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Defining the Sustainable Park: A Fifth Model

for Urban Parks

Galen Cranz and Michael Boland

Galf n Cranz has a Masters and PhD Abstract: How ran parks tontiilmie to (he overarching project of helping cities become
in sociolog)' from University" of more ecologically sustaitiahl^f The history of urban parks in America rei'eals more
Chicago, where she specialized in the concern xvilh social problems than with ecological sustainability. Four types of city parks
"social use of space." Since then have been identified—the Pleasure Ground, the Reform Park, the Recreation Facility,
she has taught architecture from and the C)j)en Space System—and each of them respond to social issues, not ecological
a social and cultural point of view ones. Yet today, ecological problems are becoming one of our biggest social concerns,
at Princeton University and the so a. neiv urban park type focused on social solutions to ecological problems ivmtld be
University' of California at Berkeley. consistent with this pattein. Using the same social and physical criteria that described the
The author of The Politics ofPniii prexiious four models. Part I desnibes a fifth model, the Sustainable Park, which began to
Design (1982), she hecame interested emerge in the late 1990s. Part I! postulates three gene)al attributes of this new kind of
in the problems of sustainable park: (1) selfsufftciency in regard to matnial resources and maintenance, (2) solving
development in 1991 as a reviewer larger urban problems outside of park boundaries, and (3) neating new standards for
for the Riverside South Planning aesthetics and landscape management in parks and other urban landscapes, ft also
Development Cknp. in Manhattan. explores poiuy impUcaticms of these attributes regarding park design and management,
Other research interests include body- the practice of landscape architecture, citizen participation, and ecological education.
consciotis design and the sociology of
taste in interior design.
Michael Boland, both a practicing
professional and an academic, seeks
to integrate human and ecological
systems in public open space.
Currently a doctoral stndent in
Environmental Planning at the
University of (.alifornia at Berkeley,
he has Masters degrees in Landscape
Architecture and in City and Regional
Planning, and an AB in Aichitecture.

lems are now conflated, a new Space System (1965-?). This typol-
I n the past, citizens saw
parks as an antidote to
cities, which they perceived as stress-
urban park type that focuses on solu-
tions to eccjlogical problems and
expiesses new ideas about nature
og\' includes both the shifting social
purposes that parks served avid
the corresponding variations in
ful, dangerous, and unhealthy places can build upon the traditional social designed form. Eacb park type
to live. Once a contradiction in genesis of urban parks in the United evolved to address what were consid-
terms, the sustainable city is now an States to help improve the quality of ered to be pressing urban social
intellecttially and socially recognized life in American cities. problems at that time. Table 1 sum-
goal. Within this framework, we now marizes the .social goals, social
ask what contribution parks can actors, and formal characteristics for
make to the project of making cides Part I: A Nnv Type Of Park? each of the four types. The Pleasure
more ecologically balanced and sus- ('.round v.'iifi lypically large and
tainable. Historically, urban parks located on the edge of the cit)'
responded to social problems and A Park Typtilogy. A classic study of
urban parks ((^ranz 1982) described (Figure 1). Frederick Law Olmsted,
expressed various ideas about the father of landscape architecture
nature, but tbey showed little con- four t\pes; the Pleasure Ground
{1850-1900), tbe Reform Park in America, designed many of them.
cern for actual ecological fitness. He favored a pastoral style, neither
Today, in contrast, ecological {1900-1930), the Recreation
Facility (1930-1965), and the Open wild nor ntban, with cur\ilinear cir-
problems may be cotmted among culation aud naturalistic use of trees
om" most pressing social problems. and water. Mental appreciation of
Becatise ecological and social prob- tbe landscape was important, but

Landscape jmirnal 23:2-04 ISSN 0277-2426

102 landscape Journal 23:2-04 © 2004 by the Board of Regents of the Universit) of Wisconsin System
Table 1. A Comparison of the Sustainable Park to Prior Park Types after C Iranz (1982).

Pleasure Ground Reform Park Recreation Facility Open Space System Sustainable Park
1850-1900 1900-1930 1930-1965 1965-? 1990-present
Social Goal Public health Sc Social reform; Recteati<iii ser\ice Participation; HiuTian health;
social leforni children's play; reyiiali7e city; ecological hcallh
assimilation stop riots
Activities Strolling, carriage Superyised play. Active recreation: Psycliic relief. Strolling, hiking.
racing, bike gymnastics, crafts. basketball, tennis, free-form play. biking, passiye &
ridiriff, picnics. Americaiii/ation team sports. pop music. aetiye recieatiou.
rowing, clas- classes, dancing, spectator sports. participatory bird watching.
sical music. plays & pageants swimming arts education,
n(»n-fli(lactic stewardship
Size Very Large, Small, city blocks Small to medium. Varied, often small. Varied, emphasis on
lOOOH-acres follow formulae irregular sites corridors
Relation to Set in contrast Accepts urban Suburban (;it)' is a work of art; .\rt-nature
City patterns network continuum; part
of larger urban
system; model
for others
Order Curvilinear Rectilinear Rectilinear Both Eyolutionary
Elements Woodland & Sandlots, Asphalt or grass Trees, grass, shrubs. Native plants.
meadow. playgrounds. play area, pools. cur\ing Sc permeable
curving paths. lectiliuear paths. rectilinear paths. rectilinear paths. surfaces.
placid water swimming pools. standard play water features for ecological
bodies, rustic field houses eqtiipment vaew, free-forui lestoration
striictuics. play equipment green infra-
limited tloral structure.
displays resource
Promoters Health reformers. Social reformers. Politicians, Politicians, Environmentalists,
trail seen den- social workers, bureaucrats, enyironmentalists. local commu-
talists, real recreation planuers artists, designers nities, yoltinteer
estate interests workers groups, land-
scape architects
Beneficiaries All cit>' dwellers f Children, Suburban families Residents, workers. Residents, wildlife.
(intended). immigrants. poor urban youth. cilies, planet
upper middle working class middle class
class {reality)

these parks were actively pro- or natttre. Their principal architec- claimed in 1930 when Robert Moses
grammed and sports were popular, tural innovation was the held house, was appointed commissioner of New
so they were not merely "passive." envisioned as a clubhouse for the York City's Park Department. For
The working class seldom tised working class (Figtne 2a). him, parks had become a recognized
these parks because they were far To jtistify their expenditures, governmental service reqtiiring no
from the tenements. Conseqtiently, park commissioners during tbe first justificadon (Moses 1940, 3).
small park advocates wanted the city two eras etiumerated all the social Instead, he and park departments
to establish parks on a few sqtiare goals that parks served; to reduce nationwide establisbed uniform stan-
blocks in tbe inner city. Eventtially class conflict, to reinforce the family dards and extended service to the
this movement merged with those tmit, to socialize immigrants to the stiburbs and urban areas that bad
advocating playgrotmds for children, American way of life, to stop the not yet received parks or play-
resulting in the Reform ParA with spe- spread of disease, and to educate cit- grotmds. The major innovations
cial play eciuipment for children. izens. In contrast, a new era was were the staditim, parking lot, and
These parks were small and symmet- asphalt ball conrts—bence the term
rical, with no illusioti of countryside Recreation Facility {Figure 2b).

