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1. She has a job in which she takes on great .


2. His came as a great shock to all of us (DIE).

3. There have been a lot of in the world of medicine in the last two
decades. (DEVELOP)

4. My teacher says that spelling is my (WEAK).

5. I made a remarkable when I opened the box (DISCOVER).

6. We reported the of our car to the local police. (LOSE)

7. The boy didn't get to leave the school playground (PERMIT).

8. If your doesn't improve, we will have to expel you from this school

9. There have been many great in the past hundred years. One of them is the
computer (INVENT) .

10. She turned red with . (EMBARRASS)

 People with have been campaigning for better access to public buildings
 When I heard what the company was paying I accepted the job without
 Young children are so when it comes to painting and drawing (CREATE).
 In , I would like to congratulate your daughter on her graduation. (ADD)
 Experts expect these weather conditions to continue until the end of the week
 The government announced that it was working on a solution to the problem
 I couldn't stop laughing when I saw the on TV last night (ADVERTISE).
 The installation of a new department will definitely help the company become more
 The charge in the restaurant is 25 % of the total bill. (SERVE)
 Your brother said that the show would be great. But I found it and was bored by
the end (EXCITE).
 Many of the houses are considered to be and will be torn down by the end of the
month. (SAFE)

 The leader of the trade union campaigned for reelection. In the end he was
beaten by 12 points. (SUCCESS)

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