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Reportorial Requirements: (for Domestic Stock Corporation)

1. Name Reservation (Php 100.00/ for 30 days)

2. Articles of Incorporation
3. By-Laws
4. Bank deposit (25% of subscribed Capital Stock not less than Php 5,000.00)
5. Treasurer’s Affidavit (reflecting that the Capital Stock is fully paid)
6. Filing fee (will be computed by the SEC)

Domestic corporation is one wherein at least 60% of the stocks/share are held by Filipinos
and the majority of the board members should be Filipinos.  Otherwise, it will be classified as
Foreign Owned Corporation.

Foreign Owned Corporation is one wherein the foreign individuals owns equity of more
than forty-percent (40%). The minimum paid-up capital for a Foreign-owned
Domestic Corporation is US$ 200,000.00. The Corporate Secretary and Treasurer
must be Filipinos and residents of the Philippines.

Travel Restriction: JAPAN - IATF Resolution No. 97 dated 28 January 2021

As a general rule, foreign nationals are still prohibited from entering the Philippines, except
the foreign nationals who may be allowed entry pursuant to relevant IATF resolutions;

a) Dual Citizens
b) Balikbayan Program
c) Permanent Visa Holders
d) Special Non-Immigrant Visa Holders
e) Foreign spouses , minor children, and children with special needs of Filipino
nationals, and foreign parents of minor Filipino children/children w/ special needs
not covered under the Balikbayan Program
f) Incoming foreign government officials
g) Foreign nationals endorsed by relevant National Government Agencias
h) Foreign seafarers for purpose of ship rotation

All foreign nationals permitted entry into the Philippines shall be required to:
i. Secure and present a pre-booked accommodation for at least six (6) nights in a DOT-
accredited hotel/facility;
ii. Undergo RT-PCR COVID-19 testing at their respective quarantine hotel/facility on
the sixth (6th) day from date of arrival in the Philippines; and,
iii. Negative results from the two COVID-19 tests shall be endorsed to the passengers’
local government units, who shall then strictly monitor the remainder of the 14-day
quarantine through their respective Barangay Health Emergency Response Teams.

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