Cranz and Boland 103

Figure 1. Central Park, the first Pleasure Ground in the United States. (Photograph by M. Boland)

A generation later, a dialectic els. Accordingly, we expected that (2000) in their observations about
response against the perceived steril- our generation would formulate and the early stages of searching for a
ity of the Recreation Facility realize its own model. Given the definition of green btiiklings: we
emerged in 1965 when Lindsay ran current attention to ecological fit- might benefit by resisting the urge
for mayor of New York City. He pub- ness and sustainable development, to find one "true t)r incontestable,
lished a policy paper on parks that we expected that the fifth model consensual definition . . . [in order
reclaimed parks as a mechanism of would focus on solving ecological to remain] sensitivt- to the range of
social control and reform. In defi- problems. . . . innovations which may surface"
ance of previous notions of stan- (73-74).
dardization, he recrtiited landscape Postulating A Fifth Park Model: As a compromise between
architects to design site-specific Methods. How wotild we recognize being too broad or too specific, we
recreational settings. A more artistic, the fifth model if and when we saw started out with a loose working defi-
participatory sensibilit)' flourished, it? General definitions may not be of nition of Sustainable Parks. A work-
part of a closer tie between park pro- much help. Sustainability and eco- ing definition wotild allow tis to
gramming and popular ciilttire. logical design have many different identify' parks that we could re-
Accordingly, recreation came to be facets, so it is understandable that examine in order to come up with a
seen as something that could take most definitions are very broad, but progressively more refined inider-
place anywhere—in the streets, on a such definitions run the danger of standing of what Sustainable Parks
rooftop, at the waterfront, along an becoming weak as guides to action. are or could be. To start, we knew
abandoned railway line, as well as in The commonly cited Brundtland that Sustainable Parks would have to
traditional plazas and parks. Paley definition of sustainability as meet- have tt aits generally thought to
Park, for example, is a tiny site, vio- ing "the needs of the present with- increase the ecological performance
lating the standards of the recre- out compromising the ability of of parks. To warrant being recog-
ation era, and emblematic of the future generations to meet their nized as a distinctive model, we
new ideolog)' because it embraced own needs" emphasizes that aspect expected thai at least some of these
the city. All parks came to be con- of sustainability having to do traits would not be found in any of
ceived as part of a network of dis- with justice within and between the other four prioi" park types.
parate open spaces linked together, generations (Thompson 2000, These new characteristics included
hence the term Open Space System 12-32). However, this definition is the tise of native plants, restoration
(Figin"e 2c). too broad for most landscape archi- of streams or other natural systems,
tects, urban designers, and park wildlife habitat, integration of appro-
Noting that park models tend planners who want to know how the priate technologies or infrastruc-
to dominate for 30 to 50 years, we general valtie of sustainability might ttire, recvcling, and sustainable
concltide that these models are be recognized and realized in the construction and maintenance prac-
generational. That is, each genera- specific context of tirban parks. Yet tices. This working definition started
tion has its own set of ideas about we agree with the British sociologists out emphasizing the ecological valtie
how parks can help cides, its own Simon Guy and Graham Farmer of parks, btit we knew it would also
experience in putting these ideas include social \alues. After all, sus-
into practice, and its own frustra- tainability is ultimately a social con-
tions and victories with those mod-

104 La ndscape Jou nial

cept rather than a technical or bio- Program (designed purpose and
logical one becatise humans are uuintended purposes); Promoters;
- ^ _ . _ ^ J [1: responsible for the ecological crisis Beneficiaries (intended and actual);
today. Fate of Model in Practice (imple-
We began the search for a new- mentation, public reaction). Most
park model using a sociological parks received one nutnber because
technique called content analysis. they fell clearly into one of the park
We analyzed parks published in five types, but some provisionally
prominent landscape journals over received two numbers becatise two
the previous 20 years from 1982 to types could be discerned. These
2002. We stitrteci in 1982 when The cases were analyzed by a group of
Politics of Park Design was published graduate student researchers led by
in order to pick up where it had left the senior author to decide which
off. (Only Landscape Architecture type was stronger.'
magazine was analyzed from years We could no( determine
1998-2002 due to limits of the whether or not any of these parks
ff research budget and because the actually succeeded at reducing
(a) vast majority of the articles about resource use or creating self-
parks published between 1982 and sustaining, healthy ecological
1997 had come from Landscape systems. Moreover, we did not
Architecture. See Appendix A for a distinguish between parks that
complete list of publications merely evoked ecological symbolism
reviewed.) In the publishing world, and those that actually restored
biases are inevitable regarding edito- functioning ecological systems. This
rial selection, but the bias would pre- is not an evaluation of specific parks
sumably work in favor of innovation or places. At this point in history,
and change—the very thing we were making philosophical and ideologi-
monitoring. Therefore, an analysis cal appeals to stistainability' and ecol-
of parks featured in these ptiblica- ogy is enotigh to mark a significant
tions was a useful way to detect change in thinking about the pur-
trends or shifts in emphasis. pose of urban parks.
We found 12.^ parks in our
analysis and have listed them in A New Park Type Is Emerging. O u r
Appendix A. Each park was de- analysis found that all five park types
scribed ba.sed on the information were published during this 20-year
contained in the published text and period, but Open Space Systems
illustrations. We analyzed each park (46%) predominated (Table 2). The
on identical worksheets in terms of second largest category (23%) was
physical form, social program, pro- the new fifth category, tentatively
moters, intetided and actual benefi- identified as sustainable. We
ciaries, and public reaction. On the conclude that a new model is
basis of this analysis, each park was emerging among landscape
coded as one or more of the park professionals.
types, using a simple coding system: Most (86%) of the parks
Pieastire Ground (I), Reform (II), exhibiting traits we had determined
Recreation Facility (III), Open to be sustainableweve featured in
Space System (IV), and Sustainable articles published after 1990. This
Park (V). The physical and social change came 25 years after the shift
information gathered OTI each to open space ideology in 1965.
park incltided the following: Since American urban park models
Park Identifier (name, location, have typically lasted 30 to 50 years,
designer); Model (Pleastire Ground, and since historically park bureau-
Reform Park, Recreation Facility, cracies havf iustitutionalized
Open Space System, Sustainable changes in thinking about parks
Figure 2. Examples of the (a) Reiorm Park); Physical Form (location, size, (7//^* landscape architects have begun
I'aik (courtesy of C.hicago Souili Park composition); Landscape Elements to advocate them, we predict that
Dislrict), (h) Recreation Facilit)' (water, land, vegetation, other);
(reprinietl From New York (^iiy, the Sustainable Park will be adopted
Buildings; Construction Details; by municipal park departments
Dcparinieni of Parks, Rpfmrl For 1967),
iiiui (c) Open Space System (cntirtesy of between 1995 and 2015. We have
New York I'uhlit Library). already observed tbe number of

