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Geo Processes Review

Name:_______ Period:______
1. The study of rocks on the Earth's surface

2. Which Picture on the right most

accurately shows the Mid-Atlantic

3. Vertical elevation of the earth’s

surface in response to natural causes

4. An erosion process that deepens a

channel by removing material from a
stream’s bed or valley floor.

5. A process in which earth materials are worn away by natural causes (wind, water)

6. Layers of rock or soil

7. Large Mountain Range caused by india running into Asia

8. Excellent example of erosion showing the power of the

Colorado River

9. Town that was wiped out by a massive mudslide

10. Volcano that erupted and killed 57 people

11. A large moving ice mountain that erodes the ground

12. At a __________ plate boundary new crust is created as two or more plates pull away from
each other.

13. __________ can be created or grow wider where plates diverge or pull apart.
Geo Processes Review
Name:_______ Period:______
14. The __________-__________ __________ is an example of a divergent boundary.

Use the diagram at the right to answer the following questions.

15. What is happening at I?

16. What is happening at J?

17. Where is a mid oceanic ridge likely to


18. Convergent boundaries can form

underwater __________ ranges.

19. When oceanic plates collide one of those plates will __________ (go beneath the other).

20.When plates collide the plate that is __________ will subduct (go beneath the other).

21. A collision between an oceanic plate and a continental plate pushes the __________ plate
into and under the __________ plate.

22.When a collision between an oceanic plate and a continental plate pushes the oceanic plate
into and under the continental plate __________ takes place.

23.A __________ boundary occurs when two tectonic plates slide past each other.

24.A __________ boundary occurs when two tectonic plates collide into each other.

25.A deep depression of the sea floor caused by the subduction of one plate under another.

26.Large __________ __________ in the asthenosphere transfer heat to the surface, where
plumes of less dense magma break apart the plates at the spreading centers, creating
divergent plate boundaries.

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