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Unit 2 - Task 4 - Speech sounds and semantics

Nombre Completo del Estudiante

Mauricio Larrahondo murillo

Grupo: 518017_47

Nombre Tutor
Andrés Orlando Blanco

Universidad Nacional abierta y a distancia-

Nombre del programa en que está matriculado(a) Licenciatura
en lenguas modernas con enfasis en ingles

Nombre de la asignatura
Introducción A la Lingüística
Noviembre 26 de 2020

Step 2: responses
- Answer the following questions based on the first documents:

• Explain what phonetics and phonology are. Gives two examples for each one

R // Phonetics studies the particularity of each phoneme and the phonic elements as
physical and physiological phenomena . While phonology studies the chains of spoken
phenology and their production of sound, functions and uses of sounds for the creation
of linguistic signs.

Phonetics for example Distinguish between

B from rhombus and B stole
phonology for example, p and b are different
kiss when changing for p or we have another
word that is weight

(figura tomada de

Explain the following sentence: "The phoneme: the same but different." Give 3 example

R // Occurs in the pronunciation similarity in some letters.

But they are written differently.

For example.

/ b / phoneme ser (labiodental)

/ v / phoneme uve. (fricative sound)

/ s / that. Prisoner.

/ z / heart

Blumstein, SE (1991). La relación entre fonética y fonología. Phonetica , 48 (2-4), 108-119.

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