Cranz and Boland 105

disposed off-site at great cost or with
Table 2. Parks described in leading landscape architecture journals negative impacts. The heavy mainte-
analyzed by park type. nance and sustained government
finiding leciuired for most urban
1982-1990 1991-2002 Total parks has endangered their long-
term survival. For example, in New
Pleasure Ground 12 (23.5%0 12 (16%) 24 (19%) York's Central Park, Olmsted sought
Reform P;iik 0 (0%) 3 (4%) 3 (2%) to create a natuialistic landscape
that mimickerl nature in aesthetic
Recreation Facilit\ 12 (23.5%) 0 (0%) 12 (10%) terms but not in its species composi-
Open Space 23 (43%) 34 (46%) 57 (46%) tion or ecological function. In the
Sustainable Park 4 (8%) 25 (34%) 29 (23%) LMisuing ccntiuy. (Central Park slowly
fell into a state of disrepair, the vic-
Total 51 (100%.) 74 (100%) 125 (100%) tim of declining budgets, increasing
use, and the nattiral lifespan of non-
native, non-regenerating landscapes.
The planted woodlands were among
Pleastire Grounds drop significantly from those practitioners who will he
the first landscapes abandoned in
from 199H to 2002 while the number contributing to the continued evolu- terms of maintenance and, as a
of Open Space and Sustainable tion of these ideas on the ground. result, have stiffered from the spread
Parks have increased.
of invasive species such as Norway
Table 1 summarizes all five Part II: Policy Implications maple and Japanese knotweed
models so that the Sustainable Park Based on both inductive and (Cramer 1993, 106). City parks have
can be understood within its histori- deductive approaches, we concluded been subject to the vagaries of the
cal context. It shows that the fifth that sustainable urban parks differ municipal budgeting process and
park model is distinctive enough to from traditional parks in regard to vacillating attitudes ahout the role of
merit being differentiated from the many details and at least three gen- government. Short-term reductions
others. eral principles. First, Sustainable in funding have often translated into
The characteristics of the Parks attempt to become self- deferred maintenance, prompting a
Sustainable Park are both iiidticed suificienl with regards to material vicious cycle of ahandonmcnt
from what we observed and deduced resotuces. Second, they can play a whereby parks fall into a state of di.s-
from theoretical writing about ccol- role in solving larger urban prob- repair and further abandonment hy
og)' and sustain ability regarding lems outside tbeir boundaries when the public, both in use and funding.
what should be in such a pai k. they are integrated with the sur-
Working inductively from our con- rounding urban fabric. Third, new Stistainable Parks employ a
tent analysis, we were able to gener- aesthetic forms emerge for parks diverse array of strategies to redtice
alize new ecological traits appearing and other urhan landscapes. As we the need for resources and to
in some urhan parks. Working discuss these principles, we elaborate increase self-sufficiency. These strate-
deduclively, we reviewed intellectual on their many policy implications, gies are woven into every aspect of
work about ecological design and especially those regarding the design park design, construction, and man-
the sustainable design movement to and management of city parks, the agement. Sustainable Parks manage
widen the range of our ideas about practice of landscape architecttire. to increase their ecological health
how city parks inighl function eco- citizen participation, and ecological in the face of funding cuts and
logically. The new model is an "ideal education. changing recreational demands. We
type" in the sense of the classical identified recurring strategies for
sociologist Max Weber not necessar- increasing resource self-stifficiency,
Principle f: Resource Self-sufficiency.
ily an ideal goal but rather a colla- including sustainable design, con-
The Sustainable Park differs from
tion of all the ideas about different struction and maintenance prac-
other urban park models hy empha-
qualities and features of actual and tices, plant choices, composting,
sizing internal self-sufficiency in
futtire sustainable parks. No one water harvesting, public-private
regard to matei iai resources. Past
park would have all of these fea- partnerships, and coinmmiity
urban park models have not been
tures. We have tried to be compre- stewardship.
self-sufficient, requiring instead
hensive in our thinking, but we do
large amounts of energ), fertilizers, Sustainable design practices
not presume to have created an
plant material, labor, and water that redtice resource use and main-
exhaustive list of characteristics. If
while producing noise, pesticide- tenance are increasingly employed
the new type is itself dcvclopmeiital,
laced runoff, wastewater, lawn clip- in Sustainable Parks. A strong exam-
so too is our collective understand-
pings, and garbage—all of which are ple of the benefits of recycling is
ing of it. We invite others to add to
our list of characteristics and reor- Crissy Field (Figure 3). The 230,000
ganize them as inspired and com- cubic yards of soil removed during
pelled. We especially hope to hear construction of a tidal marsh were
used to elevate the historic airfield

/ 06 I,a ndscape Journal

Sustainable design practices
have been useful in the restoration
of historic Pleasure Grounds, such
as New York's Ontral Park and
Brooklyn's Prospect Park (Figme 5).
The historic North Woods and
Ramble in Central Park are slowly
being converted to self-regenerating
native woodland while preserving
liistoric and recreational values. For
example, invasive exotic Norway
maples that were originally planted
are being replaced hy non-invasive
horticultural species. To leduce
maintenance and increase habitat
many exainples of resource seif-siilfkieni.y. (Fhoiogiaph ijy valties, park managers have
M. Bohmd) adopted an attitude of letting "na-
ture do as much of the work as possi-
ble" (Cramer 1993, 110). Historic
paved edges around water features
and new group picnic area instead ing use. BtiiUlings are solar-facing. in C'entral Park such as the Turtle
(»r being dumped off-site or in the relying on natural lighting and venti- Pond have been softened and
Bay. The plan lor the restoration of lation systems. They use recycled or replaced with plantings of bog and
(aissy Field attempted to balance less energy-intensive construction marginal wetland species that are
natural and human history with a materials. One implication of the not invasive {Figure 6). Similar
modern desire for active recreation concern for the ecological ftmction strategies have been employed in
and ecological restoration. The proj- of materials is that park departments Prospect Park and other Olmsted
ect inchided the restoration of work with materials experts to evalu- parks.
unique and ecologically valuable salt ate which materials—metals, post-
marsh and (hnie habitats intermin- consimier plastics, bamboo, wood, Instittiting these changes
j^led with a heavily tised promenade, porous concrete vs. asphalt, fly- reqtiires re-educadng park staffs and
a board-sailing facility, beach crete—have the least long-term developing new maintenance skills.
frontage used for off-leash dog use, environmental costs under various Landscape architect Rolf Sauer
and a 2H-acre restored historic air- circumstances. Swimming pools use (1998) emphasized this while he was
field to be used for public events the latest non-toxic pm ification sys- working on Louisville's landmark
and active lecreation. The 15.000 tems. Tn practice we found exatiiples park system restoration. After 20
tons of rubble removed from the that emphasize one feature or years of training maintetiance staff
beach were ground atid re-used in another. The Spring Lake Park to "sweep concrete," they were
landscape features (Figure 4). Over Visitor Centei" in Santa Rosa, instead trained to restore and stis-
45 acres of asphalt were removed, (Jalifot nia, niinimi/es both con- tain landscape as a living .system.
crushed, and used beneath pathways struction and operating costs Additional management changes will
and parking lots as road base and (Henderson 1993). The simple be required in order to recruit scien-
structural fill. pyramidal structure was carefully tifically trained staff, coordinate vol-
inserted into the wooded site, so unteers, and develop the reporting
StriK tin es btiilt within that only three trees had to be
Stistainable Parks are sited and mechanisms and responsiveness
removed. The pyramid form was expected for privately ftuided proj-
designed to minimize the ecological easy to frame and was angled to
costs of their cotistrtiction and ongo- ects. For example, the Central Park
maximize the efficiency of solar pan-
els. The structine was partially set
into the earth to minimize its visual
impact and increase energy effi-
ciency. The structtire is largely
heated tising the stui and cooled
using simple, natural systems. Only
on the coldest winter days is a wood-
burning stove fired up to take off
the chill.

1' igurc 4. The West Bluff picnic area at Figure 5. This sign identifies natuie as a
Crissy Field was built with earth exca- partner in the management of historic
vated to restore wetlands. (I'hotograph Prospect Park. (Photograph by
hy M. Roland) M. Bolaiid)

Cranz and Boland 107

C^onservancy, working with the Cit\'
of New York, has developed a zone-
gardeiier program in which respon-
sibilily for a section of a park and
coordination of volunteers for that
section is assigned to an individual
gardener. This allows for staff and
volunteer training related to the spe-
cific requirenients of each landscape
type, whether a restored woodland,
lake, meadow, or manicured historic
Sustainable Parks depend on
native, or non-invasive, environ-
mentally appropriate plant choices.
.\lthough many parks have heen
designed in the image of nature,
they were rarely designed to pre- Figure 7. In non-turf areas at Crissy Field, only native foredime, hack dune .md dune
serve or restore ecological function. scrub species were planted. (Photograph by M. Boland}
Instead, their designers often used
exotic species to create the desired, acknowledge that some native The resulting regional variation in
naturalistic effect. Some of these species can take considerably more the palette of plant materials is a
exotic species, like Norway maple, effort than a more conventional welcome change from the homoge-
Scotch broom, and water hyacinth, landscape to establish, particularly in neous lot)k of most municipal parks
have invaded adjacent natural areas. formerly weedy areas or areas adja- nationwide. Planting decisions made
Mass plantings of regularly discarded cent to degraded sites.) at Crissy Field have produced a sus-
anntial exotic plants were used at tainable, self-regenerating landscape
points of interest. Wliere designers Sustainable Parks not. only use
ecologically suitable plants (native, that requires establishment irriga-
did use native species, their natural tion and weeding only for the first
succession was arrested at a particu- appropriate exotics), but plantings
are done in such a way that second- few years and does not reqtiire the
lar point for aesthetic effect. By application of polluting pesticides,
working against rather than with ary plant succession can proceed.
Planting schemes use tirought- herbicides, or fertilizers (Figure 7).
ecological processes, the resources With the exception t>f two tree
(fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides, resistant plants in dry climates and
tise water-loving plants in wet ones. species, all of the plant species are
and labor) reqtiired to maintain native to the Presidio and were
even naturalistic landscapes are Correspondingly appropriate animal
life—lizards and frogs, foi example, propagated from locally collected
greater than if native trees and seeds and cuttings.
plants were used. (However, we whose future might otherwise be
endangered—are able to live here. Flowers still have a place in the
Sustainable Park. Ihe United States
cotild follow the example of
Chinese parks wheie flowers are
harvested as medicinal herbs. F-ven
when strictly ornamental, flowers
are also home to birds, bees, and
insects. Designers can still dazzle
visitors with native plants if (hey tise
them in special plant combinations
and planting schemes. For example,
the senior author remembers as a
teenager at the Seattle World's Fair
of 19(i2 that onions planted
formally were more distinctive and
special than a hothouse of exotic
New attitudes abotit mown turf
were observed in Sustainable Parks.
For recreational tises, we did not see
substitutes f'oi" mown, irrigated ttirf,
Figure 6. The "softened" edge of Central Park's Turtle Pond liut we observed some experiments
provides improved wildlife habitat. (Photograph by M. Bolaiul)

