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English Course Assignment

(Chapter 2 : Page 19-34 of the English for Science book)


Name : Putri Julianti

NIM : 1207020053
Class : 1B
1. The atomic radius of cadmium is that mercury.
a. As high as b. Not as high as
2. Mercury,cadmium has a high boiling point.
a. Like b. Compared to
3. The specific gravity of cadmium and copper are .
a. Similar b. Identical
4. Compared to the other metals on this table,gold has specific gravity.
a. A relativety high b. The highest
5. The properties of cadmium and zinc are .
a. Comparable b. Identical
6. Copper and gold have high boiling points.
a. Comparatively b. Equally
7. The melting points of the Group II metals are those of Group I.
a. Lower than b. As low as
8. The ionic radius of copper is to that of cadmium.
a. Similar b. Equal

Creating Sentences. Write a sentence comparing the items in each of these pairs.

There is more than one way to write each answer.

1. Surface Temperature : Mercury-350 °C

Venus-475 °C

The surface temperature of mercury is lower than that of venus.

2. maximum life span : kangaroo-16 years

cat-23 years

The maximum life span of kangaroo is shorter than that of cat

3. calories : apple (medium)-75

egg- 70

the apples have more calories than that of an egg

4. diameter : moon- 3,480 km

earth- 12,800 km

The diameter of moon is smaller than that of earth

5. gestation period : elephant-21 months

giraffe- l4- l5 months

The gestation of elephant is longer than that of a giraffe

6. percent of world’s water: Pacific Ocean-46%
Atlantic Ocean-22.9%

The percent of world’s water of Pacific Ocean more than Atlantic Ocean

Creating Comparisons. Compare the Items in each of these pairs orally in one or two sentences.
Note that the items have something in common, for otherwise there would be no point in comparing
them. A good way to make a comparison is to begin with what they have in common. Include at least
one way the items are similar and one way they are different. For example, to compare tea and coffee,
you might say, "Both coffee and tea are drinks, but coffee is made from a bean and tea is prepared from

1. a telescope and a microscope

The telescope and microscope are both tools to see objects, but telescope to see far objects and
microscope and a microscope to see small objects
2. a submarine and a dolphin
submarine and dolphin are both users of the sonar system but submarine are abiotic objects adn
dolphin are biotic objects
3. a computer and a calculator
Calculators and computers are both electronic devices, but calculators are only used for calculating
while computers can count and type
4. a desert and a jungle
desert and forest are both biomes, but desert are rarely found vegetation while forest vegetation is
very diverse
5. a photocopier and an x-ray machin
the copier and x ray machin are both machines, but the copier is used for duplicating and the x ray
is used for detection

Using Like and As. Fill in the blanks in each of the following sentences with as or like.

1. Sodium, Like pottasium is an alkali metal.

2. The ancient Greek scientists did not experiment like modern scientists do.

3. Modern computers are not as large like the first computers.

4. like Galileo before him. Newton studied motion.

5. Cobalt is a heavy metal like nickel.

6. Helium is almost as light like hydrogen.

7. Nickel does not rust like iron does.

Vocabulary in context. Circle the letter of the answer that best matches the meaning of the italicized
word as it is used in each of the following sentences.

1. Silicon is a nonmetallic element that is inexpensive because it is so abundant in minerals and

a. Rare b. Plentiful
2. When exposed to air and moisture,iron will corrode.
a. Rust b. Shine
3. When the flames subsided,the police investigated the cause of the combustion.
a. Burning b. Excitement
4. The spontaneous explosion caused a lot of damage.
a. Unplanned b. Planned
5. The room got stuffy and warm due to improper ventilation.
a. Heating b. AiR circulation
6. Many lives could be saved if natural phenomena such as earthquakes and hurricanes could be
a. Resources b. Occurrenes
7. There is oxygen in the protoplasm of all plants and animals.
a. Blood b. Living matter
8. Amphibians are organism that live on land and in water.
A. Minerals b. Living things
9. Human respiration involves inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide.
a. Breathing b. Circulation
10. Inhaling smoke is bad for your lungs.
a. Breathing out b. Breathing in
11. Larger vehicles consume more gasoline than smaller ones.
a. Use b. Save
12. Water is viral to all living things.
a. Necessary b. Useless
13. Heat can convert a solid to a liquid.
a. Condense b. Change
14. Farmers fertilize their soil to make it more productive.
a. Enrich b. Ruin
15. The ammonia was diluted in water to make it weaker.
a. Thinned b. Thickened
16. A catalyst speeds up a chemical reaction.
a. Chemical agent b. Forest animal
17. Antibiotics will cure many diseases but not the common cold.
a. Bacteria-killing drugs b. Pain-killing drugs
18. Today,local anesthetics are being used in place of general anesthetics for many operations.
a. Painkillers b. Stimulans
19. To obtain aluminum, metallurgists must extract it from bauxite.
a. Remove b. Destroy
20. Gasoline should be stored carefully because it is flammable.
a. Fireproof b. Able to catch fire easil
1. I think the main topic of the text is the importance of oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen for
living things .
2. After reading briefly i think the topic is not discussed in the text is the scientist who
discovered each gas and the year of discoveries
Understanding the Reading. Each of the following statements is inconsistent with the
information in the previous passage. After a careful reading of the passage, test your
comprehension by finding the error in each statement and restating it correnctly.

