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Gas density

Because the density of a substance is defined as mass per unit volume, the
density of gas (ρg), at given temperature and pressure can be derived as

If P in psia, T in ⁰R and R = 10.73 ⇒ ρ in Ib/ft3.

If P in Pa., T in ⁰K and R = 8.314 ⇒ ρ in gm/m3.

Example: Calculate the density of methane at 50 psig and 32 ⁰F.


H.W. In previous example calculate the density of methane in gm/m 3.

1 atm = 14.7 psia 1 atm = 101325 Pa. psia = psig + 14.7

⁰C = 5/9 ( ⁰F – 32) ⁰K = ⁰C +273 ⁰R = ⁰F + 460

Specific gravity

The specific gravity is defined as the ratio of the gas density to that ofthe air.
Both densities are measured or expressed at the same pressure and
temperature. Commonly, the standard pressure Psc and standard temperature
Tsc are used in defining the gas specific gravity:

Assuming that the behavior of both the gas mixture and the air is described by
the ideal gas equation, the specific gravity can then be expressed as:

where = gas specific gravity.

Mair=apparent molecular weight of the air =28.96.

Ma=apparent molecular weight of the gas.

Example 1: A gas well is producing gas with a specific gravity of 0.65 at a rate
of 1.1 MMscf/day. The average reservoir pressure and temperature are 1,500
psi and 150°F. Calculate:

a. Gas density at reservoir conditions.

b. Flow rate in lb/day.

Solution: a)

a) Because 1 lb-mol of any gas occupies 379.4 scf at standard conditions, then
the daily number of moles that the gas well is producing can be calculated

⇒ ⁄

Example 2: A gas well is producing a natural gas with the following


Component Yi
C1 0.7
C2 0.2
C3 0.06
CO2 0.04

Calculate apparent molecular weight (assuming ideal gas).


Component Yi Mi Yi Mi
C1 0.7 16 11.2
C2 0.2 30 6
C3 0.06 44 2.64
CO2 0.04 44 1.76
∑ = 21.6 = Ma

Ma = ∑ Yi Mi = (16*0.7) + (30*0.2) + (44*0.06) + (44*0.04) = 21.6

Real Gas Law.

In dealing with gases at a very low pressure, the ideal gas relationship is a
convenient and generally satisfactory tool. At higher pressures, the use of the
ideal gas equation-of-state may lead to errors as great as 500%, as compared
to errors of 2–3% at atmospheric pressure.

Basically, the magnitude of deviations of real gases from the conditions of the
ideal gas law increases with increasing pressure and temperature and varies
widely with the composition of the gas. Real gases behave differently than
ideal gases. The reason for this is that the perfect gas law was derived under
the assumption that the volume of molecules is insignificant and that no
molecular attraction or repulsion exists between them. This is not the case for
real gases.

Numerous equations-of-state have been developed in the attempt to correlate

the pressure-volume-temperature variables for real gases with experimental
data. In order to express a more exact relationship between the variables p, V,

and T, a correction factor called the gas compressibility factor, gas deviation
factor, or simply the z-factor, must be introduced to account for the departure
of gases from ideality. The gas compressibility factor z is a dimensionless
quantity and is defined as the ratio of the actual volume of n-moles of gas at T
and p to the ideal volume of the same number of moles at the same T and p:

⇒ ( ) ⇒

 z = 1 for ideal gas.

 All gases behave as an ideal gases near the standard conditions.
 Z depends on P, T and composition of the gas.

The figure below shows the gas deviation factors of two gases, one of 0.90 and the other of 0.665 These curves show that the gas deviation
factors drop from unity at low pressures to a minimum value near 2500 psia.
They rise again to unity near 5000 psia and the value greater than unity at still
higher pressures. In the range of 0 to 5000 psia, the z factor at the same
temperature will be lower for the heavier gas, and for the same gas they will
be lower at the lower temperature.


Example 1: for the mixture below determine zm at 1000 psi and 104 ⁰F.

Component yi zi yi zi
CH4 0.7 0.918 0.643
C2H6 0.2 0.274 0.055
C3H8 0.1 0.236 0.024
Zm = 0.722

Note: if zi is not given in the question you can determine them using charts.

Example 2

Calculate the volume of 1000 SCF (standard cubic feet) of gas at 1000 psi and
104 °F for a gas of the following composition assuming :

a) Real gas behavior b) Ideal gas behavior


CH4 0.7

C2H6 0.2

C3H8 0.1



CH4 0.7 0.918 0.643

C2H6 0.2 0.274 0.055

C3H8 0.1 0.236 0.024

At standard conditions: at reservoir conditions:

n at standard conditions = n at reservoir conditions.

a) For real gas behavior:

b) For ideal gas behavior ( ):

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