lOH Landsiapi' Journal

regarding grass type and mainte- In Sttstainabic Parks where scape, tbese pathways allow tisers to
nance. Conventional turf can be lawns were not usetl recreationally, appreciate thai the natural strands
replaced with less resotuce-intensive native meadows have replaced con- of grasses represent a desired effect
native giass species. At (Vissy Field, ventional tnrf. Rolf Saner of and not a lack of maintenance
conventional ttirf grasses cotild not Andropogon calls turf "green or care.
be used because of the dangei" that asphalt" because it is mowed .so (Composting is an increasingly
they might spread into the adjacent closely and uniformly that water important practice because it recy-
restored tidal marsh. Consequently, runs off of it—like asphalt. As part cles resources in a way that simulta-
planners chose a mix of native of the restoration of the historic neously improves the lieahti of the
grasses, the species varying depend- Lotiisville park system, mown mead- landscape and lowers the cost of
ing on the conditions and expected ows and savannas of heterogeneous, maintaining urban parks. For exam-
level of use (Figure 8). Salt tolerant indigenous grasses have replaced ple. New York's Central Park com-
native rye grass and salt grass were closely mowed lawns (Figure 9). posts its green waste and debris at a
used lor turf near the shore where Meadows are allowed to grow l-S composting facility on Manhattan's
board sailors bring their salt-covered feet high, and even pathways and Upper Fast Side, tising its waste to
boards for rigging. Planners chose heavily used fields are mowed to improve soil quality rather than
native red fescue and Pacific hair 5-7 inches rather than 3-4 inches. payiug to ha\e it shipped off
grass ior the 28-acre historic airfield Mowing was significantly reduced, Manhattan Island, (-ompost can be
and dune-like landforms because thereby saving resources and pro- generated on-site from leaves,
tbey require little irrigation and tol- tecting ecological processes. Today pruned branches, and from animal
erate foot traffic. Although mown mowing is used in only two condi- waste (Figtire 10). San Francisco's
like conventional turf, these native tions: to maintain lierhareons mead- Presidio annually composts 1500
species have flourislied undei" harsh ows (to keep them from eventually cubic yards of green waste and
conditions with less water and no reverting to woodlands), and in forestry debris, which is used to
pesticides. The tradeoff is a some- pathways around or through mead- improve moisttire retention in the
what less uniform ttn f with more ows. These mowed pathways play an Presidio's sandy soil. The compost is
seasonal color variation than a con- important role. By defining tlie produced for less than it would cost
ventional lawn. edges of meadows and making them to ptirchase it conmiercially. Sheep
perceivable as an /H^ra^ion^/land- and other ruminants could be re-
introduced to eliminate mechanical
lawn mowing, produce natural fertil-
izer, and educate cbildren. (One of
the aesthetic implications is that
compost could be elevated to the
status of an art form, an idea devel-
oped ftuther below.) On-site restau-
rants should also collect compost.

Sustainable Paiks tieat

stormwater and grewater as aes-
thetic and ecological resotirces, as
jiiod lather than waste to be dis-
posed. On-site water management
includes the use of natural systems
to clean stormwater and grey-water,
while also creating habitat for
wildlife. Water rnnoff has been a
problem in conventional parks
because they have a great deal of
asphalt, hard-packed soil, and mown
turf. Becatise rainfall cannot pene-
trate the groiuid, it runs off into
city sewers and causes erosi(jn.
Sustainable design practices such as
on-site stormwater retention basins
and permeable asphalt do double
duty by accommodatiug visitor use
and reducing riuiofl. At the DuPont
headqnai ters in the Brandywine
Figure 8. Planners chose native red fescue and Pacific hair grass for the 28-acre liistorit Valley, the firm Andropogon
airfit'ld because thev require little irrigation and tolerate foot lr;iffi(\ (Photograph by Associates installed a porous asphalt
M. Bolaii(l)

Cranz and BoUind 109

Tennessee Hollow watershed will
bring three buried streams back into
the open. (In regard to wildlife, the
marsh fills a gap in the Pacific
Flyway; prior to its construction,
migrating birds bad no stopping
places in San Francisco. The marsh
restoration was also used as an
opportimity to re-establish a locally
limited native plant community, tbe
back dune swale.) Tbe Sustainable
Park tises water efficiently, so sprin-
klers do not waste water through
evaporation by sbooting it into tbe
air, but occasionally fountains might
express the joyful final stages of
water ptuification.
Siistainability refers not only to
tangible resources, but also to social
and cultiu al viability. Public-private
partnersbips are one kintl of new
social structure wbereby the commu-
nity may directly support urban
parks. Organizations like tbe Central
Park (Conservancy, the Golden Ciate
National Parks (>)nservancy, and the
Yosemite Fund were created in the
last twenty years to compensate for
the steady decrease in the amount
of public fuuding allocated to parks.
Tbe non-profit Central Park
Conservancy was created in 1980
to 1 aise private fimds to supple-
ment public funding used by the
New York Parks and Recreation
Department to rebuild and maintain
Central Park. Over the past two
decades, the Conservancy has played
an increasingly large role in the
reconstruction of Central Park, both
raising funds and implementing
the restoration of the park. The
(xjnservancy has raised nearly $300
million to ftind the reconstruction
FiguiT U. l u r t ill Louisville's Suiniiiit Firld (abuvcj was ifpiaeed with iialivL* prairie grass of Central Park and endow ongoing
to reduce runoff and increase ecological value (below). {Courtesy of Andropogon tnaintenance and operation of the
Associates) park. The San Francisco-based
Golden Gate National Parks Con-
servancy laised over $32 million in
parking lot for cars that absorbs tem that originally spanned the private philanthropic dollars to fund
water on site. By combining these north shore of San Francisco. In the transformation of (Prissy Field
fimctions. woodland that was to be order to increase groundwater infil- and proceeded to manage every ele-
cut to build an on-site stormwater tration and reduce off-site storm- ment of its implementation, includ-
retention basin was preserved. With water flows into tbe bay, 70 acres of ing planning, design, construe tion,
the money saved by not cutting tlie aspbalt and hard-packed dirt were and stewardsliip programs.
forest, nature trails were built and rennned (Figure 11). Eventually,
the woodland was restored (Hiss the complete restoration of the (Conununity stewardship pro-
1991). grams bring human resources to
The 20-acre tidal marsh at parks that governmental entities
Crissy Field was btiilt to restore a are nnwilling or unable to access
fragment of the large salt marsh sys- (Figure 1^). Volunteer programs at

11(1 Landsrupe journal

Figure 10. Compost is a subjerl "ripe" for collaboration betwccii cn\iromnfiital artists and maintenantf trews. (Photograph by
M. Boland)

the (iolden Gate National tions implemented the vision.