1. Oxygen,nitrogen, and hydrogen have similar properties,and all three are essential to life.
Oxygen,nitrogen,and hydrogen have similar properties, and all three are essential to life.
2. The substance that causes wood to rot is not the same as the one that causes apples to turn
The same substance causes wood to rot and causes apples to turn brown
3. The decaying of food is an example of rapid oxidation.
The decaying of food is an example of slow oxidation.
4. It is impossible for a fire to start spontaneously.
Sometimes a fire start spontaneously
5. Human beings can live up to 15 minutes without oxygen.
Human beings cannot live more than five minutes without oxygen
6. Nitrogen converts to a free state by a process called spontaneous combustion.
Nitrogen converts to a free state by a process called nitrogen fixation
7. Compared to oxygen,nitrogen is very active.
Nitrogen is comparaatively inactive
8. If the air were pure oxygen, we could all smoke without harming our health.
If the were ni nitrogen to dilute the oxygen in the air we breathe, the smoking would be
9. Nitrogen is used in explosives because it is so stable.
Nitrogen is used in explosives because it is unstable
10. Oxygen is the most abundant element in the universe.
Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe
11. Scientists do not know what the sun is made of.
Our sun’s source of energy is the conversion of hydrogen into helium
12. Hydrogen is the most abundant element in our bodies because our bodoies are mostly air.
Hydrogrn is the most atoms in our bodies because our bodies are about two – third water
13. In contrast to helium,hydrogen is nonflammable.
Hydrogen is flammable
14. The essential ingredient in fertilizers is hydrogen.
The essential ingredient in fertilizers is nitrogen.

Vocabulary in context. Circle the letter of the answer that best matches the meaning of the italicized
word as it is used in each of the following sentences.

1. We polished the car to give the finish a luster.

a. Shine b. Dullnes
2. The scarcity of oil caused the price to rise.
a. Shortage b. Abundance
3. Iron can be molded into different types of tools because it is so malleable.
a. Easily shaped b. Shiny
4. Copper is used for electric wiring because it is a good conductor and very ductile.
a. Breakable b. Stretchable
5. Stainless steel is a metal that resists rust.
a. Absorbs b. Withstands
6. The acid had caused corrosion in parts of the engine.
a. Rust b. Shine
7. Many synthetic fabrics are more durable than cotton and will not faed.
a. Beautiful b. Long lasting
8. Carbon is alloyed with iron to produce steel.
a. Replaced b. Combined
9. Silver needs to be polished frequently because it tarnishes.
a. Shines b. Blackens
10. Icebergs float on the surface of the ocean.
a. Bottom b. Top
11. The image of the house was reflected in the water.
a. Repeated b. Absorbed
12. The properties of all heavy metals are similar.
a. Uses b. characteristics
13. Metals are conductors of heat and electricity.
a. Preventors b. Carriers



1. Computers are indeed sophisticated and can calculate complex numbers with accurate results,
but computers only receive information that has been given by humans in the form of certain
coded codes, in processing visual or verbal information their success is limited, even with a
supercomputer called the world's most sophisticated computer the human brain is still 30 times
more advanced.
2. In Indonesia, the most popular sport is football because this sport can be played by anyone,
anytime and anywhere, while in India the most popular sport is cricket, cricket was brought first
by the British through colonialism in India, even because the Indian people loved it. with this
sport the tv station there almost every day broadcasts cricket matches, India also has 2
international cricket stadiums.
3. Even though Indonesia and Japan are the same countries in Asia, for food matters both are very
different, the difference is the taste of food, Indonesia is rich in spices so the taste of the food is
stronger than food from Japan, food from Japan has a natural taste because they are limited in
terms of food. herbs and spices
4. Compared to American cars, cars produced by Japan such as Daihatsu, Suzuki are more durable
and have a longer life, but in terms of appearance, American cars are more stylish than Japanese
cars whose car is monotonous, Japanese car prices are cheaper because the spare parts are
cheap. but even though cheap Japanese cars are more durable than American cars, in terms of
fuel use, Japanese cars are more efficient than American cars.
5. Paintings and photos are visual objects, but they are very different from each other, paintings
are made by drawing as long as the photos are produced from the camera, if the painting is
spilled, he will not be able to come back intact and may even be damaged and have to re-create
it, but printed water spill all you need to do is reprint the pho to
White gold and silver are two precious metals that are known to many people, at first glance they both
look the same in color, shape, size and weight, but they are both different types of metal. White gold is
an alloy of yellow gold, rhodium and platinum while silver is an alloy of silver itself and the rest is copper
and alloys. White gold has a brighter luster while silver tends to be a darker, greyish-white color. When
viewed from the point of view of the price white gold is more expensive than silver, white gold is widely
used as jewelry, while silver is more widely used as an industrial material.

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