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Patient Information Page
Cushing’s Syndrome
What is Cushing’s syndrome? The majority of tumors that produce Finally, another screening test for
ACTH originate in the pituitary but Cushing’s syndrome is for patients to
Cushing’s syndrome reflects the sometimes non-pituitary tumors (usually have their cortisol levels measured in the
physical and mental changes that happen

in the lungs) can also produce too much morning, after they have been given a
in the body from having too much ACTH and cause Cushing’s syndrome. laboratory-made steroid (dexametha-
cortisol in the blood for a long period of sone) the night before.
time. Cortisol is a steroid hormone
produced by the adrenal glands (which Signs and symptoms of How is Cushing’s syndrome
are above the kidneys). In normal Cushing’s syndrome treated?

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amounts, cortisol helps the body:
• Weight gain, especially in the The treatment for Cushing’s
• respond to stress upper body syndrome depends on the cause.
• maintain blood pressure and • Rounded face and extra fat on Exogenous Cushing’s syndrome goes
cardiovascular function the upper back and above the away after patients finish taking the
• keep the immune system in check collarbones cortisol-like medications they were using
• convert fat, carbohydrates and • High blood sugar (diabetes) to treat another condition. Your doctor
proteins into energy will determine when it is appropriate for
• High blood pressure
you to slowly decrease and eventually
What causes Cushing’s (hypertension)
stop using the medication.
syndrome? • Thin bones (osteoporosis)
For endogenous Cushing’s syndrome
• Muscle loss and weakness the first approach is usually surgery to
There are two types of Cushing’s • Thin, fragile skin that bruises
syndrome: exogenous and endogenous. remove the tumor. Although for most
easily patients surgery is successful, some may
The symptoms for both are the same. • Purple-red stretch marks
The only difference is how they are also need radiation therapy or drugs to
(usually over the abdomen and lower cortisol production, or to remove
caused. under the arms)
The most common is exogenous the adrenal glands.
• Depression and difficulties The majority of patients with
Cushing’s syndrome and is found in
thinking clearly Cushing’s syndrome can be success-
patients taking cortisol-like medications
• Too much facial hair in women fully treated with great results.
such as prednisone. These medications
• Irregular or absent menstrual
are used to treat inflammatory disorders What should you do with
periods and infertility
such as asthma and rheumatoid this information?
arthritis, or to suppress the immune • Reduced sex drive
system after an organ transplant. This • Poor height growth and If you have the symptoms of
type of Cushing’s is temporary and goes obesity in children Cushing’s syndrome see your doctor to
away after the patient has finished determine the cause. It is important that
taking the cortisol-like medications. you work with an endocrinologist to
Endogenous Cushing’s syndrome is find the best way to treat your
How is Cushing’s syndrome
rare, it usually comes on slowly and can condition. An endocrinologist is a
be difficult to diagnose. It is caused specially trained doctor who diagnoses
U 2021
either by a problem with the adrenal The most sensitive and specific test to and treats hormonal conditions.
glands or the pituitary (a gland located diagnose Cushing’s syndrome is to
at the base of the brain). In the adrenal measure cortisol levels in the saliva Resources

glands, the problem is caused by a between 11:00 P.M. and midnight. A

To find an endocrinologist (physician
tumor (usually non-cancerous) that sample of saliva is collected in a small referral): or call
produces too much cortisol. When the plastic container and sent to the labora- 1-800-HORMONE (800-467-6663)
problem is with the pituitary, it is caused tory for analysis. In healthy people, cor- Cushing’s Support and Research
by a tumor that produces too much tisol levels are very low during this peri- Foundation:
ACTH (the hormone that tells the od of time. In contrast, patients with or call 617-723-3674
adrenal glands to make cortisol). When Cushing’s syndrome have high levels. National Institute of Diabetes and
the tumors form in the pituitary the Cortisol levels can also be measured Digestive and Kidney Diseases:
condition is often called Cushing’s in urine that has been collected over a
disease. 24-hour period. endo.htm

For more information on how to find an endocrinologist, download free publications, translate this fact sheet into other languages, or make
EDITORS: a contribution to The Hormone Foundation, visit or call 1-800-HORMONE. The Hormone Foundation, the
James W. Findling, MD public education affiliate of The Endocrine Society (, serves as a resource for the public by promoting the prevention,
William F. Young, Jr., MD treatment, and cure of hormone-related conditions. This page may be reproduced non-commercially by health care professionals and health
February 2005 educators to share with patients and students. Translation by MEDI-FLAG Corp. © The Hormone Foundation 2005

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