Recreation Area in San Francisco Ongoing ctjmmunity-hased steward-
annually provide over 100,000 hours ship programs still guide the res-
of stipport to the restoration and toration and engage the local
stewardship of native plant commu- coTiimiinity in the maintenance and
nities and seveial endangered rejtivenation of the woodlands.
species in the park (Fariell 2001). Wiiile stich programs clearly rely on
The restoration o f O n t r a l Park's help from otitside their horders,
North Woods started with a < oiimui- they are self-stifficieut in the sense
nity advisory hoard that cralted a that they rely so little on govern-
vision for the north woods and ment ftmding. This raises a larger
gtiided the planning process. isstie ahotit the role of human lahor,
Voltniteer groups and the educa- whether paid or voltinteered. Strictly
tional programs of nearby institu- speaking, an ecologically seif-
suffkient park might not require
Figure 11. The C^rissy Field tidal marsh
human labor, but a Stistainable
filters storm water that formerly flowed
imtreated iiilo SHTI Francisco Bay. Park thai is both ecologically self-
(Photograph by M. iloliind) sufficient and culturally satisfying

Crariz and Boland 111

strategy' has valuable secondary ben-
efits, including the creation of
wildlife habitat as well as recre-
ational and scenic settings. We noted
different approaches to incorporat-
ing wastewater infrastructure into
parks. Some titilize existing riparian
systems for the treatment of urban
wastewater or stormwater. Jackson
Bottom Park in Hillsboro, Oregon,
incorporates an existing riparian sys-
tem and tises a system of ponds to
retain and treat effluent, stormwater,
and other types of urban rimoff
(ALSA Merit Award 1992, 75).
At historic Xochimilco Park
otitside of Mexico Gity, work to pro-
tect the ancient system of chinampas
or floating farms not only protected
an endangered historic landscape,
btit it also addressed water quality
concerns in the area and improved
wildlife habitat. (Additionally, the
scheme preserved threatened farm-
land by increasing farm profits, mak-
Figure 12. Presidio Stewardship Program volunteers planting a former U.S. Aitny ing it more lucrative to farm than to
landfill. {Photograph by M. Boland) sell the land for development).
In contrast, some theorists
have proposed synthetic ecological
still requirt-s human care in planting The first of these problems, systems to address water qtialit>'
and maintenance. the integration of tirban infrastruc- issues. The example we know the
ture (waterways and roads) into best is a 1991 proposal for New York
Privnple II: An Integrated Part of the parks, is in some ways a very old City's Riverside South. Donald
Larger Urban System. Insofar as Stis- idea. Pleasure Grounds often played Trump proposed this large develop-
lainable Parks are conceptualized as a key role in the city's transportation ment for an abandoned rail yard on
part of the larger metropolis, they system by incorporating parkways Manhattan's Upper West Side. The
can help resolve urban problems that provided relatively unfettered project had as its centerpiece a 23-
located outside park boundaries. routes for movement. Boston's acre park, which a consultant (the
Pleasure Grounds like New York's Emerald Necklace is a network of senior author) proposed should be
Central Park were conceived roadways and parklands that shaped used to address negative environ-
as an antidote to urban life, an a significant expansion of the urban mental impacts of the development
opporttmity to address the poor air fabric. At the same titiie it was an (Figtire 13). The proposal was to
quality, lack of access to sunlight, elaborate stormwater retention sys- construct wetlands to treat both
limited opportunities for exercise, tem designed to solve a major stormwater that might otherwise be
and other problems associated with drainage and water quality problem dumped untreated into the Hudson
close urban quarters. Enstiing park created by urbanization. However, River and sewage from 9000 new res-
models had equally well-developed the Emerald Necklace is the excep- idential units. Ornamental plantings
social agendas and problem-solving tion and not the rule; in many older of water hyacinths and bull rushes in
roles for the city as a whole. examples, the park is only a con- the park would have created a beau-
tainer through which the infrastruc- tiftil setting while quietly removing
The Sustainable Park builds on heavy metals and other toxics ft om
ture system passes. Rarely does the
this history. We identified several the water. Inside each apartment
park landscape itself function as a
social and environmental urban building, biologist John Todd's
component of the larger infrastruc-
problems that Sustainable Parks (1984) "living machines" would treat
ture system.
liave been designed to address. wastewater. These ideas were intro-
These problems fall into four broad The Sustainable Park changes dnced and discussed by the ptiblic
categories: intrastructure, reclama- this bv using parklands to treat city and the Trump organization In
tion, health, and social well-being. wastewater and stormwater. This 1991-1992, but they were ultimately
This list is not exhaustive, but it does rejected as "untested" at such a
summarize those strategies and tac- large-scale.
tics we encountered most frequently.

712 Landscape fournal

dams in swales control erosion; by
trapping water they also create
micro-environments for native plant
species. Yet fragments of industrial
culture along witli nietlutne extrac-
tc^rs and other infrastructure related
to the decommissioning of the land-
fill remain visihle, left as interpretive
anrl mnemonic devices (Rainey
1994). The Dyer Landfill goes a step
fm tiier by re-creating a wetland at a
former landfill. Native cypress. Hve
oak, Florida slash pine, and saw pal-
mettos wore planted at the same ele-
\ations one might hud them in
nearby nattual landscapes. Accord-
ing to landscape architect George
(ientile, native vegetation has be-
gtiu to reseed itself, and many native
wildlife species (the kite, ibis, rac-
coon, armadillo, and alligator) now
use the site (Hess, 1992).
Figure 13. The park was a cenu al component of the Riverside South Devetopmcnl pro- A third urban problem that
posal, ((^loiiriesy of Riverside South Development Corporation) Sustainable Parks address is health.
The idea of u.sing parks for teaching
and maintaining public health is
A second urhan problem that Florida, used a combination of e c o an old one. Medicinal gardens
Sustainable Parks tackle is tirban logical process atid technology in an have been identified with ancient
land reclamation.' After a century of attempt to restore former landfill Egyptian, Greek, and Roman sites,
rapid industrialization and de- sites. At Bixby Park, landscape archi- and in America, the idea of the
indnstrialization, many cities contain tect Cieorge Hargreaves used native urban park as ati a.sset to the overall
large derelict sites within their grasses to clothe a series of sculp- health of communities is deeply
boundaries, including former mili- tural landforms (Figure 14). Earthen embedded in otir national ctilture.
tary bases, landfills, indtistrial yards,
and obs(jlcte transportation systems.
The soil at these sites is often con-
taminated with heavy metals, lead
paint, petroleum products, pesti-
cides, and other toxic materials;
otherwise it is tuiconsolidated and
unstable. These conditions often
make these sites tuisuitable for new
constrtictioti. Considering that they
are often the last tindeveloped sites
within the urban environment, they
offer an excellent opportunity for
new parks. ITI this sense, park-
making itself becomes a form of
land reclamation.
Several Sustainable Parks ad-
dress problems of leclamation in
more specific ways. Mel (Jiin's bio-
remediation art project outside of
Denver, Colorado, made art of sci-
ence. By using plants that extract
heav\' metals from earth, he set an
example for park landscapes. The
designeis of both Bixby Park in Palo
Alto, California, and Dyer Landfill Figure 14. Bixhy Park landforms are representations of, but not the product ot, iiaiural
Restoratioti in Palm Beach Cotttitv, process. (Photograph hy M. Boland)

