |V s||V r|
Qrecieving =Qr =QL = + cos δ
X eq X eq
−|1.0| |1.05||1|
Qr = + cos 5 ˚
0.275 0.275
Q r =0.167 pu

For δ = 10˚
|V s| |V s||V r|
Qsending =Qs= − cos δ
X eq X eq

|1.05|2 |1.05||1|
Qs = − cos 10 ˚
0.275 0.275
Q s =0.249 pu

−|V r| |V s||V r|
Qrecieving =Qr =QL = + cos δ
X eq X eq
−|1.0| |1.05||1|
Qr = + cos 10 ˚
0.275 0.275
Q r =0.124 pu

For δ = 20˚

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Power System Anaylisis using DIgSILENT PowerFactory
|V s| |V s||V r|
Qsending =Qs= − cos δ
X eq X eq
|1.05| |1.05||1|
Qs = − cos 20 ˚
0.275 0.275
Q s =0.421 pu

−|V r| |V s||V r|
Qrecieving =Qr =QL = + cos δ
X eq X eq
−|1.0| |1.05||1|
Qr = + cos 20 ˚
0.275 0.275
Q r =−0.048 pu

For δ = 30˚
|V s| |V s||V r|
Qsending =Qs= − cos δ
X eq X eq

|1.05|2 |1.05||1|
Qs = − cos 30 ˚
0.275 0.275
Q s =0.702 pu

−|V r| |V s||V r|
Qrecieving =Qr =QL = + cos δ
X eq X eq
−|1.0| |1.05||1|
Qr = + cos 30 ˚
0.275 0.275
Q r =−0.329 pu

For δ = 40˚
|V s| |V s||V r|
Qsending =Qs= − cos δ
X eq X eq

|1.05|2 |1.05||1|
Qs = − cos 40˚
0.275 0.275
Q s =1.084 pu

−|V r| |V s||V r|
Qrecieving =Qr =QL = + cos δ
X eq X eq
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Power System Anaylisis using DIgSILENT PowerFactory
−|1.0| |1.05||1|
Qr = + cos 40˚
0.275 0.275
Qr =−0.711 pu

Table 1: Results of Task 1

δ 5˚ 10˚ 20˚ 30˚ 40˚

Qs 0.2054 0.2489 0.4211 0.7024 1.0842

Qr 0.1672 0.1238 -0.0484 -0.3297 -0.7114

Task 2
Solution 1:
Pcrit =
2(1+ sinφ)
V crit =
√ 2( √ 1+sinφ)
Inductive Capacitive

Power Factor 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.0 0.95 0.90 0.85

Pcrit 0.2783 0.313 0.3619 0.5 0.6900 0.7976 0.8989

Vcrit 0.5722 0.5901 0.6172 0.7071 0.8500 0.9419 1.029

Note: I have tried everything read articles and the recommended book but do not figure out something solid
as some values are missing ], like to find Pr and Qr angle δ is not given, or to find E the Vr is not given only
magnitude is given its not the infinity bus that we consider zero angle .
Task 3

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Power System Anaylisis using DIgSILENT PowerFactory

Table 2 : Results for Task 3

Inductive Capacitive

Power Factor 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.0 0.95 0.90 0.85

Pcrit [MW] 101.22 113.94 131.58 181.78 251.10 290.04 326.58

Vcrit 0.575 0.597 0.627 0.712 0.860 0.947 1.029

Vcrit [kV] 126.5 131.34 137.94 156.64 189.2 208.34 226.38

Pcrit versus Power factor



Pcrit [MW]





0.85 laging 0.9 laging 0.95 laging 1 0.95 leading 0.9 leading 0.85 leading
Power Factor

Figure 1 : Pcrit versus Power Factor

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Power System Anaylisis using DIgSILENT PowerFactory

Vcrit versus Power factor



Vcrit [kV]



0.85 laging 0.9 laging 0.95 laging 1 0.95 leading 0.9 leading 0.85 leading
Power Factor

Figure 2: Vcrict versus Power Factor

As the power factor changes from lagging to unity and from unity to leading the P crit the critical active power
load increases and same is the case for critical voltage V crit. At 0.85 inductive power factor, the Pcrit is 101.22
and Vcrit is 0.575 these values increases to 181.78 MW and 0.72 kV respectively for unity power factor and
undergoes the same increasing trend when power factor becomes more leading i.e at 0.85 capacitive power
factor, Pcrit is 326 MW and Vcrit is 1.029 kV.

PV curves
Inductive Power Factor

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Power System Anaylisis using DIgSILENT PowerFactory

Figure 3: PV curve with 0.85 Inductive Power Factor

Figure 4: PV curve with 0.9 Inductive Power Factor

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Power System Anaylisis using DIgSILENT PowerFactory

Figure 5: PV curve with 0.95 Inductive Power Factor

Power factor 1

Figure 6: PV curve with unity Power Factor

Capacitive Power Factor

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Power System Anaylisis using DIgSILENT PowerFactory

Figure 7: PV curve with 0.95 capacitive Power Factor

Figure 8: PV curve with 0.9 Capacitive Power Factor

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Power System Anaylisis using DIgSILENT PowerFactory

Figure 9: PV curve with 0.85 Capacitive Power Factor

[1] Prof F. Gonzalez-Longatt, Github
[2] P. W. Sauer, M. A. Pai. “Power System Dynamics and Stability.” Prentice Hall, 1998.

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