C.uiiiz rin/l fiotaiul in

Part of the program for each of the Creek Park, located in Berkeley, Sustainable Parks may deepen citi-
previous four models iiickideci an Califoi nia, is based on this idea zens' understanding of ecological
effort to improve the hcaltli of (Figure 15). processes. The Presidio Stewardship
urban residents.'' Advocates of the fifth tnodel Program not only engages tbotisand.s
What is distinctive about the believe that this tise of native plants of stttdents in ecological restoration,
Sustainable Park is that it might be and the re-establishment ofCcologi- but also edtuates them about eco-
used to improve and maintain physi- cal process in the lu ban environ- logical cycles and pre-Columbian
cal and psychological health even ment can generate a sense of landscapes in San Francisco neigh-
nn)re directly than has been tradi- regional ideTitity even in dense borhoods (Figure 16). As part of the
tional in the U.S. For example. se\- cities (Hough 1990). Conununity- construction of Crissy Field, over
eral parks in Germany, such as tlie based stewardship programs in 3000 voltmteers collected seed for,
l()-hectare health park near Bottrop, urban parks, sticli as the Presidio propagated, planted, and weeded
have heen built specihcalH' for Stewaidship Program at GGNRA over 100,000 native plants represent-
patients fiom hospitals in nearby and the North Woods in New York's ing 73 native species (Prince 2001).
comnumities. These parks facilitate O n t r a l Park, prtnide a vehicle for The staff has reported a demand
inpatient and outpatient rehabilita- urban residents to rediscover ecolog- for native plantings in nearby resi-
tion, support conununity self-help ical processes and wild places Iiid- dences and schools genei ated by
grotips, and assist in the aftercare of den in the urban environment and this program (Fanell 2001). This in-
acutely ill hospital patients. In the to play a role in their preservation. volvement has also created more
United States, such specialized However, we prestune that users fed responsible park tisers. C-learly,
grounds have been associated only less connected to the region, the engaging yotmg people in the stew-
with hospitals or other medical facil- park, and nature when plant restora- ardship of nati\e plantings in parks
ities. Physician (and architecture tion schemes like those in Prospect has the poti'iuial both to reduce
student) Scott Prysi proposed Park must rely on permanent fenc- intentional vandalism and to
integrating a heahh clinic into a ing to keep people off of the increase responsible use, thereby
ncighboihood Park in South restored slopes (Taplin 2001). redticing imintentional damage as
Berkeley, claiming ihat this wotikl well. Reducing both t\pes of datiiage
make the park more broadly eco- Service learning programs, is essential to protect ecological
logical than it has ever been. middle school and high-school stew- processes in urban environments.
Cranz (1982) anticipated (hat park ardship programs, and in-school
progranuning might eventually nursery programs affiliated with Fducation plays a big role in
offer holistic health classes, for improving the quality of life. Stis-
example, yoga, tai chi, BodyMind tainable Parks edticate by exposing
C-entering, Alexander Techuiqtie, the ptiblic directly to new ideas and
Feldenkrais, etc. attitudes about nature and the
urban landscape. They do this in a
A fourth problem is luban host of ways. At Crissy Field, signage
alienation, which Sustainable Pai ks and educational waysides that
address by seeking to increase social explain nattiral processes at work,
well-being. Many worry that urban environmental cdtication programs
residents feel alienated from nattne that interpret ecological and ctilttiral
and natural processes—and from systems, and the Crissy f^enter build-
each other. Contemporary park ing itself have all been designed to
advocates believe that expanded citi- generate a greater level of tnider-
zen involvement in the stewardship standing. appreciation, and commit-
of urban parks and urban farming ment in visitors. Even the benches,
can generate a sense of belonging pathways, and promenade are on-
and communit)' {Franck and ented to give visitors a direct experi-
Schneekloth 1994, 361-302). ence of the nattiral forces at play.
Similarly, they claim that expanded Some educational strategies
awareness of and contact with eco- are self-consciously didactic. For
logical processes in the urban envi- example. Blueprint Fartu in Laredo,
ronment increase one's sense of Texas, designed by the Center for
connection to the local and regional Maximtini Potential Building
environment. Stistainable Parks Systems, is conceived as an educa-
encotirage reconnection of citizens tional landscape where technology
to each other and to the land by 13. hi Berkeley, most ciceks have integrates htiman and nattiral sys-
providing new vehicles for direct been put under ground, veiling a critical tems into a "metiibolic utiit" (Hess
ptiblic participation in the concep- ecological process. Strawberry Creek 1992). The park includes organic
tion, creation, and stewardship of Park wa.s organized around a newly
revealed streith of Strawberry Creek. farmland, sediment ponds to clean
parks. The design of Strawberry stormwater, cisterns to gather water
(Photograph by M. Boland)

114 IM rid \aipe Journal

tion of direct action followed by
interprelive exhibits (Andropogon
Associates 2003).
Sustainable Parks also improve
quality of life by mitigating conflicts
between adjacent land uses. For
example, Fxton Brook Linear Park
in Northampton, England, protects
a stream corridoi" and at the same
time functions as a buffer between
high-density housing and adjacent
agriculiural land, deflecting poten-
tial conflicis regarding noise, foot
traffic, pesticides, and child safety.
Native plantings along the 2.5 km
park have increased the densit)' of
the btiffer between htnnan uses and
have increased the park's value to
wildlife, ser\'ing as conduits for the
movement of wildlife and the distri-
bution of native plant species. In
such instances, both htjinocentric
and ecocentrif ideas about ecologi-
cal qualiU' are fulfilled.
In the near ftiture. conuiumity-
based urban fai lning effbi ts could
be instituteci in parks to improve
social well-being in many different
ways. Right now, the San Francisco
L-eague of Urban (iardeners and the
San Francisco Jail Garden Project
teach job skills and fight malnutri-
tion, thereby diminishing aspects of
nibaii poverty. Moreover, by creating
venues for collective neighborhood-
hased activity, they build comnui-
nity and fight crime. At the Edible
School Yard at Martin I.nther King
Jr. Higti Scliool in Berkeley, teachers
use gardening as part of the school
curricukini. The San Francisco
League of Urban Gardeners oper-
ates the St. Mary's/Alleniany \<>uth
garden in conjimction with the
Figure 16. Presidio volunU't-r moiiiioring a Presidio pilot project testing the survival of Allemany public housing project to
nadve species growing under non-native eucalyptus. (Pholograph by M. Boland)
provide jobs and Job training for
youth: they run a business that
makes jelly, salsa, and vinegar, using
for use, windmills and other appro- can also be educational. For exam- produce grown in the urban farm.
priate teclinolog)' systems to gener- ple, prescribed burns simtiltaneously In Santa Cruz, the Homeless Garden
ate power, and structures built from create more \'ital natural systems and Project employs and feeds the home-
recycled oil rigs and other salvaged educate by virtue of their drama. At less, coordinating their efforts with
materials. the Orosby Arboretum in sonthern social service agencies that provide
Other strategies are more pas- Mississippi, prescribed burns have support to the homeless affiliated
sive, operating as object lessons in been useful both to study the use of with their farm (Lawson ^000). The
how to manage the interlace be- fire as a management tool and to idea of pulling agricullnral pro-
tween human culture and ecological educate the public using a combina- grams into parks proper may be a
process. Temporary barrier lencing next step in the development of the
to protect 'Mother Natme at work' Sustainable Park.
on restoration sites offers a simple
lesson. Seasonal maintenance events

Cmiiz and lioland

Principlf III: Netu Modes of Aesthetic than hide, htinians and buildings. tolerant, low-tiiaintenance native
Expression. New types of aesthetic Both landscape architect Lyie (1994) species; recycled yard waste for
expression are emerging in Sustain- and landscape architect Thayer soil amendment; wood chips from
able Parks. The form of the park (1994) have emphasized that we dehris for paths and mulch; recycled
itself and its relationsliip to the city, should not camouflage technology'. plastic Itnnber for benches; low-
its style, and its management prac- A number of artists and landscape maintenance, local, or renewable
dces have moved in a more eco- architects have created landscapes materials. At the next stage, design-
logical direction, developing an that speak ahout ecological process ers manipulate plants and topogra-
evoluiioiKuy at-stheiic, a new spalial (Figure 17). phy less as static materials aiid more
rehilionship to the city, and a new Yet process-oriented things as landscapes that emerge as the
role for designers. This new type often appear messy in our current byproduct of dynamic ecological
may serve as a model for other culture, so Joan Nassauer (199.5) has systems. Taking a cm^ from resto-
urban landscapes, private gardens, described how designers can provide ration ecology, designers in a few
and tiltimately, the city itself. cues that an apparently tintidy land- Stistainahle Parks have created
scape is part of a larger plan. The diverse plant communities that
Some landscape critics suggest
iniporliitice of providitig such cues emphasize both the ornatuental and
that truly ecological parks must tran-
became clear in a recent 2002 com- ecological value ot plants. This is a
scend the traditional notion of style
petition for Railyard Park in Santa step beyond merely replacing orna-
predicated on a fixed, static image
Ff (where the senior author served mental exotics with native species.
of the landscape and develop an nio-
as a juror). The program was explicit This way of managing vegetation
hUionary aesthetic. Louise Mozingo
in calling for sustainable designs, allows for" f\<)ltitionary change in
(1997) has aigued that ecological
requiring special atteiuion to water structure and species diversity over
landscapes should incorporate an
and drought-resistant native species. time as a result of either anthro-
aesthetic oi' "temporality" that moves
Otie of the five short-listed entries pogenic or biotic factors. Central
beyond the fixed \ision of the land-
followed an evolutionary aesthetic Park's Nortli Woods and Crissy Field
scape and incorporates change.
(Figme 18). It did not win in part are two park landscapes where this
Similarly, JusuckKoh (1988) has
because the jury considered it hard shift from a focus on species to plant
advocated an evolutionary approach
to sell to the public. More deliberate assemhtages has meant emphasizing
to design that offers a "dynamic view
signs of ititentional care would have the spatial qualities of different
of aesthetics" and a shift in focus
tipped the balance in favor of this plant coinnutnities and has necessi-
"away from the tiaditional ordering
scheme. tated new approaches to planting
of "form' following positivistic aes-
and managing park landscapes
thetics toward an ordering of
An evolutionary aesthetic itself (Figme 19). In !^0()2, park competi-
'process"" (185, 186). His aesthedc
may have to become accepted in tions for Santii Fe and for Fresh Kills
of "complementarity" lets the natu-
stages (jr steps. The first step is a on Staten Island have had winning
ral landscape complement, rather
simple change in materials: dioitght-

Figure 17. Alan Sonfist's 'Tiim- l,;iiHiMa|H' rcconstiiicts a liny Figure 18. For Riiilyard Park, Ruddick Associates proposed a
fragmenl of M:inli:ittan"s prc-c(intact landscape and explores tfie series (»f swales to slow water down, crt-ating niicro-environinents
acsthcLic dimensions of secondary plant suc^cession in tlie urban in which plant sticcessioii would occur. (Courtesy of Ruddick
landscape. (Photograph by M. Bolaiid) Associates)

116 L(uiils((ipe Journal

Jtist as the Sustainable Park
model stiggests variety among the
parks themselves, the model also
stiggests variety in the spatial rela-
tionship to the city between the park
and the stirrounding urhan fabric.
Instead of being conceived as an
antidote set in contrast to adjacent
tuban life, the Sustainable Park
btiitds on the ideolog)' of the Open
Space System by attempting to
integrate open space into the citv.
However, it goes beyond the Open
Space System by not only preserving,
hnt also restoring open space for
Figiiif 19. Thf lorm givtTs in lliis Crissy Field Lindscapf are fcologkal variablL-s like htiman \'iewing- and activity; more-
wind and depth lo grtmnd water. (Photograph by M. Boland) over, its ecological impnise goes
deeper than Open Space ideology
because it serves other species in the
and short-listed entries thai empha- very precise, liighly controlled repre- tnban environment. Creating an
size evolutionary processes in iheir sentations or symhols of ecological underpass for wildlife, for example,
planling sclienies. The recentness of process. Although perhaps imperfect is a recent proposal to join two tracts
such examples that demonstrate models for how latidscapes might of land for a new park in Baldwin
how an authentic evolutionary aes- incorporate ecological process, these MilLs, Los Angeles.
thetic might he integrated into evocative landscapes contain the first
urhan parks suggests that the profes- stirrings of an ecological (if not evo- Eventnally, this emphasis on
sion of landscape architecture has lutionary) aesthetic and suggest that system could have a centripetal
just barely hegun this particular aes- art can play a role in educating the effect on the form and distribtition
thetic exploration. public about ecological process in of parks, hideed. the very idea of
hi contrast, sonic artists at- the tuban environment. Moreover, the park as a discrete locus of nature
tempt to explore the idea of ecology formal designs have the potential to in tfie city may become obsolete in
in parks in primarily formalistic serve ecological purposes, Formal truly sustainable tirban settlements.
terms. The Village of Yorkville Park gardens may be better than pastoral Instead of overall shapes predicated
in Toronto, (-anada. is a downtown English gardens for some animal on aesthetic consideration or prop-
plaza organized into 17 sections, and plant life because humans erty ownership that has given rise to
each containing plants from a differ- are restricted to fixed pathways rectilinear or chunky parks, the con-
ent local plant conimtmity. By identi- {Figure 20). Birds, for example can figtirations of Sustainable Parks will
fying and ceiehrating local plant nest and reprttduce in the safety of vary as an expiession of the role that
communities and local ecology', this hedges. Formally speaking, the the land, water, air, vegetation, and
park brings an awareness of the Sustainahle Park is stylistically open; animals—including humans—play
regional landscape into downtown it can be either naturalisdc or for- in the local ecological system.
Toronto. Yet these are disembodied malistic in appearance.
Because Sustainable Parks
fragments of plaul conmumities involve the community hroadly and
without reierenee to the underlying
geoniorphological, climatological,
and siiccessional processes that cre-
ated them in the firsi place. This
design also gives the false impression
that these plant commitnities can be
easily replicated anywhere, can live
in close proximity to each otlier,
and are nnchanging. Similarly,
Hargreaves Associates landfortns
along the Guadeloupe River
Parkway, at Bixby Park and Crissy
Field—although inspired by the
movement of water, wind, and soil in
dynamic natural .systems—are not
created as the byproduct of those
systems, nor are they dynamic in any Figure 20. Birds can nest and reproduce in the safety of hedges
ecological sense. Instead they are in formal landscapes like this at Paic de Sceaiix. (Phoiograph by
M. Boland)

Cranz and Boland 117

in mjinad ways, they are no longer
the specialized domain of experts
and managers. Commimit\ involve-
ment necessarily brings a diffeient set
of form-giving forces to bear on park
de.sign and management, suggesting
that the idea (jf a dcveNjpmental or
evolutionary aesthetic has enormous
social application (Figtire 21). An
evolutionary aesthetic necessarily
shifts the purpose of desigti and the
role of the designer from artisl-
visionary to a incdinm throngb
which the forces of nature and soci-
ety express themselves. If designers
see themselves as weaving new, tmex-
pected developments into a pattern,
even shitting the pattern itself, tliey
would embrace a role that has been
likened to jazz and other improvisa-
tional performance arts. The park,
gardening, and landscape profes-
sions may attract tht)se who are grati-
fied by working with laypeople and
other experts over time to create
tjrban harmonies on the spot.
The National AIDS Memorial Figure 21. Volunteers played a central role in defining the scope and design of the
Gro\e in San Francisco owes its exis- National AIDS Memorial (irove. (Photograph by M. Boland)
tence and its form to this new role
for designers and evolutionary aes-
thetic. A group of concerned citi-
zens who had lost many friends to
AIDS and at the same time were
keenly concerned about the sorry
state of parks in San Francisco con-
tfived of ihe project. For them the
drove was both the restoration (if a
derelict portion of Golden Gate
Park and a tribute to lost friends and
loved ones. Members of the commu-
nity, instead of municipal employees,
have coordinatecJ all aspects of tbe
design and construction. The design
was evoltitionary, tinfolding slowly
over seven years. The overall appear- Figure 22. Stones in the dry stream, "bowls" carved in houlders and inscriptions encour-
ance and indi\ idtial elements of the age direct manipulation of the National AIDS Memorial Cirove landscape hy visitors.
Grove are not the product ot a sin- (Photograph by M. Boland)
gle designer's vision. Rather, the
Grove has evolved fi om the interac-
tion of C{jmrnunity and site over these principles for Sustainable each bioregion, the standards will be
time (Figure 22). Simultaneously, Park design. With broad policy expressed in ecologically distinctive
the Grove has brought AIDS educa- impleiTU-ntiition, this new standard ways. Over time, the model can be
tion and awareness to the larger will move from the avant-garde and evaluated in eacb bioregion and
commnnity in a non-threatening cutting edge to best practice. But continuously elaborated and refined
way. This project fxeniplifies the even as it becomes more broadly throtigh practice on the grojind.
devflopmental and emergent nature disseminated, this new model will Since c"colog\' and sustainability
of the Sustainable Park. not produce uniformity because in are complex, people often ask where
to begin and bow to intervene.
We recommend starting with the
Wliere to lifgiii ? We encourage park biggest, most expensive, most trou-
departments everywhere to realize blesome problem as tbe starting

118 I Mndsrape Journal

point. In many parks today, mainte- Reform Park (If) Haas, Sherover, & Trotner
nance is the biggest probU-m Allegheny Riverfront, Pittsbtirgh, PA Promenades, Jerusalem
because it is the higgest expense. Landscaftslehipark, Erttiit, Germany Holyoke Heritage Park, Holyoke,
Therefore, we first recommend (IV) MA
improving maintenance practices, Princess of Wales Memorial Park, Imperial Beacb Pier Plaza, Imperial
rethinking them radically. This United Kingdom Beach, CA
means focusing on resource self- Japanese-American Plaza, Portland,
sufficiency and developing a new Facility (III) OR
aesthetic from that focus. Does this Academy Courts, The Bronx, NY Jose Marti Riverfront Park, Miami,
priority mean that solving larger Albert Park, Melbourne, Australia FL
iirhan problems may have to wait? Burgess Park, London, England (IV) Lafayette Park, Oakland, GA
Not if we consider that modeling a Gin Drinkers Bay Park, Hong Kong, Landesgartenschau, Lunen,
tiew aesthetic that derives from self- (^hina Gertnany
stifficiency would also solve prob- Lake Hico Park. Jackson, Ml Laumeier Sculpture Park, St. Louis,
lems for other urban landscapes. By Lastenlehto Park, Helsinki, Einland MO
getthig started, eventually tlie enthe Merrylands Park, Sydney, Austialia Liverpool Garden, Liverpool,
urban system will be transformed for Midtown Park, Duluth, MN England
the better. Paloheinan Hippu Park. Helsinki. Lok Fu Park, Hong Kong, China
Einland l,os Angeles Rivei Park, Los Angeles,
Pearl Street Park, New York, NY CA
Richard Oastler Park, Leeds, Louisville Waterfront Park,
Appendix A: Parks by Park Type England Louisville, KY
(secondary rankings shown in Southwest Corridor Park, Boston, Martin Luther Kingjr. Promenade,
parentheses) MA San Diego, CA
Memorial to the 56 Signers of the
Pleasure Ground {I) Open Space System (fV) Declaration of Independence,
Almada Park. Almada, Portugal 24th Street Park, Virginia Beach, VA Washington, DC
Andie Citroen, Paris, France {I\') All Peoples Trail, Shaker Height, New Kirkgate. Edinburgh, Scodand
Astoria Park Extension, Queens, NY OH Nordsternpark, Cielsenkirchen.
Battersea Park, London, England Bicentennial Plaza, San Jose, CA Germany
Bay Adelaide Park, Toronto. (lA Botithorpe Park, Norwich, England Post Office Square, Boston, MA
Biddy Mason Park. Los Angeles, (^A BL'GA, Magdebtug, Germany Promenade Plantee, Paris, Erance
Bryant Park. New York, NY (rVO Cambridge Center (iarage Roof P^-rmont Point Park, Sydney,
C^entral Park, Sha Tin, Hong Kong, Ciarden, Cambridge, MA Australia
China (V) Candlestick Point Park, San Risley Moss, Warrington, England
Chase Palm Park, Santa Barbara. CA Erancisco, CA (V)
Delamt)nt Country Park. Strangford (Charleston Waterfront Park, River Promenade, Indianapolis, IN
Lough, United Kingdom (IV) Charleston, SC Riverfront Plaza, Hartford, CT
Fair Park, Dallas, TX Children's Park, San Diego, CA Royal Park, Melbourne, Atistralia
Forest Hill Paik, Cleveland, OH (III) Cleveland Meadows, Cleveland, (V)
Cllehe Park, Canberra, Australia OH S. Graham Brown Park, St. Mathews,
(ireat Park, Louisville, KY (IV) Columbia LInion Marketplace, KY
Henry Moore Sculpture Garden, Brooklyn, NY San Antonio River Walk, San
Kansas (-it>; MO Courthouse Square, Toronto, Antonio, TX
Hudson River Park, New York, NY (Canada Skyline Park, Denver, GO
Lechmere C^anal Park, East Docklands, London, England South (Cove, Battery Park Cit\, New
Cambridge, MA Dunhari Close Garden, Edinburgh, York, NY
Mile End Park, London, England Scotland South Waterfront Park, Hoboken,
North Point Park, Boston. MA (IV) Ecton Brook Linear Park, England NJ
Olympia Fields, Olympia Fields, IL (V) Thames Barrier Park, London,
Patriots Square, Phoenix, AZ Elcho Gardens, Caltoi), Scotland England
Royal Botanic Garden, Kew. Eirst Interstate Plaza, Dallas, Tx The Belvedere, New York, NY
London, England (IV) Foothills Community Park, Boidder, Tiffany Plaza, The Bronx, NY
Socrates Sculpture Park, Queens, N^ CO Tom McCall Park, Portland, OR
Washingt<ni Market Park, New York, Freeway Park, Seattle, WA VOA Park, West Chester, OH
NY Ciene Cottlon Beach Park, Renton, Westlake Park, Seattle, WA
WA Westlands Park, Greenwood Village,
Gore Park, San Jose, CA CO
Wolden Berg Riverfront Park, New
Orleans, LA

C^rnnz and Boland 119

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Alex Wilson Garden, Toronto, CA Probst, Scott Prysi, and Steve Middleton— (hdcrinji Space: Types in Architfriuif nnd
suidenis m [w«» graduate seminars held by Drsi^. New York: Van Nostrand
Baldwin Hills Park, Los Angeles, C'V Dr. (iaien Cranz in the Departineni of Reinhi>l<l.
Blueprint Farm, Laredo, TX AichiiecHirc at ihe L'niversity nf Calilmnia at Guy, Simon, and (iiaham Farmer, 2000,
Byxbee Park, Palo Alto, CA lierkclev in ihe fall of 1997 and spring ot G(;nlesled constrtictions: The com-
Cherokee, Iroquois Sc Shawnee 1998. Addiiionalh, graduate sUideiU Rcnu peting logics of green buildings
i")esi worked wiih llr. Crau/ in ihc summer of and ethics, hi t'.lhirs and Ihe Built
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Freedom Parkway, Atlanta, GA formed a dangeious. derelict indtisiriai land- Cimnliwide (Spriiig): 41-4;i
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GuadeUipe Riverfront Park, San maliun project in that pottions of the park Landscape Aichilfcliirr Magazine 8(i(3):
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Acknowledgments Teclinology, Sature nnd the Sustainahle
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A major porlion of this study was funded by a A History ofVrlian Parks in Amnim. I.nndsciipe. New York: Wiley.
gram from The Graham Foundation for (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. rhotnpson. Ian, 2000. The ethics of siistain-
Advanced Study iii Architeclure. Earrell. Sharon. 2001. Personal communica- ability. hi Landscape and Su.stainahiiily,
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Todd, Nancy, andjohn Todd. 1984, From hco-
Cilies to Livitig Maihines: Priniiples nj
Lcologicat Design Berkeley: North
Atlantic Books.
1. Members nf ihe research team were
Michael Boland, Erika (^onkling. Chris

120 Landscape jou mat

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